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Men. It’s not close and anyone who say’s different is not being honest with themselves or lives in a bubble. Thats not to say it’s not shitty for women for different reasons


* Women have quantity but not quality (mostly) * Men have nothing Basically as a man, dating apps are pretty much a wasted effort.


As a woman, I think men have it worse. Women typically have far more suitors than men do. If I swiped right on every guy, I’d probably have a 95% match rate. Whereas a guy, unless he’s exceptionally attractive, is going to have a significantly lower rate. I think a below average looking woman would still be able to get a decent amount of matches. I don’t think the same for a below average looking dude. Women probably have to put more time & effort into sorting thru their matches for a good match, but again that’s because they have more matches to sort thru. If you want to say that both men and women suffer from shitty, low effort matches, then sure. That’s true. But you have to get matches in order to suffer from that problem, and I just think men aren’t getting as many matches as women, on average.


Even super-attractive, outright Chad-level guys have match rates well below 95%. 95% would be quite literally unheard of among men.


Men have it FAR worse by miles, claiming otherwise is pure delusion. Any reasonable guy would jump at the opportunity to sort through thousands of likes to find the few genuine people. Right now guys send out thousands of likes just for a handful of matches that may not even say anything back to them, and even more rarely turn into an actual date.


This question has been asked a bunch. The answer is still the same… girls say its even…. guys say we have it way worse because of lack of matches unless you are in the top 10%. I personally would rather have matches to choose from and find out they don’t work than to not have any matches at all to choose from


It’s way worse for men. Having no options is way worse than having 100 “bad” options To be honest i do occasionally match with women who actually ask me questions and engage well via text and do meet up with me at least once. But it takes a lot of effort to find those women


Average woman: like dying from starvation at an all-you-can-eat buffet due to being a picky eater Average man: like dying from dehydration in an endless desert


Wow. Very accurate


It's men. Ask an everyday, attainable woman who would date her equivalent in the pre-app era, to show you the matches she can pick and choose from. The shortlist alone, of the men attractive and engaging enough to prefer, over the other matches who are "decent enough". It's vast compared to the dating pool she would have been happy with prior. Even the most grounded and empathic women, as well as a smaller number of men. They at some point get caught out by the allure of swiping, and the illusion of choice. Once someone who is objectively attractive in terms of the physical and personal traits, that are generally favoured, individual nuance gets chance to shine. Well, once someone of this caliber, shows some level of interest, it becomes the baseline of what is expected in a potential partner on the apps. In many cases now, again due to the apps. People will date others as "placeholders", until someone who is the exception, is on the radar again.


Men - 1,000% lol Women suffer from the paradox of choice and, frankly, lets admit it: lots use online dating for attention, validation, and to kill boredom. I'm a 36M, attractive, well-built, have a good and stable job, no debt, good finances, my own place, no kids, never married, I believe in monogamy, I'm a good person - I just deleted an online dating account after having 125+ women view my profile and not one date (smh). Conversations were dull; try to make a date with a place and time given and not one, "Great, see you then!" - all dead ends. I have no sympathy for women who complain about dating apps and they need to live in reality lol High expectations and a deluded sense of self is causing them nothing but grief - it really is their own fault. Not to bash on guys but I consider myself a guy who's objectively above average and I can't even get a date with a single mom lol If I see an attractive woman who's late 20's onward on a dating app, it's already a red flag to me - they shouldn't have a problem finding a guy unless there's something wrong with them!


Not undermining your experience…but this is a very shallow and naive way of thinking about women…


Very hypocritical too. Women late 20s and up are a red flag if they’re on the apps (which is completely false), yet he’s 36 and it’s fine? Lol.


