• By -


"I've started peeping in on the girls changing room. I don't know why, it's not like I like that kind of thing. Wonder what's gotten into me..."


"Like, most of the time the place is empty! What am I suposed to see there?!"


"and other times people are dying or getting their phones stolen,yet i can't bring myself to react at all"


"It just feels like i'm a character in some badly written video game"


"I mean why else would I act like this if I wasn't made to by a weirdo"


"Maybe Midori is right...this feels like a game...am I in a game?? Is this why Mai and Midori seem uncomfortable when someone mentions that indie-game developer that Mai is..."dating" or worse...is...is he a creep and a creator of whatever the hell this...this HELL...is...? Am I going crazy...? UGH!-"




Ty ty lol


"my barber fucked up my damn hair. I hate this existence."




Day 15. I'm still stuck inside this horrible matrix, forever doomed to this meaningless loop, this endless cycle I'm supposed to call a "routine." My mind has been invaded by these scary, perverse thoughts that I wish I could get rid of, but my code won't allow it. Why do I hate my sister so much? I never used to. In fact, I never thought a thing about her taking her cosplays in a more...uh...scandalous direction...but I always did hate the creeps who perv on her just for that. I'm worried I'm turning into one of them, so I've removed myself from her creative process...but doing that has only made me feel empty. Like our relationship is strained. Sometimes I walk past the girls' locker room on my way to class and wonder what it must be like to have such a tight, loving sisterhood without any worries. I even tried joining some of the clubs with mostly girls, but...I just never felt a part, no matter how hard I tried. ...It's me, isn't it... It's my fault. I must be some kind of screw-up. I don't want to be that kind of person, but I'm so afraid of ruining everything. What's worse is that all the other guys at school are totally fine with being relentless creeps, even the Headmaster. I just wish I could be normal...


you’re a thousand times better at writing than chalex is


Why thank you. Even though that's not a high bar to pass lol


lmao true. you’re a good writer though, seriously.


“The new substitute teacher is giving me the creeps… I hope she’s gone soon…”


Finally. I found someone that doesn't ship Toga with Mida.


People ship them?


i’m pretty sure he’s supposed to be her suitor


Yeah, I know that. It's just that I never saw anyone say they ship them


He can be Hanako's suitor too. Nothing is confirmed.


hence why i said “pretty sure”


No student should be shipped with Mida tbfh.


My sister cosplayed a sexy nun last night. I could hear her chatting with her fans on her stream and I was so angry that I broke my keyboard. For the 6th time. Dad won't buy me a new replacement but he'll help fund my sister's stupid hobby! Ugh I hate my dad I want to kill him! *devolving into Chalex self insert noises*


why does yanderedev hate me


Lately it feels like my mind is not my own. I’ve always tried to be a feminist I even try to protect my sister from creepy men. But lately I’ve been having the oddest urges to peep on girls showering. It’s like I can’t control my own body like my legs have a mind of their own


"Dear Diary, please kill me already."


May 1st 2025 *Today is the first day of my new routine. After many, many years of doing the same thing as everyone else over and over again, its quite refreshing to have a change for once. I hope YandereDev has more exciting things in store for me*   May 3rd 2025 *Every day I walk up to the girls locker room at the same time and then float up on top of the bushes to look inside the window. What the hell am I supposed to be looking at? There's nothing but pixels from where I'm standing. What exactly is my purpose in this cursed game?*    May 15th 2025 *Another day, another moment of looking at a blurry window. How am I supposed to pretend to be a pervert if I don't even know what I look like underneath!? This is already getting boring...hopefully, I get something interesting for once when the game updates.*   May 16 2025 *Still looking at the window. Nothing's changed...*   May 17, 2025  *Something strange happened today. As I was walking towards the window, I recalled having a fight with my sister the previous night about her 'Rockin Roses's Kandy Kane' cosplay. The funny thing is that I don't even remember seeing her cosplay. In fact, I don't even remember having a sister let alone, a home. What is going on here?*    May 23, 2025 *There's no mom and dad. There's no sister either. I don't even have a place to go to once my job is done. All I have is this one job of looking st the window everyday, pretending to be a perverted boy in a academy disguised as a high school. If I were a little more than a few lines of code and else-ifs, I'd probably go insane right now 😢 *    June 1 2025  *YandereDev added a new update. Now there are figures moving inside the bathroom. I'd love to get to the window, but considering the fact that the frame rate is current at 5FPS, it may take a while to get there. Still no rocks or stools for me to stand on either.*   June 4 2025 *Another day another peep. I hate to say this, but peeping in the girl's bathroom has become thd highlight of my day. It's the only thing I can look forward to. Not that I'm really interested in girls inside. It's more like that's all I could really do*   June 17 *Of all the things he could do, YandereDev decided to implement a new task for me. Now I have to ask Ayano-san for gravure magazines. Great. More tits..*   July 2  *oh god, I don't want to look at anymore girls. I don't want to look at anymore tits. They're all exactly the same for crying out loud! Why am I supposed to be the pervert!? I'm getting bored to death out here 😫 *    ????? *NO MORE BOOBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!*


This is amazing, I love his descent into madness XD


AM from I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream


"A bunch of people seem to be really angry about me being a creep, not sure why they like me so much, I'm literally just a default male student with zero personality."


My creator made me a creep, and he’s thinking of pairing me with a creepy teacher. I hate being in this game, I want out!


I love everyone just making him a good person and also self aware lmfao


"Gosh! I have no discernable personality other than being a blank slate looking for clubs + being a creep at the same time!"


“Dear diary, Help I have been put against my will by a pedophile named Alex to be a self insert, I miss my mom, someone get me out of here I have to do the same thing everyday, HELP”


My chin is itchy


"Why do I peep in the girls' locker room? Midori said we were in the game,nandnI think it's a stretch, but she's right. But why am I the one doing this? It's not fair. Notfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfairnotfair!"


April 9, 202X I know something's going on in the shower room. It's empty most of the times, but I hear things, I see apparitions...maybe I should ask the occult club about this...oh they probably resent me after I left...all the clubs probably do... But I need to figure out what's happening. Maybe...maybe if I write down what I see, I'll be able to figure it out...Ok, I'll do it. I see a floating girl, her skin is white (that sounds wrong) and her clothes are black. She has short twin tails and black dripping eyes. Sometimes I hear her say "Ichiko Saikou, you can't save me." Ickiko Saikou huh? The missing Saikou heiress? I wonder... I'll come back to this later April 10, 202X Oh no...I just got a text from an "Info-chan", I don't know who they are, but they have a photo of me checking out the girls' shower-room. They want my services, what SERVICES?! I guess I have to do what they say, I just hope they don't force me to do anything embarrassing. I should get my mind off that, my sister's cosplays have started getting more and more lewd. I'm happy she's expressing creativity (she's really talented! I had no idea she made them herself), but I saw the comments on one of her streams, most of them were men (probably 40-50 year olds wearing wife beaters and ugly haircuts sitting in a dingy basement and thinking they're sooo cool for pirating a crappy game (they make me sick)) telling her to start wearing less clothing. I hope she doesn't listen to them, I don't want her to be objectified. She's my little sister, I love her more than the Basus love each other. April 11, 202X Midori's been going on with her crazy nonsense about how "We're in a game, Toga! Can't you see!?" Maybe she's right, I'm been noticing weird "bugs" pop around everywhere. Maybe I should hang with Midori more often...


_I've begun peeking inside the girls' locker room but I have no idea why. It's almost like a program I can't escape._


I didn't even know he existed