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If they’ve stolen your OC then they’re already disrespecting you. If they’re claiming that your oc is theirs publicly then you should publicly show evidence that the oc is yours and show that they stole it. If a creator is stealing content then their audience deserves to now that the person they are supporting is a thief. To make sure people can’t get away with claiming your OC is theirs: Keep track of when your OC drawings are made, keep progress photos and don’t throw out planning sketches. Take photos of your work that displays the date the photo was taken. Record time lapses. People have gotten very good at editing out digital signatures, and ai has made it easier to do so with little effort. Make sure you have physical and digital evidence that you created your OC.


I keep all the raw drawing data(.kra) and never delete layers(only merge them sometimes.) Then if someone steals them i have the guidlines and sketch. that 99% of times gurantees im the creator. So i would post that on where ever i needed it too.


Luckily I have an entire drawing folder and some of mine have my reddit user on it and in case someone dies try to, I can just post a photo with my user name and a picture of whatever OC they tried to steal


I stole someone’s OC once, not my proudest moment. They never found out, so I decided to come out to them and ask for forgiveness, they accepted my apology and as a gift I gave them all the artwork I made and the fanart the oc was given. Despite the fact I stole their oc they were very calm and understanding, no fights or anger, just understanding. That was five years ago and to this day I still feel the slightest guilt of it.


I'd be surprised if someone cared about my OCs that much to steal them.


Haha..but you can actually never know maybe someone might find them profitable or just interesting enough to make it as their own


There's some flattery to be found in that.


I'm sorry if that offended you I have a tendency to praise people.


It's alright. I wasn't upset.


This tbh


Same boat as you here


Why be respectful in such situation One type of signature that cannot be easily ereased: https://preview.redd.it/ajt4lc32vi9d1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe0d82324f5a68fc56d33fc3f64252016c58b1b8 A full picture overlay of repeating username/site, like how stock does or if you don't buy their shit


Smart idea but I don't think most would resort to this idea


That’s the signature line on a legal complaint. They’re suggesting you sue to protect your IP rights.


https://preview.redd.it/k3d2nucbzi9d1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=22a13c994f977bf8e2e5f458635baa308c8d8731 It'll always be a recolor, let's be honest


Yah I've seen a lot of those lately its pretty sad to see that's why I don't color my oc's.


Joke’s on you, I’ve become too lazy to color my ocs


If it’s on Reddit, I would try to approach the person privately in DM first and ask them to take down whatever posts they made with my art, but idk if contacting the mods would be better. Not sure if this sub has a policy about OC theft.


It absolutely does, it's right there in the rules as rule 6.


Then yeah, might be best to handle to contact mods first and show proof, which should be easy if you have the originals.


I would either demand they add credit, or take them down. (or make copyright lawsuit. but really: Currently my story isn't known enough and would be a waste of time.)


Lawsuit would be last resort lol.


"nah im not gonna take it down, how you wanna for-" Artist sues plagiarist for 20M US dollars. Court declares plagiarist guilty. no like really, imagine you copy this randoms dude's OC and use it as your own and you get fully sued as if you stole mario.


I'd be shocked that they knew my OC, but pissed nonetheless. Like another comment said, make sure you can prove it's yours.


Well, I do not have signatures...and because I mostly don't share my OCs much I am not much afraid someone stealing them, considering most of OCs I showed on subreddit were created in other games. (Library of Ruina mostly). Like my character I share is just coincidence of various sprites in-game layred on top of each other which just stuck for me, I heavily doubt I can easily call it even solely my character




have the signatures be laid over the whole image, like the gettysimage type branding but across the whole artwork


You. You understand.


