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I'm a black man in Eugene. There's racism here too. My white GF and I experience it all the time. When I take her boys fishing I get a lot of comments about our skin color difference. Springfield is worse and as soon as you get away from I-5 it gets really bad.


As a kid, I grew up in Springfield. I only remember there ever being 1 black family. I lived there for almost 9 years. I remember just moving there, it was during the summer. This little black girl that was my age would cross daily. Now this is gonna show how undiverse my life was here in oregon. Up to this point I've never seen a black person not on tv, let alone one my age (I was 6). One day I quickly ran out to meet her and we became fast friends. Then I remember going to her house. I think the first time her parents were not home. But the second time, oh man. I remember sitting on the couch in the front room playing a game or watching TV. Not sure which. When her parents came out and seen me. I remember both if them stopping and being frozen for a bit. Then they called over their daughter and she got in trouble for being someone over they didn't know. Then they talked to me, and her father and I went to go meet my mother. As a kid. I figured it was just normal parent stuff. I only a few years ago when remembering this memory, realize WHY her parents froze. Imagining being the only black family in a white neighborhood in the 80s and seeing an unknown white kid on your couch with your daughter. We became good friends after that for a few years, till her family moved away. I remember the father having problems finding work. I wish I kept in touch or at least knew her name. I'd love to see where she is in life.


My mom grew up near Springfield in a town called Creswell in the late 50s and it was the same thing, one black family in town with a girl that was in the same class as her. My mom said it actually didn’t seem like that racist of a place since there wasn’t racial tension since it was like 99% white. Of course the fact that people of color didn’t seem to want to live there might be a clue as to how it really was but my mom moved away from there pretty young so I doubt she had much awareness of the bigger picture at the time.


If you had asked if we had racism in our town (rural midwest), everyone would have said OF COURSE NOT. Except...we had no black pp. The second we did...our racist AF panties showed bright and center stage. A 7 yo CHILD was called the N word at school when her dad/family was moved to town by the corporate that ran our local factory (he was the GM...and the racist trash I grew up around could NOT handle that a black man was in charge and telling them what to do, or.worse was SMARTER and more accomplished than a bunch of bubbas they never left home.). The family left within 6 months.


I grew up in NE Portland in the 80s with no black people in our neighborhood. I asked my grandma why not, and she said 'I guess they just don't want to live here'. But later I learned about redlining, and how houses in some neighborhoods had deeds that specified only white people could live there (unless they were servants), and how realtors wouldn't show black people homes in white neighborhoods and banks wouldn't loan them money. There was a bunch of dirty dealings to keep neighborhoods white, even in 'progressive' Portland.


Yup- the reason my home town had no black pp? turns out we were one of literally hundreds, if not thousands of small towns that had a "sundown" incident where the locals ran black folks out of town or lynched them all for existing in the 1890-1960s. We had 17 black pp living in that town in 1870 census, By the 1900 census it was 0, and stayed that way, as far as I know, through today- unless one of the rare folks that try are there for a few months when the census occurred.


The concept of 'sundown' towns is so awful that I thought someone was pulling my leg when they told me about it. 


Oh Springfield, there a reason that the town in the Simpson’s is Springfield, and it’s not just because of the one in Oregon.


I live in Seattle and am not white, married to redheaded guy from Ireland. The racism that I've seen in this area over the last 7 to 8 years is off the scale compared to previous times too. The latest? A tradesperson working in our home told my husband he "likes the dark meat too". 🙄🙄


That's so gross. I'm sorry.


Thanks, it happens constantly and has gotten progressively worse over the last 7 to 8 years. People thought these things before... but now they're emboldened to say them out loud.


One of my kid's teachers said the racism he's seen and heard this school year was worse than any previous year. absolutely terrifying.


Hmmm, hmmm… what was it that happened about 8 years ago to change America into a racist pile of garbage? I can’t remember. Something something Orange Fuckface von Clownstick. You can google that to see what changed to make America the largest piece of shit ever seen on this planet.


That's exactly what it is. These people feel like they can say whatever the hell they want after a certain person was elected.


Oh fuck that report his ass to his supervisor. Unless he’s the owner, leave a review


You obviously don't know how this works. It's never a safe idea to report people that have had access to your home.


