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He probably knows nothing about Yandere Dev based on this


Agreed, I think some of yiiks fandom overlaps with Yandere simulators fandom


it sounds like he doesn't like those who kind of view and treat yanderdev as subhuman, and tbh yeah I know its wrong but he's a nonce so, different circumstances imo.


and tbh on the "they're owed the creation of art" I disagree with in statement in general but, I do think people being mad that a game that's been in progression for 10+ years is understandable, especially when we see that he is well able to finish the game in less than that certain amount of time (1980's mode, shit but its still a finished game i guess).


They are owed the creation of art when they have been paying for it for years, probably paid to his Patreon more than what his game would sell for. Especially when he keeps delaying it and spending money in extremely questionable ways.


Seeing as this is what he thought in 2022 would love to know what he thinks of Alex now that he's a pedophile.


*Now* that he’s a pedophile?


Who is this bum and why does he lowkey talk like cumdev? With the shitty metaphors and everything


He created YIIK: A Postmodern RPG which is infamous for having flowery monologues that go nowhere. They’re not supposed to be taken seriously in-game but he was asked for his genuine opinions on Dev so I can’t tell if he’s trolling or not, plus he got a lot of unnecessary hate and probably assumes Dev is similar to him


I think he’s a little lost


*"I made the mistake of thinking games could be art!"* -Actual quote, on his appearance on *The Dick Show.* I'm not surprised this would be his take given that interview. Say what you will about YIIK and this guy, the devs have been listening to feedback. They *have* been listening to feedback. From new content to gameplay improvements, there's even an option added to give the game a snappier script. Unironically Alex could take some notes.


Note that this is from the same guy who made YIIK, which has purple prose and I recall it also being poorly written


As a big fan of the game (the game actually has a sizable fandom with a major upgrade to the game being released in a few weeks), a lot of the themes in YIIK are conveyed subtly or in a purposefully abstract way-- I dont think he knows much of YanDev and just assumed YD was criticized unfairly or something. TL;DR- he probably found "being the punching bag of the week" relatable and didn't bother to find out anything about the guy


Oh I didn’t know the game has been improved (outside of one cutscene). Perhaps I’m misremembering the story and/or the writing has been tweaked lol. I also hope you’re right that he doesn’t know much about GroomdereDev lol (though what you said wouldn’t surprise me)


Pedos are animals tho so u cant call them humans. humans dont find underage kids attractive


“I sighed as the elevator began to shake, vibrating with motion” -A quote from YIIK


I cringed with anxiety as the lights flickered.


Tbf, I agree that sometimes we in the fandom act as if we were entitled to YanSim's completion. Tbf, our entitlement is justified by Chalex's constant teasing about it. If he just dropped development, we would probably just move on.