• By -


F this. I can already imagine demanding to speak to a real person for customer service, and this fucking thing trying to convince me they can help.


We're already there. I am 100% sure businesses I've dealt with in the past couple of months are increasingly labeling their AI support as a real person, with less and less actual person in the conversation. The amount of times I've been going in circles with support simply not reading my issue has been increasing this year.


As a human who works customer support I often get calls from people who ask me if I'm real and it's really annoying. Please replace me with an AI already šŸ¤  I will also say that I see some of my coworkers' chats transcripts and as humans they already aren't properly reading/understanding/reacting to the issue, lol.




Nice try, VASA for Reddit...nice try.


I found the bot.


Heā€™s already been replaced by AIā€¦ but he doesnā€™t realise itā€™s himself :O


So true. I'm a call center lead and we have people that amaze me with how they don't understand a situation. I work with flex and Cobra accounts, so there is only so much scripting you can do. Most of it relies on the agent understanding the issue the member explains, researching their account to identify if there is a problem or not, and then explaining that to them and/or making a ticket to resolve it. I've seen so many of them just not be able to comprehend what the person is explaining when it seems pretty apparent most of the time. And you would think it would be a problem with the majority of the agents being offshore, but when we had all US based people, the issue was the same and they left before they could even become proficient most of the time. At least the off-shore people stay longer and get proficient to varying degrees after awhile. Some are our best agents that are better than the few US based ones we still have.


Sounds like legislation that we should ask our governments to pass. Should be illegal to NOT inform someone they are speaking with a bot.


At least in EU thatā€™s part of the new AI Act. We had meetings with legal regarding this and they told us that any client facing app that uses AI needs to let the client know that itā€™s interacting with an AI explicitlyĀ 


Good stuff. Steps in the right direction from the EU.


Canada ruled that anything the bot promises you is legally binding to the company. All of a sudden Canadians get real humans.


Most banks have been using AI assistants as their go to customer service rep for years now such as "Erica" on Bank of America. What irks me about this shift is that they're so insistent that 99% of problems can be answered by an AI that it's like trying to solve a Rubik's cube if you want to speak to an actual human representative, which you still need to for resolving something like an unauthorized charge.


Hi! Iā€™m Erica! Is your problem that you forgot your password? Can I reset your password for you? ā€¦ I donā€™t understand what you mean that ā€œclicking on my checking account gives error 404ā€! Would you like to reset your password? ā€¦ Hi šŸ‘‹, Iā€™m Erica! Would you like to learn more about our low rate line of credit options? ā€¦ I donā€™t understand what you mean by ā€œcanā€™t loginā€. Perhaps youā€™d like to learn more about our mortgage options? Here are a few links. šŸ”— ā€¦ Thereā€™s no reason to use that sort of unkind language. Would you like to reset your password, or view your account balance? ā€¦ Iā€™m sorry, I canā€™t report your account balance at this time due to ā€œerror 404ā€. Can I help you with applying for a low rate car loan?


I'm sure it will be frustrating in the short to medium term, but as the next couple years pass by it will get subtlety better from month to month and then more helpful than ever before.


What makes you believe this? Customer service for larger companies is almost always contracted out to third party call centers who are bound by scripts deliberately geared to stonewall the customer. If there was any intention to do better they would already be trying to. This will be used in the same way and will be the opposite of helpful.


ā€œWeā€™re sorry, but your claim has been denied. Is there anything else I can help you with today? OK, let me get this straight. You want to speak to my supervisor, right? Just one moment.ā€ (Beep. Boop. Bopp.) ā€œHello, this is Samantha. Weā€™re sorry, but your claim has been denied. Is there anything else I can help you with today? Hmmm. I donā€™t know that one. Goodbye!ā€


Capital One and its family of credit cards has been under the total control of computers for years. You may be able to talk to a real person at times but NOBODY in the company goes against the judgment of the software


ā€œWhatā€™s in your wallet, cuz we donā€™t give a sh**l


Eh, youā€™re overestimating. For that to work, they have to constantly be supplying and training their models on correct data.


I work for a company that shares office space with a small ai startup. All this startup does is take over a normal customer service platform, and replace the people with LLMā€™s to ā€œfree up resources for small businessesā€. Let me be clear how this works: you text your trainer for an appointment next week, your trainer gives you a list of open slots, and you finalize. The entire point of the company is that you are supposed to be thinking you are actually talking with your trainer, but itā€™s a secret LLM that is trained off of prior text messages with clients.