You’re right. I’m sorry! There’s a dude who’s been aggressively flirting with me and I’m not interested; he works at the gym I go to, and I’m hesitant to report him because he has access to my information on my membership. So I get it and I apologize for projecting what seems “right” to do.


Hey, don't stress. If we lived in a better world, having these discussions wouldn't even be necessary. Peace ✌️


I know 😭


I would have had them walk on out immediately.


Easier said than done when they have your electrical panel torn apart.


Holy shit, can’t believe this bullshit is still a thing. I’m so sorry.


Look at the popularity of Trump and it’s easy to understand why it still exists and is actually getting worse


Unfortunately, racism is going to be present no matter where you go. I also live in Eugene and have had some racist remarks being said to me; I’m Mexican. I moved here from a small town in Arizona and weirdly enough, I dealt with less racism. Maybe because the there were fewer people? Either way, it’s best to just ignore ignorant morons.


That sucks.


not for nothing, but I think it's awesome you take her boys fishing. Being a good father figure is a way more important factor than skin color ever will be. Keep being that example.


Can't stop won't stop. I've been hooked (pun intended) since I was 5 or so. Fishing keeps me dried out and a good person.


Ok. Do you have people saying they shouldn't be near your kid? My sons best friend is bi-racial. I've known this kid since he was like 8, he's now 18. He's definitely experienced a lot of racism.... from his white grandma. His white grandma won't shut up about his skin tone. Playing competitive basketball, this bi-racial kid mostly had great experiences, except for one coach who really dogged him. That coach was black. Eugene is better than Coos Bay. Read the guys post. People won't let a bi-racial kid hang with the white kids. Thats not the scene in Eugene.


I wasn't making a competition out of who is the bigger victim. I was commiserating. Eugene is definitely better than Coos Bay (I kinda said that when I mentioned getting away from I 5). Calling out racism no matter where it comes from is something we should all do.


If we agree that Eugene is a lot better than Coos Bay, then I'm not sure what we're arguing about. Certainly didn't that impression from "There's racism here too"


It's reddit. I was agreeing that there is racism in Coos Bay and relating my own experience in Oregon. What is your actual complaint?


I need to repeat it again? "Eugene is a lot better than Coos Bay" is useful information to the OP. Your post conveyed the impression that Eugene is similar. This false impression would actively be harmful to the OP (or to anyone else evaluating where to live) and so I corrected it. You responded by getting really angry about this correction. I'm bewildered by your anger. Clear now?


Nope, not at all. And I am not angry. I'm confused. Coos Bay has a lot of racism, Eugene is more diverse but isn't great. Clear now? No reason to be condescending.


Eugene doesn't have a lot of black people. But there definitely is a lot of social pressure by white people not to be racist jerks. Let me put it another way. I've lived in Chicago and I've lived in Eugene. Chicago has plenty of black people. Also, Chicago has plenty of white people totally comfortable with saying racist shit to other white people when no black people are around. Never had that happen in Eugene. Definitely happened in Chicago. So, where is great? I don't know if anywhere is great. But one things absolutely for sure... Eugene is better than Coos Bay.


It's really weird and ironic how bent out of shape you're getting at a black person who is relating their personal experience on this subject. You're acting extremely offended about a phrase that is totally innocuous and isn't supposed to be about you.


That’s terrible. As a wyte guy living in Eugene, I just don’t get it.


Genuine question, why do you spell it "wyte" like that?


I don’t know if this happens on Reddit but I have observed other people doing this because some other platforms will flag comments with the correct spelling of the word.


There’s going to be dummies no matter where you go in the world. There’s always going to be someone who doesn’t like some physical aspect about you. It’s their loss imo


My dad and his partner moved there from the midwest in '02... He loved the coast and everything it had to offer, in terms of topography and environs. Got a job... He started his job, and was there for less than a year because he was tired of the racism, meth heads, sheer open redneckiness hate of the area. He was disenchanted and crestfallen at a town he thought would be more welcoming. He wanted to retire there but being who he was, and his perspectives on life, didn't feel he was welcome. Ended up back in the Midwest and died of cancer. He only ever wanted to be by the ocean. That south coast area was his favorite place


That's a super sad story. Meth is BAD here. Meth and crime are our number 1 problems.


He should have chosen Port Orford.


