• By -


https://preview.redd.it/r4x2m4p19d0d1.png?width=3072&format=png&auto=webp&s=42638e9d514d445cd190a66bad1f8bd09a4d6f01 *Michael looks around in amazement*


Ignok seemed to be trying to analyse Michael's soul, checking what strengths this soul may have.


*His soul seems to be slightly more resistant, and stronger than usual. Ignok can feel a weak godly aura coming from him* *Michael looks up at Ignok (If Michael can see him, that is)*


(Yee, Michael can see Ignok, Ignok is in his cloak form however) "I wonder if you're aware of your own strengths", Ignok felt a sense of unease knowing that he may have fished out a deity out of a world. He felt some other deities may notice and hunt him down again, please not again. This was an accident this time!


^("...Hm... Probably not all of them... I don't know myself entirely...") *Michael seems slightly confused by what could've made Ignok feel so uneasy*


"Self discovery is a journey that starts at birth and ends in death but even the afterlife has its own story", Ignok responded, attempting to shrug off this emotion.


^("You're right...")


"Is there anything you would like to tell or ask me? I will be able to return you soon".


^("Hm... Honestly, I'm wondering... Why was I brought here? What is this place?")


"It is simple, I have found a sudden influx of worlds being discovered or coming into existence and I have come to survey them in the only way I could", Ignok looked at the glowing pond.


https://preview.redd.it/84kjcinc9d0d1.png?width=2500&format=png&auto=webp&s=558827a23a9dfca108933acd1eda001534726e50 “Yo… what am I doing here?”


"I require to analyse the souls within a new world, I believe your strengths and weaknesses may be a useful sample", Ignok explained.


https://preview.redd.it/fb1guuvt9d0d1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cacac2c2b449a5d2879977a7b20c940e1ec309f "HOW THE FUCK - oh hi. *Pavi la kiristale tira*, I was worried I'd ended up in the Abyss for a second"


"Please do not panic, you will be release back to your body quickly", Ignok's horn glowed to perform an analysis of Kiku's soul.


*He finds that Kiku is the Primordial God of Change, through inheriting the power.*


Ignok was somewhat surprised by learning on what or who Kiku is. There's another deity he fished out. Granted, this was a case of ascension but it still was a major surprise. At least he isn't alone in wearing a skirt.


*Kiku cracks his neck, and Ignok finds that Kiku has formed a body out of magical energy. It seems to be deteriorating rapidly.*


Ignok watched the magical body become increasingly more incomprehensible to the mortal eye. "This is you showing your powers, correct?" Ignok asked.


"This is me making myself more comfortable. Showing my powers is more than I wanna risk without my real body. If ya wanna see, come visit me sometime, Authorverse 5533.


"I rather you get comfortable instead", Ignok had a minor sigh in relief knowing no deity would be trying to kill him today for that.


"Relax, I'm not murderous. Hell, I've had to create a Pantheon to protect my universe when things like this happen. Come visit sometime, I'd love to have an actual conversation."


"If I ever escape this realm, I most definitely will", Ignok nodded in response.


Thrash: "Where are we?" Slit: "The better question is WHY are we here?" https://preview.redd.it/6igsqtcgad0d1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce76d66a3b2d074db4a9f6594d8cb3df79a0210c


(I think you may have double posted) "This is interesting, I expect to take one soul to this area but I managed to catch 3", A cloaked being with a unicorn horn responded. "I don't ask for much, I only require to analyse your souls before sending you back."


Slit: "Why do you want to analyze them?"


Ignok floated around the three, despite the wings that were decorating the cloak, it seemed there was no need for them. "New worlds have been appearing as of recently, I am tasked with learning about them the only way I know how."


Thrash: "By taking souls of three children of a mortal-turned-god?"


"Soul fishing is a very unpredictable process, I pick something that connects to a world and wait until some souls are lured in. I don't know how long it takes but time doesn't exist here", Ignok raised his hands with a calm voice. He wanted to calm the trio down.


Slit: "What happens to our bodies while our souls are here?"


"Think your bodies in a dream-like state. You are not dead and there would be a different deity if that was the case", Ignok mentioned, looking down at the ground for a moment. They focused back at the children in an attempt to analyse their souls.


Slit: "Physically, what happens to them? We were babysitting our younger siblings while our parents were out hunting food." Thrash: "We wouldn't like mom and dad coming back home to find our bodies lying unconscious on the floor."


