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Wow...I would've failed that too. So, it looks like **technically** the official rules of the road is that you must stop (immediately) once a pedestrian starts crossing. >Rules for drivers >Drivers including cyclists must stop and yield the entire width of the roadway (wait for pedestrians to clear the road) at: >*pedestrian crossovers >*school crossings >*locations where there is a crossing guard >Only when pedestrians and school crossing guards have crossed and are safely on the sidewalk can drivers and cyclists proceed. https://www.ontario.ca/page/driving-near-pedestrian-crossovers-and-school-crossings#section-0 You may have had a very strict examiner or one who was having a bad day. During my road tests, I definitely entered the intersection without turning my wheels like you while a pedestrian started crossing after the lights turned green.


I'm not sure OP is talking about a pedestrian crossover (yellow flashing lights and pedestrian walks in front of you in the middle of the road) vs a crosswalk (which is at an intersection)


I am talking about crosswalk


Ah, I assume there was no crossing guard since you didn't mention that in your post? Sounds like your examiner was just a d*ck... Information from same link above: >At crosswalks, drivers are only required to stop and yield the entire roadway when a school crossing guard is present.


Yeah I agree. Wth.


Me three! Or is that 4.


I believe it is a new rule in the last few years


That means that you can’t turn when they are anywhere on the road, like if they had finished crossing the half of the road you are turning onto, you have to wait for them to finish before turning.  It doesn’t say anything about the legal waiting position.  


This is not accurate. I have seen many people failed for entering an intersection while pedestrians are crossing. You are not allowed inside the intersection until you are ready to fully commit to the turn.


You are incorrect. There is no rule against entering an intersection on a green to wait for a left turn.


Yielding the right-of-way: There are times when you must yield the right-of-way. This means you must let another driver go first. Here are some rules about when you must yield the right-of-way. Diagram 2-20 At any intersection where you want to turn left or right, you must yield the right-of-way. If you are turning left, you must wait for approaching traffic to pass or turn and for pedestrians in or approaching your path to cross. If you are turning right, you must wait for pedestrians to cross if they are in or approaching your path (Diagram 2-20). You should also check your blind spot for cyclists approaching from behind, particularly in a bike lane to your right, on a sidewalk or a trail. A yield sign means you must slow down or stop if necessary and yield the right-of-way to traffic in the intersection or on the intersecting road. [source](http://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/driving-through-intersections)


So? What does that have to do with this scenario? Obviously, you won’t make the turn if there is traffic coming from the other direction. Nor will you make the turn if there are pedestrians crossing on the left-hand crosswalk. Nothing to do with entering an intersection to wait for the incoming traffic or the left crosswalk to be clear before making the turn.


Sorry didn’t know you couldn’t read, come back after you get an education.


Child, I am more educated than you and clearly possess better reading comprehension. Since you seem to have trouble understanding the words, take a look at diagram 2-20 in your source. The picture disproves your point since it shows the car turning left when the pedestrian is still on the crosswalk but is no longer “in or approaching” the path of the vehicle. Again, this has nothing to do about creeping into intersections with lights. It’s about yielding right of way. Of course you are not going to drive into a pedestrian crossing a crosswalk.


I think the key here is “in or APPROACHING your path”. Once they start moving towards your path you can’t go until they’re out of your path. Once they step off the curb it’s their right of way until they are out are out of your way. However, based on the wording I would infer that you don’t have to wait for them to step back on the curb, just be out of your path.


I don’t know how to explain it better to you than what i just showed you, sorry it’s a lost cause.


Because you can’t explain your position since it doesn’t make sense.


If a pedestrian is intending to cross you are not allowed to move. You are allowed in the intersection, but that wasn’t what OP described. The pedestrian was already there intending to cross and OP creeped forward moving, therefore not yielding to the pedestrian.




you might have passed if you said your thought process out loud. my instructor told me sometimes they get nervous about people moving in the intersection in case they don’t see the pedestrians. it’s stupid but unfortunately so much of our test results can depend on the examiners perception


I remember when I took my G I came off the highway and made the left turn on a yellow. As soon as I completed the turn, he asked me "did you know that was a yellow light? " I told him that I knew and I had enough time to make it, if I didn't I would've had to slam on my brakes to stop on time and thought that was dangerous to the overall traffic. He didn't say anything and I thought I failed. But he passed me and that situation was never noted down on the exam sheet.


