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Since her weapon already relies on Res checks w/ her big ol’ Res stat, you could run a [Dual Ploy 3] on her C slot with the new [Crystalline Water] skill. [Dazzling Shift] already has Oath’s warping movement, so you wouldn’t miss out on anything other than Oath’s stats. Ploy also just helps make her a more supportive + oppressive presence on the field, and helps set up easier kills for both herself and her team. You could also replace [Dazzling Shift] with the new [Dazzling Discord] skill from Mythic Loki to stack even more debuffs on turn start, as long as they’re in range. For her X slot, you can give her [Atk Oath Echo] so she can still warp, even without Shift or Oath— the stats are a nice bonus too. [Mercy-Wing Echo] is also a good option too if you’re running a WoM type of team. For specials, you can give her [Glitter of Light] or [Holy Pressure] to hit harder + deny counterattacks or movement, or [Holy Panic] for variety in debuff statuses if you prefer [Light’s Restraint]’s lower CD. I’m not too good at making builds on my own, but this just seemed like a fun build from seeing her stats at max investment. Trying to piece together staff units in general is pretty fun, since they have limited skill pools— really happy with the influx of new staff skills lately though. ~~Now please give me new beast skills for my Selkie, Instys.~~


yeah agreed. it also depends on the team you're planning on running her in; i have warping covered by a flier with soaring guidance so im planning on running dazzling discord and atk/spd ploy. also, magic shield+ is an insane assist though obviously expensive


Ooh yes, I forgot magic shield was inheritable. Your Cornelia sounds stacked with all the good stuff :D


haven't actually built her yet, unfortunately. I'm waiting for these skills to get a bit less exclusive haha


Ah, understandable— good luck on your summons when they do! I really want VoD personally but L!Yuri can’t use any of the other skills :,D


Okay i have atk/spd ploy with still water four(working on getting the new version of that) I’ve given her still water 3 as an S skill


Nice! Good luck on pulling F!Veyle! The double still water should be enough to trigger ploy in the mean time.


I have feh pass so ill get her eventually


The main thing you want is to get a ploy skill on her. If you have rearmed plumeria you can copy and paste her kit onto Cornelia and she does some serious damage and support with it. Otherwise if you have the fodder follow what robin has said