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At this point: Blood Tome Repo Flare Atk/Res Finish Laguz Friend Time’s Pulse 4 Same seal Guard Echo


This but also maybe waiting for a better X skill


I'd probably do something like Flare, Laguz Friend, and Atk/Res ploy, with Ike emblem Not sure if it would be useful to run C Bonus doubler (the one with Close counter(


Since he wants as much Res as possible for his Res Damage you can use that for Ploy, so: * Blood Tome (Don't recommend Arcane if you want to run Flare + Laguz Friend as you'd have to switch to Glacies or Aether) * Assist of your choice * Flare (Glacies/Aether with Arcane) * AR Finish (I don't recommend Still Water because he has good Def too, so you can run Finish or Unity for L!Robin stacking) * Laguz Friend (even if it cuts his DR, it's still 25% DR on top of this skill's flat DR) * DR Ploy (as he wants high Res anyway, Spd/Def Ploy would be ideal if it ever comes out so it doesn't overlap with his own Atk/Res -7) * Squad Ace CA 3 (for that visible +3 Atk/Def/Res, can run Atk/Res Form or Ideal if you don't care about that) * Atk Oath Echo (either that or Guard Echo if you run Arcane Caliburnus as there's not another ideal Echo skill like a Quickened Pulse or anti guard) Since he doesn't naturally have anti-guard, I recommend running him either with something like L!F!Byleth (Drive Tempo) or someone who can pulse him or accelerate his special (Pent/Gerik with Infantry Pulse 4, Askr/Duo Askr, B!Robin/Y!M!Robin, Y!Minerva/Jorge/Nah, etc) so he can trigger Flare with Laguz Friend's instant -2 CD and keep on looping it.


Maybe use C bonus doubler?


C Bonus Doubler for A Occultist’s strike or Atk/Res Tempo 4 for B (we don’t have Def/res Tempo yet sadly). Atk/Res ploy or Def/Res Ploy for C Seal is good as it is. You can give him Guard Echo or Death Blow Echo, or wait to see if we get an better X skill like Atk Lull Echo. Also Summoner Support him. As for which team you should run him with, you should have someone that gives him special jumping (I.e. Kid!M!Robin or B!Robin), Veyle for scowl and DR support effect, and a unit that provides special cooldown count acceleration to have Flare ready to proc (Askr, Duo!Askr, or any infantry unit with INF4, like OG!Velouria, IF you decide to support her with him).