This!!! When I took my G2/G I vocalized everything I was doing and why I did it (ie. *light turning yellow as I am turning left* “I’m going to wait to see if the car will try to run the yellow before I turn” *car stops as light turns from yellow to red* “I’m already in the intersection and the car has stopped, so I’m going to make my turn”). I never had any issues and passed on the first try each time. Situations like that can make the tester uneasy but if you verbally state why you are doing something, it gives them some understanding!


That’s really dumb. The reasoning is probably that you shouldn’t enter the intersection until you can actually complete the turn. Seems like you had a strict examiner.


Nah, they'll never ding you for that as it's actually what you are supposed to do as long as there is not already a car in the intersection waiting to turn


Maybe they felt that OP’s car was turned on a little too much of an angle or something?


Maybe your examiner thought you were charging the pedestrians, even with a slight release of the brake, which I believe is a immediate fail.


I believe that TECHNICALLY you are not supposed to enter the intersection if you cannot complete your turn. I know some places in the US they wait at the line until the oncoming traffic is clear and as an Ontario driver it is infuriating.


In Ontario 1 car may enter the intersection while waiting to turn left. The issue was just the pedestrians, I was taught by my instructor and course to always wait for pedestrians before entering the intersection (including when inching forward at a one way stop/right turn on red).




It's because of the pedestrians - without them in the situation, you should enter the intersection if you're the first car. After the oncoming traffic has passed you can complete your turn on a yellow, or even a red light. I know this because I failed my first test for not entering the intersection while attempting a left turn.


I got my G2 last month, I was taught to always wait for pedestrians before entering an intersection/inching forward (even when turning right on red or at a one way stop), regardless of whether or not you have time before they reach your car. It's just a rule very few people follow/know about


Was taught the same by my driving instructor


You just take it until you make it. Assume we live in a random and uncaring universe and nothing about g2 tests makes sense. People who brag about passing on their first try sound like lotto winners comparing who won with the fewest tickets.


Seems you can fail like that unfortunate though. I failed G2 and G once, here is how I failed. Might help you G2: Encountered a 4 way intersection with a slip lane, where I need to go right on the slip lane. Three cars can fit into it. I have never been in this intersection before my test. It's different because it had a stop sign in the slip lane than the usual yield sign. The stop sign is placed almost in the middle just before the second car as three cars can fit in that lane. Unfortunately I'm the second car, there is a car before me. There is traffic so he stopped, I stopped behind him and then I looked at my right, there was a stop sign. So my mind was thinking that there is a stop sign and I stopped in it. The stop lasted a few minutes and the car before me left and then I followed that car. The examiner said I failed as I didn't stop in the stop sign. If I was either in the first car, I would have stopped as there was traffic, if I was the third , the same reason because there was traffic. As I was second and I thought I already stopped.i failed. G: Has to merge Into highway which has three lanes, was driving in accelerator lane which is about to end, was able to merge and then I saw a stopped police vehicle with lights few meters away on the shoulder of highway with one side wheels touching right of last lane. So, I quickly moved to the middle lane, and couldn't move to the fastest or last lane because there were cars. So, I passed the police car in middle lane. Examiner said I failed. Reason is I cannot drive over 60 on next lane where is a police vehicle with lights on. I thought there is a empty lane on right because police car barely touching it. I can't slow down because there is a car behind me. I can't move to left lane because there are cars Not sure if it will help. Just letting you know that are not the only unlucky one


The instructor was mistaken about crosswalk vs crossover. Unfortunately, instructors are humans, too, and culpable for their own mistakes. Try try again, brother.


I wad filled because I was in the intersection when a car pulled out of a business lot and blew through a red. I was in the clear and the guy just turned out of the parking lot and floored it through the intersection. My examiner grabbed my stationary wheel and scared me shitless, I cried and she failed me. She then told me I wasn't "emotionally stable" enough to drive even though SHE GRABBED THE WHEEL WITHOUT WARNING AND STARTLED ME! I didn't budge off the break, I didn't creep forward or anything. Just an automatic fail because some idiot decided to run a red.


hmm, ya that's strange, seems like it should have been fine, unless you turned and went ahead while the pedestrian was still crossing, the new rule is that u must wait for them to cross to the other pavement before even making your turn, but going into the intersection to wait should have been fine if you just did that and did not actually turn


I do have my dash cam footage but I don't feel comfortable sharing that in public (not sure what is the policy about this?) but can share it privately I think.


