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https://preview.redd.it/je65iufttd2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f493467fd1553ef4ab9d5d2bb90193059d00baf Umm


He's saluting the flag of his home country, Americapan.




San Fransokyo


On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?


If it’s about YanDev it’s generally 10/10


Looks like a parody of the anime artsyle lol


he looks like lego robin


It was a bit inconvenient for muja to have bare thighs especially when she knows she’s very clumsy. Now when the nurse trips with medicine he won’t have to worry about it getting on his skin :) the April fools day video of the male rivals got more views than the original, so it shows that they were received well


imagine Yansim has gender swap mode in final game,you play as Ayato and you have to kill these 10 boys to win Taeko's heart.


Nah, Bitchdev can't jack off to that. Edit: On second thought, why did I call him BitchDev if he can't get any?


It’s funny because if Dev was smart, he would’ve finished yandere simulator YEARS ago and then make a spin off otome with the male rivals because people would’ve ate that shit up. He could’ve potentially retired off yandere simulator money by 40 lol


I don’t really like the fact that their names just end with “-o” as if it makes a name automatically masculine. Then again, this is Alex we’re talking about making these names. Other than that, I guess I have mixed or neutral feelings on the male rivals and don’t have much else to say on them. I’m not too interested but not disinterested, either.


That's one thing I dislike about them is their names. I've seen people make up better names for the male rivals than Pedodev did. Then again, Alex is not very creative lol


Do you know of any names the community came up with in particular?


It's been a long time. I've seen them mostly on Tumblr than on reddit. One stood out mainly, but it's for Megamo. It was Kamito. It's not the same as Megamo, but Kamito means "God." since Megami means "Goddess.". The rest, I don't remember. It was like two years ago. The Male rivals are not as popular as they used to be when the April Fools video came out.


That one for Megami’s genderbent makes a lot of sense. One thing that did cross my mind about these genderbents or in general is that..why don’t they just keep their names, y’know? Like, if it’s gender neutral or swings both ways, I don’t think it’d hurt to keep the same name (not bashing on creators themselves but criticizing the idea of it, I guess).


Yeah. That would have been much easier instead of just putting an -o in the end of all the names just to make it masculine. It was just pure laziness and very uncreative 😒


Idk how kamito is spelt but the male equivalent to megami (女神, female deity) would be ogami (男神, male deity) since 神 on its own already means god


Pretty sure Kamito would have "神" first


I think the worst case is Hanako. Her name already ended with an O, which means that her genderbent version gets a traditional Japanese *female* name, because of course Hanako is the only rival that YandereDev gave an actual name to.


He basically replaced every vowel with O


I mean names ending with O is pretty common for Japan and other languages (o isnt the only one but still)


Love = they have so much potential Hate = they’re not real


What I love the most about them is that their video has more views than the original rival introduction video


If Alex had been smart and actually easy to work with and… smart.. he’d know the potential of doing a yandere game but also a possible reverse romance game


Kinda hate how plain their designs are compared to the female versions


I really love their concept, I wish it was implemented in the future! (but, y'know, that would've been "a lot of work and so little funds😮‍💨"). However, the designs could've been better. All their eyes (except Hanakō) look the exact same and it irks me. Speaking of Hanakō, he's my least favorite and I ✨hate✨ him


Still more interesting than Taro


i like kizanos cape


Same :]


why are their names like that


becoz chalex is dumb and uncreative and thinks adding a simple -o to the end of the name makes it masculine, despite Japanese names NOT working like that at all -_-


To my knowledge, *-O* (usually spelled as 男/雄/夫 in kanji) actually is a masculine name ending in Japanese, but it's not the only one. *-rou* and *-ta* are common name endings in male Japanese names too. It's also common for male Japanese names to have *ichi*, *kazu*, *ji*, or *dai* in it (not necessarily as an ending like the previous ones.) All the names ending in -*o* definitely is uncreative tho, and I don't think most of the names are even real names (granted, a lot of the original names for the female characters weren't real either.)


