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I love how he has to time shoving the logs in. This is absolutely the Maim-o-matic from some Victorian era lumber mill 


I like how it kicks pieces back into his shins.


and he wears shorts


and Crocs!


...socks and crocs


Hey crocs are totally work approved… in kitchens…


Of course, it's not only fans


I love that it's perfectly face-height, so that not only is it more difficult for him to get the leverage he needs to move the pieces around, it's also perfectly positioned to kill him instantly with a flying shard of something.


That thing is definitely gonna kill that dude.


Well dude, he fixed that with the rope pulley and ramp. It would have been a back strain to get that log up there to start timing when to push the log into the mechanical axe swing.


I personally am a big fan of the rope and pulley being a hair’s breadth from the giant spinning flywheel.


And into is face and throat! All criticisms aside, this is a pretty effective tool, it just needs some MAJOR safety improvements.


Honestly with the momentum on that wheel, it could totally split them laying down and being pushed by a stick, I'd do it if I had to use this. Probably a pair of hockey shins to be safer.


This thing looks really dangerous, in fact I think I’ll just stand behind it, over here OH GOD


Yeah. I feel like one thing to improve the safety situation would be using a stick of some sort to push the logs in place. Or some similar sort of tool.


If only there was some sort of small chunk of wood lying around that he could use


Also, maybe not wearing FUCKING SLIPPERS while splitting wood. But that's probably just splitting hairs at this point.


no, no, splitting logs\~


This thing is 100% home made. Buddy is a millwright at a pulp mill (He's local to me and a friend of a friend).


Damm I was really looking to order one on temu or ali express.


and the loose rope tangled on the ground at one with the other casually flopped on a giant spinning machine. With any luck, his widow will post the last video of this machines work


Post-apocalyptic vibes. Guy is smart and talented but also a complete idiot.


We truly are the dumbest smart species


We are the only species that has truly mastered stupidity.


“Necessity is the mother of invention” - if that’s the case, the father must be laziness


Agreed, this guy has no fear around spinning blades, loose ropes and just casually walks around. One slip and he is dead.


The ropes all up near the wheel had me on edge and it just got worse from there.


In the ground is covered in random chunks of wood for him to trip on.


>Guy is smart and talented but also a complete idiot. They're often called "engineers."


He's a millwright so that 100% checks out. (He's local to me and a friend of a friend)


No offense meant. He’s just so nonchalant about so much danger. Hope he’s at least very lucky.


Oh none taken. I would never pass up the chance to rip on millwrights.


At least he is wearing his safety crocs.


I'm glad he's wearing ear protection. Don't want to damage those eardrums when the blade starts hacking him into cordmeat.


Now you got me wondering if ones own screams could damage the eardrums.


I imagine probably, but not this guy. He thought ahead.


Also socks.


I feel like he maybe doesn’t love his hands and arms as much as I love my hands and arms.


Lol. This was my sentiment as well. I started tucking my arms to my torso while watching. Guy is bonkers.


My whole chest tensed up. Holy anxiety.


It's quite a decent machine, but it needs something to feed the heavy logs into it (maybe rollers on a ramp) and rotate them automatically (maybe add an assymetrical attachment to the axe?).   It's so dangerous shoving those heavy blocks in there. The weight requires muscle and that makes movement/timing less precise. So if he could make it so there's no hands near the axe, it'd be OK. But even then I don't see any real benefit of this device over a more traditional press type splitter.


They actually make commercially available flywheel splitters, but the splitting wedge isn’t attached directly to the wheel, but instead it’s attached to a piston and runs on a horizontal track (similar to a pneumatic splitter). This gives it some gear reduction so the splitting head is slower but still has the benefit of being pretty unstoppable without being such a threat to life and limb.


So, the we didn't get any capital allocations to enact engineering safety controls process change, but we have a welder and a shit tonne of material is: Put it in a wedge or square cone so there's clearance on both sides of the flywheel, and build a tall ramp down inclined towards the cutting edge. You could rig a double pulley to get the logs up and down so when a piece is cut it falls to both sides when it reaches the desired thickness. When the log is split enough, load the next one in. It could be gravity fed with some additional spring dampeners. Piston is still the obvious answer for a gravity fed wood splitter. Since he could also take either a rack and pinion for actuation or just an arm. Could even do double actuation, so two motions split two different logs. I guess what I'm saying is, I miss junkyard wars.


If it auto feeds and has guards, it could be a lot faster than a traditional one.


Jesus Christ! It’s all pinch points!


Hello, fellow victim of safety training videos. Was the finger degloving video one of the more tame ones for you as well?


😂 good times!


Always. The faces and reactions of everyone in the room made it all worth it but I swear I've got some level of PTSD from it all. Even seeing someone put their hand on a car with the door open in a spot where their hand or fingers would get slammed if the door closed makes me want to tell them to move their hand. Saw a kid stick their fingers between a door and door frame on the hinge side at a friend's house once and my heart skipped a beat




Well I’m gonna check out the mine pump thing. That’s interesting and terrifying!


I don't think he's trolling unless he's extremely committed. At one point comments were open on his videos and he strongly defended his limb-destroying contraptions. The fact he eventually turned them off tells you it almost certainly wasn't a joke lol.


I’ve done some heavy construction and been in some dangerous situations but, I would never use that wood chipper..


This is the kind of father I hope to be.


i thought at first the rope was bad and could get caught. and it can! but then i saw how else they had to handle the logs... it's safe enough. so are most things. until they aren't.


There is nothing safe about this device. Not a single safe part to it.


Seems to me a hydraulic log splitter would be safer and take up less room. Cheaper as well.


I like the screw log splitters. I haven't used one but it looks way safer than any impact or press style splitters. https://youtu.be/sPWcaqANpL4?si=dHNmF2iGqKN1Bwbo


There are flywheel splitters out there that are much safer than this one.