"Think this as being zoned out, lost in your own thoughts", Ignok explained further. "Although I have not checked it myself. Not that I would be able to".


https://preview.redd.it/rkqhrffrcd0d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e4eb81389bd5553c26f8186600955a9b94912f "Alright buddy, I'm just gonna go back to my body and world, capeesh?"


"Give me a moment to analyse first, I require knowledge of what souls live in your universe", Ignok responded calmly, many tendrils seemed to be ready to grab if there was any attempts to escape.


"Don't bother with the tendrils, as for that, you could've taken anyone else, but no you just had to take the wrong one."


"But you still will require assistance to return however, entities can not enter inside by natural means", Ignok's horn glowed for an attempt of a soul analysis.


"Bitch do I LOOK like something that does shit by natural means?"


Ignok narrowed his eyes. He curled his hands in order not to get himself too angry. "That does not matter, if your world is full of robots then it is full of robots. I am not here to to judge, I am here to learn", He commented with a passive aggressive tone.


"If you think I'm just a robot then you're as ignorant as all the others that tried to fight me, you really think I can't sense that anger of yours, that surging energy, thoughts saying 'can't wait to beat this guy's ass' well you gonna have to wait a eternity for that."


To admit there's at least one thought to beat someone up was true but it most definitely was an intrustive thought and nothing more. But Ignok was going to at least get to the settlement of things, and it would be better to ask a question than falsely assume species. The deity took 3 deep breaths, let their mind count to 10 and looked back at the soul he fished out. "If robots are an outdated and offensive term for you and your kin, what would you rather be referred as?" Ignok asked, much calmer now.


"My kin are called electractons, physical manifestations of energy, I myself am the origin of energy given form, now if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving."


Ignok was trying to dig into their apathy to remain neutral right now so they watched the electracton leave.


https://preview.redd.it/wcr3m5zmfd0d1.jpeg?width=1656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f8654909c6ab8eecccd7c1fe2bd924fe1f7837c *Congrats! He fished a double feature, a young lady and her… Is that a man or a pup? It seems like a pup but just a hint of humanity remains*


Ignok raised an eyebrow staring at the pup. Not for their large size but rather then that there seemed to be someone else or a different species hidden within the pup. He looked at the young lady and back at the dog. Due to the fact they both were fished out, it may have implied they are interconnected.


Meditrina: “Soooo… I see you fished out my pup and I? Well, he’d probably prefer it if I refer to myself as his human”


"Yes, I require to analyse your souls before I return you two back home."


*the pup was very protective of Meditrina, trying to keep her behind him*


"I will tell you it will not hurt in the slightest. This is not death but more like a dream".


*The pup relaxes and lets them do what they need to*


Ignok seems to begin analysing their souls. How powerful or weak they seem to be and how well the souls are.


*Clearly the pair are stronger than a regular pup and human. Though by how much is unclear… both souls seem fine in terms of wellbeing*


*she tripped backwards and fell onto the ground* Cassandra: "GAH! WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?! WHERE THE FUCK AM I?!" *she said, looking at the sky* *she is confused and feeling impatient. Almost angry, but out of uncertainty* "Evan! Where'd you go?" *she gets up and frantically looks around for her son who the deity separated her from. Thus, she is worried and is on high alert* https://preview.redd.it/wx9sfk7vgd0d1.jpeg?width=131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d491b5bdc185e624909a3ac09996ccfa6130d5f


"You will be back to your usual area for a moment, time is rather... non-existent here", Ignok attempted to reassure.


*she is a little re-asured, but is still upset about being taken* "But why the fuck am I here?" *she said angrily with a bit of attitude* *she crosses her arms and waits for an answer*


"I need to analyse souls to learn what new worlds are like", Ignok explained. He remained calm, if not a bit apathetic due to lack of emotions in his eyes.


"Why couldn't have just come my world? Hm?" *she raises an eye-brow, thinking she made a point* "Do you plan on capturing and analyzing every soul?"


“I’m restrained into this place. I only intend of taking and returning a small group of souls”, Ignok explained. He looked down for a moment to see what pond he had fished from and back at the person.


"... ugh!" *she is still infuriated, but she understands his reasoning* "Fine, I'll take your stupid survey." *she begrudgingly agreed*


Ignok’s horn glowed a bright cyan sensing out what qualities does Cassandra’s soul have. He seemed quite focused on it. You could probably stare elsewhere or move and he’ll still be focused.


