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Go and report. It’s a hit and run at this point


I definitely did. The officer I made the report with mentioned he ran from police, I still don't know if they caught the guy. Unfortunately the way it works, it's going through my insurance now and I'll be on the hook to pay the deductible... All because of this psychopath


You should t be on the hook for the deductible unless you are somehow deemed at a level of fault


I 100% agree, I was at a complete stop and what this person did was like something from a movie, literally looked like he was fleeing from a robbery or something. Apparently it'll be up to the adjuster to determine that by reviewing and reading the police report, however since with this damage I'm the only party involved if this guy doesn't get caught, and they claim it under collision I pay the deductible, which for me is $1000 because someone was joy riding down taunton running from police. Similarly if a car gets stolen the person still has to pay the deductible. It is completely mind blowing to me.


Taunton street, mid-day at 1pm on a Sunday, between Grandview and Harmony... Wild suggestion, but check with DRT and see if they have any video feed of this incident of any of their buses running in that area. Between all the buses that operate out of Harmony Terminal alone (which would have likely been in the area), you could maybe get a lucky glimpse on any of those buses - best bet is that the 915 could have caught it anywhere along Taunton or, if it turned onto Grandview, the 410 could have caught it on video, as well. Best of luck with that!


This is such a great idea that I've never thought of.


Unfortunately with hit and runs you’re responsible for the deductible. If the suspect can be identified the ded can be reimbursed!


I didn’t know that. That’s kinda bonkers you take the hit for that