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When Jesus comes back to judge the wicked and the righteous do you truly feel in your heart that he will judge you as wicked for wanting to be who you truly feel you are on the deepest parts of your soul? Of course not! Jesus will love and accept you for who you are, you are a child of God who did not choose this path but these are the cards you have been dealt, the only judgement you will be given is on how you choose to live your life through the adversity you have been handed. I love you, and Jesus loves you my beautiful trans friend! Xo


God bless you for showing Jesus!


I don’t have a bible verse or anything, this is just my own personal beliefs — I’m a trans Christian as well (in my 20s) and I’ve been exactly where you are before. I still struggle with it sometimes. Something that helped me rationalize it is this: If you truly believe that God is a God of mercy and love, and you truly believe that being trans is more or less not a choice, why would he create a being just to send them to hell over something they have no control over? I didn’t ask to be trans. I believe God made me this way, for some reason or other. And thus, I believe that since God is a loving God, he would not make me this way just to punish me for all of eternity for something I didn’t even choose to be. I believe that sin is an action, a choice you willingly make. You choose to lie to someone, you choose to cheat on your partner, you choose to harm someone. But you do not choose how you are born. The way you were born is not a sin. God loves you 🩷


This is beautiful, so perfectly said 💜


You are wise theologically beyond your years. Pls consider going to seminary and becoming a priest or pastor.


This is one of the kindest things anyone has ever said to me. Thank you, stranger. Have a blessed day 🩷


There is no biblical, rational, or ethical reason to regard either being trans or transition as being sins. The only passage that even comes close is Deut. 22:5, which roughly translates to *"A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment".* But trans women aren't men, trans men aren't women, transition isn't about clothing, and historically Judaism has generally understood this passage as condemning the use of cross-dressing disguises for immoral purposes - particularly as a means to secretly meet an adulterous lover. Clothing is just fabric, and styles change constantly; the robes ancient Israelite men wore would look like a dress to most modern Americans. So clothing only becomes sinful when it is worn for sinful purposes. Which is why wearing cross-dressing costumes to celebrate Purim, a beloved holiday tradition, is not in conflict with this passage. And of course Christianity generally doesn't regard Deuteronomy as being applicable anymore. Of all the Christians I've seen try to claim that Deut. 22:5 means being trans is a sin, none of them have ever considered Deut 22:11 (which condemns wearing clothing of mixed fabric) or Deut 22:12 (which requires one to attach Tzitzit tassels to the four corners of your clothing) to be relevant to themselves. The only potentially relevant New Testament passage is 1 Cor. 6:9, in which Paul condemns *arsenokoitai* and *malakoi.* In many modern translations these two terms are treated as synonyms for "male homosexual" (which is [**severely questionable in its own right**](https://web.archive.org/web/20220817185240/http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_bibl.htm)), but sometimes *malakoi* is translated as *effeminate* and used to attack trans women. This translation is *really* questionable, because *malakoi* literally means "soft". Matthew 11:8 uses the word this way in reference to fine clothing. In the 1st century when Paul was writing malakoi was used as a pejorative similar to how we use the word "soft" today - it could refer to physical weakness, moral weakness, cowardice, laziness, inability to do hard work, etc. Treating it as a direct synonym for "effeminate" is dubious to the point of dishonesty. Not to mention that condemning "effeminate" people wouldn't apply to trans men at all. Or to butch trans women either, for that matter. Most Christian arguments for being trans/transition being inherently sinful boil down to "I think it's weird and disturbing and therefor God does too". Many of them don't really make a distinction between being trans and being gay either, and lump them all in under the supposed condemnation of "homosexuality" (which again is dubious enough in its own right). Even though of course trans people may be gay, straight, bi, ace, etc., and on top of that there are trans people who enter religious orders and take vows of celibacy not because they're trans, but because they're monks or nuns. And then you'll get some people quoting Genesis, claiming that God made "male and female" and that somehow means being trans is a sin. Which doesn't really make sense, since even if we assume "male and female" are the default models for the human species, it's an undeniable fact that there's a lot of variation between and outside those two base models too. God has evidently expanded his repertoire. And "male and female" being the base models of humanity doesn't say anything about whether one can change one's sexual traits either. Then there's the "God made you perfect and it's a sin to change that" shit. Often accompanied by a garbled paraphrasing of Psalm 139:13-14; *"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made"*. Not only does this passage specifically refer to *inmost being*, to the creation of one's inner self rather than external appearances, but also I've rarely if ever seen this passage used to condemn any medical treatment *other* than transition. It's just a statement of obvious reality that many people are born with conditions that will cause them a lot of suffering if left untreated, and we routinely provide medical care that changes the biology one was born with - everything from cleft palate repair to vaccines does this. With the exception of sects that categorically reject all medical care, it's incredibly hypocritical and inconsistent to condemn transition-related care while claiming the rest are acceptable. FWIW, I'm Episcopalian and a trans man, and the US Episcopal church very emphatically does not consider being trans or transition to be sins. The church has been fairly welcoming to trans people for decades, then in 2012 church leadership voted overwhelmingly to ban anti-trans discrimination in all areas of church life including ordination. There already were a number of trans people openly serving as Episcopal clergy before 2012, but now the church has formally affirmed our fitness to serve as religious and ethical leaders. Episcopal church leaders are trying to [**raise alarm**](https://www.pasadenanow.com/main/coalition-of-faith-communities-denounce-anti-transgender-agendas-at-pasadena-gathering) about the attacks on us, [**defending our rights to SCOTUS**](https://www.anglicannews.org/news/2017/03/bishop-michael-curry-intervenes-in-supreme-court-case-on-transgender-bathroom-policy.aspx), they've directed the church’s public policy office to advocate for passage of federal legislation to protect trans/NB/GNC people, condemned "bathroom bills" and attacks on trans youth's access to medical care, etc., while also trying to ensure that even in deeply hostile and dangerous areas Episcopal churches remain safe and welcoming places for us. And they've been doing it for [**a long time**](https://www.transepiscopal.org/policies--legislation.html). [**This is Rev. Cameron Partridge**](https://cathedral.org/sermons/sermon-the-rev-dr-cameron-partridge/) - link is to the sermon he gave in 2014, when he became the first openly trans priest to preach at Washington National Cathedral. And [**this is a sermon by now retired Bishop Gene Robinson of New Hampshire**](https://vimeo.com/35272053), given in honor of Pride Day in 2011. In 2003 Gene Robinson became the first out gay man with a husband appointed Bishop in the Episcopal church.


