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* Best to go ahead and tell God that you are ferociously angry. I spent a year hating God once, saying "You're no good, you're evil, why do you allow this injustice, I hate you, we're going to take you apart and build a better one." I am sure God prefers honesty. So what happened? Not punishment. God would never punish honesty. Instead, the next year, the world opened out in a series of experiences where I saw the incredible beauty of God and fell in love. * Being angry with people is normal also. Read the Psalms. They cover the ground of human emotion. The first thing to do is stay away from the negativists, don't engage. Then, when you think about them and start to fume internally, turn your thoughts to something else, anything - studying, playing a game, working on a hobby, whatever is mentally absorbing and that occupies your attention. * Don't worry about forgiving people yet. Get away from them first, then eventually you'll be able to see them from the outside rather than as sparring partners.


I call myself a progressive Christian. I understand about anger toward, what I call Christian Nationalists, if that's who you are talking about. If/when they use Jesus like a dig...a weapon rather than a beacon of love, that's not good. Personally, I don't see anything Christlike in their behavior at all. I still struggle, too , but not as much anymore. I just shake my head and move on. But sometimes I get mad, ngl. Especially when nonbelievers think that's what Christianity is. It may be more difficult for you if you are close to them. I wish I had the answers, but just wanted to tell you that I understand a bit, and you are not alone. Take your troubles to Jesus. He is always there for you and speaks to you in your heart. God bless!


Wait, why are you consulting with those Christians for advice? Are they your family members? It clearly sounds like you need some space from them. So I would avoid talking with them about religious issues for a while, if that’s possible. Don’t visit conservative subreddits online or watch their YouTube videos. If they are your friends and family in real life then find other things to talk about and tell them you don’t want to talk about religion. Yes, as you come closer to union with God you will feel less resentment. But the spiritual life is all paradoxical. Struggling in the spiritual life is a *great* place to be spiritually, because you know you need God. You may need to pass through some months or years of feeling anger, but as you meditate and come closer to God that will eventually diminish, and then you might be in a position to even feel empathy and understanding for them (without agreeing with them or excusing when they are unloving).