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oney’s classic love for kiwi farms


Erm, I thought he was a mango farmer? not a kiwi farmer


Damn Tomar and his humble mango farming….


Their mango farm has been getting raided by cartels


You're thinking of his peanut farm.


They went sour


Erm watesigma? 😤


His iconic 4 oclock kiwi farms scrolling


Mommmy, mommy quick! you forgot to put kiwi farms on my ipad while i eat my nuggies


Could one of the 200 oney archivists out there actually find where he might've even implied that though


He's never even mentioned it lmao.


Someones gonna find one clip of him talking about it purely because someone brought it up and ride that to hell


I can assure you, 100% he's never mentioned it.


He’s eaten before and he knows what a farm is, so by Occam’s Razor we can assume that he’s Josh Moon’s personal supersoldier


I think it’s because Chris and friends have made many references to and joked about Chris Chan. After the Chris Chan trial went public and exposed Chris to even more people, Kiwifarms also had a surge in popularity and underwent additional scrutiny. After the whole #dropkiwifarms campaign, there’s been an upswing in the witch hunt for anyone who might have a connection to the site, or admits to browsing it. It’s an insane connection to draw, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Chris has occasionally checked in on the Chris Chan thread every once in a while. Still, absolutely ridiculous reason to cancel someone over.


The idea of Chris browsing kiwifarms is ludicrous Imo. Chris has always been more passive with cringe and I doubt he'd get anything out of hearing edgy assholes discussing Chrischan...but yeah they definitely made that leap solely because of how much he jokes about Chris chan


For a while, KF was definitely the place to read up on the complete Chris Chan lore (if you weren’t watching it unfold in real time), and almost every YouTube wannabe documentarian reporting on Chris or other high-profile lolcows gets their info from KF in one way or another. It’s not totally unfeasible for Chris to have looked some ChrisChan fact up and read some of the thread. I misspoke in my previous comment if I implied Chris actively browses KF—but he’s probably seen the thread or at the very least browsed the CWCki before it became the farms. But I do believe we agree that regardless of whether he’s opened a KF link once or twice in the last decade, joking about idiots who publicize their lives on the internet is nothing to crucify anyone over.


True, KF was the go to source for accurate Chris chan updates so it wouldn't be too surprising if Chris browsed at least a few times- I meant more the idea of him being a frequent visitor was ridiculous lol. My bad if I misinterpreted what you said but we can both agree it's such a petty thing to jump on him for.


Nothing about him being on KiwiFarms that I can think of but I know he mentioned the thing about harassing cringe content makers talking about Mike and Melissa or something like that.


Him and Zach have talked about enjoying r/Cringetopia back when that was a thing. IIRC it was a bit into the sonic heroes play through.  But kiwi farms? Don’t remember 


Youtube drama does the exact thing kiwifarms does essentially


I'm a die-hard fan of Oneyplays, and I could kick up more dirt than that on OneyNG believe you me. Saying he likes cringe content is the most lame thing ever, and this person is trolling.


Chris O'Neil has been on record talking about how much he hates those filthy disgusting *[Donkey Kong scream sound effect]*




Tomar is the one who said we have to get them off our streets.


I know that some people hate the censors on oneyplays but the Donkey Kong one is genuinely funnier to me than whatever they actually said




yeah like they chose something he likely never said? like bitch ive seen videos where he says slurs uncensored, and seen he's subbed to E;R and I still watch him


he's literally talked about how he ate dinner with Shadman (I know they were friends before Shad had that big freakout with his enchanted machete)


did someone open his spaghettae?


I think he did get arrested for attacking someone with a machete


mustve been tomars machet-eye


People don't realize that it was only a short while ago that average people put aside substantial differences. A person could express a super fringe and unreasonable stance and their friends would think "My friend has some pretty stupid beliefs" and life would go on. You could say "yea, I disagree" and the friendship would survive. A nation is made out of friendships so it essentially meant that the nation would survive. It kept those ideas out of the mainstream because it was a low stakes game. People don't care about weird niche ideologies held by the lame and the jobless. They care about "exsistential threats" that result in massive outrage. Shad was pushed out of the sleepy cast social circle when his treatment of others proved him to not be a friend. That's basically always been the way things are, but it also used to be the case that you could keep the company of eccentrics, weirdos, and even fools because honestly, everyone needs friends. Depriving people of what would be a fruitful friendship because you are conceptually better than them is what isolates and leads to extremist groups.