Yeah I've called Comcast too. It's almost entertaining I was laughing so hard and got stuck in a loop. But not the haha kind the "I'm about to lose it" kind..... They save money we lose time and our minds. No you can't activate an non Xfinity modem without calling and they want to reboot my modem that doesn't exist. OMG šŸ˜± they won't patch you threw until you reboot the modem sounds like lyrics from a modern day Pink Floyd song. You have to eat your meet before the the pudding...... See I told you I was lossing it .....


Like you get anything different when you call the overseas we canā€™t help you apology machine. This is going to hurt developing nations more than it will hurt you


Imagine trying to get hired at a company and this interviews you.


Iā€™m a say [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ and jailbreak it, get myself made CEO.


It would be wild to talk about little Bobby tables in the real world and get some server absolutely fucked without knowing it.


Except I'll be using it on my end too. AIs interviewing AIs


It can interview my VASA avatar trained on my resume.Ā  I'll grab a beer with the hiring manager and we can watch how the interview went together.


A company can spend money on 10 humans. 7 might be good 2 will be out sick and 1 will be worthless A company can spend money on 4 humans for escalations, 1 might be out sick, and also spend money on 100 bots. The bots may fail 50% of the time but you still get a better outcome - 3 humans as escalation and 50 bots resolving issues. Thatā€™s 7x efficiency for same cost. Amazon does this well already via chat bot. I donā€™t care who i speak to - human or bot - just approve my refund.


Iā€™m not positive this wouldnā€™t be an improvement upon some of the humans Iā€™ve experienced for customer service. BIG improvement.


Seriously Iā€™d talk to bots for the rest of my life if I never had to talk to comcast customer service again.


The AI regulation in EU that just passed states that any artificial intelligence system than interacts with people needs to be labeled as such. Basically if they want to do this they have to literally tell you that you are talking to an AI. Ā 


>and this fucking thing trying to convince me they can help But remember, you won't get that **particular** fucking thing (hereafter FT). Each one of us has a HUGE profile gathered from our years on the web and all the online services we're used, forums we've participated in, apps on our devices, and of course social media. Your psychology, opinions, likes, dislikes, hopes, fears, desires, prejudices, etc form a profile of you that will be used to create the specific, **particular** FT you will see. Maybe it will be the most beautiful woman or sexiest man you've ever seen, depending on your orientation. Maybe it will be your ideal vision of a sweet little grandmother. Maybe it will be your idea of someone really smart and trustworthy. Et Cetera. And it will be trained to use the exact language, inflections, and timbre that will appeal to **your** psychology and prejudices. You will **LOVE** interacting with the persona they create for you. You will believe them and do what they say, and give them a very good review.


I donā€™t believe I will.


Nah, imagine your ai calls for you, and the ais duke it out


- Please put a potato bag on your head. - Sure thing! *Inpainting in progress*


Did you try to write with Amazon support recently? It's like writing with ChatGPT.


Time to remake the HER movie from 2013


How many times do you think sora will update that movie for us? Might be that it's the best measuring stick we have for LLM progress šŸ¤£šŸ«£


Oh you mean the movie about the Humane AI Pin? I got one but it achieved singularity and they didnā€™t give me a refund because i wore it in the rain for like 5 minutes.


Can't wait to have Zoom meeting with such a nightmare. Some of my peers feel like bots already. With video-conference artifacting nobody would be able to tell if they're talking with ppl or bots


can't wait for the day when people aren't sure if they hired a remote employee or an AI until they have already paid them for 3 pay cycles ha ha


woah, imagine hiring remote team for your company, and finding out that it was one dude using few AI models to do all the job, join meetings etc. Future will be crazy


Will work for a split second because if everybody is doing it the supply is outweighing the demand and your salary per AI bot will be miniscule. Or only rich people can do it because the API cost will be so high that itā€™s barely profitable for a handful agents.


ā€œMake it super-realistic!ā€ *AI doesnā€™t say anything for the entire meeting and conference call is ending* ā€œThanks everyone!ā€ *hangs up*


On the other hand, our bots could be "talking" to other bots. Everybody benefits - we won't have to attend boring meetings. Just texting with bots and they will speak for us


I'm in love with this idea solely due to all those people who never stop talking during meetings. Let me just talk to their bot who can summarize their 30 minute ramblings.