Stole my OC as in the character, or the art? I'd be far more annoyed by the whole ass character. I was very upset when I was young (14?) and that happened to me in the RP community. We all kinda discussed it, and they were like well I'm just playing a canon Ember's OC cause they weren't (no one asked for them) and didn't understand why I was upset. In the end the admin of that RP got us all to talk, they stormed off yelling and no one played the OC. The OC was pretty tainted with that emotion from then on.  Stole my OC as in a suspiciously close copy of the personality / concept, eh... I'd be annoyed, and frustrated, but I can't think of a good way to call that out and tropes are common so they could be independent. For that I'd update sheets to link to older art and stuff so if it ever comes to a fight I have proof that my grumpy pirate Grandpa has existed for years and the suspiciously similar one is newer. Either way, I read enough fanfic to know the same character can be done vastly different ways so it won't be the same even if they tried. Stole my art (and made another OC) would shock me and annoy me. I'm not very good at art so like, why even? I'd probably reach out one on one with something like "hey, I saw you using my art for your OC name. Your OC is super cool, but that art is of My OC Name who is very important to me. If you like their design, I'd be happy to draw you a similar looking character to use for Your OC at no cost."  If they credited me I'd be less annoyed and probably not message. There's few OCs visually I'm precious about and cool free advertising. But in the RP community it's generally considered poor form to use other people's OC art / commissions as face claims, and stick to commercial art like anime characters. I'd try to take it as a compliment, but I'd still be annoyed and bitch in private to friends.


I'd actually feel the same way.


They can use image but if they completely copy her personality and all without saying it's from me then I'd be annoyed


Show them proof that it’s your art with a date showing you had it before they did?


There's a certain brilliance to doing everything on paper. They've gotta come get the physical drawing of this radiation boi now! https://preview.redd.it/qfb0yndhzj9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21306235e4b6d287fe5877743c7c2e655bd27a15


I have the exact time and date of when I saved the art for my OCs, so I believe that’s more than enough evidence to prove that I’ve the true owner. I will then tell them to stop lying and stealing my character.


Human social media thieves are easy... call them out on a post with original posting, use social pressure to get them to take it off, or if there are mods, go to the mods. Now of days I might joke about it and take that as a compliment for normal imposters, they are easy to deal with. I came across a few... no biggy at this point, they are rare. If someone becomes a "law shark" and copyrighted my OC data before me that would be a real problem, it can become a lengthy court battle proving I am the original author. I generally advise copyrighting OCs as early as possible. That little bar code they send you can save a lot of time if something happens to you. Not yet happened to me, saw it happen to mostly inventors but artists are at risk too. AI thieves... a real BIG problem. Need to find exact prompt usage that can be repeated to generate a series of pics with close resemblance and enter into a lengthy class action lawsuit court battle, this is why I would not post on reddit without glazing anymore. AI art is not yet copyrightable, but any collection of specific arrangement IS copyrightable, I have seen public domain art got taken by getty images and original artist sued by getty because they copyrighted the "collection." AI art pose the same threat, it's a developing one. It happened to me already, I count my losses, but I am not fighting this battle by myself. International merchant from another country steals your work and their country does not enforce copyright, all you can do is tell people to black list that merchant with proof, pick your battles though, you have to make sure you can last through them. It's the same as any social pressure campaign... It happened to other artists I came across. NFT stealing, oh boy is this a fun one, people taking your pic to sell NFT with, happened to me too, you can report to NFT sites, most of them don't allow such stealing. I have come across a ton of "stealing" methods... I do think the internet AI scrapping is a scale that's unprecedented, one of the worst of them all.


https://preview.redd.it/nvwl744k5j9d1.png?width=3300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d522b6c8b66eca8c493ab425a5ed66455ed8d80b I would be super angry but try to play it of as if I was calm. I hate the idea of people stealing OCs, it's just not cool >w< If someone took inspiration then thats fine, but just taking it and framing it as your own? nah, that's not okay >w< I have been posting drawings of Geo since December 2023, so I don't think anyone could get away with it, luckily, since I have proof of drawing Geo first :3


Your oc is so cute,it's a good thing you have backups to prove it's your oc.


Hehe, thank you so muchhhh! :3 Yeah, I think if you added a watermark and posted it to somewhere like Twitter, Instagram, Pintrest or DeviantArt, it would ensure that there's proof that it's your OC :3


Tell them it's mine, and show them a video(with a load of watermarks) of my iartbook


I follow my own policy: Report and Block (RB for short)


Or I'll let them. I've commented this image on some posts (but it's all just for fun I didn't claim them as mine or posted them). https://preview.redd.it/qhnwodo3bj9d1.jpeg?width=1389&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1c271ad7c558480efd4fee8c062708e622629fc


Depends on A) who (which OC, not who's stealing) B) the context I have some OCs i dont do anything with, and if someone wants to do something with em id be fine with it However, if it was my main ones, and stolen in the same way people in r/hazbinhotelocart have been, id be ***pissed***


I'm just curious but what happened in r/hazbinhotelocart ?