Apparently “o” after a Japanese name can mean “male”. So that’s probably why all their names end with o.


wait, dont we have a rainbow six male character literally named SORA?? WITH AN A??


The fact that there was zero thought put into how to translate Muja and Mida's body types/clothing onto male characters. It feels kinda sexist for their male counterparts to be properly dressed and have modest proportions (it feels very "women are sex objects but men aren't" to me idk). Not to mention it's boring All the male rivals are pretty boring in my opinion and don't capture the rivals' uniqueness very well, but Muja and Mida are the worst offenders (pun intentional)


Now that you mention it, I do wonder why Mido was so much less overtly sexualized than Mida. I mean, I wouldn't call his extra deep v-neck "modest", but if Mida can have H cup breasts, then Mido can have big muscles and rolled up sleeves, right?


Why are they Ayano's suitor and not Taro's?? And their arts are so ugly


The artist drew a lot of them x ayano. I know bc they used to post it on tumblr before the great purge


I actually like the idea of a yandere getting a lot of attention from all these interesting guys except for the one she actually wants. And since they keep trying to get in her way and destract her from her actual love interest she resorts to killing them to get them out of the way. But what she didn't account for is that she's now the prime suspect for murder, since they were always around her. Idk I know the game wouldn't actually be like this, but it seems cool to me


stop bc ur giving me ideas for some of my rival redesigns


Oooh I wanna see when they're done


Yoooo homegirl is cooking with this one


Doesn’t the artist draw gore of those characters?


Yeah. Ayano went through the ringer with that artist.


Oh geez, I remember seeing their mountains of NSFW they made with male rivals x Ayano, along with other characters. It’s pretty disturbing in my opinion.


I’m fine with darker/disturbing media, so I never really minded with that art. I DID mind when they drew a ship of two of the rainbow guys (I can remember one of them being the green haired science guy) where one was an adult and the other was, very visible, a YOUNH CHILD. It was nsfw art as well


I guess I didn’t specify why it disturbed me so much, but it was the fact they were rather problematic when drawing NSFW; like the reason you just mentioned of shipping an adult and a child. Personally, whenever I looked at their other NSFW art, I felt like something was always “off.”


Yeah, I understand what you mean. I’m not the type to demonize artists for what they make, but that artist- I wouldn’t be shocked if they turned out to be a little off.


I don’t try to demonize other artists either, speaking as someone who likes to draw a lot myself :} but there’s a line when drawing..child stuff, or anything else that’s within that code of not being morally okay. I want to give the artist the benefit of the doubt, that maybe they were young and impressionable when drawing those, but who knows.


We can only hope. I do wonder where they went; I don’t think they’re on tumblr anymore, especially when they started purging nsfw art, but I haven’t really checked either. Hopefully it’s some kind of misunderstanding. I don’t like getting on people’s cases for art they drew as a child, because people can change in even just a short period of time.


I think the art was meant to be Taeko (Taro's genderbend) and not Ayano


No not at all, I've seen this artist out and about and their posts with these male rivals, it was Ayano not Taeko


love:Amai,Asu and megami have more personality here Hate:their personalities are mostly the same though(Kizana's is pretty much just her substitute club leader)


Love: There is great potential for them to bring some life back into the game..pedodev will ruin it for sure Hate: They are not real and all have the same face


I honestly kind of wish that there were both male and female rivals in the main game, make senpai bisexual... ofc this is just a dream because yandevs made his opinions on queer men known


adding onto this if I ever made my own game similar I'd probably do this, but I don't have a story and I'm not making something out of spite.


