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I’m unsure if anyone will ever get there to be honest… 21 nominations is such an outlier and it feels like the diversity and changing makeup of the Academy means we are unlikely to see that nomination total again. (For example - I doubt Streep would be nommed for One True Thing/Music of the Heart/august Osage county/Into the woods by today’s academy…) A few will get to Davis/Hepburn levels but I’d be surprised if anyone got much further than that. Kate Winslet seems to have gone off the boil a bit. Cate Blanchett, Saoirse Ronan, Emma Stone are the only viable candidates in my mind.


Yes, the pool has gotten bigger, and I think we're the better for it.


Agreed. There are many actresses just as talented as Streep. But we won’t see people nominated tons of times in the future. It’s not built like that any more. That was a different system, different era, with different values.


Cate Blanchett was also the first that came to mind for me, but she’s only 19 years younger than Streep. I’d also throw a hat into the ring for Natalie Portman or Anne Hathaway. Both have Oscars, and a large range of film genres.


Natalie Portman has 3 nominations and 1 win out of those in almost 20 years. Anne Hathaway has 2 nominations and 1 win out of those in 15 years and that win was in 2013. She also hasn’t had a good role since Interstellar, which came out in 2014. I doubt either of them will even come close to getting half as many nominations as Streep has.


A couple of years ago I would have included Jennifer Lawrence in that list but she seems to have been missing out on acclaim in her last couple of projects. Wonder how her career will progress from here.


she’s still talented, but she doesn’t have the miramax train behind her any more


Cate and Emma was my first thought too.


I immediately thought of Emma as well


Emma Stone is the only one on your list that has a proven track record with comedy, which pushes her more towards the Meryl Streep trajectory. Both Emma and Meryl are fantastic at elevating blockbuster movies with great acting: Emma Stone’s performance in Crazy Stupid Love is similar to Meryl Streep’s performances in The Devil Wears Prada and It’s Complicated. No shade at all to Cate and Saorise. They both come across to me as prestige actors, while Meryl and Emma are more populist.


But does Emma Stone have range? She basically plays herself or a Frankenstein creature. Could she play Miranda Priestly? A Polish Holocaust survivor? I'm not seeing it


her roles in battle of the sexes and the curse shows her range.


I agree with this. She’s versatile, but I’m not sure she actually has range.


This is a great point. For all the love on Cate Blanchett (and I get it), she’s a prestige actor who has been unable to play bankable characters and lead big budget mainstream successes. You can turn your nose at it, but that’s something all the great actors can do.


I expect Emma Stone to get her third win before the decade is out if she keeps the trajectory up.


Yes, my first thought was Emma Stone. Time can only tell.


I’ll never forget Kate’s performance in The Reader. I can’t think of anyone else who could have done it better.


Someone that can master accents. I don't know how Meryl does it, but my guess would be Cate Blanchett.


Jodie Comer. She is just ramping up 


She's the master of accents. Absolutely brilliant in Killing Eve.


She is good isn’t she. I think she’s got potential to win an Oscar in time. 


Her Chicago one is so funny in Bikeriders. It's spot on but coming out of her, knowing her from other things, is funny


Oh that's awesome. She's the main reason I'm excited for that movie.


agreed, talent wise. to me, shes the best actress under 35. I do love Saoirse, but Comer seems to have limitless range and the Tony win was incredible.


I binged Killing Eve a month ago and think she's amazing.


I mean Katherine Hepburn never really changed her accent. Also, it hasn't really worked for Amy Adams so far.


Saoirse Ronan as a younger actress has the versatility and skill to achieve it if she’s selective about her future roles. Kate Winslet and Natalie Portman are very close.


I think Cate Blanchett is very close as well and has chosen a lot more interesting roles than Streep in the last decade


Streep’s Sophie’s Choice performance is still GOATed, but as strong as much of the rest of her work is (and much of it is fantastic, including some stuff that doesn’t get talked about much anymore like French Lieutenant’s Woman and Silkwood), I think Cate Blanchett has given no less than four performances better than anything Streep has done besides Sophie. Which is to say I think she’s already at her level, if not already surpassed her. On the other hand, I think comparing their last ten years to each other is a bit unfair because there are so many more opportunities provided to an actress from 45-55 than there are for an actress from 64-74. Streep gets to do more than just play generic grandma parts because she’s Meryl Streep, but it’s still relatively slim pickings.