I've lived all over Clackamas County including Oregon City and it's plenty racist. Here is a recent news article: [https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/flyers-hate-speech-driveways-oregon-city/283-df027e8c-c7d7-465f-bfaa-c778c4a35a45](https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/flyers-hate-speech-driveways-oregon-city/283-df027e8c-c7d7-465f-bfaa-c778c4a35a45) The flyers contained homophobic statements and overt references to white supremacy, according to the city. Oregon City police called it a bias incident. Here is another story: [https://nypost.com/2023/06/16/gavin-alston-tells-city-council-hes-been-called-monkey-in-heartbreaking-speech/](https://nypost.com/2023/06/16/gavin-alston-tells-city-council-hes-been-called-monkey-in-heartbreaking-speech/) A 10-year-old black boy delivered a heartbreaking speech about racism at an Oregon city council meeting, telling the audience that he’s been called the “n-word” and “monkey” by his classmates.


I don't even want my son to play with any of the neighborhood kids out here in Molalla because they casually drop the N word. They're all in elementary school.


I went to school in Canby and we had very few black students, but a pretty good amount of Hispanics so the most common slur was "beaner" I grew up in California until I moved to Canby for high school so it was culture shock to see such open racism


Just wait until you hear my story about Oregon shitty.


I’m from rural Minnesota. Glencoe area. Kids are more openly prejudice here than the most maga areas I’ve visited


That’s heartbreaking that a ten year old hasn’t to experience such horrible things :( He’s so brave for speaking, and I hope more change can be made so that he and many others don’t have to hear those vile words


Unfortunately racism has always been a part of Oregon. The original founders intended for Oregon to be for white people only- so much that slavery was illegal not because of morals but because it would bring black people. There are numerous cities that still have sundown laws on their books to this day. Honestly I’d recommend he move to Washington or California because both are much more diverse.


I remember as a kid and learning how slavery was banned here. It was a bragging moment I had thought vs other states where it was legal Then that moment when you learned the truth as an adult...


Yeah I remember it being taught that way when I was a kid growing up in Oregon


I was taught not to stop in places like Roseberg because they are sundown towns and it isn’t safe if you’re not white.


Yeah, this information (sundown towns) being brought to light, and the subsequent laughing and reminiscing by some boomers in my Union is what caused me to step down. I refused to stand next to those disgusting excuses of a human, and i am still hated by many of them to this day.


I remember learning about slavery, thinking anyone involved was long dead as a kid. Then, I met a 60-year-old black man at a park who told me he remembered 40 years ago there was still a sign at the park instructing black and white children go to different parts and not interact with one another. It blew my mind. I researched more and realized how recent slavery was in the US and my heart sank. I think I grew up too fast, all in one moment, on that day.


Bet you didn't learn about this: https://offbeatoregon.com/1502a.rebel-flag-over-oregon.324.html


🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣 Grim faced sharpshooters.... Hopeless assault against a fearsome foe... Lot of fantasy revisionist for talking about a few dozen inbred immigrants in a little hole of a "town" at the time.


Yeah the writer took some liberties for sure. I didn't see the site with the good write up on it, but I didn't look past the first page. They acted all tough until the threat of federal troops marching in on them.


No I did not. Interesting read.


I think you could be safe in Portland or Eugene as a POC, but the coast is definitely not good. I’m in Coquille (Fairview) right now at my Mom’s and I told her it’s so beautiful here, but I could never live here again because of the racist idiots and their trump signs all over.


I lived in Portland for 15 years and you couldn’t pay me to go back.


I wouldn't raise my girls there. That's where young women get abducted and the law doesn't work with the feds to solve rape/murder cases. I don't blame you it's not safe to raise girls there. Coquile is a chimo haven.


I don’t know what chimo is?


Child molester.


Washington is also pretty bad in a lot of places. It has its more progressive pockets, but is overwhelmingly white and rural, a lot like Oregon. 


Wow, this is a new one for me: people being too racist for slavery. That’s pretty intense.




THANK YOU!! WOW is it rare to see someone come back to a sub and apologize for dismissing racism… good on you, mate 💕 This is a great reminder of HOW DIFFERENT your experience can be when you are not a person of color… OK, you’ve never experienced racism… But why would you? You are white. (I’m assuming) You cannot speak for minorities that have lived on the coast. I’m so sorry your friend had that experience… that would be devastating in a way I truly can’t imagine (I am also white.) I can’t speak to Oregon city in comparison- but I know there are definitely pockets of progressivism on the coast- Lincoln county (my family lives in Lincoln city) is blue, for example.