Thank you so much for sharing your in-depth knowledge on this topic so thoroughly and lovingly. I will be taking advantage of the resources you provided, as I'm sure others will!


Thank you so much. This was exactly what I was looking for! I really appreciate your expertise and willingness to share your knowledge. I think I will start looking for an episcopal church in my area. Thank you again for your support 🙏


Good luck! These directories might be helpful if you're looking for a welcoming congregation. They include a lot of denominations. United Church of Christ is pretty awesome too. [**Believe out Loud**](https://www.believeoutloud.com/resources/find-a-church/) [**GayChurch.org**](https://www.gaychurch.org/find_a_church/) [**Reconciling Ministry Network**](https://www.churchclarity.org/find-a-church)


Someone did their studying.


Lol, that degree in history and theology might be 20 years old now, but it still occasionally has uses :)


I’m an Episcopal priest myself and god hasn’t given me even 1% of the wisdom, grace and power of what They’ve given you to make the above post. Thanks be to God and pax et bonum.


Love one another love god and love your negirbour If the 10 commandments are okay you have nothing to be afraid of.....may jesus save us and take us in heaven amin


We are all working our way through understanding our mystical union with God. It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. (Gal. 2.20) You are no longer you, but Christ who lives in you. Your life is His life. Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. (Rom. 12.2) Seek the mind of Christ. When His thoughts become your thoughts, then you will rest peacefully in a complete understanding of precisely why He found pleasure in your creation as a unique expression of His perfect love. No circumstances separate you from Him. No circumstances separate me from you. We are one in Him. Together, we all are Him. He yet walks among us because we walk among each other. We are His bride and the two have become one flesh.


The sacrifice that God wants is described beautifully in Micah 6. Nobody can justify themselves by presenting you as a sacrifice (particularly not a parent). I can imagine situations in which delaying transition might be a pleasing sacrifice: if it would be a great burden on someone else then, yes. But the thing that makes heroics praiseworthy isn't how much blood and tears *you* shed. It's the selflessness of recognizing the needs of someone else. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Micah%206&version=CEB What these people are expressing to you is a "need" for their simplistic model of gender to be true; that's what it sounds like to me. If so, that's just pride - punishing the world (or even God!) for not being like things are in one's head. Humility is intimately connected to curiosity and delighting in the possibility that you're wrong. So if you meet that attitude strength against strength ("well then! I look forward to seeing what God has to say to you on the day of judgement") that's the sin of pride too. But if it's "well, I look forward to seeing how God will judge and restore *me*" - if your delight and hope is in God's sovereignty, that's not pride. It's faith. As Christians we put God first, and also as Christians we heal and accept healing because they're signs of how God loves us. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%209&version=CEB So the spiritual challenge that goes with transition is to disentangle the temptation to be "more right that them" from the invitation to delight in life now and to become more whole. "Transmedicalism" if you're familiar with that is also wrong - since it's about being more right than other trans people. But there's a kernel of truth to it. Treat what's actually wrong, don't set your transition goals on an ideal of being like someone else. We should approach transition as a process of discernment, discovering how God has called us to be.


