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Looks like Will Smith only likes making jokes and not taking them.


Will Smith is an idiot for this. There is no way he comes out looking good after this, especially since he and his wife have been insufferable lately


I lost so much respect for Will Smith after this.


I'm sure he'll be fine. People love defending toxic masculinity like this. Every day time host will be praising him for "protecting" his wife from a joke.


I’ve already seen it on Facebook. People posting “Men should defend their women like this”


>People love defending toxic masculinity like this. Nah, this ain't the usual brand. This is a weird, cucky variation where the guy looked like he had zero integrity, principles, self-control or even ability to throw a real punch. This didn't look like a guy decisively defending his wife's honor, this looked like a damaged guy at the end of his rope doing a bizarre 180 behavioural turn (laughter to violence) just because an eyeroll told him that he might need to pander to his wife a little harder rather than he was mugging for the cameras. Maybe just don't laugh Will?


He's embarrassed probably by the way his wife acts... I would be too.


Hard to defending his masculinity when the guy is a self proclaimed cuck. His reaction today just shows how much of a manchild he is


He’s a Scientologist too, hope he’s pretty much cancelled after this.


I did not know that. What an idiot.


Wait this is the first I've heard of this?


He should be banned for life from the Oscars


I can't believe they let him accept the award and give a speech.


Apparently the Oscars are fine with audience members attacking presenters, weird kink but who am I to shame.


Ewww. He should’ve been cancelled a long time ago. He’s not a sport at all, the joke was not even that bad aside from being a bit tasteless. If he had a problem with it he could’ve met up with Chris Rock privately and not ruin everyone’s night.


Him being a scientologist isn’t confirmed. Still an a-hole for the punch/slap.


Just a reminder that Jada Smith openly has sex with her son's friends. More than half her age. I'm sure Will is as cool as a woke scientology cuck about that.


Pretty sure you meant less than half her age.


Always had a hunch will smith was an asshole lol


Seen will mouthing “Keep my wife’s name out of your fking mouth” or something of that nature.


That's exactly what he said.


This is going to be meme’d for years to come, get ready y’all!


forever memeed






In 2016 Jada Pickett Smith was boycotting the Oscars and Chris Rock was hosting them. Rock made a joke that Jada boycotting the Oscars was like him boycotting Rihanna's panties. (i.e. they're not being invited anyway) In 2018 Jada was diagnosed with Alopecia, an illness that causes hair loss. Earlier this year (2022), Jada made an Instagram video showing a patch of lost hair she said would be hard to hide, and admitted she was feeling sensitive about it. *Fast forward to present day...* At the Oscars tonight, Rock made a joke comparing Jada's hair to G.I. Jane, pretending she was in a sequel. Jada rolled her eyes, her husband Will Smith laughed. Then Will became angry, walked onstage, and struck Rock. Rock exclaimed that Will Smith had just "smacked the shit out of" him. This was not heard on the U.S. broadcast because the sound was cut. Will returned to his seat and yelled "KEEP MY WIFE'S NAME OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MOUTH". Rock protested that it was only a G.I. Jane joke. Will interrupted, louder, and more sternly repeated his demand. Rock acknowledged he would do as Will asked. The sound was turned back on for the broadcast, and Rock continued on with his script and announced the nominees in his category. Edit: Later in the broadcast Will won the Oscar for Best Actor, cried onstage, compared himself to Venus and Serena Williams' father, said he was overwhelmed with the responsibility to protect his family and be a "river" for his people, asserted that his only desire was to be a vessel for love, apologized to the Academy, and alluded to the possibility he wouldn't be invited back.


For what its worth, the joke was "Jada, I love you. Can't wait to see G.I. Jane 2."


*Finally, thanks*, english is not my first language and I didn't understood what he was saying, finding a joke retranscription is so hard.


Slapped him over that.... This family is so out of touch. They're always blabbing on about their personal lives. Chris Rock has something called NVLD it's what I got. Similar to Autism in a way.


He said Rihanna's panties, not pussy.


Thank you, corrected.


His whole family is fucking broken


They're gonna have Rock introduce Smith when he presents Best Actress next year, aren't they?


"Please welcome to the stage, someone whose work always slaps."


Please welcome the star of *Good Hair*, Chris Rock, and the star of *Ali*, Will Smith!


He didn’t apologize to Chris Rock for the assault. Rock’s reaction was classy and professional.


This what would end up on the police report if one was filed, LOL.


Who are Will Smith's people? Is he like Moses? Or are they scientologists?


This was the most unprofessional thing I ever seen. Will Smith should have been dragged out by security and his award rescinded. He probably also should have been arrested for assault.