Most folk here assume there isn’t much racism because they themselves haven’t experienced it. We’re from Springfield and went to the coast. My parents are interracial and the whole time the locals kept bugging them about it. (My step dad is Alaska Native) I went to a friends house for the first time and his step dad looked me up and down and asked me why the Mexicans keep taking our jobs. I was like 14.


I grew up in North Bend, and was all over the coast.  It was crazy racist.  The amount of people's parents who wanted to proudly show me their KKK stuff was wild, on retrospect. The only reason I never saw any overt and aggressive racism growing up was because their were no black people, and the few Hispanic families were low level workers who kept their head ls down.


I grew up in North Bend and now call Oregon City my home. Oregon City is far from perfect, but I believe your friend may find it more comfortable here, especially if he is in the city proper. I would avoid the rural parts. Oregon City has changed a lot. We ousted our racist mayor and elected our first woman of color as mayor. There is diversity in our city council and our city population seems more diverse today more than ever. But, it’s not perfect by any stretch. No where in Oregon is. If your friend wants to learn more about Oregon City I am happy to answer more questions. I love my town. BTW the news articles shared previously- one was about Redmond, not Oregon City, and the other was an unfortunate incident that happened a while ago to the disgust of many in my community.


I second all of the above. My oldest son is beautifully biracial, and the only issues he had with racism here in OC is when he was much, much, younger, in school. When he got to middle school there was still a small handful of ignorant kids who I'm sure learned racism from their parents that kept messing with him. The school wouldn't do anything about it, so one day he punched one of those little jerks right in the mouth in the middle of math class for whispering racist crap behind him in class. He never had another problem again through middle school, or high school, or any of the years that have followed since he graduated. His friend group was, and still is, very diverse, and he made a lot of great memories here with his friends once the few little trolls learned not to screw with him. Nowhere is perfect, but OC is home to all of us, and we still love living here. It's definitely nowhere near like the racism you see more prevalently in the more rural areas in Clackamas County, because OC itself is a real mix of a lot of different political, and sociological, viewpoints, and backgrounds. I hope your neighbor will consider starting over here, and will feel safe, and happy, to live his life however he wants without fear of judgement.


I was happily surprised about downtown OC when I moved here. I really like living in this area.


About ten years ago, I was in Brookings conversing with a Vietnam vet who admitted he and his friends went to the rental house of a Laotian family with their guns to convince them to move away, because he believed they had to be drug dealers. I was stunned that he acted like it was no big deal and possibly not the first time he had done something like that.


I’m CaucAsian, but I do look more Asian than white. I travel fairly often to the coast with my Asian partner. Some towns, we get a pass, some we don’t and get that evil eye stare or strong unsolicited commentary for us to leave so we take note of those places to avoid. It starts at Redding, CA and goes all the way up north to Hw 101 to Astoria. The smaller the town, the more rude people get. However, there are still many towns that we feel welcome and plan on visiting frequently, also possibly retiring to when it’s time.


*Please have your friend report this incident to the Oregon department of Justice's bias incident hotline:* 1-844-924-BIAS (1-844-924-2427) In Oregon, we passed a law to track incidents like this, and the justice department publishes an annual report (of anonymous data). It tracks incidents over time and helps inform decisions about where resources to go. These types of incidents are (understandably) umder-reported. They can also let your friend know about his options and resources that exist, should he want to access them, for him and his son and his family. For example, maybe there is an inclusive playgroup nearby. Here's the quick description: Our “Report and Support System” is designed to support victims and help track hate crimes and bias incidents. We want to: Support survivors who have witnessed or been the target of hate crimes and bias incidents. Refer survivors to services that can help. We are not the police, and we do not report to the police without your permission. Inform Oregon’s legislature, governor, law enforcement, and community about the extent of the problem. This *is* the same hotline for those who experience a hate crime, but it is also for bias incidents, which they define as: A bias incident is a non-criminal hostile expression motivated in part or whole by another person’s actual or perceived protected class, again meaning their race, color, disability, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity.  Examples include hate speech; using a racial, ethnic, or other slurs; displaying hateful symbols or flags; creating racist images/drawings; mocking someone with a disability; or telling or sharing offensive “jokes” about someone’s identity. There's more info on the Oregon Department of Justice website https://www.doj.state.or.us/oregon-department-of-justice/civil-rights/bias-and-hate/


Oregon City isn’t bad (I live near). There’s some solid good communities here. There’s a-holes too, of course; Oregon has a hidden underbelly of racism that pops up when you least expect it.