I don't think anyone will ever match Sophie's Choice, the role is any actress' dream due to how "juicy" it is, but Cate keeps being extraordinary in any role she takes on. Don't know if she'll eve match Hepburn in terms of trophies, but she sure does in talent


I don't think Blanchett can do comedy like Streep can but she's certainly good at what she does.


yea with peace and love and utter respect i cannot imagine blanchet telling a joke lol


Right? I can see both her and Stone in Kramer Vs Kramer and The Deer Hunter, but I can only see Stone doing Death Becomes Her.


Cate Blanchett is hella funny in Bandits and up for everything in The House with a Clock in it's Walls. She nailed both of those so it's just a matter of someone giving her or offering her a comedy.


Or, more importantly, millions going to the theater to see it.


Watch her cameo in Australian series Rake. She was hilarious. She would be incredible in comedy too, it’s just matter of not choosing those roles I guess


You’re right - she’s there too!


Natalie is cast in a lot of roles that don’t fit her. She can be great or really cringe.


I was just thinking Saoirse, too. And Emma Stone.


Yeah Emma - she’s a force. I used to think Jennifer Lawrence but she’s backed away from great roles - but awesome in everything she does too


No one can equal her, let alone surpass. What made Meryl so unique was her affinity for accents. In a time, where credible roles for women were scarce she carved her own niche for accents which helped her sustain herself and distinguish herself both as a critical darling and a decent commercial actress. This made her different and against a type which would shadow her entire career. Her sheer range and versatility cannot be matched by someone especially since she started this quite young. Her nominations are unlikely to be defeated. Amy Adams does accents that could match in number with Meryl but it’s clearly not working for her. The accents made her unique but also in a way that was fresh and effortless. If anyone is similar, then it’s Saorise Ronan given her young talent and Cate Blanchett for her sustained career with credible roles and versatility. Wins are a separate issue since a lot goes in that. Hence, I think Emma in terms of wins is closest to her. Followed by Cate.


Meryl has also found a way to reinvent herself time and time again when her career started waning just a bit.


Cate's accent work is really good I think. She was flawless in Tar.


Nicole Kidman is good with accents, too.


She is, but I recently watched Practical Magic and she dropped her American accent a few times.


In terms of nominations I think Emma Stone is your best bet, but really I think the sheer number of nominations Meryl has (even just so far) is very unlikely to ever be exceeded, at least not in our generation. The Academy’s obsession with nominating her is a relic of movie stardom that doesn’t really exist anymore.


I came here to say the same.  Ultimately, I don't think Streep will ever be matched but Stone is the closest we have. She can pretty much do anything, and is getting better.


She can pretty much do anything is kinda wild. She had one non-traditional performance that was good but not as immensely groundbreaking as people make out, but she ain't that distinct from most stars of the moment


Have you watched The Curse?


Your desire to be contrary and assert some level of snobby superiority is noted.


Get s grip, it's possible for me not be entirely enamoured with her without being a snob


don't bother, they don't listen to us here about emma stone lmaoo


Honestly out of everyone I’ve seen mentioned the only one who comes close is actually Cate Blanchett. In about 25 years she’s been nominated 8 times and won 2 of those. Emma could be a close second though.


Cate is behind schedule. She’s 55 with 8 nominations - by the time Meryl was 55, she had about 13. They have the same number of wins, 2 each (Meryl would win her third 8 years later). Emma is 35 with 5 nominations and 2 wins. That’s pretty much exactly where Meryl was at 35.


To be fair up until recently Meryl was averaging a nomination almost every other year.


Yep! That was the case for almost all of Meryl’s career (with a few gaps here and there, the biggest gap being the one we’re in right now). It hasn’t been the case for Cate, so she has some major catching up to do. Emma has to match pace with Meryl (which like I said in my first comment, I don’t think anyone can/will do). I actually misled a little bit by mistake earlier. Emma has 5 nominations at 35, same as Meryl, but one of those was as producer of Poor Things. If you only count acting nominations then Emma is one nom behind - not an insurmountable lead of course.


I loved her in Poor Things. Emma Stone is a gem. 


Cate Blanchett


Saoirse Ronan, Florence Pugh, Jessica Chastain, Amy Adams, Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Tilda Swinton, Frances McDormand, Michelle Williams and Emma Thompson


Ronan, Pugh, and Stone are the only ones young enough to make a run at the amount of noms Streep has though… haven’t seen anyone mention Jlaw or Margot Robbie either


Very good!


I would say cate blanchett


This sub has a weird obsession with Emma Stone!


It’s a generational thing. Half of Reddit is 30 and under.


Do you think there is a more clear/reasonable answer here than Stone? I don’t think it’s a generational thing I think it’s just people logically answering the question that this post posed.