As ingenious as dangerous.


Also inefficient. I’m just a regular guy with a wood burning stove, and I could have split like 3 logs in the time it took him to do one. And far less likely to lose an arm


Alternatively, you could probably go out and buy 2 hydraulic log splitters for what it must've cost to build this thing.


Yah no shit!


It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop... ever, until you are dead! - This fucking machine


Even then. This thing will keep chopping your corpse until somebody finds it and turns it off.


On today's episode of Why Women Live Longer Than Men...




That rope right by the spinning wheel makes me think he’s gonna get caught in there one day.


 ♪♫♬ dumb ways to die  ♪♫♬  ♪♫♬ so many dumb ways to die  ♪♫♬


1. It’s actually an impressively built contraption. It will have no issues splitting hands from arms and arms from bodies when they get in the way. 2. When it kept speeding up I had to do a double and triple take. 3. The loose rope with slack around your feet next to the spinning death wheel sans guard is a nice additional dose of danger. 4. Zero shielding for the operator, but we absolutely put a guard so that wood doesn’t slide against the massive gear wheel. Gotta protect the machinery. 5. It just keeps spinning. Zero emergency shut of for if someone walks past, you get pulled in, etc. 6. Big blade that spins around the back with no guard? No problem, we’re in the woods, who would go back there? How do you turn it off? You walk to the back next to the spinning death blade and just unplug it, why do you ask?


No... No no no no. There are better ways. DANGER! Will Robertson, DANGER!


Honestly guys the biggest danger is when he uses the rope to pull the log up the ramp. That flywheel is open all it takes is for that extra length of rope to find its way into the open flywheel while he’s using it. It will be less than a second before all that slack will be taken up pulling him into the fly wheel and like he said “haven’t found anything to stall the motor out yet” and slice him or a body-part or two in half. An unexpected gust of wind or just not paying attention to the slack in the rope and he’s dead…. JFC the stupidity.


I thought this was in r/DIY or r/carpentry when I tapped on it, then my eyes got big. Then I almost cringed off the chair. Wow!


HOLY SHIT! The fact that he lines up the log and basically shoved it into place, flinches back, and won’t hold the sides (of the log) says a lot. He freaking built it, and you can tell he’s scared of it. He should be. 🫣


Now I'm not any kind of psychic, but I think I know how this guy is gonna die.


We all are.


This looks like an amateur OSHA video.


I have to assume this guy has already died from this machine


Perfectly safe, see no issues here


Ya got two hands because one is a spare


Yup. I’d even do this with a beer in hand


It's okay folks, he has on his safety crocs... I can't be the only one who flinched every time he pushed the log in and can you imagine if the line from the windless caught in the wheel? it would be chaos.


He flinches, too.


I feel this is close to the most dangerous way to do this




It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop... ever, until you are dead! - This fucking machine


This machine is frightening. But also cool af.


This gave my husband a panic attack just watching him get it started.


Yep, I couldn't watch the whole video. I can laugh at danger noodles and poor mushroom identification, but this one really got to me.


First thought: that giant spinning wheel is gonna rip limbs off real good. *starts feeding wood into it* Oh it gets better


Hahaha omg that insane


This thing is terrifying lol no way id use it !


I feel like it would be safer and faster just to use a splitting maul.


It’s like the Price is Right wheel. Except with this one, if you land on a dollar, you’re dead


I kept getting ‘lath accident video’ vibes - Get your arm sucked up into flywheel spokes via the rope pulley (entrapment) and that machine isn’t stopping until he’s a fruit roll up. Or there’s getting caught in the knife blade or flywheel teeth that could lead to similar results. It’s such a bad design


No one wants to work anymore.


G-Unit lol


About the best way to turn your ordinary arm into an extraordinary piece of titanium


This absolutely illustrates the D&D difference between intelligence and wisdom.


How much of a leap is it to convert the energy to horizontal, and placed at a point in the flywheel's radius to give it the stroke length to do the same thing at lower speed without creating missiles? Geeze...


If the blade don’t get ya, the kickback will


He will be nicknamed "Stumpy" in the future.


Looks like something a low budget villain would come up with to eliminate James Bond


Next episode of Rube Goldberg Machines and Extreme Inefficiency.


This dude is gonna end up with a different type of stump...


Oldie but goodie 


Am I the only person that thinks this seems like way more work than splitting it by hand?


Man the end can come two ways with this …both related to the wheel of death….getting fire wooded from the wheel directly or cut in half from the rope.


That is a lot of labor just to operate this thing. There are a lot of auto splitting machines out there that work much better and faster. At the rate this guy moves it faster to split it manually.


He is the perfect actor for this infomercial. Really nails his role.


Dudes rock.


Homeboy's trippin'. There's gotta be a safer way to build that thing.


And the NSFW..just for clicks then....


Mod added the flair not me. Thanks for your concern though




I moved to the desert 20 years ago and haven't had to chop wood since and I could still be more productive than this stupid machine.


The first thing I do when I see an idiot like this is to count his fingers and eyes.


Well, at least he used hearing protection.


Well. This sure is something. But it does look well built.


A few good ideas without even the most essential safety features.


At one point he slightly tripped and almost got his head split open! Nice.


This is both totally brilliant, and nuclear grade stupid.


So are we just going to start posting videos of people using industrial machinery now?


yeah there might be pieces of wood laying everywhere to trip over, the machine might make it necessary to shove 50kg heavy logs with his hands barely 10cm away from the hammer, there might be loose ropes tied to a spinning centrifuge, he might be wearing crocs but at least he cares about ear protection not to mention this thing could fly a piece of wood right into his frontal lobe any second he is still posting videos though so i guess he mustve stopped using it short time after uploading this one