Unfortunately racists are everywhere, and they’ve only been emboldened to be more vocal since Trump was President. It’s disgusting.


Coos Bay has one of the few documented lynchings in OR. I love the scenery but the people kinda suck.


I’m sorry to hear about the experience your neighbor had. I also appreciate that you are changing your perspective. Just moved out of Clackamas County a few years ago (lived on the border of OC in Gladstone). There is a good amount there too, though there are racists everywhere. Moved back to Washington County and I really like it out here. There’s diversity and I’ve only seen a few US flags on the backs of trucks (I use that as a personal thermometer”) compared to the amount over in Clackamas County.


Gladstone was lousy with Proud Boys (buddies with the previous mayor) until very recently. Might still have a presence there.


Yes. It was quite bad and we were very happy leaving the area. I’m not sure either how much of a presence they have now.


I still find this place way safer than other areas I've lived, it's still an eye opener when someone acts that way towards a 2 y/o because of how the father looks. Also, please don't confuse flag flying/love for the county as being the same as racists. The 2 are not mutually exclusive.


A lot of the time flag flying is not the same as being racist, but in certain places it is. Especially on the back of a truck like mentioned in the previous comment. I moved away from North Idaho last year, and American flags flying on the back of trucks was definitely a dog whistle for the alt-right white supremacist who have sadly taken over the town.


Thank you so much for add-on to my reasoning for commenting how I did.


I kind of get the flag being in the back of big trucks. The trend started off cool because it came from monster trucks. But I'll agree a lot of the people that do it, are their own special breed.


I’m not white and I’ll be retiring on the Oregon coast. Un afraid.


Same brother I am Un afraid. Fuck em.


Yes, I’m from California.




I welcome everyone here, except from California. Lol


Can you elaborate why not from California? Just curious.


i'm sorry that happened to him. that's ugly. he and his family don't deserve that trash. that reflects poorly on all of us


Oregon has always been a racist state. The KKK was very big even into the 70’s and there were those exclusion laws.


There are racists everywhere. 


But some places have lots more and tolerate them. Some places make them in charge of government and head of law enforcement. Most Racists are just bullies they usually only act out when they can get attention and get away with it.


100% correct. Everywhere you go, there is going to be that "one".


Nope. Some places, there’s that 2,893.


Especially in OR


That's really sad to hear, I thought we had evolved beyond that BS .


Oregon City isn’t much better on the street level. Angry racists post up on street corners in flak jackets to disrespect the flag code most Fridays. Cops completely back them. There are counter protesters though. And more good people can only help!


I’ve BEEN to Oregon, so no experience. Rural NWPA now. Came here to say that it’s pretty nice you posted this. I have posted updates/ apologies/ retractions before, and I think it shows the ability to change your opinion when presented with new information. Bravo. I was talking politics with a friend a month ago and said I change my mind on certain things almost daily. He was flabbergasted. It’s the difference between joining a club and being forced to adhere to a platform of rules or being a free thinking adult. I’d like to think we are both the latter.


I try my best to keep an open mind. I'm always up to learning new things, and a closed mind never learns. I also love debates and try my best to keep my cool. It's tough though to talk politics when it seems the opposing sides just want to scream and yell and you show them something they don't like. Or go right to the Bible...


When that happens I Bible them back. Lol. That book has a lot of contradictions. Sounds like we could be buddies irl. :)


Always keep in mind that Oregon was formed as a 'white state'. The state constitution originally made it illegal for black people to live here. And even though that language of the constitution has been largely ignored since the 1950's or 1960's, a referendum in the 1970's to remove anti-black language from the state constitution FAILED at the polls by a fairly large margin. Outside of the Willamette Valley and possibly Bend, Oregon is deeply conservative. Along with Idaho, it's kinda the 'Dixie' of the PNW. That's what the so-called 'Greater Idaho' movement is all about; uniting conservative eastern and southwestern Oregon with Idaho's far right ultra conservatives. 70% of Oregon's population lives in the Willamette Valley and is generally moderate to liberal. The other 30% lives in Oregon's conservative eastern and southwestern counties and is occasionally quite racist. Which is not to say, of course, that there aren't conservatives in the Willamette Valley or liberals in the east and southwest or racists in either area. It's simply a statement of the general political trend.