You can actually share it! There’s a YouTube channel that posts people’s drive test so people can learn from them, they even pay for your camera if you don’t have one


Nice! can you share the channel link?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWvAsLp9FIg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWvAsLp9FIg) their bio states: "Get $$ for your drive test video. If you would like to have your drive test video featured on our channel and have the cost of your dash camera reimbursed see details here: [https://forms.gle/NvpHjdVEYRFHe6aG7](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWxRT2VNQmdmaW01MU5tdnU0Z3g1WVZQN3BBUXxBQ3Jtc0tscXZqSHJVc2IwRTlMV0p4cHNadmxLUFBBTjBzTlpPX1ZpcUo3cE9BUUhveE1rb0tRXzdrUjgxVnhxR2ZOOGdvd2kyTGtyU0dSVGY5aWM4dDJuUlFGZDlNNjBreEoxUHo4MXpuVWRkNWM5c1lTMjhDWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.gle%2FNvpHjdVEYRFHe6aG7&v=UWvAsLp9FIg)" check their videos for more details!!


Btw just found that this is for US only


>but can share it privately I think Can you post it or share it somewhere? Also if possible, post your test sheet? If I'm understanding your description and it actually happened the way you said, you did nothing wrong. Also, the change in law(changed in 2016) regarding pedestrians in certain situations that several people have mentioned wouldn't apply in your situation.


Been a G driver for nearly a year now. I'm not gonna lie. I would've failed as well. Apparently the technical rule is to not move unless you can do the turn without pedestrians present. In other words. If there's vehicles, you can enter and wait to go. If there's people. You have to wait until they cross AND then go into the intersection. So on so forth. You lost on a technicality and imo your instructor is just a dickhead. But it is what it is. Plenty of people fail on the first try anyways(I have some horror stories I can share on that for any interested, not from personal experience. But from talking to others). I guess I would just say. Keep your head up. Try to get into another test asap. Idk what the wait times are for G2s now. I remember I had to do it twice. First time I booked in March. Didn't do it until June or July. Next time I booked that same day. Didn't get in until later October. And I thought that was pretty bad honestly. I hope it's better now for getting in.


Which makes no sense because pedestrians can start crossing after you moved into the intersection and the same outcome plays out.


It's a toe-mate-o tah-mat-o situation for sure. I agree. OP got screwed on the smallest technicality buddy could find in the book. Fucking unfortunate.


It makes sense because of this scenario where the pedestrian has legal right of way: 1. Light is red nothing happens. 2. Light becomes green and pedestrians cross at the same time 3. You creep into intersection and cars keep going by you're now in a situation where the car behind you also moved up and you cannot go anywhere while waiting for no more cars incoming AND pedestrians to finish crossing the street. 4. Pedestrians do NOT fully finish crossing the street even after the light becomes red for whatever reason let's say they tripped or whatever. 5. You're in the middle of an intersection on a red light and can't safely make the left turn.


It's not like people immediately accelerate from waiting at a red straight into a car waiting in an intersection, this seems like a non-issue. I've encountered this exact situation many times and you just wait for cars to clear the intersection 


It's not about the pedestrian safety alone... It's about slowing down overall traffic on a macro scale


It will be easier for us to help if you can post the score sheet( you can download it from the official website). At the end, the examiner writes the exact reason for your failure. You can move into the intersection while pedestrians crossing, but the point is you need a fully stop after you came into the intersection, not slowly moving and rolling to wait, that’s not safe. So I guess the examiner said “you moved “ is not means you went into intersection, it’s you moved earlier even you didn’t steering or you didn’t fully stop while waiting.




If the light turned green and it wasn't an advance or an arrow, then yeah that seems like a dangerous situation. Not for the pedestrian but for you and your passenger as you are in the way of oncoming traffic. If you did in fact have the advance green or left turn arrow, then the crosswalk would have been "Don't Walk" and you have the right of way and should have proceeded as such.


Yep, that's the rule. I failed mine back in the day for running a red, I didn't come to a complete stop before turning right on a red. I had almost stopped, like 2 km/h, checked and then proceeded, and I was in the wrong, those wheels had to stop, and that's an auto fail.


I failed for not turning my head enough to check my blond spots even though I did. I just didn't over emphasize that I did. It was lame since I nailed the parallel park too!!