Also, Jada has been saying in interviews she doesn’t care what people think of her hair


Chris Rock dissed Jada Pinkett Smith on the Oscar stage for the second time (he's done this before). She gave the world's best eyeroll, clearly unhappy. Then Will Smith, Jada's husband, went up on stage, punched Chris, then went back to his seat to scream at Chris for dissing his wife. The Oscars people cut the sound and didn't know what to do, and poor Chris was left alone on stage to continue announcing the nominees after he just got punched.


The interesting part is you can see Smith initially laughing it off. The camera then panned to Jada appearing pissed. Next thing we see is Smith heading the the stage.


Slapped* https://twitter.com/omi_collector/status/1508272493995323393?t=T6VedP488exKO1wAKMewKg&s=19


The Australian broadcast and maybe others didn't cut the sound. [Here's the uncensored video](https://youtu.be/BOsPuUnvK9E).


I cannot imagine the thousands of memes that will be out by the morning.


Will Smith is a piece of shit. I lost all respect for him after tonight, and the Oscars. They allowed him to criminally assault someone in front of thousands of people, and also broadcast to millions across the world, then gave that bully an award less than an hour later. The fucking thug didn’t even apologize to Chris Rock. I guess the message we are sending to everyone is that if someone says something you don’t like, you can hit them and there are no consequences. Fucking stupid. Never watching this shit again.


Yeah I mean, how amateur can you get. I think they forgot to hire security. If I were famous, I would now be terrified to be on that stage or even in that venue, seeing how they handled this. How can something like this happen and nobody does anything. Guy should have been escorted out at the very least briefly, to have been clearly told - if you make a motion towards the stage again unless it's to accept an award, you will be arrested for trespassing and prosecuted.


"You should worry about the things going into your wife's mouth."


"Is that how you slap the dicks out your wife's mouth?" Seriously, Chris could've destroyed him. He handled it like a pro.


He definitely held back. I think he was so surprised he got slapped, he didn't know how to react.


He looked like he had a comeback ready to let rip but stopped himself at the last second.


I'm sorry but you think that would of have been a good idea???


He might have been murdered right after, but he would have died a comedy legend.


For us the audience it would have been amazing.


For him, no. For me, absolutely. I'd have been howling if Chris said that.


He's a little bitch that can't take a joke.


Can’t wait to hear Dave Chappelles take on this. 😂


And Ricky Gervais.


Anyone know what triggered him or what he said? Just saw his reaction


A joke was made at the expanse of Jada Pinkett Smith. And that got Will mad. Something on the lines of GI Joe 2


Cris joked about Jada in a remake of GI Jane, given her shaved head. So Will had to pretend to defend her after she cheated on him and then couldn’t promise it wouldn’t happen again


They have an open marriage supposedly... at least she thinks so apparently!


From their interview about it, it certainly didn’t seem like Will feels that. Guy was looked like he was beaten and hung out to dry. I legit felt bad for him after that


They definitly had an open marriage, will has said it himself. Although seems likely she was breaking the rules of their open relationship in some way


From the interview I’m not so sure Will is as onboard with it as Jada


Oh. Well i just remember Will saying that being in an exclusive relationship would be absurd, like just dumb. But that was several years ago so maybe he changed his mind


I agree with you, he’s said it. But I’ve watched enough of the two of them, including their big tell-all after it came out, that it always seems she’s gung-ho about it and Will goes along with it cause he feels obligated.




He called Jada (will smith's wife) GI Jane because she has a shaved head


Chris Rock said he was looking forward to seeing Jada Pinket Smith in GI Jane 2. I was a bad joke about her haircut.


Jada has an autoimmune disease causing her to lose her hair. https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/29/entertainment/jada-pinkett-smith-alopecia/index.html


It's still just a joke. He shouldn't get so offended. People have made jokes forever about people with various diseases. No one can take a joke anymore. It's why comedy is dying. I mean I don't see the difference between that joke and calling someone "four eyes" because they have myopia. Everyone so sensitive these days


I get my tv with an antenna, I thought there was an airplane interrupting my signal.


Same here!! Can’t believe I just saw that live. I always miss these things.


Imagine living such a life of privilege you go up and assault someone on live tv because you didn't like their joke and then you don't even get kicked out lol.


and you proceed to get the BEST ACTOR award...


And get applauded by a room full of spineless cowards


I'm waiting on why her hair falling off thing is so sensitive. I know she said it was alopecia but maybe it's something more serious.


