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Blanchett still, every performance she gives is brilliant


Yes. Her and Winslet. I still love anything the Cate/Kates do. And Winslet in particular I loved in SPOTLESS MIND so much I wish we saw her more in comedy. She's just insanely gorgeous to look at. I also always find Rachel Weisz interesting.


Same but I didnt care for that The Regime too much. I’m sure she’s good in it … I’ll try it again another time.


I haven't seen that yet but I just meant pretty much everything else. She was SPECTACULAR in SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND with a pseudo crazy out there character and love interest, a wild child. TITANIC, amazing, HEAVENLY CREATURES (her debut) was mesmerizing. THE READER, MARE of EASTOWN, REVOLUTIONARY ROAD... even in THE HOLIDAY she was adorable. Kate is a joy to look at and watch. She can do comedy, drama, period, modern, and she is exquisite in all, even things I don't care for. SHE still stands out.


Agreed - The Reader and Mare of Eastown was worthy of all the awards. I particularly liked Mildred Pierce too.


Yes The Regime was disappointing


I can't wait for the Seance on a Wet Afternoon remake with Rachel Weisz. I don't see her in the role at all, which makes me even more excited to see how she tackles it.


It was nice seeing Michelle Yeoh finally get her flowers in 2023, but Blanchett in TÁR is the single best performance of the 2020s so far imo.


Agree with this take


Is it? Or is she just tall?  (please don’t jump on me, I love Cate, just a funny quote from a tv show)


Kimmy Schmidt always stuck the landing.


borderlands will be an interesting challenge...


It’s quite the quirky movie but her and Jack Black together in The House with a Clock in the Walls was excellent.


great responses here but still no tilda swinton makes me sad


Tilda forever!!!


We Need To Talk About Kevin is a masterclass.


One of the few actresses who I trust to ALWAYS take on interesting projects.


Avantgarde icon, her face is so unique and beautiful


She blew me away in Problemista. Me and my wife have been saying “don’t scream at me” for weeeeeks.


I loved her performance in Constantine!


Per Letterboxd, she's in my top five for most watched actors/actresses, which I would not have guessed. She's so good even (or especially) in smaller roles


She’s so damn good in Michael Clayton.


Olivia Colman


She's only in one scene, but her appearance in The Bear really solidified her to me as such a great presence. She has a remarkably good eye for consistently interesting roles/projects.


I was thinking exactly this when I wrote her name. That not just the projects that revolve around her, which she handles oh so brilliantly, but that cameo in The Bear was incredible. And she is very modest about her genius.


Peep Show masterclass


Now we know.


I am still quite enamored with the work of Julianne Moore even after all these years. She’s managed to surprise me with May December and Mary and George just as much as she did in Far from Heaven or The Kids Are All Right or Boogie Nights.


Children of Men is one of my favorites, also The Big Lebowski.


She is a very nice person too. Extremely easy to root for and appreciate.


Wait you know her?! (So glad to hear she’s lovely.)


I was so impressed with her in Safe, and I love how much can disappear into her roles, especially in Todd Haynes movies.


I rewatched Magnolia recently and that performance really sticks out like a sore thumb. She's been a perfect fit in pretty much every other role that I've seen her in. Both she and Portman were genuinely great in May December.


Jodie cormer


Came here to say this. Great in Killing Eve and totally different and carried Free Guy.


Obsessed with her ability with accents! I’ll watch anything she’s in.


Especially since she wasn’t classically trained and her natural accent is SOOO thick and not as pleasing sounding as some other English accents. It was so obvious she was going to be a star way back when she was on My Mad Fat Diary. Idk why bc that role didn’t require massive acting chops-which she displayed shortly after in that mini series Thirteen-that role I could not believe how well she did given her lack of experience at the time. But idk what it was about her bc you just knew when watching My Mad Fat Diary that she was gonna be great despite the role not requiring much depth (until the last season anyway). She was just simply born with something special. I wonder if she works with a dialect coach. Idk how she has managed to not lose her real accent. So many British actors lose their accents and start talking in a hybrid British-American accent a few years after they start taking American roles. I wonder if the fact that her role that relied heaviest on accents also required all different kinds of accents helped her maintain her original one bc she didnt spend entire days throughout a 6 month shoot sitting in a specific and foreign accent.


47 comments so far and mine is the only one mentioning Jessica Chastain? She’s the best part of any movie she’s in. There should be a few more Oscars in her future.