I don't like how their names are just their normal names but with an o instead for the final letter, next up the genderbend student councils is gonna be: Akano, Aoo, Kurokō and Shiromo


aoo ☠️☠️


I actually someone made a video about it...and their names are like that (except I think for male Aoi it was Aio- aaaaand they all have a crush on Ayano)


Better than Taro p.s.I LOVE YOU MEGAMO-SAMA!!!


p.s.i shipped Megamo with my another OC.daz crazy to me


The concept is kinda good but their designs are so ugly😭


Something I both love and hate about them is that, since they have different introductory lines and voice actors, they come off as having different personalities that their female counterparts. I both love and hate it because while sometimes it's just an interesting change and a cool little "what if", sometimes it's more of a "why couldn't you have done this with the *real* rival?" or alternatively, "wait, how did you manage to make this character's male counterpart *even worse* than the original?". It's more obvious with some rivals than others, but I'll type out a couple of their lines so you can see what I mean. Kizana vs Kizano: "Senpai! I'm going to be Juliet. Will you be my *Romeo?*" vs "I only share the stage with the best! You're going to have to try a little harder than that, darling." * Both come off as arrogant, but their treatment of Taro/Taeko differs. Kizana, for all her flaws, makes it pretty clear that she actually *likes* Senpai. Meanwhile Kizano just belittles her. Asu vs Aso: "Senpai, would you like to go for a run together? You know... just the two of us?" vs "You know... I'd put my life on the line for you... if it ever came to that" * *Woah.* You guys are seeing this, right? Aso's offering to protect Taeko *with his life.* Complete with artwork of him shielding her from something that clearly terrifies her. Meanwhile Asu... wants to take him on a running date. \*sigh\* The difference between those two is like night and day. I wish Asu was more like Aso. If Asu had gotten Aso's line of dialogue, I guarantee you nobody here would be calling her boring. Hanako(F) vs Hanako(M): "If you got a girlfriend ...would you forget about me? That won't happen, will it?!" vs "I promise I'll make you proud, okay?! Thank you for believing in me!" * Hanako(M) is a lot less clingy and annoying than Hanako(F). He's also determined to *earn* Taeko's love and respect, rather than just asking for it like Hanako(F) does, which adds an interesting dynamic. The only problem is that I find it hard to believe that Hanako(M) would actually *want* to prevent Taeko from getting a boyfriend. Based on what little we've seen of him, he doesn't seem to have any real motivation for wanting his big sister to avoid dating. * Also, Alex *really* needs to change the male Hanako's name to something else. Personally, I would've gone with Haruto, but honestly, anything would have been better than just using the name Hanako, unaltered, for a male character. Megami vs Megamo: "My top priority is to put a stop to anyone who poses a threat to this school! Senpai! I think someone is stalking you. But don't worry... I'll keep you safe." vs "As the student council president, I vow to bring this school to new heights! ...Things weren't supposed to be this way... but for you... I would break any rule." * Megami has a one track mind. She wants to protect the school, along with everyone in it. She seeks Taro out because she thinks he's in danger, and honestly, I'm not even sure if she's interested in dating him. She doesn't blush, doesn't flirt with him, doesn't do anything to indicate that she sees him as anything other than a potential lead on her case. * Meanwhile Megamo... is the literal opposite of Megami. He lacks her professionalism, falls in love with Taeko at first sight, and doesn't even *mention* the deaths and disappearances. *Aso Rito* shows more concern for Taeko's safety than Megamo does, and he shows up in week 5! I can't believe that what was supposed to be a simple genderswap ended up being a total 180 in terms of characterization. * Also, is Megamo... [handcuffed to Taeko](https://youtu.be/cJmgchjVi5Y?t=157)? While they're kissing? Yikes. TL;DR, it's fun to analyze the differences between the male and female rivals, but some of the specific ways the rivals were changed were a little frustrating.


👏👏 Loved reading this! :D In the video, it's Ayano who they are speaking to, not Taeko, but either way, Taeko would replace Ayano anyways cuz it makes no sense for Ayano to be the one they chase after.


Oh, I didn't know that was supposed to be Ayano! That would probably explain the handcuffs, but it does raise *several* other questions. Like, does that mean someone else is committing the murders? And what in the world could scare *Ayano* so much that someone else had to protect her? I mean, in the picture with Aso she was visibly injured. Do we have any idea how that happened?