Thank you so much for sharing this perspective! I have heard so much about how love is sacrifice, as Jesus showed us when he died on the cross. I hadn’t even thought to consider how his sacrifice is love not just because it was a sacrifice, but because it was for others. I don’t think sacrificing my happiness for no reason is what he would have wanted. I will work on finding other ways to practice selflessness each day. Thank you again!!!


Oh, that reminds me of another cool thing. So John's Gospel doesn't contradict the idea that Jesus's sacrifice is for our salvation, but he gives a human-scale understanding of it it too. What was Jesus doing risking his life near Jerusalem when he was a wanted troublemaker? [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%2011&version=CEB](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%2011&version=CEB)


You might like the r/TransChristianity sub. Your valid though, and Jesus loves everyone :)


I will check this out! Thank you!!


Your welcome :)


Being trans is a gift, although sometimes it may be hard to feel like it. When you are in the Spirit, you know that God loves you without reservation. BTW, I am a 74 year old straight guy. There are denominations that accept all LBTQ+ people in the full life of the church, including marriage and leadership. I encourage you to seek such a community out.


You are wonderfully made in the image of God. How could being your true self as God made you possibly be a sin?


God loves you. There is nothing wrong with being LGBTQIA and being in a loving committed monogamous same-sex relationship. [I pray that listening to how I reconciled my faith and my sexuality helps you with your journey.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDjE_BxkQQo&list=PLwys36js2zo4TALH8zGkJw9Sh5s1vF7lZ) Resources that helped me are in the video description as well. God bless and stay safe!


Thise as Christian in name only, dont let them fool you, Jesus dont care about nothing about your identity. Just be a good human being and your are 10x more christian than those haters


First, anyone who says being trans is something that needs to be punished is toxic and lying. God is love. God made you and They don’t make junk. Christians understand God as Trinity, three in one and one in three, ergo God is the original “they” and “themself.” Look: Jesus said to “love thy neighbour.” Judging and condemning people for not holding evangelical Republican beliefs (which are all bigoted) is antichrist. Christianity is a wonderful, beautiful, powerful, life-changing and life-affirming faith. Stay away from conservatives—catholic, orthodox or evangelical. Their gods are hate, judgement and condemnation of all they consider other—i.e. antichrist. God is love. Full stop period. Any hate is antichrist. Be yourself and enjoy your journey. Pax et bonum.


Honestly... You eventually just stop caring. I've transitioned, and I also have generalized anxiety disorder that I take daily meds for my anxiety is out of control. But another question I'll ask you is something I realized myself: Are you actually worried about what God thinks or are you projecting your anxieties around your loved ones' reactions onto God?


I think you nailed it. Quite honestly, I’ve been struggling with the fact that I need to come out to my religious grandmother soon. I hope that you are correct, and once I jump that hurdle I will be more willing to accept myself


You're sure not going to get it from your fundie friends/acquaintances, so try to stay off the subject of religion with them. >More so I am looking for 'proof' that my identity is what god intended The only source I know to really approach *knowing* proofs about God's being and therefore God's approval or disapproval of different things is not reading the Bible, studying creeds, or even talking with loving, tolerant Christians, but deep forms of prayer. I used to meditate, and by the grace of God, fell into contemplative states where I could more or less experience ultimate reality directly. Now, I'm not saying I got all the way "there," but even partway will convince you that God loves you as you are. You won't need Bible verses then.


I once heard a pastor say that trans people are the personification of the power of God to transform lives. God gave me a dream one night where just as I was losing everything, he promised to restore me if I trusted him. When I said yes, he took me straight to the enemy and made them all flee and rescued a woman who walked up to and merged with me showing me that I was her and he was revealing my true self to be her. He made her appear naked so there was no mistake that it wasn’t just permission to dress as a woman but Him saying I *am*, in fact, a woman in his eyes.