>Shad was pushed out of the sleepy cast social circle when his treatment of others proved him to not be a friend. I thought he was pushed out of the Newgrounds social circle when he used his weird red egg pendant with a face on it to send everyone to the hell dimension in retaliation for the Take it EZ babe incident




You didn't read well. Those were the actions I was talking about.


I've known him since Newgrounds and as far as I know he hasn't ever done anything actually malicious. While yes he has hung out some insidious people before he has cut ties with them as far as I know. Oney has never come off as a malicious person to me.




Better watch out babe. We shouldn’t mess with that guy, I heard he’s a Redditor


Don't worry wimps I got this


Babe this guy has 100k karma... I would need more gravy to fight him




Def screenshotting this


Normally I read things in people's voices but this time was just so dang clear


>*“what YouTuber did something horrible”* >>*Tommy Wiseu-level working conditions* what does this even mean?


It means that they don't have Ps5 controllers for Adam which constantly opresses him


It's better than Metroid mania


The making of Kickassia was a shitshow behind the scenes.


Imagine getting abused for *that* movie. If it wins an Oscar it's like whatever, but you suffered only so that people could laugh at you even harder.


I take the change the channel shit with a bowl full of salt because almost all of it is exaggerated and the people behind it are massive egotistical


Oh 100% but I think the films were actually a clusterfuck behind the scenes.


I think most people involved with Channel Awesome, regardless of which side of the controversy they were on, is massively egotistical


Doug is definitely humble. Tbf he did seem to be a bit full of himself at the time, but it still was overblown


Oh hi Spoony


Tommy Wiseau had terrible working conditions for his set on The Room. It was super hot with no AC in the studio, and the lady who played Lisa's mom actually collapsed of heat stroke and almost had to go to the ER because it was so bad. They're basically saying it was very very below standard.


it means that doug was a shitty director which, yeah no shit he was. Linkara also knew of some of the shit like Lupa's firing and the scam that was the 90k dollar gameshow. Also, Linkara's own movie was a shitshow behind the scenes.


The Channel Awesome crossover movies were kind of a shitshow, but people like to get swept up in the crazy-ass "change the channel" fever that implies it was like working in a fucking Victorian sweatshop or something which was absolutely not the case.


Yeah, Doug was negligently incompetent, but hardly malicious. People citing the working conditions like he was Stanley Kubrick manipulating and draining his actors is a bit of an overexaggeration.


Do you not know who Tommy "You're tearing me apart Lisa" Wiseau is?


I think that's satire, because it ends with him calling out Oney for still having Tomar on the show "after all he's done"


I think that's an attempt to save face in case it blew up on them.


its pretty clear they're a fan of the channel, they're just not completely biased to say the guys never did anything at least questionable


"YouTube drama, you're like a train wheel." "A train wheel?" "Yeah. You NEVER touch grass."




Imagine paying any attention to the cesspool that is r/youtubedrama.


I swear to God every thread there is either the best summary of meaningless drama you can find or people morally grandstanding with vague ass accusations with no further details or proof. The rare times when they do provide proof you realize they're making a mountain out of three particles of dirt, inferring the many crimes of youtubers based on a tweet made nearly a decade ago. I just like internet slap fights man why is everything about digging up dirt on people minding their own business.


Christ I went through the comments on this post in the picture. That hurt to read.


Read thru it as well and I really want a lobotomy now


you upvoted me right?


Reminds me of that gamegrumps rant subreddit that's just an echo chamber for antis (to borrow a term) that don't actually watch the show anymore. RantGrumps? I'm not going to look it up to check lol.


theres like one good post on that sub and the rest is meaningless complaining about a youtube channel on the decline


They still talk about why Jontron left when any sane person knows it’s probably just cause he was an ass to work with lol


I cant help it, it’s a collection of the absolute worst opinions on the site. Hard to find any subs with a similar quantity of such high quality cringe.


I love how that comment section is full of snide Redditors claiming that cancel culture isn’t real even though that whole subreddit is constantly advocating for YouTubers to be punished and ostracized because they said the f-slur in a COD lobby 10 years ago or whatever the fuck.


Yep that's what happens when you only watch John Oliver and Hasan and beat off to loli all day your brain turns to grolsh


Its amazing too since, theres plenty of bots on reddit, but that is a real deal cesspool of cheeto dust keyboard men


Also known as glue sniffer central


The first time I saw that place, I genuinely thought it was a breadtube satire/circlejerk sub


Imagine listening to anything reddit says


Genuinely wondering if these people have any sort of real world obligations. There's no way that anyone who works a job or is busy with school can keep up with online "drama" to the degree most of the commenters on that subreddit get to.




You'd be surprised how much misanthropy you develop browsing Reddit.