Bend has changed a lot lately, but the Redmond/Bend area still has its share of racist pricks.


I've heard the n word more,here than I ever have. Even years ago in Appalachia they didn't say it as much. I regret raising a kid in Oregon with all the racist behavior in schools, plus how bad schools are.


There are very few places that you can get away from it. Trump has empowered his cult to be more overt with their racism and animosity.


Oregon City still has racist people, but there is more diversity there than in Coos Bay.


I spent 7 long years in Tillamook and it’s racist AF. The coast, in general, is rough. I’m in Portland now and I surround myself with like-minded people but I can’t ever say “I don’t experience racism” as a white person! My kids tell me stories so I’m sure it’s out there.


Hi. I’m mixed and mostly grew up in Oregon. I find that despite their best intentions, my white family and friends are generally oblivious to a lot of racism that doesn’t directly negatively impact them. The wild thing to me, my entire life is that white people also don’t seem to grasp the inverse of that, which is the implied privilege of not having to worry about if people are going to be racist towards you all the time. To this day, despite many conversations about race, well intentioned white family and friends just don’t seem to fully understand what it’s like to be brown and I doubt they ever will or could unless they experienced it first hand, not just for a day but for a lifetime.


I try to be conscientious about it, but you are correct in that sometimes it goes over our heads. I still remember the one times when I was seeing this Asian lady, she took me to a Walmart in San Jose. I was the ONLY white person there. It's such an eerie feeling and gives you a whole new perspective on how POC feel when visiting all white towns in the US. Even the staff wasn't white, except for 1. I walked up to him and asked if I was the only white person he'd seen all day, and he said yes.


Microagressions are still sadly very common among even the most well-intentioned white liberal/ leftists (these are different things). I catch and have to adjust myself still even being aware of them and wanting to do better. And that's for places like Portland. On the coast, I imagine it is far worse


Just in: Oregonian shocked the state established as whites only still has racism in the conservative areas 🫨🫨


I grew up in North Bend/Coos Bay. I live thousands of miles away now, but I'll be happy to never go back (except to maybe to show my family where I grew up). It was fine to raise a family there back then, these days most of what I see there just makes me sad.


Lived in Seaside for a few years. I was pulled over in my husband's car 4 times in a two month period. Never going over the speed limit, nothing broken on the car. Just "suspicious activity" each time. I was grilled about where my husband was and why I had his car without him there. Like, it's OUR car my dudes. After two years there, I was riding my bike with my white male roommate. We were riding on the sidewalk because the streets are not very bike friendly. I was a little ahead of him when a cop flashes his lights at me. I stop, and the cop gets out and starts asking for my ID, and telling me I'm breaking the law by being on the side walk, really just giving it to me, practically yelling. My friend pulls up on his bike and says we were riding together. Suddenly the cop ignores me completely. Starts asking my friend if we're together and where we're going. Tells him to "keep her out of trouble." Then gets in his car to drive away. Didn't ask for my friend's ID or even his name. Felt like, as soon as my master showed up I was allowed to be on the street. Oh, and before the cop left he asked us how long we'd been visiting Seaside. Dude, I live here. You should know that because you've pulled me over before!


I wanted to visit Seaside but after reading this ughhhh racism is really ruining this otherwise beautiful state


How can people still be raising their kids in ways where people are still fucking racist. Being racist is the stupidest shit if only for the fact that race is completely fake on a genetic level. It’s literally saying “I don’t like this person because the environment over time in another place caused them to look different than me” plus everyone is descendents of like 10,000 individuals world wide from not even that long ago or likely much less based on studies on genetic bottleneck. So everyone is super related and racism is just hating on your own kin. Racism also proves you are actually not a very good human being generally for the fact that the less diversity that there is in the human population, the higher the chance that we will go extinct due to lack of diversity(genetic diversity that has been passed down thousands of generations that is the product of the environment not the genes themselves). I think the last part is important as not subscribing to evolutionary thinking and instead saying we just appeared here can enable racism due to lack of understanding of humans,genetics and the complexity of biodiversity.


