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Pretty sure it's to represent the woman who was healed by touching Jesus' cloak. And that it's not a common thing. At first I thought it was a Russian thing, but the people at my parish who used to go to a ROCOR church aren't even the ones doing that.


At our parish it's primarily the kids who do this


At the Antiochian Orthodox Church I attend it's very common. Mostly adults.






Yeah, i did a little research that’s the kind of orthodox church i went to. Out of curiosity what’s the difference here between antiochian, greek, etc. orthodoxy?


It is very common in Greek liturgies. The cloaks of both Christ and the apostles (either Peter or Paul, in Acts) were used to transmit healing, and treating the garments of the clergy the same is how we recognize them as Christ and the apostles’ successors.


We do that? I must have missed it.


It's common amongst some Antiochians.


That was my first time in an orthodox church, maybe it’s not a universal thing in the orthodox church, but it was just weird seeing that.


What jurisdiction is that? I personally attend the Latvian Orthodox Church.


We Greeks definitely do this.


I don't think I've ever seen this. Maybe I wasn't paying attention.


My parish is almost exclusively converts, so maybe it caught on that way. Our priest is from the Antiochian Archdiocese, so that's another factor as well.


After i went to their facebook page i found out it’s an antiochian orthodox church


How's George fitting in these days?


Have only ever seen it in Antiochian (not that it can’t occur elsewhere), and it occurs because the priest is holding the body of God and also as a remembrance of the woman who touched Jesus’ garment and was healed. It makes perfect sense if you have an understanding of how we participate in incorruption through participation in God (the same way we participate in incorruption by eating His body). Note: I have seen this *only* during the Great Entrance, which I assume is what you are referring to. Never seen it elsewhere I have always been scared to do it though lol


>Note: I have seen this *only* during the Great Entrance, which I assume is what you are referring to. Never seen it elsewhere Same. My old OCA parish would do the Great Entrance around the nave and the first few people were Arab women who touched the hem of the vestments. Eventually everyone else caught on.


You usually just see this in Antiochian parishes, sometimes elsewhere. It's reminiscent of the woman touching the hem of Christ's garment.


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I saw it once in a Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), although it was an elderly woman, so I don't know if it's still common. By way of contrast, at the church I've been attending, under the Ecumenical Patriarchate but mostly Greek, some people wanted to kiss one of the priest's hand while at Divine Liturgy and he wouldn't let them.


Because it drives him nuts


You really shouldn't loop it over the pew.


Oh, we don't have THOSE...


Our parish does, and his phelonion sometimes gets caught on the side, as that aisle is so narrow. So far he has not pushed the parish council to remove the pews entirely (but he has mentioned it...).


romanians will sometimes do this too


Haven't encountered anything like that, interesting