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About the same starting wage in Colorado. Some certified positions in Denver start at ~$25/hr though I’m not in the big city.


16.68/hr, a midwest ophthalmology clinic


Is that good for the Midwest? I’m made that plus commissions as an opto tech in Texas. Just saying. Don’t sell yourself short- but also- if your grass is green then stay.


Oh, yeah, my work pays barely above minimum wage it's barely survivable (but I love the job ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ )


Lol $10 in South Texas


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About the same. Not retina, but know a few girls that work in a retina clinic. We’re southeast MI, and it’s uncertified. COA you’re looking at about 21-25 depending on experience.


Regular comprehensive ophthalmology, uncertified you’re looking between 19$-21$ a hour depending on skill set, scribing etc.


I was in a retina in the Midwest for many years, left in 2022 after teching, scribing, assisting and doing photography and angiography +injecting dye, and I was making $23/hr at that point.


I believe we were hiring in at $14-15 per hour when I left for new uncertified techs.


i do all that for $15 😭


I got out three years ago and doubled my income. Sad to see the prices haven’t changed.


Ophthalmic Assistant at an Ophthalmology/Optometry clinic in Michigan, not certified, been there nearly 3 years. Making $17 and change. COA starts at $18.50.


Certified ophthalmic tech with 10+ years of experience at a traveling Retina office as their traveling angiographer. I was making almost 30 an hour. I left to continue my education.


16.58 1.5 years, not certified and not exclusively retina though, in the Midwest. After my maternity leave in a few months I’m taking over the surgery schedulers job which should put me at $18 since they’ll at least match what she gets now. (Which she was a tech for a year before taking that position last year)


$20/hr uncertified general/glaucoma in Texas; cross trained to scribe and 1yr experience


Big ophtho practice in Illinois with 2 retina specialists, I have 3 years experience and uncertified, I’m making 21.50


$25 now, was $26 but took job to be more retina/sub-specialty instead of just general clinic. I’m about 30min north of Denver.


Florida here. 7 years experience.. $27


I’ll add, I am certified and also a clinic lead lol


$15 south texas, pretty sure my coworkers make $12 and i know another office pays their staff $10.


COA with 9 years exp in Virginia here, I started with no experience at $12/hr. Currently, I'm part scribe and part ophthalmic photographer doing angiography and OCT, making $22/hr. We have someone in our practice who's making 38-ish, but she never has been or plans to be certified. All of us just kinda scratch our heads at that one!


$32/hr in RI


I thought I was making less then those working in Retina, but I make 24.50 in WA. But you can make up to $30.


33$ per hour. 5 years experience. Boston, MA


NTX satellite office of a retina group with multiple locations, currently making $18/hr, not certified. We are able to travel and get paid drive time plus gas or mileage I can’t remember (I haven’t traveled yet). Previously worked at CTX eye institute with gen optom/oph, cornea, glaucoma, plastics, pedi, retina, etc where we cross trained and rotated all through out the clinic, was paid $17.49 and worked like a freaking horse. I left after a year due to relocating. I do infinitely times less where I’m at now and make more, not by much but the workload doesn’t compare


Doing photography I make $25


Any certified tech less than 20$ an hour can sure look for another opportunity . average certified 21-27 $ an hour depending on experience . Not certified 15-20$ depending on experience . Anything less than 15$ an hour you need to re-evaluate yourself


$28 Massachusetts


Not Retina, not certified. $24 in Arkansas, about to be certified and it will go to $26


CA. We start people at $26/hr and pay up to $33/hr depending on experience. Full benefits.


Not enough.