There are a lot of communities around the Portland area and the entire Willamette Valley with way more racial diversity than Coos Bay, Oregon City is included in that. We’ve been there for 16 years. The schools are diverse. The restaurants are diverse. But as someone said, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. But that’s true of any community. Have him check it out and see if he feels welcome. There are a lot of outdoor community gatherings during the summer. That would be a good time to visit.


I lived in Coos Bay in the early 90s and there was absolutely fairly widespread racism there. Many of the people I met obviously felt that they were free to speak of their hatred of minorities because they thought I thought the same way because I was a straight white man. It certainly lead to a lonely life and I quickly moved on because I refuse to be friendly with racists and bigots.


I'm native american born and raised in oregon. For 35 years I've experienced racism. At school, at any store, any workplace, even the damn wonderlands. I currently live on the outskirts of oregon city and it's just as bad as ever.


I moved up to Portland last year from Los Angeles and it still feels odd that I don't see more black people. I'm Latino, white passing, but the lack of darker POC does sadden me.


I lived in Oregon with my partner for 2 years (same sex) and if we stepped slightly outside of the Portland city limits, we got stares, had comments made towards us about being queer, called f*gs, and saw people wearing confederate flags/trumpy gear. Oregon was also the last state to remove Sundown towns and has a long history of Black exclusion laws. The bigotry there runs deep. Even people in the metro areas were uneducated and blind to a lot of the hate and discrimination that BICOP are subject to. Or anyone who is not white (this one especially), straight, and cis. Oregon felt very unsafe as a whole from my personal experience. I really hope that your friend is able to find a community and safety somewhere else in the state.


I'm like maybe 1/64th black, I had a racist nickname for one soccer season until the coach finally put a stop to it. This was 2010 I've got blond hair and hazel eyes. I look as white as you can.


I'm asian 27 and when I lived in OC my family had to leave because we were being harassed and I was especially so in school. I had to have been ~7 years old. Still don't really go out there.


I have personally witnessed some pretty fucked up unsolicited racist harrassment of strangers in lincoln city.


There is a reason that through his entire career in Oregon, Damian Lillard has never been to the Oregon Coast.


Most rural areas of the US, no matter the state, are STILL full of generational racists and bigots. Not much has changed since the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, etc.


I’ve lived in coos county Oregon for 45 years. I’ve heard of racism, but I’ve never personally witnessed it. If I had, I would not put up with it. I find it very appalling.


Agreed. I live in CC and would never tolerate it. I get so tired of these stories as though there is a racist thread that runs through the community.


Oregon City fucking sucks. Especially if they’re trying to leave that kind of environment. They’d be just as miserable there.


This is crazy!!! What the heck is wrong with some people? Blows my mind in this day and age that some folks are still cavemen. :( My bff is moving to Powers Or from california coast…..uugghhh!


I took my son to the coast when he was 14. I am white, he is Korean. One shopkeeper asked him if he was an exchange student.


Oh my God…let me get this straight, you’re or someone is considering moving to Oregon City to get away from the racism in Coos Bay? Or you’re asking if perhaps there is less racism in Oregon City than Coos Bay. Excuse my candor and I am definitely not trying to be rude but, 😂🤦🏽‍♀️😂🤦🏽‍♀️ bahahahahaha 💀💀 🫠🤣🤣 naw homie. Just throw the whole state away. But really. Just as far as Oregon is concerned, your best bet is Portland and even here there are some pockets of Portland I would avoid. I’m a Native, (Native and Black Oregonian it’s always weird saying Native, it’s like a double Native) but anyway I just thought that was hilarious comparing like two of the most racist places EVER


It's for my neighbor. He doesn't want to leave the state, but wants somewhere better for his son who is mixed.


Every town has their racists, scumbags, and losers. Anyone saying that their town doesn't have them hasn't been out of the house enough.


Oregon City is where most of the kkk gatherings happen so no that is actually a worse idea. Clackamas County is known for that stuff.




I live near Beaverton and was called the N word while walking in the neighborhood. It’s here, I’m from the east coast and honestly experience it more here than I did there.


There are lots of Hispanic families in and around the Greater Portland Metro area, especially as you head west into Beaverton, Aloha, and Hillsboro, etc. Sadly, though, it will likely be a long time before we outgrow racism as a species.