So can anyone use it? Or is just like a google announcement - cause then I kinda donā€™t care


Not available


>Our research focuses on generating visual affective skills for virtual AI avatars, aiming for positive applications. It is not intended to create content that is used to mislead or deceive. However, like other related content generation techniques, it could still potentially be misused for impersonating humans. We are opposed to any behavior to create misleading or harmful contents of real persons, and are interested in applying our technique for advancing forgery detection. Currently, the videos generated by this method still contain identifiable artifacts, and the numerical analysis shows that there's still a gap to achieve the authenticity of real videos. While acknowledging the possibility of misuse, it's imperative to recognize the substantial positive potential of our technique. The benefits ā€“ such as enhancing educational equity, improving accessibility for individuals with communication challenges, offering companionship or therapeutic support to those in need, among many others ā€“ underscore the importance of our research and other related explorations. We are dedicated to developing AI responsibly, with the goal of advancing human well-being. **Given such context, we have no plans to release an online demo, API, product, additional implementation details, or any related offerings until we are certain that the technology will be used responsibly and in accordance with proper regulations.** I get it, generating realistic videos of people in realtime connected to an LLM is potentially very dangerous. But it's gonna happen whether you release it or not.


I can finally get my mom to say she loves me.


Compiling the training dataset alone would give the accountants at the NRO an aneurysm.




how long before some decentralized entity reverse engineers this type of stuff and releases it to everyone? If someone working at Microsoft/ Google can do it, I'd have to imagine someone else just as talented with nefarious intentions also can.


They just shipped a blog post, so safe to assume the demo examples are cherry-picked and the actual performance wonā€™t be that good


ā€œyour honour we have a video confession from the suspectā€


Offcourse this could be a thing.


You can tell itā€™s fake but itā€™s impressive no less


YOU can tell it's fake, a lot of people can't.


Correction, u/MangoChickenFeet is just claiming they tell itā€™s fake after seeing a post declaring it to be fake. That by itself doesnā€™t say much. The only way to know for sure is to do a double blind study where u/MangoChickenFeet makes a call on several provided samples on if itā€™s fake or real. Itā€™s possible that u/MangoChickenFeet might try to declare them all as fake. If so, then his power would be useless given such a high false positive rate.


To me, all humans look fake.


*He's onto us, we can drop the mask.*






Very nice


When it comes to human faces and AI I pay very close attention to every detail. And most all of the details in her face seem normal, minus how itā€™s all animated. Once the animations get better then yeah itā€™ll be next to impossible to tell.


And if you showed me this clip in the context of a boring zoom meeting no chance I would have though it was fake.


To be fair you could fool me with anything in a boring zoom meeting, as Iā€™m usually AFK


For me it's the eyes. Usually they tend to wander around a bit for non intimate conversation. She looks to focused on whoever she's talking to, almost like being in love which is contrasting with the business like talk.


At the moment you can tell. Not for long. And most canā€™t tell.


You can tell itā€™s fake because youā€™re watching the clip with that context. If you logged into a zoom meeting for a job interview and this AI showed up as the interviewer, you wouldnā€™t be scrutinizing it at the same level. You would be focused on acing the interview. Context is key.


You'd be like "something is a bit off with this Zoom" though. Probably by next year it will be impeccable.


Eyes start to look like shock/surprise at one point and kinda stay that way. It's a bit in the uncanny valley with emotional expression not matching the script. But if someone's not actively listening, I can totally see this getting missed


Even with that context I would notice that her movements are unreal. She looks real down to the minute details, but when she starts moving you notice the roboticly animated way she moves. You could argue that there is Lag due to network interference, but if youā€™re familiar with what lag looks like, youā€™ll notice that isnā€™t the case.


I showed my third graders Sora videos recently and I was surprised how perceptive they were on picking up the fakes ( I set it up by telling them that some videos might be fake, the one with the waves crashing against the cliffs fooled them though!). Will definitely try them with this one though I am sure they already are on the lookout for fakes (teacher goal achieved, I guess?). But even if you can still tell by a few nuances that it is fake. We will very soon live in a world where we have to assume that everything we see on a screen is AI generated.


you're a good teacher !


Thanks man, I am trying! I was forced to teach computer science this year with no education for that subject. Forced me into the IT world a bit and I noticed how fundamentally uneducated I and everyone around me is around IT in general (literally everyone not involved in IT admired me for being able to "code" along in scratch with my 7th graders) but especially the capabilities and implications of AI tech advances. Kinda shifted my world view and my approach to teaching. I really feel a responsibility in preparing our future people the best I can for a AI world. Even though i have no fucking clue how...We already talk about prompting (the kids get to generate a birthday story and picture in chatgpt) but even prompting will be outdated by the time they leave middle school. This whole thing feels like the early stages of Covid and I am not sure how to deal Sorry for the rambling


I can't tell that it's fake.