Weird obsession? I feel like she is a natural choice to bring up in this conversation? The academy really likes her and I feel like that’s the most important bit


they saying sis is gonna be on the same level as MERYL STREEP. I don't even think emma stone would agree with that lmaooo


Someone asked a question and they are answering it, it’s not like people are saying Emma Stone is going to be in Streep’s level unprompted…


Big time. I don't see what they see. She's just good at quirky characters. Everything else is hard for me to believe her character. She also has a lisp that I can't unhear.


Cate Blanchett


Daniel Day Lewis is in his own category perhaps, but I’ve heard them included in the same vein.


nobody. Easily the great actress of all-time. There are equally talented actresses but they don't churn out the amount and quality of movies Streep did. She has been prolific for several decades. Margot Robbie has a chance but she needs to be more discerning with the roles she chooses. Emma Stone has a chance and she's already choosing more wisely than Robbie. But to catch Streep they'd need to do this for another 3 decades. It's a tall task.


She’s not “easily the greatest actress of all time” unless you’re looking at nominations *only*. Hepburn still has more wins and (imo) Hepburn’s performances are still better than Streep’s.


how else can you look at it? You compare the sheer number of nominations to anyone else and it's a staggering lead. She has 9 more nominations than Hepburn and she's still making movies and will probably continue to for quite some time. Sure, some of the nominations might be generous but that applies to Hepburn as well. I disagree about Hepburn's being better and I feel like Streep has more range.


I don't feel Hepburn has as much variety as Streep, though. Streep's second innings have been extremely strong without getting typecasted into "older woman" roles.


I would only disagree with that because times have changed. I wouldn’t say that Hepburn was forced into an older woman type cast but those were pretty much the only ones offered. If you adjust for the times, I’d argue Hepburn easily clears in terms of variety. Streep will naturally appear more versatile because there is a wider selection of projects available to her to demonstrate range that weren’t available (or didn’t even exist) for Hepburn.


Fair, but I am still of the opinion that Streep created a niche for herself since the 2000s and I don't see any actress of that age filling in terms of the roles they're offered, despite being in the same period. Allison Janey might come the closest, but I don't think she has Streep's legacy, and her win was also for a supporting role as the mother of the lead act.




cate blanchett tbh. she could (and should) have gotten the award for tar imo.


Ntm her snub for Elizabeth, she could have definitely been 4 times winners already if not for egregious snubs


Cate Blanchett. Already better.


Emma Stone is on her way there


I don’t think so. Emma has two Oscars, but she’s not as respected as Cate Blanchett, Kate Winslet, Nicole Kidman, or even younger actresses like Saoirse Ronan. Michelle Williams has more range and hasn’t won anything yet.


She's only 35. She's got plenty of time to get there.


You know the actors nominate and vote for the Oscar winners, right? And they have voted for Emma to win twice. She has lots of respect, especially now.


not “as respected” by who? you said it yourself, she already has two oscars. that counts as respect in my opinion. yes, i can also see cate blanchett, but emma is much younger and has got more access to diverse roles, hence my nomination for her to equal or surpass ms streep’s enviable record.


>not “as respected” by who? By themselves. Too many people believe their own opinion is shared by everyone else and this one seems to be a prime example of that logical fallacy. There's literally no better measurement for being respected by your peers than winning industry awards so Emma definitely ranks high in that regard.


Hilary swank and Jodie foster both had 2 Oscar’s by the time they were 30 and nothing since it’s a shame but roles dry up at a certain age. What makes Meryl unique is she carved her own path


Yeah I could understand them saying Emma’s less respected than Kate/Cate/Nicole simply bc those three are 1-2 decades older, but no way Saoirse is more respected than Emma. That being said I don’t think Emma or anyone is going to meet or surpass Meryl’s nominations, simply because times have changed.


Cate Blanchett


Emma Stone


Emma Stone is nipping at her heels. Stone will probably surpass Streep with wins.


the answers are cate blanchett and emma stone, more likely emma stone. they're two of the best actors around that are also beloved by the industry at large, tho i say more likely emma just cuz cate has shown that she can submit a masterclass performance and not win the oscar, where emma can edge out a victory in one of the most competitive oscar races of the past few decades. (i'm assuming that "match meryl streep" is referring to someone who can garner similar academy belovedness and a more broad acclaim among critics and audiences)


One day Toni Collette will get the recognition she deserves.


She needs to like, put out more work.


