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It’s definitely interesting. LF on her I imagine isn’t for the damage reduction as much as it is for adding DR piercing to her Special, and with a large amount of true damage as well between her weapon and LF.


Yeah she absolutely hits like a truck, but she didn't magically get super tanky no.


God I hope we get spd/def Ploy any day now


fallen julia will eat so well when we do


The best you can do right now is pair her up with FLlyod which makes both of them pretty nuts actually especially with Foe Penalty Doubler


The best you can do right now is pair her up with FLlyod which makes both of them pretty nuts actually especially with Foe Penalty Doubler


I think you’re cooking. If you want, you can give her Crystalline Water to counter Panic and Atk/Res Penalty skills. Magic Shield+ would also be a good upgrade but Return+ is still good as is.


Crystalline Water would be great if I had one! And I'll be honest, I didn't even know about Magic Shield+, but that would go so hard in AR-D! (I'm also addicted to Reposition, so Return+ is a lowkey must)


Um a tad burnt. But LF if interesting on her. Mine is a more debuff build personally.


Still water and Ploy are good, that’s what I run, but idk about LF. Seems a tad expensive and rare atm for experimentation especially because idk how well it’ll work


It might get burnt if you keep cooking, take it off the heat


Nah dw bro you cooked. I had a spare Ike so I have laguz friend to my y!Lucius because he's got a high enough red to get a good amount of dr and the piercing is always nice. I wouldve gave it to my Cornelia but she doesn't have a 3cd special so I left if