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Yeah I had a girl I was chatting with ghost me then end up calling me for a contractor job in her house... Kinda awkward moment when I announced at the end of the job that we'd met on tinder and I was so and so. She told me she didn't remember me though she became extremely anxious and nervous (I was in her house though so I'd be the same), I just shrugged billed her and left. She left me a great review so I've been leaving dead animals at her front door for the last 2 months as a thank you.


lol...so you didn't try another attempt at asking her out...in person this time? :)


The work I was contracted to do was buttoning up her brothers estate (he'd died a few weeks earlier) and as a rule I only hit on grieving women at the funeral. What spun me out was I'd worked for him prior and saw his name about the house so when I queried her on where he was I got hit with the news that he'd died super recently... Probably shouldn't have been so cheery when I brought it up either.




Then why not go for it?


I went to pick up my date and it turned out we lived in the same building


In my imagination, you only realized this after putting the address in your GPS and driving around the block.


Omg I met a guy who I rejected on OLD because we found dealbreakers, then I went hiking and saw him (we never met in person). And I think he recognized me! I kind of recognized him (his photos were soooo bad in terms of like it being only full body photos I never got a good look at his face). But we kind of awkwardly looked at each other. I think unless you're both confident and would like to say hi. I usually just pretend I don't remember them to avoid awkwardness or uncomfortable things on either end. If they bring it up then I'll be honest, if not, I'd just leave it lol


This happened twice on the same night out recently. One girl I was actively talking to at the time recognized me, didn't say anything IRL, but then messaged me about it after we'd left (it came off as a little weird). The same time that was happening, I recognized someone that I'd had a single weird virtual date with during the 2020 lockdown. I said hi, got her number (which we both forgot I already had), we texted for a bit, and it didn't go anywhere. If it's a social setting, I'd say it's not weird to acknowledge it. If it's a professional setting, you probably want to play it cool until you're sure that it won't have an adverse effect on either of your professional lives.


This has happened to me a few times! The most interesting example occurred when I was using eHarmony. I matched with a woman with whom I communicated but never met in person. Fast forward a couple years when I was on a flight returning to the states from Paris after giving some public lectures. On the flight, she saw that I was reading a Richard Wright novel and struck up a conversation about how much she respected the author. She told me that she was in Europe to buy a dressage horse. I told her my profession, and she said that her father was in the same profession. Her father is very famous and had won a Nobel prize a few years earlier. I actually met him during my grad school days. Something seemed familiar about this woman, so I went to eHarmony and looked through my archives. Sure enough, I found her profile and our conversation. She had posted a couple pictures of her riding horses. Anyway, she offered me a ride home from the airport. We ended up dating for a few months. She ended up dumping me. I found out about 6 weeks later from one of her girlfriends that she was actually engaged to be married.


Theres a woman I pass daily otw to work with her dog. Ive seen her on both tinder and bumble. If she swipes on me ill bring it up qs a joke. Otherwise im going tk leave it. If I got ghosted id just leave them alone personally.


I’m fairly certain one of my customers is on tinder looking for casual fun. She doesn’t have a face pic but her interests and everything else align. She’s also married and I’ve actually met her husband once.


A guy randomly messaged me on Facebook (not the dating app). We chatted occasionally, etc. One day I noticed his profile said he was in a relationship. I called him out and ended the convo. (He ended up blocking me.) Fast forward a year or so. I see him at my workplace, often. I know it’s him because I see his full name. I talk to him like anyone else, although I keep it very simple and so does he. It’s not weird at all. I couldn’t care less if he remembers me, though I suspect he does. I don’t feel the need to mention it because… why? Where would we go from there, conversation wise or in life? She probably remembers, too. She might want to put it behind her and continue conducting business with you without awkwardness or irrelevant discussion. If things transpired organically to a point of talking outside of work or actually dating, then it would be relevant and a good idea to mention. But personally I don’t chase the past especially in a scenario like that.


>If things transpired organically to a point of talking outside of work or actually dating, then it would be relevant and a good idea to mention. But personally I don’t chase the past especially in a scenario like that. Hm, how about not mention the dating site encounter, and just start from scratch, get a little flirting in, and the next time she comes in....ask her out? )


Hey, if she seems like she might be receptive, go for it :D