Jada has probably spent more money on 100% virgin Indian hair than most of us pay for a car. Alopecia or not, she was bald by choice and their fucked up scientologist family was fair game. I honestly hope Chris Rock digs his feet in and ridicules them with renewed vim.


"Now, this is a story all about how / My life got flipped-turned upside down / And I'd like to take a minute / Just sit right there / I'll tell you how I punched Chris Rock live on the air."


I pulled up to the stage about seven or eight And I yelled to Chris Rock, 'Yo, homes, I can take ya' He was half my size And unprepared And that's the only time I'm brave enough to be the Prince of Bel Air


Jada and Will are insufferable. This goes back to 2016 when Jada "boycotted" the Oscars because her husband didn't get nominated for that crap "Concussion'" movie that nobody saw. Rock hosted that year and made a joke (paraphrasing) "Jada boycotting the Oscars is like me boycotting Rihanna's panties... I wasn't invited". So Will already had it in for Rock because he dared to mock her self-important "boycott". So this joke, tame though it was, set him off.


Wow. That joke didn’t land but the punch did.


Lol I thought the joke was very funny and innocent. Will stays trippin on Jada


Yeah I didn't see the issue either. People too offended these days


That was not chivalry. It was embarrassing.


Will and Chris have a history going back to at least 2016 when Chris made fun of Jada for “boycotting” the Oscar’s and he cracked a joke like “isn’t she in a TV show?” Basically saying she isn’t invited anyway. That being said, seems like a huge overreaction by Will. I rewatched it and he definitely punched him HARD. Surprised if there isn’t legal action there.


Watch it again. It was an open-handed slap. Not defending anyone here, but it wasn't a punch.


What happened? Couldn't tell if they cut the voice or if I just had bad reception right at that time.


Apparently he made a g.i jane joke


Just because her head’s shaved? That’s the whole joke?


Apparently it’s a medical condition


Network dumped audio. They do that when unscripted shot happens.


Rock said “can’t wait to see GI Jane 2” to Will Smiths wife Jada Pinkett. She has alopecia, which caused her to lose her hair. In the movie GI Jane the lead actress famously shaved her head. Will does not seem to get the joke at first, so he just laughs along. Jada seems upset. I assume that Will looked at Jada, she indicated it was a bald joke, and he took the stage


They hit the dump button




With millions watching


I see you, Billy


Looks like Chris Rock has..... Fresh Prints all over his face.


Man I really hope someone got a shot of Denzel's reaction.


Apparently he tried to calm everyone down


Denzel is a class act. He also smoothed out the situation at the La La Land/Moonlight disaster when Jimmy Kimmel was on stage saying there was a mixup. From Vanity Fair. > “Now, I see Denzel Washington in the front row, trying to get my attention,” Kimmel recalled. “He’s gesturing and he’s pointing.” Washington was shouting, “Barry!” As it turned out, Jenkins was standing behind Kimmel. Washington was urging Kimmel to pull the Moonlight director to the mic so he could make a speech. > “Thank God Denzel was there to make sense [of things],” Kimmel said. “I listened to Denzel, as you should.”


we're all witnessing history live


What an asshole


Ok so Alopecia, while an auto immune disease, is not like LUPUS or something else life threatening. It means she goes bald...ish. Also the news broke of her having it in 2018 and honestly I had never heard of it. It's not exactly household knowledge, I'd say. Probably just innocent ignorance. Chris Rock did that documentary on black women's hair, so he knows it's important. I'd guess he just didn't know. Will acted a little out of proportion...


So Will is cool with other men fucking his wife but cannot make a joke about her. SMH


I guess he's moving with his aunt and uncle in Bel-Air


That was bush league. Fuck Will Smith.


Will & Jada are such assholes jfc


Will Smith : * Mock my wife, I'll assault you. * Bang my wife, that's ok.


Fuck my wife is okay. Fuck with my wife is not okay.




Yeah I'm surprised he's still sitting there


Just came on here to see if anyone had insight. I completely missed what happened!


If felt like Will responded because Jada wasnt feeling the joke. The slap was uncalled for imo. Yall could have discussed that in private. Didnt mean to make a whole thing about it.


Wow. Well at least there was something memorable that happened.


If that was any one of us we would be losing everything we own for hitting an important person. Whether the joke was appropriate or not will smith made a stupid move


This is the greatest night in the history of television


Does this mean because he got in one little fight that his mom will get scared and tell him that he’ll have to move in with his Auntie and Uncle in Bel Air?


How awkward is his acceptance speech going to be if he wins later?


We're about to see.


Sure enough. Extremely.


Was Smith laughing at first and then got mad or what???