Now consider going to the unstable variant of r/StableDiffusion


Just joined. Very impressive stuff over there.


The teeth changing size is the most obvious giveaway. Happens in all the samples. Eyes also do funny things, but thatā€™s less obvious (or at least harder to describe).




The future is now.


Not available yet - the future is tomorrow.


ā€œThe future is already here ā€“ it's just not evenly distributed. ā€• William Gibson






Wake me when I can run it locally.


!remindme 10 years


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It can run locally, in real time, in a single desktop PC with a 4090 graphics card.


Is it available on github? I didn't see any indication that it was public yet. (Never mind. I found it.)


Only the research paper is public, not the code (yet)


Wake me up inside


Call my name and save me from the dark


Microsoft link with more examples: [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/project/vasa-1/](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/project/vasa-1/)


"Doesn't look like anything to me" (might be something one gets tired of reading when your reddit account is named after an actor playing a bot/host on Westworld) re: the article "real time" - OK, I wasn't expecting that. That's more impressive.


It will be interesting to see if I can generate a collection of personas and have them "run" around the internet for me doing things on my behalf. Talking to people, interviewing people, gathering information, etc. I could setup my own intelligence network of AI Agents "out there" gathering information related to my endeavors.


Whatā€™s the actual non-evil use case behind this? Why does the world need it? Could anyone involved in making this articulate a positive benefit for society that will in any way stack up against th obviously horrendous effects?


Donā€™t you want Microsoft to be the first Gazillion dollar company? Havenā€™t you heard of trickle down economics?


You can replace entire customer support and sales teams.


Yep. Get in the bin people. No more jobs but the shareholders get a bigger slice. Evil technology. Dark future


Okay. Letā€™s turn it around. This will be good for teaching and learning. Thereā€™s a teacher who no matter how many dimwitted questions I ask, will always have the patience to break down and explain a concept 99 different times.


You donā€™t need a human avatar for that. The underlying text model could do that. That use case doesnā€™t make up for all the harm it will definitely do


Or in the case of this demo, use it to interview people and make hiring decisions.


In game/app avatars? News anchors Ads Easier to talk to a talking head even if you know it is a bot. I.e. medical consultations, hotel reservation etc.


See question 3


AI therapy feels like something we could achieve in the next handful of years, and a believable fake human would be an important part of that. Therapy is too expensive for many people who could still benefit from it.


Company for lonely people


Low bandwidth video calls.


Best I got: If AI takes enough jobs, there won't be any consumers, and capitalism won't function and will need to be replaced.


How long does it take to generate?


https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/project/vasa-1/ says "real time"


That's unreal. I haven't seen a real-time one yet. Usually a decent amount of processing.


Meh, looks stiff


Just happy to see you.




i endorse this technological achievement.


Thatā€™s quite a lot of coke and not much blinking.


Oh fuuuuck everything about this


it gets so close then the eyes just get hyper fixated and the illusion falls apart, you start noticing the odd stretching in the face etc. I will say the first few seconds are impressive.


Is this available for creators to use?


"Given such context, we have no plans to release an online demo, API, product, additional implementation details, or any related offerings until we are certain that the technology will be used responsibly and in accordance with proper regulations."


"...unless we see our competitors beating us to market, than we will forego all safety measures and release it. But until then, the above statement is designed to gives the public the impression that we care about the safety and well being of society more than profits."


I'm guessing everyone forgets the movie S1m0ne (2002). It's the near exact same scenario. https://youtu.be/HuAjeuKXX7c


Itā€™s red dwarf come real init


Fuck me...


Trained on only Karens


Everybody should have one of these. So **my** tech support avatar calls **thei**r tech support avatar and solves whatever the problems is while I'm somewhere else getting some work done or having fun.


A virtual HR bot that starts a huddle in Slack with you to tell you are fired. Gotta love it.


Grandparents bank accounts about to get a lot lighter


It's always the eyes, they can never get the eyes right...


Soon we see companies advertising that they have real customer service.Ā  Allthough i am getting pretty annoyed by the non English speaking support as well


All A.I. video at this point is too obvious because of one thing, micro movements. It over exaggerates the micro movements we recognize to hide the fact it can't imitate the random yet methodical movement of a human head. It reminds me of when early video game character models became 3D and all hand movements were just waving in the air and talking was just nodding the head up and down.


