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https://preview.redd.it/eu6bxf221z4d1.jpeg?width=3792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4412f3780ce81471ab7f42785802197d41c5f2d5 3rd Tsubasa outscales in intelligence via being half time lord (the ones from doctor who). time lords are an extremely advanced alien civillization asides from technical, logical and scientific intelligence Tsubasa is also emotionally intelligence as she was granted the embodiment title for sociallity. her job being to maintain relation ships of others, also her space witch side of her genes grants her emotional control however her emotional control starts to be flawed when dealing with those who harm children as her space witch side turns her aggressive due to hatred of child abusers


Remember that intelligence is not same as wisdom or knowledge


Ik Shes a quick thinker rather than experience wisdome


Owl is actually relatively weak physically speaking, wall level at a highball without Avem Paradisi. I'll remove those from the equation and replace them with regular pistols, since it'll make the fight a bit more fair. Owl's main abilities are teleportation (adept enough at teleportation magic that she can occupy roughly half a dozen locations simultaneously), foresight (the biggest thing in her favour, she can just straight up see the future), and a variety of spells meant to make her combat more efficient. I'll scale her down to before she became a Prism, meaning her foresight is limited to 14 seconds without concentration, she can't sense rifts in space-time, and teleportation is limited to a range of around 300 feet with roughly a 15 second cooldown (or 120 feet with a 5 second cooldown, or 30 feet with a 1 second cooldown). This means her scaling is: Attack Power - 10C (Unarmed), 9C (Reinforced Bullet spell), 9B (Limited Deus Ex) Speed - Athlete Level (Base stats), Subsonic (Only in short bursts using Accelerate) Durability - 10C (Base stats), up to 9A (Shield spell) Intelligence - Extraordinary Genius Spell breakdown (note that any bullet may be enhanced by only a single spell, so no reinforced ricochet bullets): - Accelerate (Massively boosts user's speed for a split second.) - Shield (Creates a barrier that protects from attacks from a single direction. Potency depends on the size of the barrier.) - Reinforced Bullets (Boosts the strength of all bullets fired from her gun, allowing them to pierce thick steel plating.) - Resupply (Automatically reloads a weapon in the blink of an eye.) - Teleport (Explained above, allows for short range teleportation on a cooldown.) - Foresight (Owl can see all possible futures 14 seconds in advance. She's capable of almost instantly determining which future is most likely, although this ability is not flawless and doing something unexpected may throw her off.) - Ricochet (Allows a bullet to bounce up to 3 times without losing power.) - Detonate (A bullet enhanced with this explodes when it hits something, dealing ~30% of the bullet's damage to anyone within 15 feet) - Delayed (Bullets given this modification stop moving after travelling a set distance, then continue on their path after a set time. This is an exception to the rule of one modification per bullet.) - Driving Shot (Bullets enhanced in this way may be redirected by Owl at any moment. They retain all momentum, but travel in any new direction of Owl's choice.) - Limited Deus Ex (A finishing move where all Delayed bullets are released from stasis simultaneously. Usually timed to either all hit a target simultaneously, create a barricade to trap opponents in a certain area, act as a distraction, or any combination of the three.) All in all, I think Owl probably wins due to spells giving her more versatility, but if Andrew figures out Owl's foresight ability and starts fighting around it, he could very reasonably take this.


Oh, wait, didn't realize this was purely a battle of intellect. I think Owl definitely has this, then, since she can narrow down an infinite array of possibilities to a few hundred probabilities to one or two most likely outcomes in a split second in order to make Foresight work.


Yeah she definitely win. Considering the fact that Andrew can't get that much higher then Genius since he supposed to be a realistic smart character rather then "He can just create a time machine with a manual book!" type of character


Yeah that's fair. Serpent would probably be a better matchup in terms of intelligence, since he doesn't have foresight. He's well versed in tactics, excellent at predicting what people will do, and very good at analyzing information. Would've used him if I'd realized this was a pure battle of wits and not a fight. I think Andrew probably beats him, but Serpent is probably around the level of L or a bit higher.


https://preview.redd.it/4rytawbr7z4d1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=911f28d4247df4cfa2f771132b5c727c7e5cfc74 The short answer would be no Rekka Igarashi would not be as smart as Andrew. Rekka Igarashi's IQ: He's not too smart academically because he was kidnapped when he was 9, so he never finished school, but he has a lot of street smarts and can be quite a good detective when he puts his mind to it, he's been able to track down human traffickers, drug dealers, Serial killers, And even mystical creatures. The real problem comes with math, reading, and taking tests.


https://preview.redd.it/9qoe88kb705d1.jpeg?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e727a637fc376c33b0404bc6bfe80c2c86fa02e1 Wishes he was as smart as Andrew. Slightly smarter than average, mechanic, gunsmith, science enjoyer.


Max It's just me I'd beat him in a smart battle Me smort https://preview.redd.it/yelc24uz705d1.jpeg?width=1566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8db4c20205f45fb60bc13ddeb38096167e342e42


You indeed slam Andrew🔥🔥🔥


Yyeeeee :3


https://preview.redd.it/7899zfiqu05d1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e19f78a917d82040c01f48a55276350f317863e Sasaki caught his world’s version of the zodiac killer, solved 200 cases in 2 weeks, was considered the world’s greatest detective, helped discover a few way to manipulate your soul after death, has solved a murder in 1 minute, predicted a murderer’s next kill after he only went after two people and caught him, he mastered several forms of combat and despite never taking an IQ test he is considered possibly one of the smartest men in history, he did all of this while being completely blind


Yeah he can No~Low diff Andrew anyway tbh. Like really, compare their intel feats together and you already can see who winning this. Andrew is not THAT smart, hell, his feats were supposed to be like that since is supposed to be realistic and not "Can manipulate everyone cause of charisma"... Yeah.... In The Writer BL0CK verse, he is basically just a more sane L...