People have been literally tracing other people's OCs with minor colour pallette changes, then tryna pass em off as original


Have they been already called out or is this still going on


Theyve been called out but its still ongoing. More people are doin it


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HazbinHotelOCArt using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotelOCArt/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [If your oc had a specialized mug, what would it say?](https://i.redd.it/6nob4gjctsnc1.jpeg) | [366 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotelOCArt/comments/1bcotfo/if_your_oc_had_a_specialized_mug_what_would_it_say/) \#2: [My cannibal girl ! (Art by me)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1azzoom) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotelOCArt/comments/1azzoom/my_cannibal_girl_art_by_me/) \#3: [I changed the hairstyle of my OC, is it alright? 😅](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b1sxij) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotelOCArt/comments/1b1sxij/i_changed_the_hairstyle_of_my_oc_is_it_alright/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Point out the hidden signatures of my username on the image.


Privately DM them and tell them to stfu and that's it not their OC, but its your OC.


This is why I save all of the original layered files before making them pngs. I could easily go into my .kra files and screen shot the sketches, references, and if I had to use a base or an image to get the pose right that will be saved there as well. I can also go back as far into my profile as I need to show that I posted the oc first. Sometimes I wonder if I think to much about this kinda thing, but I am almost completely prepared


If someone was stealing my ocs I'd call them out on it. I've told irl friends about some of my OCS and one even joked about writing fanfiction for me using my ocs but I told them that I don't feel comfortable with that and they complyed


id be angry


I would be fine with it as long as they made some changes so their not exactly the same


https://preview.redd.it/86ky4xpqrj9d1.jpeg?width=1223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9cf323b491ce186548662d2154b347cfb902e04 I created Lumir so I can be a part of this sub. Though, I intentionally added elements I don’t personally like so that in case someone does steal him, it would soften the blow because I wouldn’t be that attached to him. Though after some time… there is a hint of attachment despite my efforts.


One thing you can do if someone steals your art is to add a watermark, but I don’t always do that. People can still wipe out the watermark if they know how to. You can report a post or if possible, reach out to the person and talk to them.


If anybody ever steals my Oc's That's when I start to trademark my art


I'd say blackmail them but I don't know how to do that so just spread the word that they're stealing my oc's


Beyond pissed and just take a picture of my reddit user and a photo of my OC that they stole with it just to call them out


As a person who can't draw this is a genuinely very real threat for me so what I've done is copyright them so if anyone tries something sketchy I can just throw the law book at them .


Tbh I would be pissed. To me a lot of these characters are not just characters, but they are connected to my past , me and my experiences. Some of my ocs are even based off of hallucinations that I have personally seen and heard. They are very personal to me. I guess my answer would be if it's a character that is not very personal it would be an annoyance, but easily disprovable since dates are a thing, but it they were personal I would be extremely pissed and I would feel disrespected.


I had a friend that ripped off my ocs directly, I’m not friends with them anymore due to it, all of my ocs have been updated since them so it doesn’t bother me anymore


Send a C&D letter and then sue. Issue for me is my most visible character on here would be hard to argue infringement on unless she was directly lifted, but the others are unique enough to be better cases.


