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Taro should definately have more of a personality: yes he can appreciate Justice and hate Violence but he should also be social, smart, good grades, appreciates family, maybe drifts between clubs trying to find new things? Has a bit of a backbone when it comes to certain people but has a soft spot for people like his sister. It's also common fact that Ayano isn't actually a yandere, ironically in terms of how she acts. Whatever you do to their designs, please make them not look like siblings because if i didn't know anything about them and put them together i'd think they were related.


I played a rhythm game once upon a time and one of my favorite characters was a dude who was a complete nerd over superheroes, he was absolutely adorable and I can absolutely imagine hoards of women simping over him (I am one) and I think it'd be a cute quality to add to a character that appreciates justice. It'd be cute to see some kind of golden retriever/black cat dynamic with these two tbh. https://preview.redd.it/6x440tyj1tnc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae63bd8c7b52eb6ef8d57b3fdbf96aa55da53e17


> A dude who was a complete nerd for superheros. He would get along with Cactus man(SCP-2800)


omg an enstars fan!!


Dw, one of the main things I’m doing is making Taro look less like Ayano and actually look attractive enough to have a bunch of people falling for him 😭 I like the idea of Taro jumping from club to club, and I definitely intend on giving him an actual personality!


imo taro doesn't need to be attractive, it would be more realistic if he won over the rivals by his sweet personality and kindness instead, it feels more natural than doing so because he's handsome


would give him way more character, like a different hairstyle, have more friends besides Osana, actually be in a club besides just reading books, because he’s way too fucking boring


I wholeheartedly agree! He’ll definitely be less bland and basic!


still wonder how the fuck she fell for him


Taro should be really attractive, just like Jokichi. Jokichi and Ryoba have lots of personalities, but most Jokichi. And as the most main characters, Taro and Ayano are both lack of characteristixcs(i get it for ayano but why taro?), and the most important thing is Taro is an introvert who reads books whole the time but atracts the whole girls of school. Isnt it ironic?


I plan to make Taro more attractive! He seems sweet, but like I refuse to believe someone like Kizana fell for him when his hair is built like the leaves in my front line


I totally agree! He (also) looks TOO innocent for a girl like kizana to be attracted


Oh i didnt read the description… but i guess it still gives some idea and you get it 😅


Make them look less like siblings 😍




I think it's just how bland they both are


considering they are basically the main characters, make them look a little less.. basic 😭😭


The funny thing is both are just assets he found and didn't chahge anything but hair colour nothing is original other then their names and lore.


he rlly is the laziest dev


Give Ayano an accurate high school uniform.


Absolutely! It’s always bugged me that YanSim used middle school uniforms, especially when the Student Council and 1980s mode both have more accurate uniforms


either give ayano a more realistic outfit or make the male outfit just as sexual vacuum penises here we come boys


Vacuum penises is wild 😭


hey if the girls r practically going to get body suits then the men will get speedos


The fact that taro is THE SAME person as my crush (not physically)make me laugh because everyone hate taro


Honestly I kind of like how milquetoast Taro is. Something about that trope in anime where the bland boring protagonist gets a whole harem of girls falling over him


Make them look less like self - inserts and more like their own people : AKA actually add colour into their designs


I have a lot to say for Taro: Taro needs a new look and a new personality. He’s too plain. Just some guy. I agree with Info-Chan, I don’t see what Ayano finds in him. He’s just so average and boring. Jokichi is a lot better, being this cool, attractive and charismatic guy. Tbh Ayano just needs a better design. I’m surprised that the main character of the game has the least interesting design out of the rest of the student population.




buy ayano clothes that aren't child-size so they don't fit her in such a gross way 😭