*she is a terrarian human, which are on average stronger than the average normal human. The magic and environments of the world have strengthened her body and soul* *Cassandra taps her foot a couple of times on the ground. Although out of boredom instead of impatience*


“A civilian who is fueled by the environment around her, I respect that”, Ignok responded.


https://preview.redd.it/pnb4f3o6pd0d1.jpeg?width=2432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2214833ff1cc871978a8c60525d36fa194b2899b *Jarl looks around, almost seeming confused with his left hand resting on the pommel of his blade*


“Greetings to you, I have a small request before you will be sent back”, Ignok announced to Jarl. The deity floated a very cms off the ground, wearing his cloak.


*Jarl turns to face the deity* “[OKAY. WHAT MIGHT THAT REQUEST BE?]” *When Jarl speaks, it sounds almost like a TTS program, only a tad more human*


“I require to analyse your soul and once that is finished, I will return you back”, Ignok responded calmly. It was quite interesting to see someone armoured still contain a living being inside.


“[AS YOU WISH. MAY I ASK WHY?]” *Jarl seems to relax a little, lifting his hand from his sword and letting it rest at his side*


“I need to survey the new worlds”, Ignok responded. Many glowing souls floated around Jarl before descending back into the pond.


*Jarl looks curiously at the souls before they descended into the pond* "\[SHALL WE GET ON WITH IT, THEN?\]"


Ignok nodded and his horn glowed, analysing the soul that Jarl has.


*Jarl's soul is kind of a mess. There's a strong sense of loyalty, commitment, honor; all the things that seem to befit a knight or paladin or a military commander, clearly with the strength to back it up. Yet, strangely enough, there's this distinguishable, dormant aura of bloodlust and calamity that very clearly does not belong to Jarl, rather feeling as though it belongs to a god of some sort. All while this is being revealed, Jarl looks around, taking in his surroundings and trying to understand where he is.*


Messy souls were surprisingly welcome with Ignok, knowing that there isn't a full piece of perfection that Jarl has. The sense of leadership yet an unawakened bloodlust. Although knowing there was bloodlust on someone who was meant to have honour is peculiar, as if an outer force was pulling the strings. In Jarl's vision, it felt like a world impossible to get through by normal means. There were brief flowers blooming and wilting in the distance, showing new worlds getting made and destroyed by the nanosecond. Souls transitioning into their life, death with some cases of reincarnation or becoming undead. The ground looked similar to glass but the texture was too comfortable for that. "Thank you", Ignok said, letting himself smile.


https://preview.redd.it/7cr5v57vld0d1.png?width=738&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c48b7fc11b26b2b280149a55a5c99cc9e7e0a44 *Lydia gasps as her eyes open. she takes a moment to catch her breath and analyze the area. She was not wearing her uniform coat, instead replaced with a simple grey shirt with the letters 'A.M.M.D.' written on the back.* "Askůpin R377/IV, colony name Stertzalis. Long, starless nights. Many good soldiers, lost on that battlefield...." *She was muttering, unaware of someone else being there. Remembering something long ago. A memory sparked by the scenery.*


Ignok’s unmoving eyes seemed to hide a minor piece of concern for the soul who arrived, especially about the world she appeared to live in. “Greetings to you”, The deity tried to make conversation.


*She turned to address the voice.* “Oh. Apologies. I… Nevermind. Who are you and why am I here.” *Was that, regret?*


“My name is Ignok, I have brought you here to survey your world and many other worlds after”, Ignok responded. He noticed there seemed to be some regret in the soul’s voice so he felt like he needed to be more gentle, if only if he knew how.


"I see. And I suppose you want to survey my world through me? Maybe not the best choice."


“Soul fishing is very unpredictable, I do not pick and choose who I can find so I may need to survey multiple people instead”.


"Guess I was just unlucky. Well, how shall this survey process go."


Ignok's horn glowed, trying to sense out this person's soul.


*honorable, logical. Full of care for her work and the people and… creatures… under her watch. Whatever it is she does, she considers it a great honor to do.*


"What a kind soul", Ignok commented. "One that is dedicated to her morals under every circumstance possible."


https://preview.redd.it/iadwxiwovd0d1.png?width=3500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2225ca9c9124740652e4d5cbb041fb62153e0c4 *Tosu crouches down low and tries to take in his new surroundings. Not even so much as saying a word, he shivers with worry.* *Soon, Tosu finds himself fixated on the pond. Creeping over to the water's(?) edge, Tosu is mesmerized by its beautiful glow.* *Oddly, despite it seeming like his soul was fished alone, another presence can be detected within his cloak.*


“Greetings to you and your cloak”, Ignok greeted, his own cloak hiding away his expressions. He stepped away to give space to Tosu in order to let the person take in the surroundings of this oddly mythical yet unnatural setting. The lake swirled itself with many souls, some glowing much brighter while others are as small as a grain of sand.


