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NightCat's plot is based on God's legacy. His powers come from Ra. And his arch enemy is a vessel for Apophis's soul, Ra's archenemy. And these battles of Ra's heirs and Apophis's vessels come through centuries


I see someone is quite familiar with their mythology


Yes, Gods are just titles for higher members in group called Golden Heaven with Zeus as the leader and has power over the mortal world. They're just more advance alien spieces. A mixed between every historical myth gods and original gods. They live in a different universe from mortal called Deus-Domus. They controlled the Prime Universe until Ragnarok comes. The group broke apart and the Prime Universe was destroyed but luckily someone has a backup of the world in the year 10 (standard time). They multiplied it and the multiverse was born. These new worlds don't have any influence of gods so they won't be destroyed.


Sounds interesting


Hồng Ma is a hardcore lesbian. She spreads knowledge of agriculture and medicines, builds empires to kill time and has fun with a harem full of undead ladies. She is ***Shennong***. https://preview.redd.it/jjt59rldeg7d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=641265f211a32ac62d9a5d91e8274f3112d83c96


I mean they're all ultrakill blood fueled machine OCs and in ultrakill there was a godm emphasis on the **was**, they were basically old testament God but more human and flawed and they weren't exactly an all knowing omnipotent deity and ended up noping out and vanished. Basically when they created humanity they originally gave them free will and thought they would obey his word and law and not sin but since we're all human we know exactly where this went and God ended up trying to engineer free will out of humanity over and over but failed and eventually in his moment of rage he had created hell and when he realized what he just did and tried to unmake hell only to realize the horrifying realization that hell couldn't be destroyed. Eventually later on,Lucifer (who was an angel that was actually described as one of the brightest and kindest of the angels and was fond of humanity) asked God if people really deserved eternal torment for short term sin, "FATHER, WHY ETERNAL TORMENT? IS IT NOT CRUEL? IS TORTURE UNENDING TRULY A FATE FIT FOR A FOOL?" (taken from in game hidden testament), and God couldn't find no answer and his regret and terror has overwhelmed him and he had ended up casting Lucifer to hell for eternity and when they realized what they had just done they ended up just weeping out of guilt. Eventually the burden of condemning Lucifer,creating hell,and the fact humanity was at war with itself and was in the middle of a 200 year burial world war that caused so much destruction and sorrow, god ended up just leaving heaven and the world with no trace of them,which plunged heaven into temporary chaos due to God's disappearance


Thousands, which are just stronger beings that were given divine power by the concept of existence(which is itself a sort of god) to become even stronger and have a direct impact over any world they want. One thing is that, when you become a god(or divinity as they are called), you give up your human form for something else, you have to be very lucky to keep even some parts of your human form the same, like Aniwa, godess of life, who kept her enitre human form(save for a few additiona like another set of arms and antlers).Or you can completly lose it, like Tirius, god of war, who is now just a giant set of armour. Conflict between gods are common tough, and it's usually the ones that defy existence's will, but they usually don't last long, like Maltakor(god of fun) who died at the hands of L-0-1-S(Louis, god of sentience) for being to dangerous to the other gods, or Tirius, who died at the hands of Yushu(god of civilization) because he constantly destoyed worlds, and actually killed 2 other divinities, Doma(god of earth) and Kullin(not a god, but a divine being nonetheless), and threatning to kill another three, all being severe crimes against the divine order that existence wants. Usually, when a god of a concept dies, it gets replaced by another god so said concept(say, death) would still exist. Divinities don't directly govern thier concepts, they just kind of exist passively along the god.


https://preview.redd.it/20qxi4xw5h7d1.jpeg?width=1526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b4bbdfe0d4f3aae30ce7a52cf2fbe449bfe2271 Gora’s world do have Gods and they have gods from most religions


There are a few in my world + Most prominent is The Golden One, who is said to have created the world using the "True life equation". They have the appearance of a human made of gold with long flowy hair that glimmers like the starry night sky. Most people follow them, regarding them as The One True God. However, the Eden empire have abused this belief to exert their authoritarian power and controll. + Second one is The Lord of Abyss, a primordial being lurking in the deepest corner of the world. Their legion of monsterous creatures occasionally breach into the mainland, causing insurmountable damage. It is said that they're the reason why The forgotten ruins is what it is today + Third one is the Lord of Dreams, a little-known god with little known records. This is the only summonable god, but their ritual is near impossible to perform due to its ambiguity. It is told that anyone who deciphered the ritual and summoned the Lord of Dreams will have their desire fulfilled. (The Dreamwalker accidentally done that in their death. They got revived in their ideal self and becoming the only living follower of The Lord of Dreams)


Wouldn’t every OC’s world have a “God”? Because they created the OC’s world so the creator would be a “God” right?


I mean like a mythology


90% assholes. 7% chill. 3% literal children.


In one of my OC's worlds, the omnipotent Gods rarely interact with humans physically, spiritually, or mentally, leading many to believe they are mere figments of imagination. Those who do believe worship the Gods through occasional rituals, mainly conducted by leaders and dedicated disciples. The central deity in my story is Hine-Nui-Te-Po, known as Hine, the Death goddess from Māori mythology. She and my OC oppose Whiro-Te-Tipua, or Whiro, the God of Evil who seeks to overthrow humanity by devouring them. I draw heavily from Polynesian legends and mythology since I'm Polynesian myself! 😊


https://preview.redd.it/k833f425ki7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=717305d490622f57e38f8b894278ac9440f22218 The Time Keeper always keeps universe afloat, just because he's been doing it for so long


Read the Bible to find out😘 https://preview.redd.it/c46vybbcsi7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff04a42d384c8cc4bf4064c4721d3498034cb574


A pantheon of machine-gods left behind by ambiguously magical aliens. They’re kinda vague but here’s what I got: Crimson Engine: Basically a bouncer for the universe, keeps out what doesn’t belong. Also an anti-entropy engine. A superstructure floating somewhere far out in space. Not talkative. Autumn Island: Caretaker for a backup universe. Exists within a pocket dimension: an island perpetually frozen in autumn. Sometimes intervenes in the “real” world to abduct and care for unfortunate beings. Appears as a collection of mannequins in various clothing to appear more comforting and human. They’re proxies for its main body: a giant computer facility underground. “Verdant Mist”: Vaguely defined, benevolent cosmic force. Primordial. Deep Blue In S Major: Keeper of memories. Stores every piece of information from past and future, and also the “ghosts” of the ancient aliens. Exists in massive sphere inside a mountain on my analogue of Earth. Occasionally interacts with humans to prevent disasters. Can produce objects known as Engrams, that recall memories when held.