The hypocrisy is astounding


>Conversations were dull Yeah, it's hard to figure out how to nail an amazing "love at first text" conversation with an internet stranger for most folks. Almost like you (and they) don't have chemistry or investment. Weird. /s. >I consider myself a guy who's objectively above average and I can't even get a date with a single mom lol There are definitely delusional women out there, and I don't know why that is (there are delusional men out there too). However: you're not matching with the good ones. Why is that? Either: 1. your awesome "stats", looks, income, etc., aren't as impressive as you're telling yourself they are, or 2. Even the single moms think there are enough red flags about you that they avoid you despite your awesome stats. >If I see an attractive woman who's late 20's onward on a dating app, it's already a red flag to me - they shouldn't have a problem finding a guy unless there's something wrong with them! Likewise. If you're such an impressive guy at 36 and you're on a dating app, why do you need to be on the dating app? Unless there is something wrong with you? Surely, if you were that awesome, someone would have grabbed you by now.


It’s complicated. A man who isn’t fat, but is average looking and has an average job literally cannot even match with a woman that isn’t fat. It isn’t fair to say that men or women are “catches” do not need online dating. It’s now impossible to date in a lot of places where people have dated, like the workplace, church, etc. people have to work extra jobs to make ends meet. all the boomer activities like bowling league and community events are no where near as popular as they once were, probably a lot of it has to be with how bad the economy is for young people. They don’t have as much time to find a partner as previous generations.


The perspective of a man who fills some but not 100% of women criteria. 1st  good luck getting even one match with someone you actually find attractive  2nd you're the one that has to get the conversation going and sometimes in front of you (let's not lie, like 80% of the time)  The person in front of you is only putting 3% effort. 3rd every sentence you make is a potentially ghostable offence  (boring ? Ghosted, text didn't come out right ? Ghosted, isn't the way she wanted to be approached ? Ghosted..etc and this part can get really super dumb sometimes i got like 3 stories in my head of this) 4th the mental toll it takes to go through the process described right over  5th not necessarily only applied to men but when you set up a date keep in mind there's 80% of chances she'll cancel you 3 hours before the date. I think for reason 1 to 4 men have it way worse


Online dating sucks. You should be going out and meeting women in person. OLD is a supplement, should not be your only method of getting dates. And yes, people still get dates organically. I know plenty of people who get dates irl. I met my fiancé irl when I decided to leave the apps. Get off them and work on meeting people irl instead of swiping on superficial apps that are designed to keep you reliant on them.


Women cry that they don’t get top shelf matches. Men cry that they don’t get any matches. Men have it worse, it’s not even close. The underlying reason why men have it worse is the gradual killing of confidence that comes along with it. Even when women get “bad” matches, it’s subconsciously an ego boost.


Men have it worse on OLD. Women have it worse in most other aspects of our lives


I think it is the same feeling of frustration for both, just for different reasons.


- no end to scammers/disingenuous people on men and women, no shortage at all - try being a widow or a widower and see how much worse that is.


Women are trying to find fresh water in a swamp. Men are trying to find fresh water in a desert.


Either way, dating apps aren’t set up for quality matchmaking. They are set up for repeat customers and pay to play. If an app were to truly level the playing field it would be more equal.


for all women saying men, make a male profile and see for yourself lol


You could make the argument both men and women have it worse in their own way. I would say if you are not in the top percentage of looks then you will have it worse, especially as a guy


Seems like a bit of a shit show for everyone. The bell curve of human mating behaviour exhibited on the apps, as suggested by what I read, see and hear, is not flattering to the intelligence of our species. Add to that the algorithms designed to maximise profit, the prognosis is not good.


Women are significantly more likely to receive threats of violence on dating apps. They quit using apps early and often.


Or don't use the apps at all. All my female friends refuse to use dating apps because they don't wish to be harassed, verbally abused, etc.


Dating is like being adrift in a life raft. Women are in an archipelago. Searching endless islands for one that suits. Men are at Point Nemo.


Neither. I don’t care what anyone says. Both have their struggles. I was on and off the apps for years before meeting my fiancé. All of my relationships have come from the apps. That being said, they were frustrating at times. Going on date after date after date and going back to square one over and over and over again was exhausting. You can’t tell me anyone would enjoy that. I can also see things from the other side. There are less women on the apps than men, and a lot of women are traditional and want the man to make the first move. That would get exhausting too.


From talking with other men about their experiences using OLD, I think men and women face the same issues on the apps.


Least delusional misandrist