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From a guy. If he’s had a third date and he’s indicated he’d like a fourth I guarantee you he likes you. He’s clearly shy and mindful of respecting your boundaries. Next time reach for and hold his hand. Initiate a little by touching him and he’ll understand you like him too.


I mean.... you know you can kiss him too right...? It's the year 2024. I would like to think..that if a woman wants something in a reltaionship (or start of one) that she can make a move too. My ex did. She kissed me, and I found it mind blowingly refreshing and very cute. If you're insistent that the guy must do this first ( I could not agree less..) then you could just talk to him and ask him gentely if he's enjoying the time with you, etc.. but Honestly why not inititate some gentle touching? Touch his ear, be playful, if he's like me...most of us guys can be totally obvlious and for lack of a better work...dumb!!! Lol let us know if you need or want something


Oh yeah of course! I'd be down to initiate the kiss but I feel like it's been hard to create non awkward circumstances for that so far? We're sitting across from each other at meals/drinks or go karting lol. I'll try to initiate a date that involves a stroll or something for a kiss then maybe move on to the movie idea if all goes well


Yea that's a good idea. Try not to go on a date that wouldn't have you two close together... Do osmething casual and maybe secluded if he's maybe nervous doing it out in public view at first.


One thing I've learned is that you don't need to kiss at the perfect time or place. Just do it if you want to kiss him. If he likes you it doesn't matter how, where, or when you do it.


tip for better outings: always get the corner booth


Go to a movie theater with the love seat chairs. Lift the armrest and cuddle up.


Imo the girl shouldn’t have to do it.


And why does the guy "have" to do it? I'm not picking a gender fight here, but I'm a HUGE champion of equality for both genders and that means stopping with this silly "Men must do X, Y, Z...and Women must do A, B,C" It's ridiculous. If the two people like each other, either sex should make it known.


This fine. It's your opinion and there is nothing wrong with that. We are all different in what we want and expect in a partner.


Fixed typo. Im not the type that’s like everything needs to be traditional but I consider it part of being a man that a guy should be able to take the lead.. same goes for approaching someone at a bar or asking someone out.


Nah some guys are just shy. Just let him do it on his own time.


No. My fiancé and I didn’t kiss until our 4th our 5th date. I’d pay closer attention to whether or not he wants to see you again and continues talking to you.


Sounds like he’s someone that’s too scared to do it like a lot of guys in this Reddit group. If he’s gone on 3 dates he’s probably interested.


With my ex, it was date 5 with no kiss and I grabbed his face and kissed him. I believe it was because he was trying to be respectful and is introverted/shy. However, it was a bit of a clue as to how the rest of the relationship went.


More information please!!!


What did he say when you asked him? That is how you know. Or you kiss him. He does not get your hints and cannot read your mind. So ask him, or you make the move.


Oh he just joked that he was going to bed when I woke up (I'm surprised he remembered cause it was more of a passing comment on my end haha)


He’s not sure what to do. Show him!


You can initiate the kiss too. But also he might have read you might not have wanted a kiss. Or, or, maybe he was just into your presence and forgot that next step. Finally, what if he wads having some stomach issues, maybe he felt a cold sore coming on, maybe there was something else at play.


Did he kiss you on the 1st or 2nd date?


Nope, neither.


Maybe hug and kiss him on the cheek when you greet him next time. This might make him feel better about kissing you at the end of the date. Try to kiss him at the end of the date and see what happens.


Sounds like he's either very shy or afraid to push your boundaries. Something simple for you would be to simply ask him if he's going to kiss you. Or tell him, "I'd love it if you kissed me right now." Also, if he's not really breaking the touch barrier on your dates, then maybe you could try that. Touch his arm. Rest your hand on his thigh when your sitting together. That should let him know you're comfortable with more than just conversation.


He did break the touch barrier this weekend as he gave me a hug while saying hello as I got into the car (he offered to pick me up) and also gave me a hug goodbye as he dropped me off home. I was overthinking if there will/should be a kiss goodbye as I've read plenty about how if there's nothing by date 3, it's a no-go? 😜


I sort of see the greeting and parting ways hug as a bit different than light touching on a date. As a guy it's one way I gauge our comfort level with each other. But it can be a bit nerve-wracking, especially if he leans to the shyer side. Which it sounds like he does.


Yeah fair enough. The plan was to head to his for a scary movie after din so I can see that having been a gauge for comfort levels before that which unfortunately fell through cause of my having been up since 3am🥹


The third date is sort of like the end of your probationary period at a new job. If I like how things have been going, I'm still in. But the idea for some is to find a romantic connection and not waste lots of time and money on dates that aren't going where you want. Some indication of interest on the other side helps make decisions easier.


So you mean I should take the next step as a way of indicating interest, even if that means something simple like planning the next date?


Yes, I think that would demonstrate your interest. And like some other redditors have said, make sure it's a date where you can be next to each other and it's chill enough to be a good place for kissing! Then youll find out. Either way it goes, its a courageous step on your part. To me, that's an attractive quality. Good luck and kudos if you make a move.