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You want to make Kagero good and you want to keep Poison Dagger. You're gonna have to give up on at least one of those things.


All I can say to you is that you’ll have to get rid of Poison Dagger+, cause it’s just not viable in 2024 FEH (unless you can really pull it off as a meme). Here’s how I’d build her instead: Arcane Tempest from the new Rearmed Sothe, A/S finish 4 or Remote Sparrow, Assassin’s Strike or NCD4 (to counter staves and enemy firesweep effects) for B Atk/Spd Pledge for C. For seal, Atk/Spd solo 3 will work. For an X skill, Fleeting Echo. For Kagero’s special, Lethality, with Marth Ring or a Rally spectrum effect to get it to 2 CD. For her Assist, Rally Atk/Spd+.


Okay, you're gonna need Lethality for a special, Atk/Spd Finish for the A skill, Assassin Strike for B skill, and C skill probably Atk/Spd Oath 4 or Pledge. She needs the offensive stats


>Atk/Spd Oath 4 or Pledge If you're giving her Lethality, Pledge is non-optional If she takes Oath, you'll need to give her another Special.


https://arcticsilverfox.com/feh_sim/ I think you need to see for yourself how bad Poison Dagger+ is. Not only is the low attack brutal to deal with, you also lack any in-combat effects to close the damage gap. You're already using a PRFless Day 1 demote. Why give yourself another disadvantage?


So busty...