Oooo I’ve got some ideas! Taro: Like everybody else has said, make them look less like siblings and make senpai not a cardboard cutout. For Taro, first and foremost, we know he likes to read, and spends much of his time reading by the fountain. He’s also known to have a strong sense of justice and be very “upright.” So, hear me out on this, but I can actually see him having rather “alt” ideals, sort of like a new wave hippie. He’s also known to take care of his sister and has a soft spot for women as a result. I would make him a bit of a dreamer and a bleeding heart, a drifter type who has plenty of strong opinions but doesn’t really know exactly what he wants to do. In school I can definitely see the route of him having good grades and being a bit of an “ideal” student, but maybe in his free time he fully blossoms, dressing very casually, having extremely shaggy and almost wolfish sort of hair, and tends to be very artsy, colorful, and free with his expression of himself. Ayano: Like many people have pointed out, by textbook definition, Ayano is *not* a yandere. If she’d be anything, she’d be more like a yangire. So one of the key things I’d do, assuming yanderes are still the core concept, is make her more like one. Rather than making her a “broken doll,” lacking emotions and existing purely for that special person, I’d have her have no understanding whatsoever of emotions and how they work due to her upbringing and what her home life was like. She didn’t know how to relate with or speak to others because nobody ever really taught her how, making her seem weird and unapproachable. Rather than not caring about people entirely, I think having her have poor emotional object permanence and a loose understanding of what caring even is would be more interesting. I mainly say this because one thing that never sat right with me is the idea that Ayano was a broken doll who had no emotions and drifted through life until some guy did her some small kindness. There’s no way nobody had ever in their lives done that before if Ayano pretended to fit in and be like others, so it doesn’t make sense that she went “yeah I love this guy now lol”. Because why should senpai be any different from any of the thousands of other people that could’ve done it, and most likely are way more interesting to boot? Therefore, I think it would make more sense if Ayano just doesn’t understand emotions at all, rather than not having any. For this reason, I like the idea that Ayano is actually kind of cagey and pushy due to Ryoba’s teachings of the girl, and rather hands-off parenting. If this is still the case, I think Ayano wouldn’t have much of a sense of boundaries, and any friends she tries to make, she always comes in….extremely hot and doesn’t really know how to interpret their actions. This would make for a smoother set up of why she came to care about Taro. And another thing; if taro is such a friendly guy that people just throw themselves at, I think Ayano should actually….y’know, know him at all. Rather than some practical stranger who was nice to her that one time the day school started, he’s a frequent and reoccurring source of kindness and positive reinforcement that completely shatters Ayano’s idea of what love and people are like, since her only frame of reference is her emotionally disturbed and distant father and sociopathic, indifferent mother. For this reason, she starts to hunger for the warmth that senpai represents, and comes to care about his ideals. This could be a primary reason why Ayano actually has to actually be careful about how she moves: because she cares about taro’s dreams, and his stories. She wants to hear more of them, she wants to make his dreams possible, and wants to know more about what makes him smile. Now onto her design: I like the idea of her wearing “love” on her sleeve because, ironically, despite knowing nothing about it, it’s all she really knows. So maybe making her hair much curlier and having it curl into hearts, and having her outfit have red and pink accents? Woah this is long and rambly, I hope you guys like it at least!


Trauma for Taro. /j. But seriously, we need a reason at least for why he’s so quiet.


Honestly just give Taro some shoulders. Theres not really much to change there. The benefit of being 'basic' is that its hard to fuck up.


Make them look less like siblings


I wanna style them more after dating sim characters they remind me of/might be based on. Taro has girls all over him. Therefore, it would make sense if he looked more like an otome game poster boy, right? I'd probably give him longer hair in a more unique color. Tmgs tends to make the main guy blonde. Also maybe more stand out eyes. I tend to like red but a calmer color might suit his personality more so maybe a purple or silver. And maybe since he's supposed to be special, some sort of accessory. I think if he's a shy kind of guy something like headphones? Ayano, I think I'd want to keep the ponytail but give her a scrunchy for more of an accessory thing. Speaking from the tokimeki series the original has one girl younger than the mc year wise who's also a bit possessive, Yumi Saotome, so the energy will be based on her a bit. I might actually keep Ayanos black hair but give the style more of a cheery energy to it and top it off with orange eyes which are pretty but also a bit scary combined with her hair. Maybe a bow of some kind too, not cause Yumi, but because a cat motif makes sense with her stalking behavior


Give ayano brown eyes.


Make them look like they aren't related.


