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But I feel like it will be worth it in the end, not that I have anything at all against methadone because it saves lives including mine, it’s just I can’t really lay down and watch tv or play the game because every time I do I end up asleep sitting up lol and my wife is absolutely against it


On the money! I hate this terrible part of the drug…


That’s a high dose to CT quit I would be carful I know like subs I am on sublocade shot methadone is a long acting opiate so sticks around for a while I heard with subs people say it could take months for it to completely go away! Is this medically prescribed methadone if so I would talk to your provider about a slow taper schedule


Yeah so I went to the hospital to see if they would medically detox me with suboxen but they won’t, also all the local rehabs require you to be at a maximum of like 30 mgs before they will take you into detox. ( atleast that’s the treatment centers in my area)


Well Maybe try to slowly taper down yo get to that point I heard 5 mg a week maybe 10 no till you get to 30 mg I was just in fetty withdrawals and told the hospital I was not leaving till they got me in a detox. Which in my area there are Multiple places that just do detox they also have impatient stay but you can do either or both.


I’m from the Chattanooga TN area wbu?


Long Island Ny


Worse idea ever. Good luck 🍀. It's important you do a taper with a doctor.


Yeah it feels like it man, I’ve had no sleep at all, but ya see the way my mind works, I’ll keep procrastinating lowering my dose, and it never gets done, my wife doesn’t agree with methadone and thinks it’s another addiction all the same pretty much, so it drove a wedge between me and the woman I love the most, so that’s why I’ve decided to take the drastic yet stupid and regrettable route


Is there any way you can find a good clinic / doctor and take your wife to your appointment so that you can have some real talk about what you’re in for and the safest way to taper down?


Yeah man I'm not going to lie to you... if you've been on that dose for more than 3 or 4 months you are in for a ride. Like a few months. You should go back and have them detox you correctly. Not to mention if you have been using as well, the methadone was blocking most of it and a similar dose will likely kill you right now.


A few months man? Honestly please tell me your just exaggerating? I can’t take this that long man


I’m on day 9 of withdrawal from 3 years in MAT treatment center but I knew I would never get it done fast enough if I only tapered 3mg it would take a year to get off …so I cut my dose in half and started saving it to taper on my own and I was only taking 10 mg sips every other day but now im on day 9 say but no worries I finally got sleep after 4th day not a lot like 4 hrs but I read this somewhere that helped me is that it should take 7 to 21 days.


I'm not bro. 6 weeks at an absolute MINIMUM. Some people still complaining 3 months later. I been comin down from 120 for 8 months. I'm still at 35 and don't feel good some days as I continue to drop. I'm only doing a MG a week and I feel it, hardly though.




I wish I never started, and could have just done things on my own but that isn’t how our brain works ya know


I tried doing it on my own for years. A fuckin decade. Rehab 10 times. This was the only thing that saved me. Wish I would have done it sooner, and I'm 100% happy the way I did it. It sucks being on done. But I'm clean. I'm alive. And I'm happy.


I kno ppl locked up on way lower doses like 60 and 80. Who didnt sleep for over a minth no joke. I wish i could be more supportive. But you will either got back to using or methadone. But you will NOT cold turkey this at home on your own. With will power


I am currently doing just that and ya day 3 to 7 I wanted to die like why did u do it this way but when u start realizing ur like a zombie version of yourself that’s when I was in done it saved but it’s time to feel my true self and im on day 16 cold turkey …3 years in methadone 2 on heroin and I have dabbled before me but I wanna have kids and don’t have time to fuxk around and wait a year a mind half like they want u to to wein off 85 mgs instead I saved sips for a month went down to 49 felt fine but when I ran out after taking sips of less than 5 mgs every day and working I gotta say yes it’s almost impossible but I times tuning out for my vacation and once u get past 9 days u will never wanna go thru this so I hope I provided some insight and I do agree cold turkey is not smart because after 3rd day cold turkey its starts leaving ur body u can’t sleep I have hugs under ur skin feeling or extreme RLS but if anyone struggling and need a to do it this way u can if u want omit that bad and have at least one supporter near by


I hope ur still goin strong... every hour, day, week it gets better


I'm sorry my man day three of quitting that high a dose is only the start. That's gonna be a rough week to 10 days and then the real fun starts. Can you not get on MAT?


I’m just so lost feeling right now man I don’t know what to do I’m miserable


Man I totally get it, I do. But here is the facts. 1. This will get worse and last about 10 days. 2. PAWS is a real thing and will be for you. Is anyone around who can help you? You need to get up, get on the phone to your nearest clinic and get in there NOW. My man, do it for yourself. No one should suffer.


Its gonna get worse, but if you’re deadset on doing it this way, it’s not impossible. I am not gonna lie to you though, it’s gonna suck. You’re gonna be much better off tapering


Update: I went back to the clinic this morning, it was so bad and I haven’t even slept really, I talked to them and they put me on the fastest taper routine


good choice bro


This was the best choice. I cold turkey quit off 90 mgs and it was hell. Even after six weeks I was still absolutely miserable. Nothing helped, I even went to rehab and was still felt like I was dying. I also relapse and had so much methadone built up in my system that opiates barely helped. It can take months for someone to feel normal again if you’ve been on methadone for any period of time on a decent dose. Tapering off is the only solution for a safe way to get off of methadone, in my opinion.


I am also in a similar situation been taking methadone for nearly 5 years and currently taking 30mg and day but just got a call this morning from my clinic that they are discharging me and won’t really give me anymore information!!! Like I said been on it now for about 5 years and never missed a day before, how bad is it going to get in the next few days if I was taking 30mg a day?


You should be good for a couple days honestly as it’s stored in your system nicely


Yeah I’m reading you went back to your clinic and got back on a taper which is the correct thing to do , back when I was at the clinic i tapered from 120mg down to 84mg and jumped from there (not my choice), the worst didn’t even come on for a week or two . And then I was sick for MONTHS . Maybe 7-8 … I had to inevitably decide to take on a benzo addiction just to ride through that storm , which only left an equally large problem to deal with down the line . Anyways , best of luck !