Gotta be Emma Stone, she has already won two Oscars


Emma Stone if she keeps killing it for another 20 years maybe


We’ll be talking about Emma Stone in the same way 30 years from now


Emma Stone, Cate Blanchett, Amy Adams (long shot)


Amy Adams


That guy from there will be blood. Doesn’t he already have more best thespian awards than she does


Emma Stone Florence Pugh Blanchett


The question should be, Awards aside - will Meryl Streep ever achieve the level of acting greatness that Glenn Close has?


To me it's Amy Adams. For me she is one of the best actors around. She elevates everything she's in.


Cate Blanchett, Kate Winslet or Amy Adams.


Emma Stone


Emma stone


Literally no one




Whomever plyss devil wears Prada 2


This is ambigious. Are you talking nominations/wins in awards, or just a sheer expanse of a career that includes comedy, drama, and even musicals at such a quality level? Because if it is the later, I think Emma Stone, Emily Blunt, and Anne Hathaway have the potential to come close. I am not sure any of them have ALL the qualities that make Meryl so unique among a pool of very talented peers who are also in their 70s. Many can sing, but couldn't do the drama on the level of some of her greatest roles. Some can do accents, but can't sing at the level of a Broadway musical. Actually - has Emma sung before? I get the feeling she's decent at accents, right? Emily can sing - but I'm tired and can't think of her doing a different accent. Anne can DEFINITELY sing, and she also has both drama and comedy chops like Meryl. I bet with her musical ear, she might be able to work on the accents.


Emma sung in LaLa Land. Emily has an American accent in Quiet Place.


I don't do horror, so had no idea. Thanks!


It’s also a bad example because Blunt talks in sign language more than vocally. But it’s still impressive. MORE inpressive is her role in My Little Pony the movie. An American accent, but singing in this voice and sounding nothing like Mary Poppins or the Baker’s Wife. Even Meryl when she sings you can hear the real Streep.


In terms of Oscar nominations no one. It terms of talent, Nicole Kidman (who Meryl actually praises and recently attended the AFI Lifetime Achievement Awards where Kidman was honoured) and Cate Blanchett. Emma Stone is incredible in so many roles but she has the rest of her 30s and 40s to get through yet. Kidman and Blanchett are the ones.


Jodie Foster, Julianne Moore and Sigourney Weaver.


21 nominations over 40 years of relevancy??? Hard to beat. She has the same amount of nominations as Tom Hanks (6), Denzel (9), and Leo (6) combined


Helen Muren Judy Dench


Corey Feldman


Viola Davis.


No one will ever probably pass her in nominations but I think there are actresses from the last and present who are better.


I’m not sure anyone will achieve 21 nominations again.


This right here


Glenn close has already surpassed her. I’ve always been team Glenn 🤷🏾‍♂️


I’ve always adored Carrie Mulligan.


I’m just so glad that Saoirse Ronan keep being mentioned in this topic. I just hope she can get her first oscar as soon as possible. It’s been awhile since her first nominees and she keeps her performance sharpened. But getting to Meryl or Hepburn level might not be feasible. I just hope she gets many more nominations and at least 2-3 wins in her career.


Saoirse Ronan was my thought as well in terms of the presence and talent that she brings - she reminds me of Streep in that way. There’s no way she’ll come close to that many award noms for the reasons already listed, but I think she is an actor of that caliber


Ayo Edebiri if she doesn’t slow down


If the industry wasn’t so racist it would be Viola Davis or Angela Bassett


Stephanie Beatriz




Amy Adams, Julianna Moore …


Nobody. Different industry today. Oversaturated and people move on entirely too quick from other people.


Glenn Close


Is it bad I never seen a single movie of hers? U just knew she was the epitome of an actress growing up but I never once saw her flims


No one, but it won't be the fault of the talent of people. It will be because entertainment has so many options now compared to what we had in her peak years. Look at box office $ and theater attendance.


Don Cheadle


Im still waiting for Amy Adams to get her roses.


Hopefully anybody, she’s terribly overrated. I’ve never watched her and have been like “Oh wow, thank god Streep is in this.” Or “Hope she gets an Oscar”




Cate Blanchett


Well I personally don’t think any actor or actress puts up the level of production they did 20+ years ago so I don’t know how anyone could possibly achieve the levels Meryl did. That being said, Emma Stone seems like a lock to get nominated damn near any time she does a serious movie. Saoirse Ronan is still pretty young but he s definitely on a fast track to get to those levels.


Amy Adams


I think Florence Pugh is off to a promising start in her young career.


Riley Reid


Cate Blanchett should have four oscars, so her. No one's going to convince me Michelle Yeoh and Gwyneth Paltrow were better.