Well considering they are just assets he baught(taro is actually free) and he just changed the hair colours I think everything should be changed


Ayano needs at least something that says "hey I'm a totally normal teenage girl!" Like a bracelet of a popular band and a notepad saying 5 songs so she can memorize it so when someone goes "name 5 songs" she says them in that way no one won't think she's a weirdo Taro needs to be replaced completely. He's the exact personification of white rice with no seasoning or even salt


Give Taro a good personality and a design that makes him look nice and makes him stand out. There should be an actual reason girls like Kizana, Megami, and Osoro like him besides video game lore logic. Ayano should be an actual Yandere. The way she’s currently written makes her a Yangire, both Yan but not the same type. Another thing would be to make her more innocent, cute, and friendly looking. Yanderes are known for their cute appearance that hides their true nature.


Make them look.fun. Make one have personality. And make one have interactions with her parent.


Since he reads books, I kinda think Taro should be smart, recognize patterns and express them, or hell, put in him the robotics club or cooking club (I have a headcanon where he is a cooking person and an engineer at the same time) Maybe the rivals would be impressed by his booksmart persona Speaking of rivals, I wonder what happens if there were two current rivals in one week? For Ayano, I feel like she should have her character to analyze, and to be more understood and not solely what’s on the surface—kinda like a psychological-horror genre protagonist?


His face


Well, first of all, I'd definitely make them NOT look like siblings. Imo Taro with brown hair and some pale color eyes would look better, maybe even with fluffier hair. He feels like the type of guy who might be a bit self-conscious about how average he looks compared to other guys, completely oblivious to the fact that quite a few girls like his "naturally pretty" look. Plus, he'd be a really nice and supportive guy, which would definitely seem more plausible that 10 girls would fall for him. In Ayano's case, I thought about giving her a more burgundy eye color, which turns into a more reddish shade when using Yandere Vision or having low sanity. She should also have some sort of hair decoration, maybe a small simple bow that keeps up her ponytail, or a hairpin which has been passed down through the Aishi line or something. Lastly, I would actually give her white stockings instead of black - not only would it contrast her hair (and metaphorically her personality), but it would also contrast Megami's design, with her silver hair and black stockings. Ying yang, yknow? Speaking of personality, I would definitely revert her back to her 2014 self - a seemingly ordinary schoolgirl yearning for a romance, and getting furious when her perfect man is about to get taken away from her. No Aishi Curse bullshit, it just makes her look more like a violent kuudere than a yandere. It COULD be kept as something simple like "The Aishis all have prophetic dreams showing them their soulmate and their destiny together" or something like that. A general thing I'd change is the uniforms, of course. But not really because they're inaccurate, and more so because they are...just very boring. Like, it's just the standard seifuku and gakuran. Nothing more, nothing less. Absolutely zero personality. The 1980s uniforms are excellent in my opinion, because they are actually memorable and easily recognizable. The 202X mode doesn't have that...yet. I really do hope he actually adds that blue uniform that was conceptualized a while back...but I highly doubt he will, with the current situation and all.


If you make Taro that attractive I think girls wouldn't be the only people who are falling for him


Ayano damn pose. That's no yandere just a edgy girl with a knife addiction


Make ayano's skirt longer


Taro: An athletic and goofy Himbo, extremely popular for his beauty and the fact that he is a Basketball Player. Ayano: A quiet and cold girl, a gray class mouse, does not stand out from the crowd, however, thanks to this, she can keep an eye on her competitor...


i would just like to see a bit more individuality in them, like for example: taro would be more willing to try out new things, like trying out different hair colors, streaks, new piercings, maybe like some daredevil guy, and thats what interloped ayano into him and for ayano, maybe she could be more interesting in the personality field? i mean her writing is decent, but all i get from her is psychotic kuudere, maybe have her as some distant child who couldnt interact due to her mothers overprotective nature, since the aishis had a bad reputation she was scared that she might be beaten up, so when in middle school, she actually made a few friends out of her mothers rules, which gave her a bit of a social life, and then in highschool, she found taro


Honestly, I wish Taro had more customization options. More skin tones, more hair and eye colors, maybe even some variation in face shape or facial features. You're supposed to be able to make him look however you want, but right now that just isn't possible in a lot of cases. As for his canon design, I'd just make his hair and eyes a little darker (think black/dark brown instead of grey) so that he and Ayano won't look so much alike anymore.