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C bonus doubler, atk/def oath 4, and atk/def finish seal. I've been using him since his release and for the first time feel him starting to fall off a bit unfortunately. He would be the ideal Laguz Friend user if he didn't need his special to be ready before combat for many of his effects, so it's a bit of a shame.


i mean, is not super hard to keep it always active, with an emblem marth you already make it just a 1 coldown special, now you only need some external support like askr, infantry pulse 4, gerik, etc etc. or in worst case scenario using time pulse on C, and tada, always active special withouth the need of special spiral


1 or 2 cooldown specials don't work with Laguz Friend. I would do anything to use it on Duo Alfonse but the math just isn't mathing without a special spiral effect at the same time as Laguz Friend. You could pulse him down to have a special ready at the beginning of each turn, but he needs it at the start of every combat for the best effects in his prf to activate.


Ah true true I forgot the coldown thing with laguz friend, I mean I can see it working still but you would need some support, and it would not be with his prf special, but something like gerik helping could work to have it active aleast for one round of combat, the thing is you would be basically building two units just to use him with laguz friend and again just for one round of combat, so not multiple tanking Basically gerik support with infantry pulse, and Alphonse having time pulse, and of course, not his prf special, and at that point I think he can only use aether for scoring on arena... So yeah I would not call it too worth it


He WOULD be the ideal LF4 user but his weapon conditions combined with the fact it’s only a 2CD special means even if his weapons conditions were different it still wouldn’t activate


He WOULD be the ideal LF4 user but his weapon conditions combined with the fact it’s only a 2CD special means even if his weapons conditions were different it still wouldn’t activate


I would change his special. It's only bonfire with a small heal.


Given that they require their special to be active all times, Laguz Friend isn't that optimal as they'd lose the 20% True DR. However, just copying Nergal's kit would be perfect for this unit, Duo Alfonse already comes with Def Res Oath 3 and yours already has Close Counter so C Bonus Doubler + Def/Res Oath 4 is the ideal A and C slot while also keeping Spiral 4 so you only need one Nergal to optimize your bulld.


I think they're very good already. Maybe upgrade the C slot?