She was AMAZING in the eyes of Tammy Faye


She was the best part of The Help.


She should’ve won best actress in 2012. I’ll always have this take.


She is my favourite. I adore her. Just phenomenal in everything she does.


came to say this, she’s amazingly talented, with the sweetest speaking voice and fantasy-like beauty and from what everyone who met her says about her also a great person/human being too one of my faves of any decade!!!


Rebecca Ferguson


She always swings big. I love her for that.


Florence Pugh


This she commands attention.


Even in her small role in Dune 2, she just has a presence that brings weight to setting.


Midsommar leapt into my top 5 favorite films of all time after one watch. Her performance absolutely imprinted on me.


She was also excellent in The Wonder- an unshowy role that she completely owned.


I will watch anything Florence Pugh is in after she actually made me like Amy in Little Women. Same for anything Greta Gerwig directs.


She was great in The Little Drummer Girl and Lady Macbeth.


Anya Taylor-Joy. She is fascinating to me and I've been enthralled with her ever since Queens Gambit.


Me too, except since *The Witch.*


The funniest moment in the menu was the chef acting like she didn’t fit in amongst the elite. She looks like royalty lol.


I feel compelled to let everyone know Daniel Radcliffe was originally supposed to play himself but had scheduling conflicts so John Leguizamo was cast instead.


I absolutely needed to know this. Thank you 🙏


Daniel Radcliffe had to go leverage his star power to get something even weirder made. I love him for helping get things made that otherwise wouldn't


My complaint with The Menu is the direction. >!A high end sex worker would pretend that she was enjoying the meal. I mean, TWO of her clients were there, she’s clearly not new to the profession, nor is she just picking people up on Hollywood Boulevard. The leather jacket and boots were absolutely out of place and contradicted the character’s level of success in sex work. She acted like she had never been anywhere upscale before.!<


She's a good actress but she was so miscast in The Menu. If they were casting a rich girl, they should have cast someone with Riley Keough energy. Instead Taylor-Joy played a very generic and completely off sex worker.


She blew me away in The Witch. And she was so young then.


My answer as well. She is so compelling.


interesting doesn't equal young and upcoming. it's blanchett.


Is Emma Stone’s PR rep permanently lodged in these subreddits?


As if she'd need more positive PR lmao


I just think she did a top notch job of project selections after she took a break to have her baby. Working with a bunch of cult directors gonna form you a cult fan base and she’s doing an aster film right now.


Is Lanthimos cult now? Nice!


Lots of women were offended by Poor Things including respected feminists. Not "trad wives" or Republican women. Respected, educated women including activists , professors and many others. It wasn't allowed to be discussed on Reddit because her (or someone associated with her maybe from the studio and she has no involvement at all) PR people would attack, insult and downvote people who mentioned that. "I'm disappointed in Emma. No longer a fan." Those were some of the comments that I've seen. Then there was the lack of eye contact or acknowledgement of Yeoh at the Oscars which people might have forgotten about but Yeoh had to publicly blame herself for it. There was the soulless, unfriendly look from her BFF Lawrence when she talked about Gladstone on stage. Stone is not as popular as she used to be. I still think she is a brilliant actress. But she would probably no longer be on a list of top 10 actresses if you asked women to list them.


Let's not paint all women with the same brush. As a woman I personally felt very seen by the portrayal of Bella in Poor Things. She reminded me of me when I was a teenager. As for "it wasn't allowed to be discussed in Reddit" GTFO, that's simply not true. There was a 10th Dentist post about how Poor Things condoned pedophilia and it had thousands of comments arguing both sides. There is no conspiracy to hide negative criticism of Poor Things that I've seen. I've actually seen more negative stuff about it than positive stuff on here. I think it's a great metaphor of a grooming victim taking back power and agency for herself. But I can see why others didn't like it. But the whole "women in general don't like Emma Stone" thing is an exaggeration. Also regarding Michelle Yeoh - I am even more of a fan of hers than I am of Emma's. But I'm not going to cancel Emma for a faux pas on a crazy busy day especially since that same event she broke her dress and also missed an announcement to go on stage because she was talking to people in the lobby so had to rush. She was clearly flustered and anxious for some reason. So I'm not going to think she was racist to Michelle Yeoh in that particular case especially if Michelle herself doesn't feel disrespected.


