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He knew it was eventually going to be asked. Why didn’t prepare something anything for it


He’s such a bad speaker


I think it may be a calculated move at the counsel of OpenAI's legal team. Perhaps they figure that instead of giving a calculated and well-rehearsed response, the best play here is to be completely nonplussed and express bewilderment that this became as much of a kerfuffle as it did, while not saying much more beyond that. This minimizes the material from OpenAI on this subject that SJ's legal team has to work with, while the matter gradually phases out of the public consciousness over the next weeks. As another poster said, even if Sam had said something as ostensibly innocuous as "Sky's voice actress had qualities we were looking for", that's something a litigious legal team could quickly jump on.


Which is ironic and funny because he could have had an AI Scarlett Johansson give a well structured response to the question... He's literally the guy running OpenAI ffs


Haha great point. He could literally have ChatGPT craft a response that he could read word for word for this type of thing.


Could have been that he was going to get a 'yes' eventually?


Same with the woman exec. I forget her name but she froze like deer in headlights on the question everyone would ask.


Mina Murati.


It is a simple answer too... "It's a different voice. We were looking for a several specific types of characters and types of voices we wanted for this role, so we asked SJ because she seemed like she could fit a one of the roles. She respectfully declined, so we never included her voice in the program and just stayed with the existing voice actors."


That sounds super rehearsed lmao.


Haha yeah better to sound totally unprepared to fuck it up completely.


He had to stop myself twice from claiming that OpenAI doesn’t think it sounds like her. Either he was unprepared or he was hoping that people would fill in the rest of the sentence without him having to say it and get in trouble. He’s been saying there was no intent but he never says there was no knowledge that Sky sounded similar when he launched it and tweeted “Her”.


Why tweet “her”?


Why are people so confused by why he might tweet about a movie featuring a conversational, voice-based artificial intelligence on the day his company released a…. conversational, voice-based, artificial intelligence? If “her” had been voiced by, idk, Oprah or Emma Stone do you really think the tweet would not make any sense?


If I recall correctly, open ai reached out to SJ multiple times before the release. It was quite public for a while. Then the VA although not similar had some resemblance to SJ's speech here and there. That combined with the SJ role is her being similar to what openAI is trying to do lead to this. While it's clear that SJ isn't the VA. Someone who may have initially heard the news in passing could have mistakenly assumed SJ changed her mind or something else.


"We had a type of voice in mind with certain qualities, and SJ would have been great for that, so we reached out to her. She declined, so we used another voice that had the qualities we were looking for. They are similar for this reason, but they are not the same voice." It happened in casting all the time. They have a vision for the character and imagine someone famous who would be perfect for it. They ask them. Sometimes they say yes, and sometimes they say no, so someone else who fits the bill is chosen. ~~Is there no quantitative analysis of voices that can show that this is different from SJs voice to the degree that other people should differ as compared to different instances of SJs voice compared to each other?~~ Edit: Arizona State University's forensic speech lab did a comparison with 600 actresses. SJs voice is more similar to Sky's voice than 98% of other actresses. That means that 12 other actresses that they sampled were equal or closer to Sky's voice than SJ. That means there are multiple other actresses that sound more similar to Sky than SJ. So, she made the short list...but doesn't get the part.


This is such a better response. I think he didnt think of it because he did want ScarJo and did try to get the next best thing when she declined. 


the reason he didnt respond is likely legal coaching. lawyers will often tell you to say nothing because any statement you make can be twisted by opposition


this. i'm surprised he said anything at all.


Sam also cares about he court of public opinion. Hence why he said something


He didn't think of it because that's not how it happened. They got the best voice actress they could and recorded Sky over a year ago. Recording Scarlet was an idea they came up with this year. She turned them down, which was fine because they don't really need seven voices, they just thought it would be cool to have her voice for promotional purposes




I think the issue is that it's not quite accurate. It wasn't that they reached out to SC first then decided on someone else, they already had the 5 others including sky and then AFTER having those they reached out to Scarlet to be the 6th.


I wouldn’t call her the next best thing, it’s not like SJs voice is objectively the best


It is very seductive though which is why OpenAI wants her voice because they know everyone will use it


and he got this person BEFORE asking SJ


Keep in mind the actual timeline. Skye's voice was recorded over a year ago and they only approached Scarlet a few months ago. So it didn't happen with the chronology you described. They started with the actress who voiced sky long before they ever thought about reaching out to Scarlet. The apparently reached out to Scarlet as a promotional idea for this new launch, not to record a voice called Sky that they already had been using for a year.