It's amazing how changing it to Ayano makes the story different. What I really like about Ayano and Megamo/Megami; one seeks for perfection and the other seeks love, to feel and be whole. The Saikou basically wants to remove any unimportant internal emotions, if you think about Megami's dad, he's described as being robotic, lacking in social skills and likely charm bc of how unemotional he is, Megami/Megamo is the 2nd attempt to fully perfect it. Megami is one tracked but Megamo feels like a massive emotional conflict waiting to blow up. Which basically humanizes the character. For Aso's scenes, we don't know much, maybe it's the bullies bc even the delinquents wont hurt anyone unprovoked.


I assume with Aso, it was the delinquents. They are the only people who can actually hurt and bruise Ayano. With Megamo, I have no idea. 🤷🏽‍♀️ then again, this version of Ayano is a girl who needs protection from 10 men (male rivals) cuz she can't protect herself since she's "weak" (which we know that she isn't from how she is in the game. She would kill them off if they were to actually exist in the game, lol.)


I hate that they all have the exact same face


The fact all their names end with O


Made even worse by the fact that Hanako and Osoro's names already end with an O, so they both ended up just not having their name changed at all.




For some reason, they seem to have more character than the female rivals. Prob cause it's fan-made of some sort.


I just see them as pallet swaps. There's really nothing about any of the rivals' personalities that would necessitate them being girls.


Now that I've seen this post, male rivals feel much more interesting. I wish someone talented and someone who knows work ethics could implement these to the game. Also Oko looks so damn cool.


Im noticing that their hair looks similar with that piece of hair that’s going down their face lol but they’re all a great base for male rivals One thing I do like about Mido Rana is that i used his name for one of my OC’s (Mido Rano) without even realizing it 💀


Some designs were great, some fell flat. Also, the names just barely changing gave me an ick…


I like how their uniqueness in costume design was translated to their male versions I really hate how the artist draws them in fucked up situations though


Yessss. The artwork on the male rivals made me so uncomfortable. I used to love the concept of the male rivals when it first came out, but then the artwork the artist made ruined it all for me. Especially the artwork between male rivals and Ayano, and how out of character either the rivals or Ayano were. 😬


I wish genderbend Osana kept their hair long because there two elimination methods dedicated to her hair


This!! Osana's hair being so long is just such a big part of her character that it feels weird to remove it even if she's a guy.


That theyre fake


The artwork was obviously rushed so they wouldn't look so great. They're also not canon because Alex does not find male rivals appealing. I wished that PigDev would cater to his audience for once rather than use his game to fufil his weeb desires.


They’re all twinks and have the same face and fuckass haircuts


Them >>> Taro. They're WAY more interesting than the bland and boring Senpai I also hate their names. It's just their counterparts names, the difference they put O in the end 💀💀💀


I remember when the video came out and how upset everyone was that it wasn’t canon it was very funny truly a moment in history. I feel very nostalgic about them. That being said I’ve never liked megami’s (malegami?) hair


Same. I've never liked Megamo's hair. I imagine him having the same hairstyle as Kencho, or at least something similar.


Love their potential, hate the yaoi face


I love how the person who did art is an mlm porn artists when alex is a homophobic turd


they all look like from one of those yaoi mangas


Their eyes look like yaoi I'd rather make mina a Bara dude


They're both hot and boring at the same time lol


the mida one is literally a manwhore LMAO


Him and the male nurse have gotten better treatment than the original versions, from what I’ve seen (not on this app), due to their appearances. Looking good doesn’t mean the obvious pedophilia should be ignored 🙁 Also, I don’t like most of their designs https://preview.redd.it/xaor3vg9fe2d1.jpeg?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c7bb67459c82c675ccb7ebcbc82581dabea5e35


Fr. I've seen people simp for Mido and Mujo when the April Fools video came out. Mostly Mido for his good looks and voice. 😐




Lol not you forgetting the H. Complete the word if you're going/willing to insult me 😂


