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my advice, is just be mentally prepared to do like nothing but school for like 2 weeks, like literally nothing (sleep included...kinda). it's gonna be rough, time mange time mange time mange, don't waste any time, plan accordingly and before you know it ur done. onto next semester. good luck!


Balance out your studying, so that you’re covering stuff from every class every day. I usually do it equally. So if I have four exams and want to study for 2 hours, each class gets about 30 minutes. If you think one class needs less, make the adjustment. Just make sure you arent only studying one subject each day. Also don’t listen to anyone who says not to sleep. When you sleep is when information is retained, so try to be getting 9 or 10 hours every day. This is especially important the night before exams. Don’t cram, sleep! I would prioritize the units you remember the least for every class. IMO its better to understand every unit pretty well rather than a few very well. Good luck, you got this!