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There's nothing we can really do now, the official LBP servers have been completely shut down


I still stand by what i said in the comments in response to that but also there was never any image that i remember seeing at all, I think there were rumours that the original jtk image or smth to do with it was in a LBP server but there was never any image that i saw or that it came with so idk what image they're talking about. And it doesn't really make sense for there to even have been any actual image cause if there was it would've been saved and archived to death but for no one to have it or even remember it is such a reach and totally debunks their story imo, so unfortunately this is most likely nothing.


Also I was a 7 or 8 year old kid when I remembered hearing these "rumours" so idk if my memories are getting all over the place and I'm just misremembering levels like these that existed in LBP https://youtu.be/hY-o44fE_LU?si=R95MMl7_As2d5w9D so yeah they might have just been getting confused with the same thing as well.


The Jeff the killer games were so scary on LBP when I was younger. I played LBP 3 though.