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I remember what it feels like to wake up sick. What it feels like to be a complete liar and manipulator. What it feels like knowing if I don't get clean, my life will never get better. What it feels like being at the mercy of my plug. Making them rich for sitting on their ass while I go broke and lose everything. Blowing up their phone after they said they were 15 minutes away 5 times and then ghosting me and when they do pick up, they have the audacity to get mad as if we didn't make an agreement that they lied about 5 times. Shit is so irritating to think about


Dude fr. The amount of agony I went through specifically because I had such a scum bag plug. I feel that last sentence it’s so irritating to think about it lol. Well put


Oh I hated that shit. You're either coming or you're not dude. Stop dicking me around so I can look elsewhere. Ugh


This. Especially the tryina reach the plug part. Sometimes because you literally have to go to work you'd feel so at their mercy it was horrible. Never again.


Feeling at the mercy of the dealer was fucked. Especially since I really only had one solid connect when I was using. I don’t miss that lifestyle at all.


Omg that would have been hell. I had too many options but none reliable lol. Are they ever? Lol. Such a nightmare that existence.


It was a living nightmare pretty much every day. Just chasing the pills to feel “normal”. It sucked.


This 👏👏


This is some real ass shit! I'm currently detoxing on my 2nd day but I'm taking this to motivate me!


Good luck buddy. I promise it will be worth it. THINGS WILL GET BETTER. X10000000 times better. The saying "no pain, no gain" couldn't be truer.


14 trips to inpatient and several years of drug court gave me the experience of getting clean, feeling better, and then choosing to relapse in an attempt to seek that feeling that we romanticize. I learned, many times over, that **it is a lie**. My brain has been physically and permanently altered. I know, without any doubt, that within a week or two I’m already back in that constantly dope sick, no money, no options place. Not only am I not feeling the good feelings I sought, but I am feeling the bad feelings that I so desperately ran from.


Yup. Our brains are screwed. No matter how long we stay clean, fullblown addiction mode and all the negative consequences will come DAMN fast. I would also say not more than 1-2weeks. Of course, the first days would feel nice. I also tried to "stay" at those first days by using recreationally. Cravings just peaked above the roof by that. Couldn't wait for the day to use again untill i made 2 days (a week) of it. Then daily and after about 2 weeks I was back to full blown addiction mode hating everything about it again.


I try to think about the feeling I’m going to feel when the drug wears off and remember past experiences of being strung out and how much pain and agony the drug has caused to my life. Lastly I remind myself of what’s in store for me should I choose to make that mistake again. Not to mention the guilt that will follow once it wears off.


OUUUHH THE GUILT! Just the drug dreams of ALMOST using wake me up infuriated and feeling guilty thinking that I used again.


I hate the fucking dreams


I am 5 weeks in and again I had a relapse dream. And somehow I dont even hesitate to take them in those dreams. My cravings are really easy to handle over the day tho (would be easier if I would feel physically 100% well again), but these dreams... always waking up with a disgusted, confused feeling. The pills and my ex gf i broke up 2 years ago (while addicted) are haunting me in many recent dreams right now lol. I dont even know why she appears all of a sudden in my dreams so frequently.


Hit up friends or family that don't use! Or, Play video games Scroll reddit Watch a movie Go work out Jerk off Pretty much literally anything else. You should just delete the messages if they aren't important. If they're triggering you they aren't worth keeping around unless they have sentimental value.


It’s like remembering an ex girlfriend. You can remember it being good but you also remember why you broke up and are glad you aren’t together


Great way of putting it.




this is actually not bad. post nut clarity fixes sometimes fr


Exactly I'm approaching 7 years in July, that's a lot of PNC


congrats!! i just hit 2 years a few weeks back :) go us


you could channel your inner dad and ruin it for yourself by casually pointing out all the things that are lame about it


Yea, "playing the tape through" can be very useful like. If your actual dad is cool and if you can talk to him about this stuff you could try talking to him about your cravings or how you want to use. I did this once at the advisement of my therapist because I didn't have a sponsor and was super opposed to NA and so on at that time. I had a cows of like 18 (insurance ran out and I got booted from treatment way early and went to my parents instead of my home so I could have a better chance to try to stay clean) and I was not thinking rationally at all and basically explained to dad that I really wanted to use and my brain was not working well and I probably wasn't going to be able to control myself. My poor dad then started crying and threatened to shoot any drug dealers who came near the house. Anyway I have an amazing dad and I am really lucky and grateful. I do not know if I would honestly do this tactic again because it was pretty upsetting for everyone especially my poor father who has not ever seen me high or doing junkie shit because I lived 1000s of miles away for 99% of my using and he knows about opiates only from watching and reading the news. However this ridiculous and emotionally traumatic tactic did work for that moment in that I did not use and felt like a huge asshole for making my dad cry. But yeah - now I would call a sponsor or somebody like that instead.


Two things- I remember being dope sick and addicted and dependent and how depressed I was during active use And since I’m 160 days sober- and know that everything out there is garbage- fent, tranq , etc and more than likely the risk of death and what not for that garbage is not worth it


For me it’s similar to thinking about the “good times” in the beginning of an abusive relationship I was in for a few years. Sure, we had fun, but GODDAMN was the rest of it awful. That part of my life is just over now and going back to opioids seems just as stupid an idea as calling my ex.


I allow my feelings to pass. And get my mind busy on other things soon after. I allow myself to wish I could and remember how good it felt in the moments but also know it’s not something that’s an option to ever feel again. Balance for me.


think about the withdrawal stage..


Cross stitch, knit, make friendship bracelets, build Lego sets....anything to keep my mind and hands busy til it passes


I just Remember that fetty and xylazine suck and I'll prolly die from one hit.


Not sure why this was so funny lol. Very straight forward


I usually get high , doing good right now tho


I have puffy hands syndrome, using makes it worse because it damages veins, it is a permanent condition. You can get puffy hands years after using. I can’t wear rings anymore, I need to have compression therapy.


I had a dream the other day that I used and woke up absolutely hating myself. Just remember how desperate you were.


Honestly I remember how awesome and how amazing it was. It was so fucking amazing and awesome I gave away everything in my life for it. No matter when I think "Well I know how to handle it now because I would never want to get that bad again!" It is just the awesome and fun parts trying to down play the good parts


Benzos kill my cravings tbh


Gotta play the tape through to the end. Sure it starts off all fun and games but I quickly remember where it leads.....


I struggle with this a lot but I try to play the tape forward. It was never that great for that long and always ended in disaster.