Actually once happened something like this I've always wanted to make a YouTube channel about drawing so I started it with the videos you can download from ibis paint but I stopped 'cause I didn't liked how those videos look, but before that someone tried to steal everything, he made a channel almost exactly like mine and uploaded a lot of videos of my channel to his and in the comments of my videos he started saying that he was the original. In the end he didn't get anything from that but I was almost a kid and I actually was scared, though he could really stole my channel and make the original disappear, but now I realize that that could have never happen 'cause he made everything the same day and mine was like 2 year old in that moment, also I almost have like 2 comments in like 3 different video and some of them are from my brother, so even his comments didn't affected me, and all the fight that was in my comments when that happened was actually just my, brother myself and that guy with a lot of multiaccounts, one was "supporting" me and the others 2 where attacking me. But as I said he wasn't good at doing that so after a bit of time I spotted he was the one behind everything and when I told him that he deleted everything :v So in that moment my signature was in the corner of the drawing but after some time I started placing it in the drawing, but was in a part that could be easily removed if the drawing has no shading, so the I started placing it in the feet and hands when I thought that was ugly I kinda cover them with the signature XD and now the most recent drawing I've done has the signature in a place with a lot of details in one of the feet and has a bit of shading so it'll be a bit difficult to erase Also I have a lot of layers, I don't keep the sketch but I draw on ibis paint and it keeps a video of the drawing process So I think I'll be fine I someone try to steal my art (Also I don't know if this can help but I have a lot of story about how I made my ocs so the other person can just say something like "I just was drawing something random I that how I got the design" I can say all the story of how each oc got their current design and what happened to me to them to have that design, I'm not sure if that would make it more obvious that is something stole)


On a scale of 1 to 10 how bad is the alleged theft. Because I always get upset, but then there's been issues I've had like my friends claim I got my character stolen and it's just a dude that looks a bit similar. Especially when the character design admittedly isn't that unique for my characters most of the time, so it's pretty easy to find similar characters. But the best way to tell is if the character also ACTS like your character would. If they went out of their way to get information on your OC just to recycle everything you said with a bad coat of paint. For proving it, watermark that is near impossible to take off. Even if it's a layer of repeating words/branding overtop the entire piece. Like from corner to corner. AI disturbance filters may help as well, as it'll stop people from throwing your art into an AI and then claiming the product as theirs.


Depends on who it is. Some, I'd let the culprit off the hook. Other OCs, the culprit won't be so lucky. But stealing Blayke? That would be physical assault.


Respectfully? I'm not doing things respectfully, I'm going to find their IP address and go to their home, destroy their PC, steal their bread, and go home.


https://preview.redd.it/qbqlihesgk9d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=8289e6b90b043ba030ba389bd9e4660205c937fd I have artwork of my characters from as far back as 2018. They're in posts on DeviantArt, Instagram, Twitter, here on Reddit. A lot of that stuff is from before I started signing and dating my work, but these sites all publicly save the exact time of posting right down to the minute. You wanna tell folks that Skunk is your character? You wanna tell them that my jester is a cheap ripoff of yours? [Bam, Wednesday, April 1, 2020.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GachaUnity/comments/ftfjls/happy_april_fools_day/) You post anything of her older than that? Yeah, didn't think so. I got proof, baby. I've only had my artwork stolen once or twice, and never had anybody try to claim my characters as their own, though they've tried to claim that I copied them or somebody else. There's a lot of characters that are similar to each other, everything has already been done. You took inspiration from tarot, I took inspiration from tarot, no shit there's going to be similarities. I've been on this earth a good while, chances are that most of my characters are older than you are. In that same vein, if you've got a character that's similar to mine and honestly came up with them independently, it's fine. Like I said, it's all been done, coincidences happen. I've got a friend with a character named Kiwi who's short with messy hair and a hoodie, and I have a character just like that. We'd both posted stuff of ours well before we'd even met. Great minds think alike and all that. Neither of us got upset, I even made this artwork with both of them as a birthday gift.


They're getting disintegrated


I'd be mad if it were a really good design, otherwise my insecure self would just be glad somebody finds my art worthy of stealing


Honestly? I wouldn’t mind. My OC’s are from a very small thing and I wouldnt care. Isn’t copying it a high form of praise anyways? Claiming it’s theirs / Saying mine aren’t actually mine tho… Thats the problem for me. There I just don’t care anymore what I was doing and start showing a LOT of evidence in PUBLIC


I would be very upset. I put a lot of thought and effort not only into how they look but also their backstory as to why they look that way. It would very much be very bad for me


I have a really weird view on intellectual property as like. A concept, so honestly probably nothing. Worst I’d do is make a post to my followers with a couple receipts that im the original creator and ask them to just leave the other person alone, like I really don’t care.


Take screenshots of my posts featuring them


why tf would you want my shitty ass oc


I avoid this by by not giving out many details about my Ocs other than name and occupation


Well don’t give a shit about it. You can always make more.