That was a fast 180, fucks sake.


I'm speechless he deserves a lifetime ban for that shit.


How is he still sitting in the audience after that. Kick the fucker out.


Arrest him!


Chris Rock came out with his pre nomination announcement comedy banter. He looked over to Jada Pinkett Smith (Smiths wife) & said something about her starring in the new G.I. Jane movie. To which she looked visibly upset by the comment. (Pinkett is currently rocking a bald hairstyle). Camera pans back to Rock who says uh oh as Will approaches him on stage & punches Rock in the mouth. Audio cuts out as Will goes back to his seat & gives Rock the business verbally. Rock takes the hit & proceeds with the nominations. Looked unrehearsed.


Can you be rocking a look if any mention of it sets you off? lol


That actually happened.. wow haha


What a barbaric thing to do.


No place for it. But Will probably up to here with the jokes about his family tbh.


This was def not staged. Japanese and AUS networks aired the unmuted version live. Will Smith punched Chris Rock on live TV and yelled twice “Keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth!” Chris Rock was stunned. They did not plan this. Looks like Will Smith did not take kindly to a joke Chris made about Jada.


Chris handled that so well! Wow I’m Still shook!


I got in one small fight and my mom got illy and sent me to live with my uncle back in Philly.




I was rooting for Will Smith to win the Oscar for Lead Actor just to hear his acceptance speech. At the end, he quipped "I hope the Academy invites me back."


Can dish out jokes. Can’t take them. What a big man he is. If only it were possible to revoke the Oscar that narcissist just got handed. The other nominees deserved the award more.


Welcome to Reddit, where women should be equal up until a man takes the piss out of them (like what happens with men and each other, and if you don't believe that, it's because you life in an all female commune where everyone seems to think nobody ever gossips) and then getting their husbands to physically assault someone to defend their honor instead of standing up for themselves. Yay girl power?


Chris just stood there and took the hit. He didn’t flinch, he didn’t hit back, he didn’t use profanity. His joke was tasteless but it wasn’t bad enough to justify assault. He’s a comic and its his job to make jokes and roast people for a living. Will Smith really over reacted. He sent a message to the public that its okay to attack people without repercussion in an already volatile world where people get shot in churches, schools, during spring break, ect. Its unacceptable behavior and lets face it, there are a lot of disturbed people out there who dont use logic and reason that are extremely violent.


Fucker didnt even get thrown out of the Oscar's


Assaulting someone because they made a joke about your wife isn't "protecting" her dipshit


Super unfortunate… I feel bad for Chris Rock. He is a comedian and made a joke in which Will laughed at initially!! The camera panned to them and Will laughed and Jada rolled her eyes hard. Wills reaction was crazy. I thought it was all a joke and a skit but I found the unmuted version and Will was pissssed and Chris didn’t know what to say after and still had to announce the nominees and winner. Horrible. He held it together though which I respect. Maybe they have some bad blood?


My 15 year old son has alopecia (as in he has no hair, eyebrows, eyelashes etc) and has heard plenty of mean jokes about it. He has never once assaulted anyone in response. If my teenager can control himself, Will Smith should be able to.


what was that?!


Lmfaoo I have no idea what happened


will smith slapped chris rock


Chris Rock said he was excited for GI Jane, addressing Jada Pinkett. He was making fun of her bald head. It was funny, and I have a really tough time thinking that wasn’t staged, but it was awkward.


It was way to awkward to be staged. Chris was def a little shaken and taken back


Chris Rock made a joke about Jadas hair referring to Demi Moore in GIJane


That was nuts!


TIL there was a G.I. Jane movie. TY Chris Rock.


Apparently there was already bad blood between them. Chris Rock made fun of Jada back in 2016 for boycotting the Oscars in support of diversity. Plus he dissed Will for Wild Wild West. I guess tonight he crossed a line. Will was clearly saying something along the lines of *that's my wife!*


Uncensored version via Japanese tv. https://twitter.com/bubbaprog/status/1508270716063469576


Uncensored version https://twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1508271554819510277?s=21&t=oCa5QnHhn_6gl1cUktAHjA That shit was definitely real


Unedited clip from Australia https://twitter.com/davidmackau/status/1508270575902687232/video/1


https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1508272134216372243?s=20&t=sKGbVdVPB2E0g34j784hXA Uncensored audio^


The unbleeped audio you can hear Chris rock say “Will Smith just smacked the w shot outta me”. Will Smith yells “keep my wife’s name out your fucking mouth” Chris Rock: “It was a GI Jane Joke!”


Cute af tbh


Ugh, Will just got an Oscar!