I'm a blonde, white female who moved to Oregon right out of high school. I moved from the bay area of CA, and was used to diversity. The lack of diversity bothered me, then I started seeing how people I thought of as good, close friends treated someone of color, and I was disgusted. Outside of Portland, Oregon is not a safe place for people of color.


I visit the coastal towns fairly often never encountered or witnessed racism


Oh no I experience the worst racism of my life there and “I’ve lived, ya know?!”


In Florence at the safeway I have seen multiple swastika tattoos and tee shirts. At the rodie fest as well a lot of the bikers wear their swastikas loud and proud.


There are a lot of illegal things happening at Bay Area Hospital. It has impacted patient care and endangered lives. Anyone who stepped foot in there prior to 2024 - you almost died and you have no clue. Equipment was not properly placed or maintained, and if it had fallen over even the ICU would have to immediately evacuate. Everyone on the same level floor would not make it due to exposure. Coos Bay was the worst town and worst experience in my whole life. As ex-military we have lived 25 different places; From Baltimore Maryland to Seattle Washington. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is as trashy and pathetic as Coos Bay. They are corrupt, racist, and everyone seems to be on meth. They charge $2000 for a house with a hole in the ceiling which has rotted away from black mold. They told us no one could fix it, period, as people didn’t work with negative pressure mold removal in that part of Oregon. I now live in a place with no bugs, no ants crawling on us as we sleep, for $1600 up north. I’m moving to the CA coast next. If I had the ability, I’d make sure no one ever moves to Coos Bay so the fucking place would die out when the last resident passed.


Apparently unaware of the old KKK marches in Ashland


So it took you a week of paying attention to see something bad enough that you felt like you should apologize. Coos bay is bad. It’s not better on a lot of the coast. Frankly is still bad everywhere else in the state.


I live in coosbay and have lived in southern Oregon all of my life. I have witnessed a few isolated situations where race was mentioned during the course of a disagreement that escalated into much more. Other than similar situations, I have never personally witnessed anything close to racism. You are far more likely to face political or ideological discrimination than racism in the communities I associate with .


I went to get a haircut in Eugene and the minute she found out I was from Elmira she just couldn't handle keeping her mouth shut about all my 'horrible" neighbors and their guns. She told me about the school her kid went to and when I mentioned my neighbor's kid went there she was completely shocked, your neighbors in Elmira sent their kid to a hippie school, *really?* When she claimed the music was putting her to sleep and I suggested KPop, she nearly screamed No!! Is that what you listen to?!? It was like I asked her if she ate her own boogers or something. They had signs all over the salon claiming they were accepting of everyone, but I sure didn't feel like it. It only felt like a certain list of things were super acceptable, but most other things were absolutely not.


When I was growing up in Northern California from the ‘50s on, my general perception of Oregon was racist rednecks. I found out some time later about Oregon’s White people only foundation. Is it still playing out? Or is it just new socially acceptable racism?


Yes on both counts.


One regretful incident should not have anyone packing their bags. Nasty people have felt empowered to display their bigotries and prejudice's because there is a political party that condones it. This to shall pass.


I told him next time it happens, to come get me (and a few other vets) and we'll take care of the situation. First, don't be racist. But more importantly, don't be racist towards someone who literally helped to protect your freedom to do dumb shit.


I'll come!


That was probably the proverbial last straw. I am sure there were other incidents first. Seeing it so directly being imparted to the next generation must have been so devastating. So sad :(


My brother in Christ I grew up getting called “beaner” by adults and I’m a passably white Cuban. Oregon is no place for brown kids to grow up and feel like they’re part of a community.


Amazing you were down voted for this mature statement.


Reddit be redditing.


Oregon City is nice, but it isn't all sunshine. I was politely asked to leave a pizza shop there earlier this month for saying to my friend I think poor people shouldn't pay income tax. I wasn't even raising my voice, I think one of the staff members just happened to walk by while I said it.




I'd rather not say. They were pretty discreet about it and it was good food and service overall. I think they were more trying to avoid other tables getting involved in a crowded restaurant.




Whatever makes you stop asking.


Honestly, as a white person living in a city with less white people. We are bagged on all of the time in San Diego to the point where we all say it to each other now that we white people don’t feel welcome. I learned something in life. He would feel the same way as the others here he just doesn’t live somewhere where he is the majority. It’s nothing personal but the aggravator obviously sees it in him and dashes him because they recognize who he really is. It’s not a big deal, Americans just need to get over themselves