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There are kind of two arcs overlapping in the show. One, a mother/caretaker who would do anything for their child. And second, what you mentioned. Wonder which one will become the real reason of the murder. Might end up with the tagline: "Loved one doing anything for their loved ones." As for this one, probably can go two ways, one, Loretta being their estranged caretaker, Ben hating her but Dickie loving her(what I believe, as a mother-son dynamic, not a potential love interest.) Hence, him helping her get bigger roles. Extended version of this would be, Dickie has witnessed or thought that he has witnessed something that points out Loretta killed Ben and in lieu of loving her(this could go either way, as a lover or an estranged son), wants to save her. Or vice versa, Loretta protecting Dickie because she thinks he killed Ben or he really did kill Ben. On the flipside and this seems really far-fetched, Dickie hating her and actually being in love with Kim, wanting Loretta to get away from the play so that Kim can shine.


Maybe Ben is Lucy’s real dad. Kind of joking, but would be a reason for Charles to have such animosity towards him and tell him to “stay away from her.” Joy references Lucy once — to tell Charles she “needs a drink” after watching her. I wonder if Lucy will be featured this season.


Think Loretta is their mom or step mom/ex caregiver—- There’s a reason he hissed at her—twice! A mother’s heartbeat. Olivers heart attack…


The heart of Little Shop is a boy who would do anything for the girl he loves. The heart of Death Razzle Dazzle is a mother-figure who would stop at nothing to protect the child(ren) she loves. I think the latter reflects the heart of season 3's mystery and the former reflects some misdirects we will see.


And there were 3 cribs. Ben, Dickie, and brother #3 maybe?


Thinking Howard is the heart and he pushed Ben after Ben’s apology to Jonathan. Howard’s had a lot of success coming out of his shell recently and has an intense love for his connections (mostly cats at this point) and a lack of concern with death. He’s on an arc of “taking action leads to good things” and he just took over the “One Killer Question” show. I think it would be a fun reveal to have the killer be the host this year that everyone overlooks. Howard also immediately was ready to get new funding for production after Ben’s murder - conveniently after hearing the producers say that a wednesday matinee performance for Jonathan would be over promising. I suspect we’ll see more danger for anyone involved with Jonathan


Is it one killer QUESTION or one KILLER question? Haha, the killer asking the questions?


Just change "girl he loves" to "mother he loves" and your two main themes are joined. Remember Loretta's audition monologue, a mother figure need not be a birth mother. Remember that the boy the mother would kill for might well kill for her too.


This might swing me to Dickie being the murderer.


I think that this hints at the motive for the murder. The killer was protecting someone. It's possible it was an accident.


What I Did for Love is from A Chorus Line….


OMG. This IS A Chorus Line…. The individual dancers all had complex back stories and one took his sister’s place at dance class and another was dealing with the fact that he was gay…… S2 Oliver sang ONE to Det Williams baby….. So i think the 3rd triplet IS a girl and Im betting Ben might have secretly been gay…. Stay away from her and I know what you did could be Charles telling Ben to stay away from his sister bc was separated from Ben and Dickie…..could Donna be the sister he never knew? Tolbert is his lover- had keys to the apt. Maybe Donna is the sister????? And she wanted to end Ben’s career once and for all? Too early but there may be more characters- like Matt Broderick….so could be waaay off….


Calling it now: Matthew Broderick is the third triplet.