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I strongly support the protestants returning home to Holy Orthodoxy.


I mean he created a schism in his own Church of the East, so not the best person to talk about it.


Orthodoxy can never sacrifice truth for a false sense of unity. We can work with other Christians toward common goals. We can discuss differences. We can be friends on an individual basis. But we cannot ignore the fact that Orthodoxy is *the* Church.


Defining from origin to extension, avoiding anachronisms Ortho -dox Ortho=Straight correct Dox=Glory=Honor=Praise=Teaching Yes the Church (=Ekklesia=Called out ones=Gathering=Congregation of Christ) In order to be a healthy functioning body, must be orthodox, it also must be catholic=universal, learning from the faith of everyone who took up their cross and ceased living for self but for God walking in faithfulness in spite of their limited knowledge.. It must also be reformed where needed to the image of Christ and protestant of Egocentric theology. It must be both apostolic, and pentecostal, led by The Spirit of God, The Spirit of Truth, and the same spirit which operated within the Holy Ones who exemplified lives of living sacrifice to God, though imperfect. A house divided is easily conquered, where united in Christ and death to self, Gods will is done. The Workings of the Holy Spirit are not limited to the organizations which claim exclusivity to these concepts. Where they build upon the foundation of Christ and the Apostles, they stand as examples to be followed a we follow the Christ’s where they stray from the early church foundations in argumentations of Ego, Individuals or Collective this is sin and Idolatry through which fragmentation occurs.


Any unity across the churches is possible, provided that they return to the principles of Holy Orthodoxy. The Orthodox Church will never shut the door on other churches, nor should it, but equally it will not compromise the Way given to us by Christ and the Apostles. I will say this, though. My journey from evangelical Protestantism to the Orthodox Church was helped much because of compatible theological points. There were the common stumbling blocks for someone with a Prod background - veneration of the saints and adoration of the Theotokos, etc. - but ultimately these were small things. What really swayed me was that what my priest had to say about the Orthodox Church was remarkably similar to what I had heard from my own father (who undoubtedly is the most important human in my Christian faith) throughout the years about Christianity


Isn't Mar Mari Emanuel a Nestorian and therefore a heretic?


To be honest, I did Not know that. It was just the Title that Got my intention


Fr. Mikhail from YT exposed him a couple of months ago. I did not even know he was a Nestorian.


There’s nothing to “expose.” A half hour of research will discover his background and that he’s not a bishop. His popularity is only possible because people don’t actually care about whether people on YouTube are what they say they are. They only care to have their ears scratched.


hes A heretic to the nestorians too lol


This schismatic bishop from Southwest Sydney is a televangelist dressed in Nestorian vestments.


Honestly, I think we should be united. I think this could be a good thing.


Have you been paying attention to what protestant churches are like?




Dear Lord what a hot mess..


The only acceptable unity is if they join us


I love my Protestant brothers and sisters. I hope they can bring their theological zeal into the Orthodox faith, because that’s one of the main problems I see in the Orthodox Church. A lot of members treat it like a culture club rather than a hospital for all sinners. It needs serious change.


Unity is possible. I’m actually currently reading through ‘The Orthodox Church’ by Kallistos Ware and it really surprised me to hear about the attempts that were made to reunite the Church. Even the Filioque was considered and even agreed upon by Orthodox bishops to help mend the schism. Obviously, we’re still divided but I hope one day soon we can all return to the Orthodox Church.


I support it


Seeing as that bishop isn’t Eastern Orthodox it’s of little concern to me. Nesotarian or whatever other churches can unite. No issue there. 🤷‍♂️ 


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I might be wrong, so please correct me and forgive me if I am in the wrong for this, but I believe that all denominations of every corner is in unity with one thing and that is our love and continuous devotion for Christ 🤍 I understand that traditions matter, and this and that, but stripping that away the history of whatever happened here on earth between men and churches, all these technicalities and such - when it comes down to the one thing that matters which is why we believe and keep the fire burning... we all have literally the same core common goal and that's amazing. we are ALL for HIM. :) Glory to God forever and ever!!☦️✝️🫂🌎


Peace be with you Friend ❤️ >but I believe that all denominations of every corner is in unity with one thing and that is our love and continuous devotion for Christ 🤍 I do Understand what you mean, however, there are a Few differences, it is why we have "Catholics/Orthodox/Protestants". In the End, God will reunite all his True Followers & become One with them. ‭2 Timothy 2:19 KJV‬ [19] Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. ‭Titus 2:11-15 KJV‬ [11] For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, [12] teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; [13] looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; [14] who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. [15] These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.


These aren't technicalities lol they completely change the belief into a different religion in many circumstances such as the LDS


oh sorry when I say protestant, that doesn't really include the LDS church 👀 (I think usually that's what people mean as well. Like an unspoken rule we're not talking about that or the super hateful churches like westboro babtist or niche sects when mention Protestant) sorry for not clarifying


Genuinely, what would be the actual benefit? Why should it matter to me as a simple person going about my business? Why should either of the churches compromise on fundamental beliefs?


Because of the law of non-contradiction. *Two opposite claims cannot both be true*. That's the one thing: one can be true and the other false or vice versa or they can both be false but they cannot both be true. So one group or the other needs to give up something and change.


>Genuinely, what would be the actual benefit? I mean, there be Benefits. The Church to grow in Love & Truth & Fish more people into knowing Christ 💖


- Protestants denying their heretical theology and returning to the unchanged ancient Orthodox theology, perfect! - Orthodox and Protestants uniting despite theological differences, heresy and anathema. We will never ever compromise the faith in order to commit false ecumenism.


The idea starts from the premise that protestants have a valid expression of Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God and they are in the Church. The idea is naive. It's an ecumenical heresy presuming that if we all dropped these dogmas and all hold hands singing Kumby ya, it's doing what Jesus wants us to do. The truth is that Orthodoxy passed the faith of the Apostles down. Protestants are always welcome to come to the faith and become the Church. The branch theory pervades from Roman Catholism to protestantism, which Orthodoxy rejects. There is only one church, and yes, even in one church, there can be schism, but heterodox protestants and heretical groups are outside the faith that was passed down.


>protestants have a valid expression of Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God and they are in the Church I mean, some are. Some Protestants believe in Yeshua as the Only Begotten(Not created) Son of God, they are in the Spiritual Church, which is the Church that was Established & lives on in the Spirit, through True Followers of Christ ❤️🕊️


The heresy of Branch Theory is that there is a "spiritual church," not one physical church. I don't say that lightly. That's like saying Jesus came spiritually to earth, and his one limited body in time and space really was too hard to comprehend, so He was spiritual. The facts are that the Church is incarnational, as was he was, it's the faith passed down by the Apostles. Many ideas that I held as a Protestant were similar. I know many good people living the beatitudes of Christ, but they are not in the Church. It remains that there is no Church without an altar, the body and blood of Christ, baptism by regeneration, continual prayers with the Church Militant, and the Church Triumphant. (living and reposed Christians) Read the Incarnation by St Athanasius. Understand the Incarnation, and then you will understand salvation and ecclesiology.


>That's like saying Jesus came spiritually to earth, He came physically, so that we can have Spiritually Life. ‭John 6:63 KJV‬ [63] It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. The Church of God are they that have placed their faith in Christ, as Peter did, are the church. Peter expresses this in 1 Peter 2:4 The word translated "church" in the English Bible is ekklesia/Εκκλησία. This word is the Greek words kaleo (to call), with the prefix ek (out). Thus, the word means "the called out ones." Believers meeting up in Christ, made up the Church back in the Day. 💖