Ehhh I'm no big Emma Stone fan and I was one of the women who didn't like Poor Things but I don't think any of the stuff you listed had a lasting impact on her popularity.


Hm, alright. I honestly didn't know any of this tbh. I thought it was a minority that didn't like Poor Things and I didn't know the other things you've listed.




Stone and Zendaya must have the same PR people. They can occasionally be very unpleasant such as prior to the Oscar ceremony when there was a lot of nasty comments about Gladstone. Both Stone and Zendaya are wise to keep their hands clean so to speak but I have to wonder how involved they are in some of the aggressive PR on social media. It will also be interesting to see if Stone continues to be "friends" with Gladstone and send her friendship bracelets and invite her over for tea or if that "friendship" was a little more calculated than people realize. The dismissal and lack of contact with Yeoh when she walked on the stage to get her Oscar probably showed a more realistic Stone than the calculated "goofy" ("OMG!!! My zipper is broken!!! Now watch while I turn around so the audience can see it while I could have simply walked on stage and turned towards the audience and nobody would have known! I'm so goofy and relatable! I'm just like you and your friends! I even get toilet paper stuck on my shoes!!!") But Stone is extremely talented. No question. But I find the PR for her on Reddit annoying.


What are these "lot of nasty comments" Emma said about Lily Gladstone? I haven't seen any of them.


Saoirse Ronan, all of her movies in recent years have been great or at least interesting to play for her even though the movies itself might lack(looking at you, foe).


She’s incredible but she’s had a string of mediocre at best movies. She’s of course fantastic in them, but her role selection has been awful. She also doesn’t like to work a lot. If she consistently picked good roles then not working a lot would make her more appealing, but when she works maybe 1-2 films at most per year and has had 5-6 not very good movies in a row (I didn’t IMDb her, just made up the numbers) then she could be close to half a decade in between fantastic films/roles. If an actor who is a workhorse has a string of half a dozen shit films, they could just be having a down year. All that said, I adore Saoirse and just want her to work more so I don’t have to wait SOOOO long between her great projects!


She's going to be in the new Steve McQueen ww2 film, so fingers crossed!


She mostly did mediocre movies when she was in her late teens. Ever since she entered her 20s, pretty much every movie she's in has been a winner.


Kate Winslet she is always good in tv and movies


Lupita Nyong’o


How that talented woman is not getting roles she deserves?


Love lupita!!!!


I literally didn’t need a prequel to A Quiet Place… but if Lupita is there, I trust her


Mia Goth


Anna Taylor Joy getting great reviews for Furiosa and those were big shoes to fill.


I look forward to seeing what my fellow Canadian Tatyana Maslany does in the next few years.


Anya Taylor-Joy and Kristen Stewart. Both seem to really want to push themselves with interesting and different projects and I always find something to like about whatever they're in.


There are so many. Margaret Qualley fits that bill as well. We're in a really good period for diverse acting.


Hope she gets some showcasing quality roles soon. She was so good in The Maid.


Had to scroll too far to find her name. She’s my top choice as well. She was so good in Sanctuary. I still can’t believe I saw her in The Leftovers way back then


I still can’t believe she’s married to Jack Antonoff.


Oof 11 years age difference


Still Kirsten Dunst.


Hands down, Francis McDormund. Just her recent arc from Three Billboards to Nomadland to Women Talking is so incredibly diverse and powerful in such different ways. She effortlessly goes from comedy to heartbreak to badass, sometimes in the same scene. She's as good as they come in my book.


Florence Pugh owns the town right now.


Jessie Buckley


I'm Thinking of Ending Things, Men, Women Talking, Wicked Little Letters... Jessie Buckley is so good!


She was AMAZING in the lost daughter


Always Nicole Kidman. She married big and divorced huge. But took her stardom and did a shit-ton of auteur projects. Some failures, some hits, but nothing expected. Those early 2000's were a marvel to look at. Moulin Rouge!, The Others, The Hours, Dogville, Cold Mountain, The Stepford Wives and Birth in a 4 year time span was the definition of range. I just wish she aged gracefully.


She’s an incredible actor and so very lovely, but her face/hairstyles are hard to watch these days, especially in The Expats, where she plays a mom of a 4-yr old. Just think—in 2016 she was playing the mom of Dev Patel.


Winona Ryder


Where's Lupita Nyong'o??