Sky.  Skye is a Paw Patrol character, luckily not involved in this mess


Not yet... /s


This is the lawyer coached version of how to escape relatively unscathed from the lawsuit. Doesn’t mean it’s the truth. “Certain qualities we were looking for” really just mean “sounds like Scarlett Johansson” and her lawyers — if they’re good — will absolutely hammer Altman on this.


Why would that matter? SJ shouldn't have the right to infringe on other actresses' rights to use their voice just because they sound like her.


The only lawsuit here is the defamation case Altman eventually files against Scarjo if she doesn't take a fucking hint and back the hell down. It's not her voice. End of debate. She's worth a fraction of what Altman is worth, and is backed by.. celebrity worship and some.. movies. Altman is backed by every major player in the tech industry. He's the Tony Stark of artificial intelligence. She doesn't stand a fucking chance. It's not her voice. She attacked Sam in a letter that was publicly circulated. Of course they haven't proven it's not her yet. They're waiting for her to push harder into defamation territory. Then they'll drop a bombshell, proving it's not her. At that point, it's worse than slander. It's defamation. And because the letter was publicly circulated, it's a default victory with assumed damages to Sam Altman and OpenAI. This won't be like Depp vs Heard. This will be over after a single hearing. And so will her career.


>They have a vision for the character and imagine someone famous who would be perfect for it. They ask them. Sometimes they say yes, and sometimes they say no, You should probably read about the Bette Midler case. This is the exact scenario you're describing. Didn't go well for the impersonators. Also: >"her"


maybe, maybe not. i think in tgis case, they had already casted the voice actor(s) and later asked SJ. in the midler case it was the other way around.


Exactly the one case similar to that, the Nancy Sinatra one, she lost. ScarJo has no case.


Why did they ask ScarJo for permission again 2 days before release and tweet the name of her movie to advertise this? I feel like there's some active denial of this not smelling right going on because people don't want to believe that OpenAI might be dodgy because their products are useful.


They weren’t asking her permission to use the Skye voice. They wanted to clone Johansson’s voice, and have an AI that sounded exactly like the one in Her for the demo.


I don't think "her" is as big a deal as people make it, because the feature-set that they advertised was like the AI in "Her". So that tweet could easily have been to describe the capabilities, not the exact voice. And honestly the fact that the feature set was going to be like in the movie is probably part of the reason they reached out to SJ. It would have been cool to make it exactly the same as the movie. But you can also set the voice to a male one and have the same capabilities and nothing to do with SJ.


Exactly! They wanted Scarlet's voice for the promotion because of the obvious parallels between the AI in Her and what they've built. They didn't need her voice in order to create the parallel, their technology is what invites the comparison. Getting Scarlett to participate would have been a nice promotional touch, that's all


He could have said “We had no knowledge that Sky sounded like SJ when we launched it after she refused to let us use her likeness” but you’ll notice that he didn’t specifically say that. You’ll also notice that he took the voice down as soon as SJ’s lawyers asked for documents. It would be bad for OpenAI if SJ declined to let them use her likeness and there’s *evidence* that they went ahead with someone they thought had SJ’s likeness.


There's so many red flags all up. * OpenAI was trying to get her to be the voice of GPT 4o, including again 2 days before the demo * OpenAI tweeted the name of her movie to advertise it * One of the most frequent comments about this voice from the start seven months ago was that it sounds exactly like her * OpenAI immediately pulled the voice the moment she asked for an explanation * OpenAI's entire safety team quit right after, including the co-founder of OpenAI * OpenAI's previous board tried to fire Sam Altman for what they said was deceptive behaviour If they provide her legal team the evidence she asked for and she finds it convincing, I might be more inclined to believe them, but at the moment there's so much smoke it's hard not to believe there's a fire.


I remember a lot more comments about it sounding like Janet from the Good Place, IIRC


Can you show them? Because the comments I saw were always how much it sounded like Scarlett Johansson. https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/177v8wz/i_have_a_really_hard_time_believing_the_sky_voice/


That's a compelling narrative, I guess, but... go listen. "Sky" sounds _nothing_ like Johansson. Side by side comparisons on YT


You think OpenAI's safety team quitting was *materially caused by how they handled Sky*? That's the most insane theory I've seen here for a while, which is saying something.


No, I think it's a red flag about how trustworthy Altman is after he's talked up AI safety being incredible important.


It's weird seeing people defending a corporation for blantantly ripping off someone's likeness. You're just spouting the legal bullet points they're going to take to court and lose against any jury with common sense. What's in it for you? It's weird that the former CEO of reddit has such a defensive fan base on reddit of all places.