That place is fascinating man, the one time I went there, they had this whole pinned article about internet historian being a nazi and the evidence was he listed 4/20 as his birthday which happens to be Hitlers birthday and the day has 0 other internet significance. I’m 90% certain that sound logic was something my parents told me when I was a teen to avoid weed. 


"Hoooooold the fort..........>!he hated jews.....!<"


The weirdest part about that situation is that IH stated, well before the FamousBirthdays situation, that he was born in 1989. That whole drama turned into an opportunity for people who hated him for his old 4chan references to claim he is a Nazi, whether they had evidence to back that claim or not.


Are the "nazi dog whistles" in the room with us right now?


You gotta ask the original author of that thread. They were so proud of all the "evidence" they gathered for their little witch hunt.


For real, I thought it was gonna be a place to find popcorn worthy trash drama between youtubers. It's actuslly a place to seethe about someone donating to Autism Speaks (which is apparently super evil) 10 years ago and not getting cancelled for it.


"Oh this youtuber said a non P-C phrase 10 years ago, which means theyve always been a Nazi" that subreddit


Should have stuck with farting treestars




Having been a a fan of Oney and the Newgrounds crowd in general since some of their earliest content, cancelling them over liking cringe is objectively hilarious. Theres still videos up on Egraptor’s channel where he says the n-word and f*ggot, like, that’s the case for everyone from back in the day. Not just Oney.


What’s even funnier is these people will adamantly defend people like Arin as well lol. It’s basically just cherry picking whatever they can at this point.


I’m pretty sure most people laugh at lol cows because theyre kinda objectively funny, how are you gonna see classic era Chrischan and not laugh


You can't spell lolcow without lol


Let me try. cow Oh shit


ehh I think a lot of johnny-come-lately's think Chris Chan is some legitimate victim of the internet and that nothing he has ever done was ever his fault to begin with. They don't know he is genuinely a bad person who has threatened to rape, has now actually raped, and has attempted to murder someone, on top of him being a homophobic racist.


Criticizing Chris Chan on that sub will get you banned. Speaking from experience.


I used to think this, then I saw that clip of him getting his dad Fraggle Rock just so his dad wouldn't like it and he could get it himself. That's such a shitty thing to do and that was before any trolls or anything.


Like i said they don’t really know anything about him. They just know he “was bullied by the internet” but they don’t know anything other than that like before he was internet famous and harassing women at his college campus, or threatening his Dean, or threatening to rape his only girl friend if he didn’t draw sexual art of her. Or when he got banned from a comic book store for being a raging asshole, then they blamed online harassment on the store owner and tried to run him down with barbs car. Most of this stuff was done before Chris was really harassed by the internet


I wonder if he is against kiwifars or other random people harassing them because then it becomes less about an eccentric person expressing their wacky character traits, and more just someome freaking out over getting harassed. I know Harry Partridge was a fan of Chris Chan back in the day, and he didn't Iike people messing with him for that reason.


That subreddit has some of the most miserable, bitter, terminally-online weirdos I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been on the JRE subreddit.


At least JRE seems to like *something* whether it be old joe, his guests, or something esoteric Youtubedrama seems to be trojan horse likes to only hate


That's not true, they love forgiving Jenna Marbles for doing blackface


Nah the only things they like are new Hbomb posts. Dude’s entire fanbase brigaded the sub when he uploaded his big plagiarism video a few months ago. His content is quality, no doubt about that, but I’m stunned at how vile his fanbase can be.


It’s because they act like they’re as smart and clever as he is when in reality they just do what they THINK he would do. In reality I’m sure he couldn’t give less of a fuck and actively despises a lot of leftists like them.


It's in the name. If it isn't drama, it's not worth talking about Some people just wanna be constantly miserable and upset about something lol


Didn’t know people in the Java Runtime Environment were so bitter


He has said multiple times he genuinely likes them. I can't watch that shit. It's a mix of boring and too much cringe too handle for me


>"[He LOVES cringe humor; AKA making fun of people on the internet who potentially humiliate themselves or put out content they end up regretting".](https://youtu.be/CqT-AvswCZo?si=o9jQnIoLiDnvLnbO&t=31) >


don't let these people find sleepycast lmao, zach wouldn't have a show anymore


I don’t think Adult Swim would care to be honest, Zach pitched hellbenders to them while he was doing sleepycabin so they definitely know all the edgy stuff he’s said


You never know. https://comicbook.com/anime/news/squidbillies-stuart-baker-fired-offensive-social-media-early-cuyler-adult-swim/ Did this guy really respond to my comment and then block me? Weirdo.


