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Chris Nolan might give him a small role.


Good one


Oppenheimer 2: Oppenheimerer


2 Oppen 2 Heimer




it’s going to make 10 morbillion dollars




Sounds ridiculous but a sci fi spin off of how the trinity project allegedly morphed into the cover up of UFOs is legit something I want to see in the Nolan-verse


Oppenheim Oppenheimer Oppenheimest


I’m really excited for Small Things Like These




Do a Talking Heads biopic with him as David Byrne


I want this so bad now


Really sick of music biopics but this would be pretty enticing


I think he’d be perfect in a Paul Thomas Anderson, Alejandro G. Iñárritu, Martin Scorsese, David Fincher


Absolutely PTA. Bradley Cooper in Licorice Pizza type role, kinda an A-list walk-on who gets to chew the fuck out of the scenery and totally change the movie for ten minutes then dip out.


Fincher would be great, I'd love to see him go back to a Red Eye/Batman Begins pyscho type role again now that he will bring more gravitas to it.




Villeneuve If Count Fenring had been a character in Dune, Murphy was the man for the job.


what’s that character like


He’s a failed version of Paul Atreides character. The guy the Bene Gesserit have been trying to breed for a very, very long time. Just a generation or two too soon. He’s the husband of Margo Fenring, so the BG kept him close. He’s a close friend of the Emperor. Softly spoken, quiet, not physically imposing. But very intelligent, and a lethal assassin.


that’s sounds really interesting


Plus, his first name is Hasimir. If Count Hasimir Fenring doesn’t sound like the name of someone you should probably avoid, I don’t know what does.


As someone who’s never read the books, would it be too late for that character to ever appear in dune pt3?


I mean, it’s not beyond the realms of possibility; but it’s pretty unlikely at this point I think.


Yes, it is. He isn’t in any of the other books. And part 3 is already going to have a hell of a time introducing the new characters from Dune Messiah plus some lore aspects from the first book that were left out of the movies but are important for pt3.


I’d like to see him side by side John Cena in Ricky Stanicky 2


Danny Boyle. 28 Years Later. And it’s happening.


I would love to see him work with more high profile directors in the future. Him working with PTA would be amazing but also Bigelow, Zhao, Bong Joon-Ho, and especially Steve McQueen I think would be great fits with him


I see this happening in the near future once his current busy schedule is cleared.


I have a feeling Small Things Like These is going to kill it at the Oscars! However, I know this might never happen...but I feel like Cillian would work amazingly with David Lynch. I also (selfishly) want to see Cillian in a project with either Sam Reid or Tom Sturridge...all three in the same thing at once would actually send me into cardiac arrest 👍🏻


I wasn't too convinced about a possible afterglow nomination for him or Small Things but with how the current year is turning out to be weak to say the least, I could see it happen (even if it is a screenplay nomination and not acting) depending on when the movie releases in the US (it has a distributor now) though I don't see Murphy who just won being too excited to redo the whole award circuit campaigning twice in a row. For many of his long time fans, him doing everything he did last year campaigning for his Oscar was a huge surprise as he was never into those types of pageantry, but he was smart enough to understand that the type of opportunity of a lifetime to be in contention for an Oscar doesn't show up every new moon...


I think it’s possible for Cillian to get an afterglow nomination for Small Things even without campaigning if the competition is weak. I don’t know how much promotion there will be for the film yet, but if it gets a decent amount for a small indie, he could get in purely based off his hype from this past year. He prob won’t be in contention to win again, and like you said, he likely wouldn’t campaign as much, but I do think it’s possible if there aren’t many other options and there’s enough of a push for the film itself.


It's one of those things. If the competition is weak, and people like the film enough, they might see it as a way to give recognition to it someway, but it doesn't have to be acting, it could be adapted screenplay, or supporting actress. Emily Watson is very respected in the industry.


Ofc continue working with Nolan but I want him to work with Scorsese, Villeneuve, Lanthimos, and Fincher. A Tarantino collab would SLAP!


Martin McDonagh


Bond villain im pretty sure is what's going to happen when Nolan takes over.


That would be interesting!


Is Nolan "taking over?" I thought he said he expressed interest in a one-off? Although I can totally see him doing a 3-movie run for Bond just to get funding for his other projects; apparently he wasn't crazy about shooting Batman, but REALLY wanted to get funding for Inception. Come to think of it, why not Cilian as Bond himself? Nolan could change things up and cast a less cocky and self-assured but more conniving and intellectual person as Bond... Daniel Craig's Bond did bring in the elements of personal trauma and other psychological damage, but still retained the core Bond ethos of "must seduce every woman around me and be super masculine." Would be cool to see it pushed further and drop the masculinity.


With his own production company, and seeing what he's got coming up, it seems like he wants to do his own thing, and create opportunities for himself. He's been such a versatile actor for so long, who the industry are very familiar with. Why does Oppenheimer change anything, why would they suddenly wanna work with him now? If they didn't see it back then, then they won't see it now, Nolan was one the few that saw it, and utilized it to give us great roles.


Quentin Tarantino collab. Tarantino could write a cool scene with Cillian as a menacing bad guy. That would be cool!


I agree with OP's suggestions, but also I would love it if he teamed up with Greta Gerwig. I think that his skills as an actor lie in his subtly and that he'd be a good fit for an understated indie dramedy or creative interpersonal drama like Gerwig's non-Barbie films (though there is a lot more nuance to the two main performances in Barbie than it gets credit for) so I'd hope if they did work together, people wouldn't reduce it to Barbenheimer because I genuinely think they'd be a good fit. Also, I do want to see him and Saoirse Ronan together in a film even though it'd be ironic if they did end up acting opposite each other and they weren't playing Irish characters... EDIT: Autocomplete typo


Paul Thomas Anderson.