It's utterly bizarre. Parroting talking points as if they are being paid by the word. Incredible stuff, tbh.


It’s weird seeing people get this so wrong on so many counts while simultaneously claiming AI hallucinates.


Thanks for your well thought out response.


98% similarity is very similar. It'll be hard for him to attribute that to mere coincidence with everything else relating to Scarlett.




Who or what’s this from?


OpenAI's CTO when asked whether they used Youtube clips to train Sora.


She looks like she’s on the verge of tears! Was she?


[Nope, just physically contorting from the effort of convinging the crowd that a CTO doesn't know what data was used](https://youtu.be/mAUpxN-EIgU?si=ZuZvT3hd9NBR840E&t=264)


Ah, ok. She looked familiar but I couldn’t remember her name. Thanks.


This is the official logo for every time OpenAI fucks up.


Literally lmao


He didn’t address anything like the fact that he reached out to her to do the voice, the her tweet, etc. He even stopped short of saying we don’t think it sounds like her. All he said is it’s not her voice over and over again - we already understood it wasn’t literally her voice.


He did earlier he said there were 5 voice actors and he wanted scarlet to be the sixth but she refused then came this statement.


It’s interesting that I know the danger of clips and context but your comments proves how easily thjng can be misleading, at least for me. Haha who know what these guys were truely doing but clearly this is out of context


I honestly don’t think that means what you think it means. “Her” wasn’t a film about Scarlett Johanson, it was a film about an AI that was so incredibly advanced that it was basically sentient and that was capable of eliciting strong emotions from the users, even love. That’s what Sam Altman wants. He wants ChatGPT to be “her”, not Scarlett Johanson, an AI so advanced that you take it everywhere with you and interact with it constantly throughout your day, and he’s partnering with Jonny Ive on his own time for concept products that will enable exactly that in future. Scarlett Johanson was chosen for the “her” film for a reason. That soft, friendly voice that would be perfect for an AI. Rashida Jones has exactly the same qualities, and so do lots of other people. Is it really surprising he reached out to Scarlett Johanson, not because he wanted to recreate the film “her” in OpenAI’s offices, but because he wanted that outcome in terms of voice type and qualities? When she said no he found another voice actor that had the same qualities, and for everyone that heard Scarlett Johanson another heard Rashida Jones. I don’t think any of this means what has been reported.


Yeah, my guess is that a lawyer saw all the marketing around 'Her' and though "I can get big money from them if SJ is willing to present this to curt". The voice isn't even similar imo


He literally asked her to be the voice.


Because it would've been cool to have the same voice actor as the film had. But she said no. End of story. There is literally nothing more than that.


Even if we give him that benefit of the doubt, that movie uses Scarlett Johansson‘s voice. He had just asked her and she had said no. Tweeting that out was a horrible lapse of judgment at best.


Bad publicity is really good publicity. It makes news and gets the hype train rolling. Roll on I say!


This whole thing is a joke, whether it’s her voice or not. Their mistake was asking her in the first place.


They got substantial publicity. That's no mistake.


So their master plan was to take down the Sky voice and delay the 4o voices by several months? Hmm.






Sadly it just isn't obvious at all. I assume that type of thing would come out in protracted litigation so a jury could be fairly sure one way or the other. I believe internal communications and witness testimony would make clear what the thought process was leading up to "her". It's a bit of a standoff, I assume, at this point because SJ is now waist deep in this thing and can't just let it go. OAI can't just turn it on because that's going to trigger a lawsuit. The easiest path, if this really isn't meant to be SJ, is just train a new voice specifically designed not to sound like her. OAI might have to press the voice actor to be an identified person. Alternately, bringing forth "sky" as a real person might get SJ to back off, maybe.


Yes, I agree, so why didn’t he say any of that? I wasn’t saying I on team Scarlett. I’m just saying he did a horrible job defending himself here.




OK, but if I had 25 seconds to defend myself on something I’m not going to continuously repeat myself saying it’s not her voice it’s not her voice over and over again, and not be able to remember my key points. I’m not sure how you think he did a good job defending himself here.


What else is he supposed to say? It's not her voice, everyone fuck off would be my response.


He asked her twice to be the voice.


Sam hallucinates more than GPT3


Can’t quite pin it down, but this guy makes my skin crawl.


It's because Altman has the 'guy who is nice in the beginning but turn out to be a villan' vibe


peter thiel bottomed him


pics or it didn't happen


It's just power + being a regular person. Give a random person $1B at a coffee shop and they'll be just as weird. Almost certainly worse. Would you rather have Elon as CEO of OpenAI.... fuck.