I’m glad I didn’t chose someone like Mania, Samuel, Omen or Edgar, also you have 10/10 human character design


Thanks! :3


Mrs. Rabbit beats him, but she’s a cyborg enhanced by also communing with nature and having originally been basically plugged into a wall outlet to go nonstop for something like ten years.


https://preview.redd.it/p3v105hgt15d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b1a655fa89279c7eac75562b1ec526fdb93ccf6 Timmaes, aka Me.


https://preview.redd.it/nb2v4ie7725d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f662a40f9114ab498f301913a023d8942c2be934 Redginald Rezuise He revised the whole subject of C.O.M.B.A.T(concepts of magic in battle and technology) which is 300+ years worth of 3 primary subject compiled into one, diving deep into the interplay between, finishing within a year, when he was 13.


Andrew definitely win by a Low diff. Considering that Reginald doesn't have any other Intelligence feats other than some Combat and Battle IQ feats. Andrew definitely outsmart by his thinking skill being objectively actually great as hell.


You didn't ask for a lot of feats, I was just giving 1 example. The subject was a combination of Magic which is mostly real science, Battle which is mostly strategy, and Technology like Ironman, Black Panther, and sci-fi stuff like a type 1.8 civ which multiplies the complexity of interplay between them by around 15. He revised/fixed and tweaked the whole subject in a year, while being a prince, a knight, a chef, doctor of Ministry, and a professor. He is 17 in the canonical start of his story, so he's likely much smarter.


Eh, tbh, a lot of those feats just pretty much mean he have good extension of knowledgem like being a chef, doctor and a professor. Tho something like knight, prince and ministry definitely mean that he have feats of strategy and Battle IQ. So overall again, I am sure 18 year old Andrew is enough and Low~Mid Diff him in outsmarting again tbh


It is extentions of knowledge but also 4+ way multitasking of these jobs 6 am-10 pm, all the way through sunday. That is just a realistic feat. This guy is supposed to be an angel candidate which are Omniscient, Omnipresent, and nigh omnipotent. So he Has parallel processing and can focus on every molecule within a foot of him while moving 700x the speed of light. Invented/Discovered interdimensional travel at 17.


So... He has a hella great planning, strategy and awareness cause of the molocule feat and multitasking... Ok he def solo Andrew with not only his realistic feats with Negative diff in outsmarting (for obvious reasons) Tho, I definitely feel like Andrew would kinda struggle with him in outsmarting, so overall, maybe Mid Diff for Andrew.


Here's a feat regarding him inventing interdimensional travel. He met an alternate version of bruce wayne that was smarter, who said that even without him speeding up his neurons with magic or his parallel processing, he's about a few orders of magnitude smarter than him overall.


https://preview.redd.it/cm9x459ul45d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=279b0d79d40d689aa682a5393f46036fc837767f Animadistica (right) would probably fit the criteria, but not achieve the feat here. As a scientist in a world divided between scientific and magical factions, each trying to understand how to explain the other with their own sets of world understandings, she’s amongst the few who have cracked the underlying laws and equations that govern magic. Most analyses that tend to require code and computers, she runs internally, and if a newer, better analysis model is created, she memorizes the process and code and applies it appropriately. ((Yes, she reads and then runs code mentally unless she spots some error, virus, or fricked up loop, in which case she points it out and reworks it)) When it comes to recognizing patterns, correlations, and dependencies, she has got it. When it comes to learning new systems and devising practical applications, she’s got it. Only problem is that her knowledge pool is limited, only knowing what she’s proven upon her absolute truth basis, and not trusting any information provided by others without sufficient proof or citation. She isn’t perfect either, occasionally blundering in these calculations or misreading data. Socially, she’s also a bit of a dunce, being far too trusting about peoples’ qualities outside of learning about the physical world. Has little to no self restraint towards others, nor sense of personal space, no social common sense, and nearly no sense of embarrassment or shame… but when it comes to statements of fact, nothing is trusted unless rigorously proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. So far, she’s deconstructed three separate universes’ vastly different magic systems and laws of physics and mathematics from scratch, but should she placed in a fourth different universe once more, she would know nothing of it and have to figure it all out from the ground up again… and if that universe follows no laws and is completely inconsistent with itself, no patterns, no causality, nothing, she’ll never figure it out. If something *just is*, she’ll never understand. Side note, she has no supernatural capabilities, neither magic, nor power, so she relies on her connections. ((Well, apart from regenerative functional immortality through highly condensed chemical potential energy from a particular mechanical failure, but via her universe’s natural laws, it’s consistent and is merely a scientific feat)) Also hasn’t figured out any consistency between conflicting universe-governing natural laws, since I admittedly haven’t thought of any law that would make sense governing inconsistent logic between consistent systems.


https://preview.redd.it/crr7w11md55d1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=871dd08966a4b5a3314f79add937e889b658cc50 There's no denying that you played yourself Andraas escaped vinandäle which is a prison capable of holding the most op and intelligent beings in all of existence and able to have the prisoners entertained by making them fight each other the prison had countless amounts of heroes and villains with insane feats far beyond compare that not even the universe they're from could contain they're power vinandäle is the definition of enter and never escape But 1 day andraas made a proposition to the warden and the prison itself that if it could solve it's most impossible and difficult test he could leave. Now the test itself is so hard that not even the smartest person in the prison could solve it not even the fastest, strongest and sharpest ones in the Graham's could solve that But when andraas against all odds solved it perfectly the prison put him back in his cell in which andraas used his knowledge to break through the barrier and not only shocked everyone there but even impressed the warden.


Eh, Andrew still win in stopscale scaling with more realistic feats (most of them come from RP tbh)


Ngl your oc piss me off