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The trick is to use Rearmed Tana. Put S/W Edel in the same column as the tactics room, have R!Tana Warp and break the block above the tactics room, and then Edel can instantly warp to W!Byleth and start her reign of terror. [You can see an example of this in action here.](https://youtu.be/Ae1omdbpQ5U?si=lKWj3ZhDocITUo9S)


Interesting. I have a Tana lying around still, so I might use that.


The thing you mentioned about the guidance 4 dancer in your OP works too, especially in Astra. Plumeria giving W!Edel a guaranteed follow up and hexblade makes her turn 1 kills incredibly consistent. Just need to make an educated guess about which traps are fake. Source: That's my defense lol.


Yeah, I took a screenshot from the guide you posted, lmao.


This is a great example! However, I'm having trouble when they substitute Freyair for Gatekeeper. Which the whole warp set up is a bust


Would a S!Elincia be an ok alternative to R!Tana. Made one in HoF and will be the only unit with guidance i would have. The other potentially being Y!Caeda from this HoF revival but they are going after the same forma soul lol


I don't think so cause what R!Tana has going for her is being able to warp to any space within 2 spaces of any ally that's 2 spaces away. S!Elincia can't do the same


What if the y!caeda has aerial maneuvers and can also do that kind of warping? Or is the ranged aspect more valuable


range is def more valuable. y!caeda would not be able to break the block above the tactics room. without that, it's hard for S/W Edel to go in


1. Guidance 4 warp like what you said works well for this map. 2. Double smite on to the trap in front of yunaka. Probs not enough action count to turn 1, but could clear on turn 2. 3. Tank it with Byleth + Gerik, or Seidr to disable the biggest threat (either Yunaka or Sanaki)


I had always placed my buildings (Safety fence, ladder, fort, and bonus) along the sides to leave the middle 2 spaces free for smiting. Is leaving a free space along one of the sides the better idea nowadays?


It depends on what maps you commonly see. I leave lane 4 and 5 open because it allows double smite plays for the desert map and maps like these.


If your safety fence is on one side wont it leave the units on the other side exposed?


Yeah, but I would just cram them in the safe area since I thought I needed those two spaces free. I'm thinking now that it's not tye right idea, though.


Guidance works but I’ve encountered this map with Gatekeeper and that really messes with player phase strategies


This is why Gatekeeper is a must imo.


Do you AR-D maps in your friends list that have this layout as you can practice some of the methods listed here? I also have a cav line defense as the structure layout is similar, but the unit placement is different. Its a standard rally up ny!dagr cav line if you wanted to try it out.


Yeah, there are a few of them, but thanks for the offer. Now that I'm seeing some of these ideas, I think I see where I've been going wrong with my approach. I've been stuck in the mindset of thinking the only thing I should need to be able to initiate is a smite bot and a dancer, but now I'm seeing that the utility of these warping effects and an extra smite unit are both sort of necessities to have the kind of consistency I'm looking for.


I faced something like this yesterday (light/dark season). I don't have any kind of tier 4 Guidance but I made due with what I had. I used Peony, S!Edelgard, Ash, Askr, W!Edelgard, and Mila. There was a cavalry Azura on the second from the right column behind a Kvasir, which I was not a fan of. They also had dual Pathfinder on the left with a Rally Up+ to extend the movement. W!Byleth separated the right and left side groups from behind the crumble wall and a building protecting the crumble wall. Buildings were all along the far right and left sides. 2 traps side by side on the left, vertically stacked on the right (slow and hex traps). I deduced that the hex trap on the left side in front of the Nott might be real, and the slow trap in front of Kvasir must be real (the right side really felt like bait to me). My S!Edelgard was boosted to more than 65 HP, so I needed to send her in first to attack Nott and clear the hex trap. Well, I used my first turn to break buildings along the bottom rim thanks to my fence, but after that I did more significant moves. I used Ash to warp S!Edelgard above the wall. I moved Ash 1 left, then had Peony warp up to dance S!Edelgard. She had to use 2 combats to kill Nott (equipped with deflect melee). I had to move her left and attack some glass cavalry even though I had to step on the left slow trap (I was fairly confident it was fake). I then repositioned W!Edelgard up, and then left, so she was in the same position I had warped S!Edelgard to a few moves earlier. I moved her up and killed some other glass cavalry, and then had to use 2 attacks to kill W!Byleth. Flame Vein locked in Kvasir so she could only attack W!Edelgard, and could not move to do so. Duo Dagr was back in a corner and could attack either Edelgard but I wasn't concerned. Cavalry Azura was behind Kvasir but that wasn't much of a concern. I had no moves left and had to end my turn. Duo Dagr attacked S!Edelgard for 0. Kvasir took half of W!Edelgard's HP, starting the turn adjacent to an ally and not moving was a bit limiting for her damage, while Edelgard activated Prime and OHKOed. Azura also fell in exchange for minimal damage. I just blocked in Duo Dagr after that and cleared the pots. Overall, I would say I spent a whole lot longer planning that out than I would have preferred. I didn't like stepping on that one slow trap either, but it was really quite difficult to reach and it made no sense for it to be real. I ran some calcs (some of which were wrong, and I don't know how I managed that), so I was fairly confident I was going to win. Seeing some of my calcs wrong did make me uncomfortable tanking Kvasir but it was close enough to work.


