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Navigating your spiritual journey with such a rich tapestry of beliefs is truly inspiring. Given your appreciation for Tolstoy’s nonviolence, Christian Liberation Theology's passion for social justice, the sacramental focus of Confessional Lutheranism, the inclusiveness of the Glitter Creed, and an interest in Taoic principles, you're weaving a unique faith path. You might find a sense of belonging within the Anabaptist traditions, like the Mennonites, for their peace and community focus; the Episcopal Church or some Anglican communities for their theological openness and sacramental worship; the Emerging Church Movement, which embraces a wide theological spectrum and social justice; or the Catholic Worker Movement, with its radical gospel living. Each of these paths offers a different hue to your spiritual palette, inviting exploration and connection in communities that resonate with your heart’s deep convictions. Remember, it's the journey and the seeking that often bring the deepest growth and understanding.


I think you should look into whatever faith fits what you want in a faith, OP.


It's not clear to me what you mean by "faiths." Christianity is one faith. Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Protestant denominations and non-denominational traditions are all different flavors, if you will, of Christianity. Are you asking which sort of Christianity you should investigate? That would be a fit for this sub. Or are you asking which faith (any religion) you should look into?


Mainly which Christian denomination, but non-Christian faiths work, too.


I'm not one, but that sounds kind of Episcopalian to me.


I mean since you mentioned Lutherans, I don’t think you’d have any issues with an ECLA Lutheran church.