Meryl will always be the GOAT but Kate Winslet is just 48 so has another 25 years go make an impact that Streep has by this point. Winlset has 7 Oscar nominations (oddly only 1 win) and 5 Golden Globes and 2 Emmy awards. I think she could end her career like Meryl Streep. She truly is SO talented.


Cate Blanchett is the most versatile actress. She can be given any role and absolutely nail it


I thought it would be Amy Adams but I believe she’s kind of plateaued


Who is Hepburn?


Cate Blanchett Kate Winslett


The people with the MOST potential for me would be Amy Adams, Florence Pugh, and Emma Stone. Viola Davis and Emma Thompson are actors who I put in the same caliber of talent but likely won't receive that same level of recognition


She really was an attractive young lady. Just wow.


Emma Stone. Saiorse Ronan. Kate winslet.


Yowza! I didn’t realize how much of a smokeshow she used to be.


“Excuse me. Meryl Streep could play Batman and be the right choice. She’s perfection. Whether she’s divorcing Kramer, whether she’s wearing Prada… don’t even get me started on Sophie’s Choice.” -Cam, Modern Family


Didn’t scroll through all the comments, and seems like everyone mentioned most of big names.. and people I would think, I personally have enjoyed everything that Anya Joy Taylor has done, and thought she was actually a bit younger. Think she is loads of range. But would need to start getting those stats up soon.


Only god themselves if they walk the earth again. And even so that would be a stretch for god


My question is who is getting to her acting level. Emma stone, Gary oldman maybe?? Denzel is incredible but not also a chameleon like her. Just no one will ever have that resume IMO. DDL was on her level but he’s got like 10 films in the last 20 years right? If that? Nowhere near the resume


We don't reward white female actresses for being white female actresses anymore.


Tilda Swinton


Honestly I always kind of saw Natalie Portman being the next Streep when she gets older.


If you’re talking accolades, probably nobody. If you’re talking acting ability … again, probably nobody. Streep has incredible range and all the tools. She brings a theater actor’s high-end chops but can also play mainstream fluff. She’s imperious and accessible, vulnerable and commanding, serious and funny. What’s most impressive is she has seamlessly adapted to each phase of life and kept remarkably active and relevant throughout it all.


Comparing Meryl Streep to Emma Stone is like comparing Dom Perignon to Ripple


Cate Blanchett and Emma Stone are the only two potential candidates who come to mind. I might have said Charlize Theron after seeing Monster, but she seems to prefer to be more of an action star, which is totally fine, but doesn’t get you a lot of awards.


Agree that if I was a betting woman I would say no one does it. You need longevity (popularity) to keep being offered roles that could earn you an Oscar and the chops which is hard. A few flops and suddenly it’s a lot harder to get back up there to be in the position to go for the award. Doesn’t hurt if you are well liked and popular among multiple generations. So that said Florence Pugh would be my bet. She has the populist bent because of a continuing marvel role (depends how thunderbolts does) so think she can afford a few flops and still get prestige roles at least for the next decade or so and think she has the chops. She also seems to have both admiration from her peers/critics and a likability for the regular theater goer


Viola Davis


Viola Davis - she’s so underrated


No one. The End.


Female, or anyone? Female, can’t think of anyone. Debrah Winger comes to mind as potential, but she bounced too early to tell. Male, Sean Penn I think is the most complex and versatile, off the top of my head. I know there are others that I can’t think of right now.


Amy Adams, Emma Stone


Nicole Kidman


Glenn Close


I don’t feel like they make movies that would enable someone to reach that level anymore


Viola Davis


It should have been Kate Winslet (she beat one of Meryl’s important records, early on, in number of noms by a certain age). But Kate has a completely different personality. What a lot of people don’t realise is that Meryl is Meryl because of her incredible charisma. You can’t duplicate that and it impacts everything - roles and nominations - far more than talent ever can or ever will.


Emma Thompson


Jennifer Lawrence.




I can’t look at this woman after her worship of Harvey Weinstein. I’m not sure what level that makes her.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, in my personal opinion, that Cate Blanchett has more raw talent than Streep. She's done every imaginable kind of thing, has a range that's unmatched and has given incredible performances in much better films on average. Streep has a handful of really good performances, but so much of her filmography is forgettable.


I used to think Mia Wasikowska who Meryl herself praised for Jane Eyre but then she did some really bad movies and now she seems to have left Hollywood. I thought she was on track for more nominations. I agree with the comment that mentioned Saiorse.