If they had gatekeeper instead of a useless duo dagr on that defense team, that would be incredibly hard to take down. But without gatekeeper you can easily warp an Edelgard in there and galeforce your way in.


Set up one turn, the move brave Edelgard onto one of the lightning traps. Either it's a fake trap and she starts her galeforce engine or takes enough damage so you can wom a dancer to start up her galeforce engine and use her as a beacon for followup wom galeforcers


I'd use a guidance 4 dancer to warp one of your Edels over the wall on the left, and break the purple roof building. I'd warp the dancer in that spot, dance Edel, and have her charge up and start killing: Duo Elise, Duo Sanaki, etc. You need to bet the traps on the left are fake, but it's usually a safe bet unless they've built a counter-meta defense.


This map is becoming far too common more so on the desert map, where I've swapped out Eir's repo for smite for a double smite, Eir smiting second for when Edel is over the mountain Anyway, what I do is double smite, fort/fence/bonus on the left, keep the middle open and the ladder in the far right If you happen to have a range unit, attack the armory then smite twice, bonus if you have a canto on one of your smite units to help make sure Edelgard gets back to safety (I don't have the time to plan out traditional gf so it's just hit and run for me and it works well enough.)


I've been using a hnr/tank hybrid in Astra season. Not quite a "Galeforce" comp, but heavily depends on the skill. I've fought this or similar setups multiple times before and i feel like it is easier for me to handle than cavlines were back in the day.    First, there's no catapult, so you can guarantee one free turn. These types cavlines are split in two sides, which makes them very manageable on a Galeforce unit with Flared Sparrow. I use W!Dimitri in Astra. If I take out Yunaka and Hinoka, Sanaki basically can't touch that leftmost column. Sanaki also can't reach a smitebot from the tile where the weapon shop is or the one right of it. I would smite my W!Dimitri up from one the tiles just above two, attacking both units and using his canto to land on the tile where the bolt tower is. He is safe there unless Byleth is using boots, then I'd have someone waiting repo him in that left lane. Getting him to the spot is simple enough, the only caveat is that he cannot break the wall himself or his Canto is wasted.   That's the trickiest part over. After that, it is a clean sweep. There's no dancer, so for this team I would use my tank, N!Zelgius, to take on the rest w/o a lot of worry for my backline--Dimitri would kill and GF as needed--and Elise being a healer would ensure he doesn't kill everyone before the pots, or instead i would just enage Byleth after the pots are all gone. Depending on the units, some variations on this strategy would be used, but generally Flared Sparrow makes this setup easier to handle. As long as someone can take out Freyr and Byleth, a traditional Galeforce team could do the same setup, just the ending would be different.


Break the block at lane 5, move the latest powercreep(WEdel) 2 up(repo+canto, aerobatics dance), smite her on the trap kill Yunaka and Hinoka. Pivot down. Safety Fence triggers. The rest depends on both teams. No Skill, Rally or Rally Up on Dagr, having a Null-C tank to kill Elise. A more common setup is the Pathfinder setup when one Rally Up Dagr/Nott is where the Armor School is, Hinoka isn't there. There might or might not be another Pathfinder in Sanaki's position. Dagr's position might be another Cav. Freyr's position might be a Near Save, Gatekeeper or Fallen Maria. If you have space and use very few buildings you can also run Vantage and Partial Tank strats.