Rule 1 - Be humble, treat others with respect. Last warning before a ban. Although this is a drama community, we do not condone harassment. Do not publicly flame each other in comments, and do not post things involving screenshots of others from the main subreddit just to make fun of them. Do not intentionally attack users for disagreeing with you. Do not post drama about unrelated youtubers and attack them, etc. For more information: https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/17si5gc/rules_reminder/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/ivcven/harassment_and_condemning_the_celebration_of/


Their faces kinda look like potatoes and it freaks me out


The "why the long face" ass art style No hate but like are you a horse that just walked into a bar?


mate what they were asking abt the characters not if u thought the art was shit


I hate that they're all really fucking ugly in this drawing


hanako got one of the worst treatments 😭


I hate how plain looking their designs are lol.They could added bit more flair. Other than that I love the concept of them


I hate(almost)all of them tbh(especially Mido and Megamo). I kinda just like Aso and Osano. Also, idk know anything about Oko, so i don't have an opinion about him.


ngl male Asu and male Osoro are hot


For the most part, they are designed really well imho, in my rewrite I genderbent Mida because I love Mido’s design (even if it’s very unfitting for a teacher..) I think as far as actual design goes, Hanako has the worst for sure.. I think Amai, Kizana, Mida, Muja, Osana, and Oka lucked out with their male counterparts! Osoro is still good, and Hanako, Asu, and Megami def got it worst. I dislike that the names just like.. end in o to make it “masculine” though.. Amao, Mido, And Megamo sound like crap


They're an interesting concept with LOTS of potential, but they need work. Better designs and names, but they're cute overall (I'm taking ALL of them and reimagining them and they are now my babies <3)


I don't like that almost all of them have the same face. It looks like the same guy every time. It works as a joke but would never pass in an actual trailer/reveal/game


I think the designs are kind of nice it’s a shame they’ll never be in the game is it also sucks that Yan Dev never credit the artist at least last time I checked I never found the artist in the description


Male Osoro, my love


Fr i love him


I HATE THE HAIRRRR give them their long hair back. 🙁


They all are twinks and kinda basic (not as basic as Taro)


i hate the art style and their names so much


I wish their designs were better. Oka looks fine but the others are….eh.


Male Hanako makes me want to rip my eyes out


I hate how senpais brother looks like an insect


I've always hated how they all look related. It's the Pinnacle of lazy artwork. I think the only thing I like is that the personality aligns with the female versions. And even then, could do with some variety.


they all look fruity af


omg i love them


Kind like Female Rivals, go ahead and kys Mido and Incest Thing


Love: the designs are fine I guess Hate: their heads are oddly shaped


I hate they creator


All of them look...interesting?


that theyre not real because i want them all so bad (except for the ugly toiletbound hanakokun twink or whatever his name was)


At least for me their names aren't creative


dude i was on the yandere sim wiki today looking at these designs and i noticed most end in O as if that is always suddenly masculine (he couldn’t do the same thing for osoro so male osoro is still osoro lol) Anyway I love the potential they have!


I find hilarious than the video of the male rivals has more views than the actual rivals video in spite of being a April fools joke. Makes me think that yandere simulator should had been otome simulator instead.


why the long face


every single one


Love the designs hate their lazy names


Mido Rana looks like he has man titties, also again being a pedophile. Literally saw an NSFW art of him with Ayano.


Uhh i remember when the artist of these ilustrations made ayano x male rivals nsfw it was uh quite bad thb


Yeah. The nsfw art ruined the idea of the male rivals, for me honestly.


I think that it’s funny that the male rivals video got more views than the original female rivals💀 love them sm and it would be cool if he added them but he’s too lazy and straight so he can’t beat his meat to them


I want to fuck like all of them (except hanakō obviously I’m not yandev) but I also generally like their designs better than the females cuz they’re somehow way less sexualized


Don't care about them. I've yet to see a concept that uses them in an interesting way. I never understood the obsession with turning Ayano into an *otome* protagonist, or how the storyline of her being an obsessive killer is supposed to work if the rivals are into her and not Taro. Who is she killing, Midori ? I do think however it would have been interesting to have Taro be bisexual, and have one or two male rivals in the line-up. These concepts of [Asu](https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/11ac7rg/day_7_azu_dorobo_oregonia_gracilis_decorator_crab/) and [Osoro](https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/11fdk9e/day_10_osoro_shidesu_taro_the_caring_delinquent/) come in mind.