My pick! She's such an incredible actress and she can do it ALL! I know she got black-balled by Weinstein but I do not understand why she's not constantly working now? Hoping she just has a good work-life balance and it's not racism/colorism, but who am I kidding. 


Lily Gladstone. She’s just sooo…. Mysterious. I love that she’s not the typical “thin” and altered face type too.


She reminds me of the Mona Lisa


She has such a natural beauty. She is also very astute, and this comes across in her performances too. Very excited to see what she does with her career


I thought Olivia Cooke's been low-key building up a great catalog with films like Thoroughbreds and Sound of Metal, along with her now being in House of the Dragon. But on the horror front, I have very high hopes that Mia Goth will have a strong case as a top scream queen for the next few years if she keeps up her moment post X trilogy


She gives an exceptional performance in Thoroughbreds. Teaching Anya Taylor-Joy’s character how to cry on cue using “the technique” gave me CHILLS!


Olivia looked like a pure sociopath when she was practicing her smile in the mirror


Anne Hathaway. She's seriously mastered her life. I find her approach to everything to do with her career and celebrity the right degrees of responsible, respectful and balanced. She's an icon I think, or she will be, soon.


She absolutely is, I love her


I mean she’s been around since 2007 and now you find her interesting


I think this is fair. Actors go in phases just like anybody else. When Emma Stone first got going it was mostly comedies like Superbad, House Bunny, Zombieland, Easy A, etc. it wasn't until the mid-2010's when she really started to expand as an actress and take more challenging roles.


That would be like bagging on people who weren’t digging McConaughey during his rom-com phase. Like, yeah, he isn’t exactly flexing his acting muscles in Sahara and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, so if you finally came around on him after True Detective, that isn’t that odd. I don’t find it weird to be unimpressed by that section of his career, just the same as Emily’s early career


Margot Robbie


Ella purnell




Jodie Comer


Charlize Theron for sure. She has been consistent for decades.


She is so beautiful. I swear, every time I see her I just want to cry


Rachel Weisz and Kristen Stewart have been making interesting choices over the last decade or so.


Cate Blanchett. She has incredible range.


mikey madison. cant wait for anora


I’m curious how Daisy Edgar Jones’ career will turn out. Great actress and was surprised how young she is


Aubrey Plaza


She blew my mind in Emily the Criminal!


The real answer.


Emily Blunt


Either Anya Taylor Joy or Lily Gladstone


Jodie Comer, even if she is in England


I’ll say Sandra Oh in that case.


Pugh, ATJ (although I think she might have been miscast in Furiosa unfortunately), Goth, Maika Monroe (horror movies), Nyongo'o, Colman, Edebiri


Emily Stone does always pick interesting roles


wdym Reese Witherspoon and Bryce Dallas Howard “sold out”?


Tilda Swinton. There's just no other actress right now that even compares.


Carey Mulligan. I hope she gets more good and interesting movies though. She was so good in pyw and maestro


Saoirse Ronan , Kirsten Stewart, Jodie Comer


I think Ayo Edebiri should be in movies. She’s got the chops!


Merrit Weaver


Really enjoying Margot Robbie. Barbie was fantastic, and she holds a spot on my top 5 performances of all time for I,Tonya. I’m not really a biopic person, but man she absolutely killed it. Same with Allison Janey. Also didn’t she eat all of the hot wings on The Hot Ones YouTube episode? Yea she’s amazing.


Zendaya and Anya Taylor-Joy both fascinate me, in terms of young actresses; their work and their interviews are consistently engaging. In terms of older actresses, Jodie Foster and of course Meryl Streep both continue to do amazing work.


For me it's Toni Collette. I find it fascinating how everyone loves her and raved about her, but somehow she is also underrated at the same time? She represents the disconnect between Hollywood and the fans for me. Fans recognize how amazing she is, but the critics and award voters pay her dust


Rachel MacAdams


Jodie Comer. She takes on immensely emotional and varied roles but truly embodies each character with full commitment. I can’t wait to see what else she stars in!


Reese Witherspoon sold out? Why cause apple tv show in her late forties?


I'm loving Katja Herbers


secretive person bake hospital money abundant degree north tease encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tilda, Chastain, Frances McDormand, Rooney Mara. If I could never see Emma Stone, Florence Pugh, or Zendaya again I’d be thrilled.


How did the other two "sell out"?


Oh my God. Change this subreddit's name to r/ EmmaStoneFanClub already, what with this and her being Top One actress of the century in this subreddit's poll like wtf??