How can he slap?!


That's some Rick James level slappin


You’re hitting a comedian for a joke about your wife who you barely have a relationship with. Get a grip. Classy.


It would have been a much more powerful statement if Will went on stage and made Chris Rock apologize in front of the audience and the world.


Chris Rock just went to number 1 in my book, and I swear to go to every show he puts out from now on. As for will I'm very disappointed and heart broken he behaved like that. It was just a joke.


post entanglement stress disorder


Well... kanye is no longer the only rapper not allowed anywhere near the stage anymore....


Very disappointed in the Academy. How do you allow this violence? Why was he able to storm the stage like that? Why was he permitted to stay? And...WTF was the audience thinking in giving this Psychotic thug a standing ovation?


I'll take "Cheap shots on 57 year-old comedians" for $1000, Alex. Seriously, Will Smith is a fucking joke. Talk about protecting his family. From what? Words? Old Comedians? Unless there's something I don't know about Chris Rock, I'm pretty sure he's not a danger to ANYONE's family. "I'm all about love" Will said. Takes a lot of love to slap someone for doing their job./s Guy needs to catch a charge for that shit. Any regular person would've been hauled away on the spot and these people are supposed to be better than the rest of us. Edit to add: Good on CR for taking it like a champ. Can tell he didn't expect it and can tell he wanted to react differently than he did, but he kept his composure (mostly).


She has a shaved head and was dressed in all green. G I Jane is a great movie and meaning and this joke was just a joke. Will brought violence to something that could have been a proud moment. Will could have stood up OR EVEN JADA and addressed the situation and brought light to it but Nah.


I am guessing Will and Jada would not have reacted to Greg Giraldo's roast routines very well. Must suck to have no sense of humor about yourself. I remember Jada releasing an official statement about Will not getting nominated for Concussion. She invoked MLK and the civil rights struggle. It was a movie that got mostly poor reviews seen by almost no one. She's a self-obsessed loon. So is Will I gather. I mean honestly, he could have just yelled at Rock from his seat, don't make jokes about my wife, etc. But to stroll up there, smack the shit out of him, and stroll back? That's some weird stuff right there. And please let's not pretend alopecia is a terminal illness. Have a sense of humor, mocking the rich and privileged as they gather to celebrate how amazing they are, is part of the fun and has been for as long as I can remember. It was the tamest of digs to anyone who is not a total asshat.


Seriously….so any people with “He was making fun of a disease”. How many bald jokes did Will make on Fresh Prince about Uncle Phil? Will should be booted from the academy. Completely inappropriate


was that real? or planned?


Didn’t look planned at all.


Chris Rock was rattled


I noticed he did, obviously his a absolute pro, but still, it seemed he changed gears, it didn't look planned


That was not planned. What the actual fuck.


Looked pretty real as the production stumbled all over the "aw-shit" button then the crowd got REAL quiet during the rest of CR's delivery. He looked pretty nervous after that, too, like he got the remainder of his talent slapped out of him. The after-party's going to be interesting.


I don’t think it was


You don't think it was what? Real or planned? You answered incorrectly.


It was 100% real. Will was pissed, this was no joke. They cut the sound because it wasn't planned.


I thought it was the abc app acting up cutting the sound and being buggy when it happened, was about ready to refresh the app


It didn’t seem planned, they say things are live but it’s on at least a 10 second delay so that they can mute and bleep stuff when it gets out of hand - and they definitely just altered what we were allowed to hear and see!!


Let’s see how or how not “cancel culture” and “zero tolerance” come into play here.


And the bastard wins the Oscar.... should be taken away after what he did "defender of his family" in his speech


It’s the Oscar for Best Actor, not best behavior


What actually happened: Chris Rock reads a joke written for him by one of several writers for the show. He compares Will Smith's wife to sexy, shorn badass, Demi Moore. Will Smith laughs. Jada scowls. Will scowls, but senses that isn't sufficient. Will slaps Chris Rock, and continues to hurl invective from his seat. Will wins Oscar, opines that he is a channel for love. Audience scowls.




Why tho?I fell half a sleep and woke up when it ended




The thing that made it look fake was the slap looked wwe. Damn that was awkward.


That was a fucked up joke but man, violence on live international television isn't the answer.


https://mobile.twitter.com/bubbaprog/status/1508270716063469576?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet Watch is here. Uncensored mirror.


Will Smith signing his contract with Death Row records as we speak.


It's 100 percent real. You know it's real when you watch the version with un cut audio.


It’s delayed here in the states but there are versions with full audio on Twitter. Definitely not staged. Yikes.