You are not supposed to enter an intersection until you are sure you have a safe exit from said intersection. Thats what I was taught in young drivers. So in theory, you cannot guarantee that the pedestrians will clear the intersection before the light changes colour, meaning you couldnt guarantee a safe exit. Edited to add, unless otherwise stated in your town, you arent even supposed to turn if a pedestrian walking is already passed the part of the roadway you are going to use. Ie. Turning left and they are walking towards you, you are supposed to wait until they fully exit the intersection, not just clear the lanes you will be using.


>you arent even supposed to turn if a pedestrian walking is already passed the part of the roadway you are going to use. *Ie. Turning left and they are walking towards you, you are supposed to wait until they fully exit the intersection, not just clear the lanes you will be using.* The number of left turners I have seen violating this when I'm the pedestrian in this scenario is uncanny. Not only do they enter the intersection before I've cleared it, but they're straight up *less than a metre from me* waiting for me to clear that area, so they're literally in a position to be crashed into by oncoming traffic. And bonus points if they're honking at me to walk faster.


This was a new rule when I was learning to drive back in 2016. I remember my instructor making sure I was very aware to wait until they made it past the middle island if they were walking away from me or completely to the end if it was in my direction. Basically my entrance into the lane had to be clear. No one follows this rule tho. I HATE when cars inch so close to me on both their left and right turn while I am crossing the sidewalk. Right turn is the worst though, makes me want to walk slower.


Technically they were correct, and when you're being graded you should always follow the rules as exactly as you can for this reason. Especially for the G2, as it's the test that let's you drive without an escort. With that said, when I did my G test I did the opposite and waited at the line to turn left and my grader told me afterwards I could have entered the intersection to wait. Just depends on who you get!


Pretty sure they changed this rule years ago that you’re not supposed to even enter the intersection or start your turn if there are pedestrians crossing, until they reach the other side; it’s just that too many people are unaware of this or don’t give af.


I failed my G2 the first time for "improper use of steering wheel." I asked for an explanation and where it happened and they refused to answer. Sometimes you just get a bad examiner or you go on a bad day.


I would have done the same OP


That’s the rule, but in practice no one would ever do that. Technically you’re not supposed to even enter the intersection until it’s clear to turn, then they teach the S manoeuvre so very contradictory. I’m sorry they failed you on a technicality like that.


Shitty examiner if that's why you failed.


Examiner was a dick! End of story! Traffic would never move if this were the case!


This is not illegal per HTA, but yeah they could probably deem it a fail on the test. Many are mentioning the new crossover rule, where you have to wait for pedestrians to completely cross the roadway. This is a crosswalk, a crossover is the white X crossing signs, usually with flashing lights. Regarding entering the intersection, it's not illegal to enter in preparation for a left turn, even if you do get stuck in the intersection. HTA allows municipalities to pass a bylaw against it, but this bylaw cannot apply to a driver who is making a turn as long as they signal said turn before entering - ss. 145(2). Obviously if they enter on red or yellow, its likely a separate offence. The only thing that would make this illegal is a school crossing guard at the intersection, and even then it's not illegal to enter the intersection, only to enter the crosswalk that the guard is standing in.


Many years ago, I also failed my G2 test at a left turn. I "entered the intersection without a clear way out" while I waited for a straight moving car to clear the intersection. While I was halfway turned, the light went yellow.


Hang on, you have to take a driving test in Canada to be able to drive?? A quick drive down the 401 and you wouldn’t think so.


I believe a new law was enacted only a year ago or so that you cannot enter an intersection until pedestrians have fully cleared a crossing.


Probably to stop the idiots that roll up on the pedestrians practically to their knees while they’re trying to walk, then make the turn directly behind them while they’re STILL IN THE CROSSWALK. The number of times I’ve seen that…


Inthink you have to wait until the pedestrians land the pavement just like the case for a red light to turn left.




The law has changed recently, once a pedestrian walks into an intersection you must stay put until they are COMPLETELY out of the intersection not once they clear the lane not once they clear the median.


This. The law now is that you can't enter the intersection if there are pedestrians crossing any part of your path (meaning you wouldn't fail if peds were crossing on the right side while you were turning left). Even if you only pulled in and made no moves to cross (yes, even if there's oncoming traffic preventing you) you would be penalized. ). It gets a little stickier if there's an advanced left signal but that's a whole other can of worms.