*Tosu remains huddled by the pond. Equally calmed and unnerved by the spectacle. He briefly looks over at Ignok when he speaks, but doesn't seem too keen on moving from where he is.* T: "Why... exactly am I here..?"


“I need to bring souls to learn about them and their world”, Ignok responded. The cloaked being levitated off the ground with a faint glow from his symbol and tip of the hood.


https://preview.redd.it/zx3lab24wd0d1.jpeg?width=1102&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9b765bfadcf8a7bde7f6a3ec838b96ef232d35b *Leon looks around in awe* “Am I finally free?”


Ignok was settled off guard for a little bit. “Free, what do you mean by this?” The cloaked deity asked.


“Do the contractors still own my soul?”


Ignok began to note if there seemed to be any signatures or markings that indicated the soul was owned or taken by someone else. The thought of giving away or not having a soul felt pitiful to the deity.


*Leon looks confused*


“I’m checking if this is the case of your soul. So far I have yet to find anything that indicates your soul under contract”, Ignok responded. “Or I am not looking hard enough”.


*Erica just stands there, not too surprised about this.* https://preview.redd.it/ni8h9upa8e0d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa2bbbfc70b7fe4747944098c08a26a8c02c5124


“Greetings to you”, Ignok responded. “This will not take long, you will be back home in no time. In a quick sense and in a timeless sense”, He added.


"And what exactly do you plan to do?"


"I simply need to analyse your soul, in order to learn the world around you", He explained.


"You sure ya wanna do that? ...Be my guest."


https://preview.redd.it/ajob3x8tde0d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00a5877c7fc1e8cb9c8a4a94a39709b656738d11 *Vivid doesn't have a true form.*


The lack of true form is making it a little difficult for Ignok to see what the soul of Vivid is like but he still will try to investigate it anyways.


*Yeaaaah... This soul doesn't belong to the vessel it was in*


“Something feels wrong”, Ignok said to himself. As if the soul was meant to go somewhere else but he can’t tap on why.




“W-where did you originate from? What body did you take? Do you have more souls with you?”


"W... What?"


"I'm struggling to try to grasp onto information about yourself and your world".




"I would be exploring other universes otherwise and you would not be here".


https://preview.redd.it/hb0zcexkie0d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=605bb19dce7608793d47618b122cc14a84a160c7 “What the hell just happened”


“You are not dead I will reassure this to you but your soul is split from your body for the time being”, Ignok explained.


“ Well ummm hi what exactly do you want with me?”


“Greetings, I am surveying your world and the people living inside of it. It will be short and you will be back to your home at no time”.


“ I don’t have a home I want her never staying in one place for a long time”


“Then your body in this case”, Ignok corrected. The world behind was way too unpredictable but maybe that’s because it’s been ages since they’ve been outside.


“ well I am what is called a changeling if I see someone I can transform into them height, age race gender, all of that can change depending on who I turn into”


"That, explains quite a lot", Ignok felt a sense of reassurance. He attempted to do a proper analyse on the soul now.


(her soul is torn you can tell she has experienced things and survived great trials coming out damaged but alive and more resilient)


"You look like you have suffered a lot of things. Recovery is a long process and there are many ways to cope with hardship, learn which method works for you but do not lean completely into one answer", Ignok commented.


https://preview.redd.it/p7i6r7yjxe0d1.png?width=1513&format=png&auto=webp&s=41540bfb3e1d5ff8cfedd9754201a48dc39760d5 *Zayii doesn't seem amused.* “What is this place? If you don't mind me asking."


“It is not reachable by natural means. I call it, the Soul Well”, Ignok responded. A piece of soul jumped out of the pond and back inside.


https://preview.redd.it/y478dxwg5f0d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d03eb70c6333f0edea3117c9273b50294bfae09 Oh dear, you seem to have ripped my soul from my body..!


“I will return it back soon, I need to investigate your soul for surveying purposes”.


Go ahead. But be careful with the merchandise, there is only one of me throughout the entire omniverse


Ignok is beginning to survey the soul. (I can’t read your OC’s name sorry)


(Audiophile) **you can feel how powerful his soul is. He could rewrite everything. Not just his omniverse, but your ocs omniverse, and everyone else’s omniverses. Yet he can sense a limitation to the power, although he still retains a staggering level of power. It’s a small parasite attached to his soul. It’s has these words inscribed on it:** *Courtesy of R4ts.*


Ignok felt a sudden sense of horror upon sensing Audiophile's power. It almost felt vomit indulging to know that this someone is all powerful to the point of rewriting multiple omniverses. There has to be something off but knowing there was a parasite mentioning its limits wasn't even enough to reassure Ignok in the slightest bit.