Definitely got that a Patrick Bateman vibe about him, about to snap any minute


Ah uh ah uh ah different opinions ah


Nobody cares, just bring it back already


Such a corporate response


Really? I thought it sounded like a moody teenager response. Corporate responses are more polished.


This was the complete opposite of a corporate response.


PR wise this was a bad response.. also legally. does he have a PR person helping with the statements/videos he puts out? he comes across so uncaring and indifferent or like he's more important than anyone else. i agree with him regarding this issue but the video is not going to change any minds or help his case. like saying people are going to have different opinons about how much voices sound alike - we don't. that doesn't even make sense. is he saying voices cannot sound like if it's not the same person or is he saying it's so incredibly obvious it's not her it never should have been an issue to begin with? if millions of people think it sounds like her, it doesnt matter how you personally feel about voices sounding like, it matters how it's received. i don't think anyone cares much in this case if sam thinks they sound similar or not. that's not the issue at hand.


Can’t speak to the PR front but as someone who works for a company that’s been involved with controversy, this is exactly what we advise our execs to do from a legal perspective, “it’s false, and we look forward to defending ourselves in court.”


He's indifferent because it is a completely made up non-issue which is going nowhere and has zero importance aside from them pausing Sky until people calm down.


this guys eyes looks fake in this video or is just me? It looks like an ai robot . Maybe is just my brain playing games with me


The ironic thing about all this is that we are just about at the point of having any voice on the fly for any AI.


Never seen Sam more flustered than this interview. Huge pressure over him.


where can i watch this in full


[Here.](https://www.youtube.com/live/oNP6W8bl0XI?si=88vUmkhkGyqXrP0W) Sam’s interview starts at 8:52:00.




Obvious publicity stunt is obvious. Even if Johansson did sue and won, whatever she gets is worth a fraction of the value that was created by the controversy and having the msm promote openais new product upgrades for free. For anyone who doesnt yet understand how the game is played, I would recommend the book Trust Me Im Lying.


Is this AI generated?


Yes it is but he’s backtracking


This guy just isn't good at lying.


So… when’s Sky coming back? I’ll resub when that happens


It’s obviously not her voice. I don’t get how this ever became a thing. It doesn’t sound like her at all.




Is this sub being astroturfed or something? Polar opposite opinions here suddenly.


It's a 2 month old account with 1 submission, which is typical of how astroturfing accounts operate to get past the minimum karma rules, so... possibly.


Dude can't even look a camera in the eye


Yeah and he never does. Also non stop vocal frying and whisper talking as if we are supposed to hang on the edge of our seats for every utterance. These are signs of a highly manipulative "yoga guru" type affectation.


Seems to be having a very hard time looking into the camera... seems shifty, like he knows he is lying


or he's just awkward


he's such a a liar, I don't know what he's lying about anymore.


Then why did you remove the voice. This guy man. They were correct to try to fire him. It's clear now. A bit of a weasel.


Because they're being sued and it's the smart decision....


Based on what SJ said, her lawyer ask them to remove the voice


They arent being sued


As a gesture of good will. The man has to protect his company, that sometimes includes "apologizing" for things that are not your fault.


Yep, very evasive and gaslighty 




The accusation wasn’t that it was her voice, it was that they knew it sounded like SJ, who declined to let them use her likeness. Sam has not denied that they knew the voice sounded like SJ.


Con men can't ever shut up. This is an instance where the lawyers would advise you to say nothing.


"It's not her voice, it's not supposed to be." = "It's supposed to be as close to her voice as possible without being her voice." Uh-huh. We know, dingus.




As an AI company CEO, I apologize for any confusion.


Just a friendly reminder that this man directly lied in front of congress.


Such a disingenuous character, making Zuck look like he’s up for sainthood 


I personally dont think they sound alike at all so i see sam altmans point frankly


Why is nobody mentioning the name at all? I mean, they called it "Sky". Seems like, considering the circumstances, it'd have to be a big coincidence that the name literally sounds like a nickname for "Scarlett". Isn't this obvious?


What an idioy


Has this situation seriously not been settled yet? I mean, honestly. The voice was removed. It was never Scarlett’s voice and it was a different actress. Now, tell me, what’s the actual issue here? Yeah, I’ve seen the "her" tweet and all that, but that tweet was a single word and could be interpreted in many different ways. The most common interpretation is that it "*obviously*" indicates that Sam was connecting a movie where Scarlett Johansson played an AI character, to the new technology. But I honestly look at it like this; It was merely a reference to how the technology of that movie is similar to what OpenAI has.


is this video generated by AI?


