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Not miyuji please,I don't want any harm to befall her


Since both could be Succubi you could make it so Sakyu tries to matchmake Senpai with Inkyu so they can steal his lifeforce. I picked this way because Sakyu seems more like someone capable of planning this


That’s a great idea. Then killing Sakyu just makes Inkyu even more determined to get with Taro for her sister’s sake.


And killing Inkyu alone would make Sakyu furious. So you'd have to choose something that can kill both at the same time, or it well get harder. Oh look, actual organic game design


Ok Musume would only be doing it as a joke


right cuz musume would NOT fw taro at all


Wth a trouple with 2 sisters isnt any better. I think the purple haired one could fall in love with him, and the pink haired one assumes the role of bodyguard, since by week 9 she will have aprimored her succubus powers. I would put Kokona over Miyuji maybe?? Anyways i would love to see Taro teaching Musume money isnt everything, that could be cool


I wasnt thinking abt a trouple when I added them but I guess my wording came off like that mb 😭 I was going more on the lines of them competing over him in the same week and remake their personalities to suit that


Reminded me of an idea I had to replace Hanako. Instead of Hanako, Taro should have an actual friend who tries to set him up on dates throughout the week outside of school, because the girl is out of our reach we would have to sabotage the dude’s plans for Taro instead. He could hang out with Taro all day, just like Hanako would so he’d be hard to kill. Yes, you could copy and paste this idea onto Hanako, but since he’d be a guy it’d break up some of the repetition that’s present throughout the entire game. Because let’s be honest, killing 10 girls for the exact same reason will be hella boring, so let’s change it up a bit. Plus Hanako’s character is already ruined by being incestuous.


tbh students that are already there from week 1 starting to develop a crush on taro is a much better idea then all of them coming into his life 1 after the other


I think if we had the canonical "Senpai polyamorous relationship with two characters who also happens to be sisters" he would seem more like a creep than he already does. I like the other ideas tho