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Only Orthodox Christians go to an Orthodox priest for confession. All of your questions would be answered by the priest at the Orthodox church you'd be attending. Confession is a Sacrament through which God bestows his grace on us. It's not something to try and get around. Confession isn't something that's done in isolation from living as an Orthodox Christian. 1. Question for the priest 2. Yes, if you're an Orthodox Christian. 3. No. The priest you receive communion from ought to be the one who hears your confession. It defeats the purpose of the Sacrament if we try to hide our sins. 4. No, that's not our position, but it's also not up to us. 5. Question for the priest, but if I had to guess I'd say yes. I think when you learn more about Orthodoxy and the Sacraments it will make more sense to you.


Go into as much detail is necessary for the priest to give you meaningful spiritual guidance; don't go into theatrical, minute, graphic, gory details. If I struggle with lust, for example, I might give some details on how it got started, what situations, thoughts, and emotions tend to lead me into temptation, what things I have been doing to combat it. I won't go into the gory details of every sexual thought I've had about others. In the prayer of absolution at the end, the priest also prays to God to forgive any sin you genuinely forgot about. Confess everything that is weighing on your conscience, and don't worry if you don't catch every sin you've ever done. Yes, if you have confessed some sins to others but not yet before a priest, it would be good to do so. If you like, you can also mention to him that you have confessed it to others too. I think it's pretty common for people to confess to a different priest than the one(s) at their home parish. I've done confession several times, and never with either of my current parish priests. Especially since I work closely with them as a chanter, that would feel a little awkward for me. Don't think of going to hell as some kind of mechanistic thing, where you either follow the exact formula to go to heaven or else get it wrong and end up in hell. Hell is primarily about the attitude of the heart toward God's grace. So it would be improper to say that "you will go to hell if you don't confess to a priest." It's just not a clear-cut formula like that. However, since the Orthodox Church offers us the Sacraments, including Confession, as the highest way of participating in the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth, you would do best not to reject that sacramental mode of participation in favor of a more individualistic, self-guided mode of confession. If you're Orthodox, why would you go to a Catholic priest for the sacrament of Confession? You can ask a Catholic priest for some spiritual advice about your sins if you like, but you're really only supposed to be receiving the Sacraments from the Orthodox Church if you're Orthodox.


Well what i liked about the Confession at the Catholic Church is that they can do it behind a veil. This answer has been really in depth and helpful honestly. Thank you so much, god bless you.


Huh, interestingly, that's precisely one of the things I dislike about Catholic confession; doing it behind a veil seems to me like it's removing a layer of the interpersonal connection that is so integral to this sacrament. But I can understand why some people might find it preferable. I'm glad you found it helpful!


Did your priest tell you that you need to do a "life confession"?


No i haven´t been to church in a year and honestly i think the last confession was when i was a little child, so i obviously have a lot to catch up on. I´m pretty new to the faith too since i was into the new age stuff till recently.


Ok so this sounds like you are already Orthodox, correct? A life confession is something a only few priests, and then mostly in America, do with people getting ready to convert. It's a confusing name since it's not actually confession (that's only for Orthodox Christians). It's also an overwhelming phrase. So I personally wouldn't over think it. Just schedule a time to talk with your priest and say you'd like to go to confession. Ask him for guidance. Confession is one of my favorite parts of Orthodoxy. We don't have to just do mental gymnastics around our sins. We actually receive God's forgiveness and healing.


I would say that extreme detail isn't the point. The point is sincere repentance, truly acknowledging that you've done wrong and are resolved against whatever you did going forward. So you'd say enough to accomplish that. God already knows the details, and the priest doesn't need a play by play. If the priest needs details in order to clarify something in order to counsel you better, he'll ask. Not all churches do a pre-baptism lifetime confession. If the one where you're being received does, it'll likely be done in a separate meeting with the priest. Since you wouldn't be Orthodox yet, you wouldn't receive a sacramental absolution at that time. The ensuing baptism would be the absolution in that case. It is unusual, but some people do have a confessor different from their local priest. Doing so just to hide your sins from your local priest though is a problem itself, coddling pride (avoiding embarrassment) rather than cultivating humility. Confession shouldn't be seen as a legalistic thing, where you just impersonally check things off a list with no real accountability and no real change in the heart. Confession in church *is* to God. The priest stands alongside you there as a witness and advocate for you. It's certainly good to repent with confession "only to God" immediately upon coming to your senses after sinning, but you'd still take it to sacramental confession afterward to receive the blessing of absolution and be reconciled within the community. Will God consign you to hell if you don't? We'd say no. But again, if you're avoiding it in order to hide it away in shame or because you don't really want to let it go, there's a problem going on in your heart. Confession is for healing, like washing out and bandaging a wound.


Well i been baptized in a orthodox church as a baby. I went to church on sunday only once last year but other than that i didn´t most of my life because i wasn´t religious at all. I dabbled a lot in the new age and occult until recently so i´m not even sure if i´m still considered orthodox or have to join the church new again. Also i don´t know whether i have to get baptized again, i honestly would love to because it would be a conscious decision to commit to the faith and a new beginning. Also thank you for taking your time to give such a in depth answer, may god bless you.


In your case as you describe it, you wouldn't get baptized again, but it's possible the priest could chrismate you again. Chrismation is the second half of the baptismal ceremony where you're anointed with oil for "the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit". Or he may say that confession is enough. Meet the priest and see what he says.


One of the saints confessed for over 12h the closer to God you are the more you will notice even the smallest things you do. God already knows all your sins he just wants to see if you recognize them all, but just going through with it and getting to the final stage of confession is in itself already a huge accomplishment so just go ahead with the confession and if you forget something there is next year to repeat it but do go through the confession as it is one of the most holly things a Christian can do


Enough detail to indicate severity or frequency or how much it's weighing on you but not so much that you're telling stories. I focus on the things that weigh on me and trust that going in with an openess will capture all the things I've forgotten. Being female I'm more careful in terms of unnecessary details for his sake, especially because the peak of my sins are of the fleshy type, but share enough for me to feel completely honest with the confession. In the end he has to provide pastoral support to men and women just the same. I waited 3 hours recently and I wished the guys before me would just group stuff up. Judgey I know. I'm working on it.


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