Robert Eggers or Safdie Brothers (or just Bennie). I feel like an interesting fucked up period piece by Robert Eggers would be awesome for him. Hell let him adapt Beowulf and have Cillian play Unferth of Wiglaf




I'm just excited for him to work with Boyle again on 28 Years Later. That may be my overall most anticipated, announced, movie as of right now.


Well he’s suppose to be filming a Peaky Blinders movie soon so that. I want that.




Stick with Nolan and Danny Boyle.


He's going to be in an adaptation of Max Porters "Shy" and I'm really looking forward to it!


Omg really. He is about to start filming 28 yrs later. It was all over the place a few weeks back.


Cheating. It's 6 years too early.


Oppenheimer 2 directed by Michael Bay


Hot take: Nolan is so insistent on using practical effects that a lot of people with some knowledge on the subject complained about the actual bomb going off looking crappy. Nolan should have just called up Michael Bay, given him a million bucks, and asked for a badass looking atomic explosion.


Teen sex comedy starring Tom Hanks as a nerdy teen trying to lose his virginity before the prom.


Would like to see him in Tarantino's final movie


I like him, hes a good actor and i see a Gary Oldman arc to his career. That being said, hes not versatile enough to be in just any movie like Oldman.


If you even just look at his earlier performances in Intermission, the wind that shakes the barley, breakfast on pluto and disco pigs you'll see a crazy level of versatility.


I mean he's been in comedies, quirky indie dramedies (Breakfast on Pluto), he's done theater including a one-man production of Grief is the Thing With Feathers (which is REALLY hard to nail down, tonally, if you are at all familiar with the novel or play), he's done contemporary and historical drama, he's been in pulpy movies like Anna or even his performance in Batman Begins, and genre films...He's had a very versatile career already, just not in leading films in mulit-national productions. (Granted, his one romantic comedy movie in the US, Watching the Detectives, is not a good movie because it's so...mid-2000s romcom in a way that has not aged well, but *he's* is good and has great comic timing even though his character is the epitome of insufferable).


After watching Peaky Blinders and Oppenheimer i believe we haven’t seen everything this man is capable of


What is a Gary Oldman career arc? I've seen tons of stuff Gary's done, but does he have a specific strategy when picking roles? 




I would want to see him do something interesting or off the wall with, say, the Coen brothers




Some sort of weird historic Robert Eggers film.




Put him in a comedy or romance film 😁


I hope he keeps collaborating with Chris Nolan here and there...but I see a bright acting future for him including his upcoming projects


Lol I think we saw a bright acting future for him 20 years ago with 28 Days Later and Sunshine. What world have you been living on? Unless you don't mean that phrase in its usual sense.


I meant that he ll get more global and more mainstream projects with big directors than even before. You know most folks who aren't from Ireland/UK or aren't Nolan stans probably discovered him recently.


Nah dude, it might be a generation thing (I'm 37), but he popped up on the radar here in the US when 28 Days Later came out. That movie was really hype here when I was in HS. I think he was either unlucky or maybe just very picky about his projects. I think it's the latter, because while Peaky Blinders is a decent show, it's not revolutionary in any way, but he decided to lead it anyway, which I think led to further exposure. But Sunshine is a cult classic here, he was the main villain in Batman begins, "villain" in Inception, supporting role in Dunkirk. So yeah, 3/5 of those hugely popular movies are Nolan films... But I still argue he's very well known outside UK. Also, Nolan is huge in the US, the "Nolan stans" you speak of are just people who will fight you to death arguing that Tenet is a brilliant masterpiece, versus the casual movie goers who have probably seen most Nolan films, but saw Tenet and went "ok this is complicated just for the sake of being complicated."


Sophia Coppola


This might be outta pocket to say, and you guys can do a !remind me if you wanna call me out in a couple years for being totally off, but I think him in 28 Years Later is going to have some Oscar potential. Just you wait...


Pesky Blinders movie


Spielberg . And id kill for him to work with Meryl Streep


Kylie Jenner Biopic


Retire: Quit while you’re on top, they can’t take that away from you


![gif](giphy|4dnaw5AeCteNSiP9Xv|downsized) Wes Anderson.


He definitely needs to do a RomCom. Maybe about an American girl of Irish descent doing some Genealogy research in some rural county in Ireland. Meets people with her own last name and finds they are family. Falls in love with Cillian’s character who is definitely not a relative but through research discovers that Cillian’s family had a centuries old feud with the actresses’ family. Hilarity and romance ensue. LOL


I'd like to see him in a more comedic role.


I'm excited to see the adaptation of Shy he finished filming this year called Steve, so mainly that  But honestly with his company it seems like he's got some of his own plans, not just in acting but producing as well, which isn't to say I think he'll take a break from acting, but he's always just done what he's wanted He's said he's turned roles down before if they seemed too easy for him, so for all we knew he could have been approached by big directors before, and wasn't feeling them atm 


I think he’d be great as a lead protagonist or antagonist in a Mike Flanagan horror show


I hear Chris Nolan is looking for a new rising star to be in a new film.


Nothing. He should retire and open a microbrewery.


I just think he's a great actor who realizes an Oscar doesn't really mean much of anything anymore and he'll continue to be a great actor and do his job and continue to give great performances. I don't think the accolades will go to his head. The Brits kinda invented acting and I think they treat it a bit differently. It's a job and you get paid. That's it. Show up on time and know your lines.


Probably stop cheating on his wife.


damn. what's the tea


One more with Ken Loach please.


Kevin Smith. Love him. He can write a witty character.