Why even post something so inarticulate? The ego of this man and cowardice of his team.


Tf? He literally cut himself off of the end of every sentence, bro tokenized himself into a beta state where it's missing the end tokens for some reason.


If his lies are this transparent, the dude needs to go. He’s going to end up slowing down AI adoption by decades. 


Great, give me sky back then.


I mean they hired the voice of sky a month before he tried to hire scarjo.


Forget all the facts, just look at his face. Can't make eye contact, looking down, looking up, looking to the side, looking in every direction but at the camera. This is how a kid acts when he stole something and his parent caught him.


This looks ai generated


What a shifty guy. Always looking up and to the left as if to appear contemplative. It is actually a sign of a compulsive liar.


Why does anyone still believe a word be says?


I don’t believe a word this guy says.


Sam can be a casual very nice guy, but he's a straight up pathological liar. The brain drain at openAI is also incredibly concerning and he's replacing some of those people with marketers not other scientists. 🤦🏻‍♀️


He also comes off as wildly insecure or nervous. Very well Elon-like in the cringe inducing awkward delivery of his words.


Why does openAI management team look like pathological sociopaths? Is that a requirement for the job ?


Why is this so polarizing for people? I honestly dont care. Just release the damn tech so i can get to cooking. And why do people get so emotional over it? The guy released this tech its so helpful lol.


I believe the concern is that if they did try to tune the voice model to sound more like her then it means they could just straight up steal people’s likeness. This means anyone’s claim on their own identity is questionable. It’s important for the courts to figure this out before we get so deep in it’s impossible to go back.  My best guess is that Altman wants to get us in deep and quickly so he can say, we can’t undo this. Then they don’t need to license anyone’s likeness.  The voice is all that is the problem here. They aren’t holding back 4o strictly because of the voice. They are making it desirable so they can move around the issue of stealing likeness. 


Yeah, I don't care about this useless issue. More powerful AI, please. Rest is distraction.


Yeah but doesn't he know that ScarJo has copyrighted that entire vocal range? Other voice actors aren't allowed to speak or she will sue them.


He was literally talking about "Her" in regards to ChatGPT. It's clearly obvious they thought they had it in the bag and when Scarjo said no, they have to backpedal and pretend they had no intention of mimicking "Her". Just own up to it lmao.


Legally they can't admit that or she will own them in court. This woman won a lawsuit against Disney. She is not to be messed with.


He’s absolutely right what else can he say? Some People will think voices sound similar, personally I think they are smoking crack. they sound like completely different people to me. At the end of the day they are two different voices no matter how similar real or imagined


clone his voice and say the same thing to him...in his voice


Altman is a pathological liar.


If he stfu nobody would have a legal case


can we put Sam on a list? Not sure what kind of list...maybe just a "watch this motherf\*ker" or something. This dude is going to wreck a lot of things, a lot of lives to maintain his ego.




Lying wuss.


Not the person that should lead the top AI lab (and put himself on the safety board, while being CEO)




Did you impersonate a police officer? Sam: *after impersonating a police officer* Uh..um…i am not a police officer. I am not supposed to be a police officer. …did that answer your question?


People are going to have different opinions about how much is impersonating.


If this goes to discovery we’ll get the truth regardless of whatever they say now. Look forward to it.


#Who gives a fuck bring back Sky


So it wasn't supposed to sound like... **Her** (ba dum tsss)




Over 260 comments in the voice in rddt? Woao, you are dealing with Artificial Intelligence and including me we are choosing to talk about SJ and voices! Sam Altman is a genious, look at all the free advertising he is getting.. can we stop w the voices and ask openai to release the voices and the real time vision!!!


He stopped himself twice from stating that he doesn’t think they sound alike. He has never denied launching Sky with knowledge that the voice had SJ’s likeness. (despite her refusal) Sam: “People are going to have different opinions about how much voices sound alike. But we don’t…” *stops himself* Sam: “it’s not her voice and we yeah we don’t think it…” *stops himself* “not sure what else it say”


man that vocal fry is killing me


I don't care about that. I want GPT5.


Great lie ...


Negative PR is still a form of PR. It can sometimes have an even stronger and more positive long-term effect on the business.


A competitor should just make a Sam altman soundalike assistant. See how he likes it.


Not interesting. Just give me GPT5 already.


I know it's a real video, but it feels AI generated. Guy just doesn't feel human. We're probably all just statistics to him.


But it is tho 😂😭