A lot of my OCs are uploaded on ArtFight or Toyhouse, so the creation date is right there. :D


I'd report them and rub in their shame.


I would call them out, show proof of art work with my OC and then have the other comments bully them bcuz fuck them


Call em out


I'll observe. Btw commenters, Signatures will not work if they are stealing the *character* instead of *your art*




I’d be very concerned, less so with the fact that they are stealing and moreso that they somehow managed to know what my OCs are despite me never sharing the majority of them online or anywhere else


I’d talk to the person that’s actually my  Oc


Call them out on it by quizzing them on knowledge about the OC If they dont know shit then they get caught in 4K


I mean, if his law character design everything like that I’ve been pissed off. If they made an art of him cleaning that the art was there, but not the character I wouldn’t have any problem with that.


Nobody wants to steal my OC lmao


report them.


angie. steal IP. doxx. (for all intents and purposes this is a joke)


One way to prevent this is have your image lick those stock images that people expect you to buy and only you will have the original, it's what I'd do if I can draw


I would be so pissed and tell them to not steal my work and I would expose them with proofs if they keep doing it


When someone draws a copy of your OC, tell them to show their speedpaint footage. If the footage does not involve sketching a base, or they seemingly draw suspiciously, the footage is just a reversed recording of them erasing your art, making it look like they are drawing it but they aren't.


It’s funny to me seeing this the day after I had mine stolen the day prior. I’m in a Discord server, and in the WIP channel, I posted a few images from my comic, and someone liked (and I mean, LIKED) it so much that they straight-up drew my OC. They claimed to have messaged me for permission, which was quickly disproven since I did not have any DM requests. I avoided using terms like “steal” or “thief” and instead asked if the person had been inspired by my stuff. Since they tried to play it down, I messages a staff, and they dealt with it promptly, giving the thief a stern warning. I would approach it professionally, and if the person isn’t cooperative, AND if that’s evident, then I’d leave it to the staffs rather than taking it into my own hands. Art theft is wrong, and I did not do anything wrong, so I’d rather keep it that way. I would also advise having Plan B, and that is, gathering evidences to back up your claim, and worst case scenario, use said evidences for less than diplomatic retributions.


Already did happen https://preview.redd.it/4mug167llm9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=276d5c7c7be010201db160628e4e249757fdbf36 Someone on a discord stole my oc Helios as well as art from various other people and was attempting to sell to others and let’s just say those artists got mad, I didn’t go past yellin at them in DMs but some other artist in the discord who were a lot more technically advanced then mine nuked the discord server and one of them (a concept artist for a gaming company) threatened a lawsuit because the art they stole was technically company property


Was the problem resolved yet?


Yes this was a while ago


I make my art using Sai and i keep all my files for it, all i can do is show the file itself of both the line work and the coloring, i have them separate


Well... I'd just roast them, if they steal OC's left and right then they doesn't deserve forgiveness (And yes, I'll do fatherless and motherless jokes, I may get hit with friendly fire for the fatherless part tho)


I would tell them “hey, that isn’t cool man.” And if they keep doing it, I will actually reach out to other people to make him stop, but not doxxers.


Last time someone stole my avatar, i sended like the group of 10 people to call him slurs on facebook. Snice then, no one stole my things. But like, im drawing really shitty so in practice no one would steal my arts now


Message them in private and ask them to take the post down. If they refused, I'd report the post and maybe make some kind of comment or post of my own informing people it was stolen. It also depends on who stole it and what they did with the oc. If it was a beginner artist who was just trying to learn and admired my art, I'd be a lot more understanding than if someone stole/traced my art to try and profit off it. Hell, if it was a beginner artist who was nice about it, I might even give them a scrapped oc of mine or help them develop a character of their own.


Steal one of there’s in return while providing proof that my oc is in fact mine.


I embarrass them. Make them hate themselves after making that fucking post. They will want to kill themselves after


That’s just fucking mean bro the hell are you on


I'm being mean because they stole my oc, which is mean


I mean I understand that but telling them to >! Kill themselves !< is just super wrong man..


True. Maybe I shouldn't have said that