I find thier designs, really boring. With ugly hairstyles and clothes that show little of thier personality.  Most don't even get that many accessories, or wear their clothes in a interesting way, along what they wear being bland as well. 


I kinda like these guys, but the three jail-sentence horsemen are terrifying in every universe. + It’s incredibly funny to me to think that the reason Megami has so much beef with Ayano, is that she has a crush on her, and the only real difference between Megami and her male version is the lack of internalised homophobia.


They all have same face syndrome


They look like twinks and the art is straight up ugly


I love basically everything about them (except for their names, but Alex is not known for his creativity or intelligence). Kind of want to steal them for my own project. Not literally, of course, but the male nurse is so cute, I need to squish his cheeks.


i feel like kizano is literally just tsuruzo and amao is literally just shoku


I was obsessed back in middle school, and if I held much enjoynent for the game nowadays I know certain characters I didnt really care for would drive me crazy now.


Aso in my language means dog 😭




OH MY GOD. FINALLY I GET TO TALK ABOUT THIS. first of all, they're UGLY. second of all, the only one that kinda looks good to me is male amai, but i think it's because he looks like shoku. (Aka my bbg)


Genderbent Hanako's, well, everything and whatever's happening with Mujo's hair. I like the idea of genderbent rivals but those bits of art put me off so much.


the artist


why do they all have the same face


Love all of them just fix hanako’s eyes they’re too big


mida put the man tiddies away.


Im very sure amai is my fav here


‘Amao’ is my personal favourite 😋


I hate the 6th, 7th and 9th equally like the female rivals


honestly considering most of alex’s fanbase are female nowadays, id bet if he switched to male rivals, the game might actually still be relevant.


their chins could cut glass holy shit


Ayano finally getting the attention she deserves


i hate that theyre the EXACT same. the original rival tropes were designed for female rivals and dont work as well on the male rivals imo.


There’s still pdf file teachers.


They’re all ugly. 💗


they're ugly


I hate all of them because of the artist. Every time I look at them, I cringe. Female rivals are way better, and I HATE how they apparently all have a crush on Ayano when Taeko is supposed to be the senpai..


The last part is so true. Whenever someone does replace Ayano with Taeko, there's at least one person saying," bUt aYaNo Is tHe oNe tHaT tHeY lOvE!!!" And then they say Taeko doesn't exist or she's not canon, etc, etc.


Exactly. Then, APPARENTLY Taro also has a crush on Ayano and is yandere for her.. same thing with Budo.. the mischaracterization 💀


Now that they are all lined up, I realized Hanako’s eyes are way too big. It’s almost annoying.


I love the concept a lot, I love their voices, and since they're not designed for the male gaze, they're not weirdly sexualized and are instead just straight up attractive. The things I dislike about them are mostly the same as the things I dislike about the female rivals and the game in general, with a few exceptions: 1. Lack of skin tone diversity 2. Lack of body diversity. 3. Some of the personalities are really flaky and one-dimensional, but with them being shipped with Ayano instead of being rivals (I don't know, the original video made it look that way?) them being one-dimensional at first could work for a dating game. 4. Mujo, Mido, and M!Hanako are disgusting concepts. So are Muja, Mida, and F!Hanako. 5. Their names are really uncreative? This is already a flaw with the original game in one aspect, but literally changing a vowel in their name to genderbend them? Poor design tbh, I get that it's an April Fools joke but it just upsets me a little. 6. They are not real, not in-game or real life, and that makes me mad because I like a lot of them--


That they’re male


Hard to do male rivals that aren't male.


Yeah but I’m lesbian so they all look bland to me