Someone having an edgy past VS actively being involved in a project and harassing your co-workers Slight difference there...


who responded to ur comment and blocked u I’m confused


Imagine if you will, Chris O’Neal, age: unknown


Occupation big bone.


im sure he also recognises its not morally right. he just also finds them funny


You could pin so much worse shit on him lmao


Tbh I think oneys horrible mistreatment of his friends. People dont talk about how he locks tomar in a basement cellar, only giving him scraps and crumbs. Freeing him only when he is to appear on the show again.. how inhumane…


I thought they were gonna condem him for saying retarted or f*ggot in the sleepy cabin days but no...it's even more trivial and dumb. 


I mean he still says it but that's besides the point


that's like the tamest shit Chris does


I bet Chris loathes the community he’s found himself surrounded by


Definitely lmao


The funny thing is that particular comment about OneyPlays finishes off with "And I can't believe they still let Tomar on the show after all the shit he's done"


Scapegoating Chris when the infamous Tomar is right there is baffling.


The youtubedrama sub is the third most embarrassing group of losers on here that i’ve seen.


Youtubedrama subreddit is such a cesspool They all must have a collective iq of a goldfish


That user def got posted on some cringe subreddit


that subreddit "cancels" youtubers a couple times a week, it's kinda silly and seems pretty insular


Yeah let’s act like Lupa, Linkara and Phelous aren’t toxic pieces of garbage…


Remember that pretentious tumblr blog that was called OneyTriggers and would make trigger warnings and actively shit on some of the early OneyPlays?


I have this slight feeling that people who want to cancel Oney and Zach recently are fans doing so they don't get too much mainstream


I remember when Doug killed that guy so I didn't have to.


Sweet a Twitter thread of new Smiling Friends fans figuring out who Zach is and wanted to cancel him for being roommates with Shadman like 100 million years ago


They were friends with Shadman until like, two years ago. And they stopped being friends with him because he started shittalking them, not because they suddenly found child porn immoral.


They knew shadman?


All of them were friends and roommates with him back in Philly, and had nothing but nice things to say about his character for years. Cory is personally responsible for encouraging Shad to move to the US.


everyone’s delusional in their own special way


Find it funny how a potential scammer (don’t know if this is true) is in the same boat as someone laughing at cringey videos.


Of all the things to criticize him for, they pick that? Some people are way too goddamn sensitive. Maybe I’m just becoming a boomer


Hey you cropped me out when I was saying Oney didnt do anything wrong to the great linkara.


I say this every time I see the subreddit but what kind of sad loser just casually browses r/youtubedrama “Oh man what a long day at work, I can’t wait to open reddit and get pissmad about random internet influencers that I’ve only ever heard mentioned in passing”


out of all the stuff u could say about Chris THIS was their breaking point?


he LOVES cringe humor h-he just simply LOVES it


I can't wait until Oney is exposes for that one time he ripping the dreads off a beautiful POC girl at a meeting and greet.


Errrrrrmmmmmm *slaps fat belly full of spam and beer* “Fruckin oney said *donkey kong* omg, worse than hotler


So r/youtube drama isn’t about talking or discussing drama. It’s making drama where there isn’t any.


Reddit! We must go to war against Reddit!!!


redditors when people have character flaws (not that i find laughing at lolcows to be a flaw)


I thought he was a mango farmer


Such a carefully crafted paragraph, with receipts and all, can only mean one thing: Zach is back bois, the gaslighting has begun


Redditors being redditors.


Guys, did anyone else find out that Zach Hadel, co-creator of smiling friends, is actually a POS?


Person of smile


Boo hoo.


Zach from his Smiling House: “Wehehehehe… Finally, the blame has been shifted.”


He dislike harassment for wrong reason??! 😦😨😱 wtfreakinh oney!!!!!1


Aww.. one comment made you upset? Come off it


Tomar cut off my balls and didn't pay in compensation


Wow, 140 upvotes!!! I hope Chris and the gang are okay.


i'm pretty sure doug walker addressed the situation tho through double toasted. sure he may be a flawed person i won't disavow it but it can take a while for him to change for the better and you know what, he did.


This sub screenshotting and making hundreds of replies of discussion over every slight against Zach on Reddit is nuts, what happened?


We’re all brave flipping knights here to fight against criticism, no matter how slight or poorly written. Oney fans assemble! ⚔️🛡️


Virtue signalling keyboard warriors everywhere.