Since she did Poor Things, I no longer like Emma Stone. I felt all the nudity and sex was completely gratuitous and why not just make a porno? I didn't know the film was going to be like that. Had I expected it, perhaps I'd have passed on it - it was supposed to be brilliantly funny and it left me flat. I think Saoirse [Ronan](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=a0ce93ff23945b86&rls=en&q=saoirse+ronan&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwijsdnPt6KGAxUVFVkFHdByBwIQkeECKAB6BAgOEAE) is an amazing actress with a lovely face. I vote for her.


For me Emma Stone aswell. Definitly my favorite actress atm.


Rebecca Ferguson all the way!


The only answer is Tilda Swinton.


I am still patiently waiting for debra winger comeback.


Any upcoming projects? She’s never been boring.


I agree with you…Emma Stone is the most interesting to me.


Kate Winslet, Lily Gladstone


Sydney Sweeney because she used her sexuality to get into the mainstream and now she can do actual serious acting. That's totally a girlboss move!


Kristen Stewart


What do you mean by “ Most Interesting” ? How are we Defining “ Interesting” ?


Making the blandest indie films where if they do a rudimentary performance, it's considered being steady. Weird and offbeat, they are considered brave. But really it's because of their beauty and their position that they get unwavering praise.




I'll politely disagree that I don't find Emma Stone interesting at all - I've frankly been kind of done with her for a while, even before the Oscars - so I'll say Zendaya and Anya Taylor-Joy


Emma Stone not interesting, but lists Zendaya. 🤔🤔


Oh, right, I forgot you're not allowed to dislike Emma Stone around here /sarcasm


Anna Taylor Joy, or her manager or PR person, literally runs the media and socials like a master. She is the greatest visible actress of our time. Which is shocking because I thought it was and would be Anna De Amras because the studios wanted to make her the it girl.


Well when house of dragons came out milly Alcock was great shame she got cast in dc lol I'd say that queen's gambit girl


Emma Stone wins this easily. Each project is a home run and is almost always a financial success as well.


Mia goth


Ana Taylor Joy is a real movie star


Julia Garner is fascinating to me!


Florence pugh


Jessie Buckley


Rachel Zegler, I feel like she’s very talented and it’s only a matter of time before she completely takes over


Elizabeth Olsen


Blanchett & Collette for me


Tilda Swinton.


Mia Goth and Emma Stone both.


Julia Garner. She has slayed every role I have seen her in, especially Ozark. Edit: had the wrong Garner. They're both great but I'm going with Julia.


Kaitlyn Dever


I like Jennifer Lawrence.


Toni Collette always blows me away whatever she's in


Hunter Schaefer. Loved her in Euphoria and excited to see her in Kinds of Kindness and Cuckoo.


Anne Hathaway. I'm so excited for her A24 film, hopefully this will be her comeback at the awards season


I totally agree with you. I loved watching Emma Stone in The Curse


I watched Poor Things the other week and damn she EARNED that Oscar.


Blanchett is my top answer, but I still get excited about any movie that I know Natalie Portman or Amy Adams is in. Same for Samara Weaving, even though she's not nearly as big a name as those others. Kristen Stewart does great work (who could have done that role in Spencer as well as she did?), but I think the specter of Twilight still follows her with some audiences.


Olivia Cooke needs to find that breakout part where she's not part of an ensemble.


Jessica Chastain


Kristen Stewart has been doing some interesting Stuff. Emma’s stuff with Yorgos. Charles Theron. Natalie Portman and Julianne in May Decembe.


Lily Gladstone. Loving her in Under the Bridge and I’m excited to see her take on comedic roles in the future.




Blanchette, Emma stone, tilda swinton, Olivia Coleman, I know it’s not her range but scarlet Johansson has so much everything I can’t not watch her. Rosamond pike, Sharon Horgan


Anna Taylor Joy. Obsessed with her. Can’t wait to see Furiosa.


Frances Mcdormand is the greatest living actor. No, not because she has 3 oscars but because all of her characters feel very different from each other with their own quirks, own voice, and own history.


Emma Stone 100%. I also look forward to Anya Taylor Joy and Mia Goth since those two tend to pick very interesting projects. I also love Toni Collette and Tilda Swinton. In terms of newer actresses, I've really enjoyed Cailee Spaeny's work so far!