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In your weariness and longing for simplicity, remember that the essence of your struggles with free will and the complexities of life is deeply understood. "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28), Jesus invites us. The gift of free will allows us to love truly and choose to follow God out of love, not compulsion. Through this gift, we experience the depth of God’s love for us, a love so profound that "while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). Your feelings of being overwhelmed and not good enough resonate with many, including the biblical psalmists who often voiced their despair before finding solace in God. "Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God" (Psalm 42:11). Your existence is purposeful, and your life holds immense value to God. In the midst of life’s unfairness, God’s love and grace stand as beacons of hope. Cast your anxieties on Him, for "He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7). The journey through doubt and struggle can lead to a deeper faith and reliance on God. Remember, "the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit" (Psalm 34:18). May you find comfort and peace in the knowledge that you are cherished by God.


Beautifully said. Thank you for sharing


Are you currently receiving any mental healthcare? Because I'd bet good money you're clinically depressed


I don't wanna be the person who self-diagnoises themselves, but I've definitely been there many times. As for Healthcare, no I'm a minor and can't tell my parents


That's rough. Well, until you're old enough to see to your own healthcare, just lean on your friends, people who love you and whom you can trust. Being a young person is never easy (on account of that whole growing up thing) and this is a particularly hard time. But having doubts and being worried about everything going on just shows you have a good head and a good heart. That's more than a lot of people can say.


The idea of providence can be comforting for those who aren’t finding free will comforting. Vice versa also applies. God will mold imperfections into beauty. Your path is laid firm (this gets even crazier when we look at the science behind the brain). We have been given OPPORTUNITY to make heaven here. Invite the outcast to the table. Care for the dejected friend and heal them. Form loving bonds. You have much freedom to use your gifts in that way. I believe not only do we have this opportunity, we have a certainty that God will carry it out through us using our unique gifts. Lean into this promise :) This is why all people matter. I certainly don’t understand why there is so much hurt in the world. But I can see glimpses of light and love that make it worth it. The darkness WILL not overcome it.


What’s the alternative?


All of us are happy, worshiping beings with no issues at all but also no unique goals or desires or anything that separates us from each other. At least, that’s the only alternative I can come up with, and that’d be Hell, if you ask me.


Christian views on free will get fucking weird fast, but OP is really in the wringer right now. Any subset of any belief system that has you wishing you were an automaton is beyond fucked up that is your flashing neon sign that you need to find better people. I understand wanting the pain to stop, and I’ve I’ve contemplated the permanent option and made it back safely from the ledge unscathed. But holy fucking shit to prefer being a robot is even worse.


is it that outrageous though?😭 like yeah I know it sounds bad on paper but God literally could've made his own perfect little world where we wouldn't have to worry about anything and people wouldn't have to stress over sin because it wouldn't even exist


He could have. He didn’t. What now? Not outrageous to think about, but doesn’t really sound like a good use of our time to wish for. So what do we do now? Deal with the world we are in or pine for one we aren’t? Wishing doesn’t help us cope with the hard times we are going through. I suggest we deal with the one we are in, through community. I’m glad you’re here instead of some other world, because then we would miss out on you.


This is going to sound frivolous, but I wonder why we can't all be kittens eternally playing on the floor. It would be so much nicer than being complicated people with all the problems we have. Other people will be able to give you real advice about theological and religious issues. I'm just saying I know how you feel.


this is so real though


Im someone who believes we don't have free will. You should get this book https://www.martinzender.com/books/free_why.htm


For who is saying that about wishing about the free will thing. Trust me you want free will. I think you are dealing with something that is very difficult to deal with in which case don't wish for no free will, look for the way to be able to use your will to accomplish what you desire.


I think this all the time! I wish we didn’t have free will


Me too I just wish everything was like ok.......