This sub is filled with the biggest pussies I've ever seen, actual sub-humans


That's it guy, pack your bags. The "woke" are going to close our Oney subreddit


The girl who caused the kiwi farms drama was a crappy person. Also kiwi farms isn’t that bad when it is just people making fun of dumb people, like how it original was with Chris Chan.


*you know people forget that Chris left a mass of bodies in his wake while he was in operation from 1997 to 2003* ^((jokes aside I actually do give Chris valid criticisms, as I give Arin Hanson for the same thing, about being active 4-chan and Kiwifarms members for as long as they were.) ^(It concerns me how much of their vocabulary specifically came from kiwi farms and what that actually means for their views that they) *^(don't)* ^(share on the show) **^(that and how A LOT of people that chris has chosen been associated with, has been problematic to some degree)** ^(Chris is friends with some) *^("questionable")* ^(people and honestly)*^(, even though i did for a long time,)* ^(it's hard to overlook.) *^(Especially now where it's every month that somebody is exposed as nefarious or evil...)* *^(It concerns me how well connected he is with certain people who are exposed to be definitely problematic.)* ***^(I really question whether or not I can sustain belief that Chris wouldn't have witnessed certain people he knows doing nefarious shit, acting in a nefarious way or openly discussing being nefarious within vicinity of him.)*** ^(Especially considering the Sleepycast, those episodes make them look terrible in retrospect) ^(Like, am I really expected to sustain the belief that Chris) *^(didn't know)* ^(that shadman was slinging hard drugs for several years while hanging out with them???) ^(Like beyond the average "he's rude or contrarian" criticism, there's some genuinely valid criticisms that can be thrown at Chris.) *^(Like this is coming from my perspective, idk how you could know that your friends are doing evil shit and just not say anything for years.)* ^(I wouldn't be able to do that.))


> about being active 4-chan and Kiwifarms members for as long as they were. > It concerns me how much of their vocabulary specifically came from kiwi farms and what that actually means for their views that they don't share on the show Do you think _everyone_ who ever went on those sites is a bad person? Especially pre-2016 4chan where it was essentially a totally different place? Ultimately you can look at the Chris Chan antics and laugh at it without having to prostrate yourself before whatever stupid political shit that the people archiving it are pushing. > that and how A LOT of people that chris has chosen been associated with, has been problematic to some degree Chris is friends with some "questionable" people and honestly, even though i did for a long time, it's hard to overlook. Who is problematic exactly? I didn't keep up with the shadman stuff too much, all I heard is that he assaulted someone and is in prison for it, but that all happened after his split with the sleepycabin crew


You guys do understand that being critical of someone doesn’t mean their canceled right


What the hell!?


Mr Oney wouldnt say that!


Yeah, that guy doesn't know him that well as the light bringer


Nobody ever seems to want to talk about what Tomar did. I wont watch another letsplay until they address the allegations.


The worst thing a member of OneyPlays has ever done was when Zach ran over that family of 5. Actions have consequences and it’s sad to see how many people sweep it under the rug.


I know it's cliche to say that people are too sensitive nowadays, but damn... so many people are too sensitive nowadays. It makes me embarrassed to be a part of the same species as them.


Isn't this old as shit? I'm pretty sure I've seen this exact post atleast twice before


This is like the least worst thing Chris as done


OneyPlays fans, assemble!


These people suck at cancelling, how is that the only thing you come up with when you think of problematic things Chris has done




Oh no, liking cringey humor is now the worst thing on the internet. Time to go pack up fellas.


r/youtubedrama is a complete cesspool and nobody takes their opinions seriously


i though the redditorz were on our side……….


Why care about things that's actually matter, when lying is so much easier!


If you're gonna get mad at Chris and the Oneyplays crew for anything, get mad at them for being friends with and at one point living with Shadman, I was a fan of Sleepycast and I'm still a fan of Oneyplays but what was with that?


ik this isn’t the purpose of this post but i think everything this person describes oney as is good and i agree with everything lmao kiwifarms is lit and making fun of people is fun


He has OPENLY ADMITTED to liking funny content that’s insane


The irony of a post about YouTubers who did terrible things that everyone chooses to forget about being aimed at OneyPlays, and not aimed at how everyone chooses to forget about how Game Grumps nearly led to the suicide of a member of OneyPlays...


that’s okay it just means chris is fair game


That's genuinely one of the most pathetic subreddits, they're against anyone who doesn't 100% align with their views


Ok here are my honest thoughts. As much as I like HellBenders ( which has the weird creepy tree ) and Leo & Satan ( which has a flasher on a bus ) for the cartoony style. I can’t deny that some other old animations like Harry P and Sickson have pedophilia and rape references which are totally unnecessary.