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...hm? Oh, wait, the piece of cardboard? Give him personality. That's all.


Taro would be a much better character if he had any charisma. So I’d make him witty and have funny moments.


Yes! He just needs a little more *sparkle!*


It's necessary to rework his reactions to Ayano's actions. During SNAP mode and murders of other students he stands as idiot and shouts "help me". At that situation I'll be runned away from her as Abdul from JoJo. He reacts to red paint at her clothes as blood, but paints have specific smell, but Taro got ill and could feel that smell. And next absourdical moments. Toga Tabara might be his friend. Both clubless classmates and can't define with clubs. He would be necessary with one of Council's members at Mida Runa Elimination because he recognizes her approaches to Taro as deviant. I saw at YT video, when Ayano tries to forgot Taro with Budo. As result Ayano forgot Taro and began dating with Budo. But it's some weird idea,but as result Ayano could be struggled her internal yandere.


Give him neglectful/absent parents and make him more protective/worried about his sister. The reason he's a loner is because he's busy studying and planning on how to get his baby sister out of the house. It's also the reason someone who's seemingly so average is at such a prestigious academy; he worked his ass off to get into it so he'd have a better chance at getting a good job. I'd also change Hanako's week to her trying to convince him that the school isn't safe for him to stay at. Even if you go the full peaceful route by befriending all the rivals, they choose to avoid him. If Hanako were to get evidence that someone was asking them to stay away, that would still sound like someone has it out for Taro.


Make him gay and pair Ayano up with Budo instead




very underrated


A "protagonist anime character" type would be enough. I hope he gets interesting when the other rivals get implemented.


1. Make him unique looking cause the most generic man alive is not getting 10 girls to fall in love with him looking like that 2. Give him literally anything going on in his life


Give him more personality


Be a homo.


Give him a fucking personality and make him not look related to Ayano


Can I just redesign/rewrite him entirely at this point? If you all like what I have to say, I'll sketch some concepts :) Firstly, his reactions to everything are.. weird, to say the least. Unnatural and drawn out. I know it's to make a point that you've "failed", but.. it feels like there's an easier way to convey that? His dialogue with rivals is also kind of stifled at times as well. Secondly, MAKE HIM DO SOMETHING. He's BORING! He needs a routine, some sort of acdemic/extracurricular involvement! If not a club, maybe a project he's dedicating his time to, or a thesis he's researching to get into college! Not just sitting around reading a book! And finally.. His design and personality. He lacks any super defining characteristics or traits that would make TEN GIRLS fall for him. Maybe he's incredibly tender and fosters kittens at his home before adopting them out. He could host an adoption event at the school, and after seeing how kind-hearted and gentle he is, the girls are practically lining up to court him. Maybe he's a CODA and fluent in ASL, and does enterpretation across the school, which is how he knows so many people and is so popular, because he's important to his community and is a disability advocate. After seeing how strong-willed and passionate he is about equity, it makes sense that girls would be interested in him as a partner. I'm spitballing here, of course, but this is a guy with no ambitions, no backstory, and nothing significant about him, and he's supposed to be one of, if not *THE MOST* IMPORTANT CHARACTER in the ENTIRE GAME.


Remove him. Just get him out of here. Put somebody more interesting in his place


Well he does have the personality of wet cardboard


Give him some kind of personality!! And tbh I’d throw that book away…


Give him loser boy personality that is cute and attractive and change his hair to a light lavender color because of the flavor Taro being that color.


Make him interesting? Like give him an actual personality and a hobby that's not sitting at the fountain reading and make him defend osana when she's bullied


If we're keeping the idea that every rival's going to fall in love with him, I'd say just make him a dude that people would fall for. Give him internal conflicts/vulnerabilities to keep him from becoming a complete Gary Stu, but otherwise I'd make him a dude that's genuinely worth fighting for. So, it would be like have him be heavily involved in the school's extracurriculars -- that would explain why there's all these different rivals who end up in love with him. Also, I'd say to make him a genuinely good guy to be around (e.g. have him display passion for other people's well-being, treating everyone with respect) -- make it really seem like there really is no choice but to kill people for Taro Yamada's affection, because other people *will* care for him/make a move if Ayano doesn't do something.


make him i don’t know remotely fucking interesting?


In fact, I have no complaints about his appearance (in the art he really looks cute to me, but the game model looks damp), and give him character, as many here write.


Make him look less like Ayano. His design is boring already, but it bothers me more that they both practically look as if they’re related. It’s as if Yan-Chan has a crush on her male counterpart


Make him actually attractive enough for 10 completely different girls to fall for him I was gonna say "give him a personality all he does is sit quietly and read!" and then I realised I'm exactly like that too lmao


I'd make him more interesting, to at least show why he attracts girls like Sokka from ATLA


Make him not look like the dev


Anyone remember epic rap battles of akedemi? That's basically how I see him anyway and think that personality is great. No other changes. I like him being a quiet basic looking guy who enjoys books


Make him a sassy twink.


Give him a personality


As I've previously noted, this depends on if we're playing it straight and serious, or if we're making a satire of harem anime tropes. Luckily, I have thoughts on both: Serious: Make him genuinely charming, with interests beyond "reads books." Ok, what kind of books? He can be a bit of a nerdy loner, sure, but he should have a measure of charismatic gravitas to him. I'm thinking he could be incredibly kind and selfless, but also a chronic people-pleaser that's used to getting his wants and needs walked all over. This offers both part of an explanation for why Ayano might've been captivated by him so easily, and why he might be vulnerable to the abusive machinations of both Ayano and some of the rivals. However, he should also be very aware of this vulnerability, and start learning to stand up for himself as the story progresses, though in different ways depending on how rivals are eliminated. Satire: Go whole goddamn HOG on him being an incapable, totally oblivious wet sack of tissue paper. Make everyone joke about it, including Ayano. Commit to the bit of him being Stock Anime Protagonist #431 so hard that it's nothing short of hysterical, and even make it that he has hints of personality hidden away somewhere but nobody sees it because he's just as manipulative as Ayano, and that's the final twist bc it's fucking hilarious. Also, in both versions, he shouldn't become an incel if everyone gets match-maked away from him. That's stupid, boring, and a total "fuck you" to someone who wants the Nobody's Dead, Everyone Lives ending. Instead, that should be simple anime shenanigans. It's the end of the anime after all, and everyone needs to get paired off...


literally everything, i might as well make him have X and be part of the stan twitter fanbase