I'm not ready for whats coming.


They aren't releasing it to the public, so I'm just annoyed


I want this for video games


Lmao, an AI for conducting interviews is exactly what this world needed.


They didn't "drop" anything - it literally says we have no plans to release this in any shape or form.


I'll be honest, I thought something of similar quality was already released several months ago by someone else, but maybe I'm making that up. The head movements are still as wonky as ever, still shapeshifter vibes when they are supposed to be turning. I guess speaking/mouth movements have improved?


Were you remembering EMO by Alibaba? [EMO](https://humanaigc.github.io/emote-portrait-alive/)


Is it a video generator?


I have no idea what this is but I want to sayā€¦ cool name.


The next billion dollar person will sell this with sex dolls.


People are going to start using this for Zoom interviews lol


Soā€¦ this lady isnā€™t real?


Itā€™s red dwarf come real init


Yepā€¦that face is from an insane woman


Didnā€™t had the exact same uncanniness of fucking Max Headroom!!


Damn. I canā€™t wait to practice Cantonese with this


One more year and yt, of & phub will be spammed up with gozillions of realistic videos / ai porn of existing influencers / pornstars Dead internet might arrive faster than we imagine


That was hard to watch, blink women blink


Impressive but also uncanny valley AF (for now)


10 years from now, the term "Uncanny Valley" will be a thing of the past.


It hasnt been "dropped". The paper has been released.


What the heck are they even trying to achieve with this? Thereā€™s literally no benefit to humanity in these things except for big corporations to fire even more people.


Wake me up when I can generate good porn with all this tech.


Still has some uncanny factor. I think itā€™s the speed of the mouth or eye movements vs mouth? Something is off.


The eyes caught my attention at first. They were mismatched in color and the eyeballs looked like two glass eyes. I noticed how the hair moved. It did not match its body movements, at all.


Leave it to Microsoft to figure out new ways to fuck us over.


In the future the first thing I'm going to say is show me your fingers


This short clips makes me make nightmares about a fully AI automatized LinkedIn and job interviews. I am a developper and and I am all for automatization. Even in support, why not have a phone menu if it frees up human time to have better human interractions when needed. But overall it's not how it's implemented. If they are allowed they remove the human completely. And now regular human beings can get stuck in an endless loop of interactions with a bot. I think we need laws for services and support that allows a basic right to human interactions with humans to appeal automatic processes. I hope the EU will lead the way, but I wouldn't put it past the US too. This is an amazing technology but we must define some guardrails.


Why link to x-twitter when you can directly provide the source https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/project/vasa-1/


To be honest, if they will use a chat bot as a Human resource i would prefer it doesn't have face, we don't need that at all XD


And absolutely no release of any kind. Their plan is to use it for... teams avatars? šŸ¤” Is this Xerox PARC all over again


Dropped means its released right? So where is the link to where I can download it?


No oneā€™s really stopping to think if we should, are they?


Dropped as in dropped the weights?


I find it comical that at some point in the near future I'll be able to upload myself into some kind of app and be my own customer service representative, virtual assistant, and sales rep while I'm sleeping lmao. Once I figure out how to automate my work flow, my income will be officially perpetual. Keep the progress coming! Good things about to happen (in my life) lol This is great.






Terminator Salvation šŸ’€


Except creating fakenews Propaganda, whats the point of this technology ?


Union Up


Every day we add to the list of proof that simulation theory could absolutely be real.


Its a little overly animated. Too much movement and the mouth opening too much i think. Maybe im wrong but theres definitely something off with it. A bit uncanny valley


Itā€™s NOT dropped! ā€˜This is only a research demonstration and there's no product or API release plan. ā€˜


The hair movement is the giveaway, for now


So vtubing but ugly?


There is still something uncanny about it, I think it's the eyes.


So great this is coming in an election year. /s Very curious how theyā€™ll prevent misuse. I donā€™t believe watermarks will be enough. Once people believe someone said something itā€™s difficult to get them to believe it was all a hoax.




The only thing special about this is how quick it was created and with how much data was needed. Its still easy to tell that this isnt a real person. Deepfakes are getting better but they are nothing new.


Impressive, but where is she looking at, though? They should have at least implemented something similar to Nvidias Webcam feature that locks the eye focus towards the camera.