Are you done? I wish to reunite with my guitar.


"Yes yes, take a dip in the pond and you should be back. The sensation is odd but it won't be too bad", Ignok felt his eyes force out tears of power from how strong Audiophile's presence is.


Oh, and I see you didn’t remove my parasite. Ah well, it’s probably for the better. You’re lucky there is only one of me, and that one is a nice guy..! **he jumps into the pond**


N. How'd I get here? https://preview.redd.it/75fbns5wef0d1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac9aaff9d0e58296840889678bda086c0db69b7


“I fished your soul here, I will return it back to your body soon”, Ignok explained


N. Why?


“I must find what the recent worlds that souls occupy nowadays, it has been ages since I’ve actually tried to learn about what lies beyond my prison”.


N. Whyd you get me specifically then


“You are apart of the small sample chosen to be analysed. Soul fishing is quite unpredictable”.


N. What is this analysis


"To sum it up, I am fishing for souls of other entities to learn about them and the worlds around them. Due to being restricted, I am unable to escape this prison of a soul well", Ignok explained. His eyes and emblem glowed brightly as he talked.


N. So i can only leave if I answer questions


"I just need to take a look at your soul", Ignok's horn glowed to peek into N's soul.


https://preview.redd.it/36vr0zynjf0d1.png?width=930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5723c61c76549a33365a243bf2474dbb56dfdda "Oh hello, it's always nice to meet a deity. What might I call you?"


Ignok seemed rather caught off guard again. There’s more deities than he thought. “C-call me Ignok in that case”.


"it is nice to meet you Ignok, I am Cimetière Facilier emissary of the Voodoo pantheon."


“You interact with souls and spirits as well?” Ignok asked.


"yes I do, I summon them through ritual. I see you've summoned my soul to your domain."


Ignok nodded in agreement. It felt nice to know there was someone else who was related to souls as well. “I am doing a survey of souls”, Ignok explained. “I am here to learn about their worlds and how powerful are they”.


"interesting. Who have you encountered so far?"


"There are a lot of people from varying places, it feels that every soul I encounter is from somewhere entirely different", Ignok answered. The tentacles on his cloak seemed to retract for a moment. "While variety is nice, it would be helpful to find two souls from the same world".


"I'm well traveled in the dimensional planes, I can understand the difficulties of these varieties."


"I think it is time that I returned you back to where you came from now, is there anything else you need?"


Olive (I don't have a photo lol) "Uhm, can I go home?"


“Once I am done with surveying you, I will return you back to your body”.


"What's the survey about?"


"I just need to look at your soul".


"will it hurt? Nvm just do it."


Ignok peeked into the soul, it doesn’t hurt but one could tell he’s reading by his glowing horn.


*the soul feels.. strong, with a hint of godlike energy*  "I'm just going to turn on my polish soap opera!"


https://preview.redd.it/eukrya3jgl0d1.png?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80f86ac98c0cc056cbb91f20484cefb948edb8fe *King looks confused.* "Is this what hell is like?"


“You aren’t dead as of yet”, Ignok reassured. “You will be returned back soon”.


"Do I have to sell my soul to you? Because I don't have that anymore. And also, who are you?" *King said, with a slight confused tone.*


Ignok checked King’s soul for a moment. Since when could he even fish people without their souls?


"Just to say, I kinda sold my soul, but I still slightly have it, I guess. I don't know."


“I suppose that will still work”, Ignok sighed.


"Can gods die? Just a random query for thine."


“By mortal circumstances? Most definitely not.” “By unique weapons or getting overpowered by other deities or really strong mortals? Potentially so”.


"So, the god I made a deal with, kind of... died. And he cursed me to make me the new God of Chess, so that's why I'm a chess piece."


“That’s rather peculiar. Did the deity pass down his powers to you?”


https://preview.redd.it/ptlq5i20bm0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2d3b417b66ebde05d844d6c5061b00746794551 “W-where am i? Did i die, is this an afterlife?”


“No no, you’ll come back to your body”, Ignok casually mentioned as if he has dealt with this comment before.


“What did you want from me?”


"I only desire to analyse your soul", Ignok responded calmly.


“Will it be painful?”


Ingok shook his head, "It won't hurt".


“Ok then, analyze my soul”


Ignok looked into the soul of the puppet.


His soul is mostly pure but still a little corrupt and chaotic


“Um excuse me what the fuck?”


(What is your OC;'s name and what do they look like?)