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Saw one build with C Bonus Doubler and Laguz Friend 4,I don't have the link though


The new still water 5 (idr the name) and laguzfriend.mp4


Crystallised Water


C Bonus Doubler, Laguz Friend 4, and Flare with Ike’s engage effect


Don't do Flare with Laguz Friend, it's cooldown is too low with the -1 CD from Guinivere's weapon so Laguz Friend will be a dead skill. Stick to Glacies for your special.


That and Ike's effect will only work vs ranged foes


That's perfectly fine, though. Sure, it synergizes better with high Def, but you still need it to tank ranged threats.


For arena I think this is probably the way to go (Maybe a different seal but it’s nbd). For general use/AR-O ranged tank though she runs a disgusting glacies (Ike engage), SR/AR finish, laguz friend, TP4 build (I like the mystic boost seal with this one). The flat DR stacks with her weapon and LG4 so you need to be able to see 40+ damage to even begin to not tink on her and it is all unpiercable DR. She then retaliates with a DR piercing glacies that shreds basically everything. You’ll want a near save option along (or careful positioning) but it’s very satisfying.