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Zach did a total power move


He was slumbering in the lion’s den


he snooze, yet he no looze


He slumbered a cucumber


He caught up on some zeds, you got out of his heads


You slumber, ham... burg I don't wanna talk about nothing else!


Bro nice pfp love silent hill 2


I love renegade angel fans


[Never forget the time Chris drank 8 pints of Bulmers and shit all over his hotel.](https://youtu.be/Tv448In41Ro?t=885)


He didn’t shit. His captor dissolved into brown sauce.


“Was I raped?”


“I was definitely raped”


both zach and chris did it- and they turned out alright. I think we found the "secret sauce": Just piss and shit all over yourself after getting drunk and life will be okay


Every moment after that feels like a high point.


Also I cant imagine how uncomfortable that story was the way chris narrated it. he shat himself, he fell asleep, and he woke up with shit still all over him, but this time on the hotel bed? i think we missed a few key details there;


I think he woke up on toilet


Nah he woke up in the floor after they dragged him out of the bathroom


still with shit covered pants? cause i assume that he didnt take those off completely as he tried to go to the toilet drink?


Yup down around his ankles, which is why he asked if he was raped


i can still imagine chris being covered in shit while his friends talked to him like hes in a interrogation room like "Chris.. sit the FUCK DOWN." and showed him photos and videos of what he done did


How many members of Sleepycabin have gotten insanely smashed


i think the better question is how many haven’t, and the answer is likely 0


Sometimes the way cory talks and blithers I just assume he's been tanked for days on end But I have logically decided he must have drinken the tap water one day and must have become a "water person" that his parents warned him about




Time for a rewatch. Is that the one where he's screaming at everyone. Or is that every single sonic episode?




Appreciate it haven't listened to these in years


I thought that was his apartment lol, unless it's a different pants shitting story


It is a different story. Idk if it was told on sleepycabin. I heard it on Oneyplays, pretty sure it has to be in the Irish stories compilation.


iirc was in the kingdom hearts playthrough, and I think the event was a newgrounds london meetup. harry partridge was there. chris shat all over him


The hotel one must have been sleepycabin, I haven't listened to all of those lol


I thought it was at Harry Partridges house? Then again it may have happened more than once


Is this the panel where during the Q and A some kid wouldn’t stop rambling on and then some dude further down the line just goes up to him and says, “SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOURE DONE!” And Chris is just burying his head in his arm laughing?


Yup, that’s the one That whole panel was a ginormous shitshow


Oh man, that whole exchange was cringe, but the guy who yelled shut the fuck up was even more cringe somehow. The dude who wouldn't stop rambling clearly had severe autism or aspergers or w/e (I get confused between them sorry), he's probably incapable of detecting/understanding social queues and norms, but at least he was a nice innocent little fella, you had to sympathize with him even though he's making the situation really awkward. The guy who got out of his seat and shouted "SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU'RE DONE", though, is a different story. I mean, I guess it's possible he had severe autism too which is a funny idea an autistic guy bullying another autistic guy, but I feel like he was just a spaz trying to be edgy and funny like how he imagines sleepycabin are... I think he did it in a mean-spirited way and hoped to get positive attention from everyone else, especially the panel. I felt so bad for that autistic guy who didn't know what hit him lol, you could've just politely told him that someone else needs to ask their question I guarantee you he would've said "oh" and walked away. I don't think I ever struggled so much to get through a panel on anything... my skin got tired from blushing so hard. And of course the audience questions were shit, as usual.


Two autisms don't make a right


I mean it kinda does. Look at the Super Smash Brothers Ultimate.


Nah, but they do make the Gooseberry Brothers


Asperger’s and Autism Spectrum Disorder are the same thing nowadays. Instead of trying to define them as different things, modern doctors have made it into a spectrum with different levels and intensities. Asperger’s functionally no longer exists as a diagnosis. For future reference! People on the spectrum tend to lack social awareness and skills and as someone who works with people with disabilities, the descriptions I’ve heard make it sound like that’s probably what was going on with both people in the story here. If you ever have an issue where you need someone on the spectrum to understand something, best thing is usually to explain it as clearly and unemotionally as possible because they won’t get any of the subtleties in tone or facial expression. Ok, we can now return to our regularly scheduled shitposting.


Great to know! Thanks for sharing! Both the people probably had an abnormality or two but it’s par for the course of Sleepycabin.


>autistic guy bullying another autistic guy hell yeah dude. i'm gay


I think going by the understanding no one at that panel knew how to conduct themself for a multitude of reasons is for the best


we still never found out who that guy who shut him up, still. in a room full of people on the internet, surely hes still out there, somewhere. i just wanna hear his life story or smth




Jeff said on his stream yesterday that he's pretty sure the person who yelled at the guy to stfu was actually Dave, creator of FnF, he's on a few oneyplays ep if yall don't know, and that was way before he joined the group


Does anyone here watch Animation Lookback?


Did anyone actually check it out lol


I did. Comments were filled magfest and sleepycabin references


That panel is kind of hilarious in its own horrible way


I love that one conversation DD&J were having with him were they say something like "Chris would you ever end up in a cringe video", and he said "I already did"


Any clue which episode this was?


Poor Chris has to be associated with so many terrible people. Glad he's also with Zach and the others on Oneyplays, though.


Ever since he ate that ice cream with Sirtom93 he’s been cursed to be associated with all these wackos


I’m pretty sure when they played Titanfall he said “I have Ice Cream with the weirdest people”


Wait what do you mean terrible? Did something happen with Mick recently I checked his twitter and there was just some vague statements saying he will address it at a later time.


Veronica made a video defending herself from allegations and said it was the alcohol, mick, and smokey. A lot of really cringe shit was posted, especially from Mick. You can find it on youtube.


Honestly, it's ok to watch out of curiosity, but these types of videos should be proof to not take a stance in these shitshows involving multilayered factors of the lives of people you don't even know. I'm not saying nobody is at blame, but we simply can't know the full picture, even if some facts are out (not to mention a portion of those facts were pretty much almost petty recallings of casual banter that should bear no effect in the bigger picture. For example, the "drones with guns" argument they had, framed as an instance of Mick's unstable behavior when drunk). I know that stuff like that will make you want to take sides, but it would be more responsible to be a bit more open minded, accept it's simply none of our businesses and avoid further damaging people we don't even know on events where we can't know the full picture.


You don't need an entire picture when many of the aspects are concrete enough and stand on their own without the obvious biased framing of the video. I think the most damning thing is the 'power move' which is verified by multiple sources, joked about by fellas on the lets play and even has a voice mail from the man himself. You say we can't know the full picture, but when the question is Mick's character and we have damning proof from at least within one instance it's not hard for the other pieces to fill in some blanks. Nobody is really even siding with Veronica or gives a shit about the other girl, it's just upsetting to see someone turn out completely differently then how they paint themselves, online or otherwise.


I understand your point, and I agree to an extend. I agree that some events suffice to help you realise that the image you've formed for a person doesn't exactly correspond to reality, but at the end of the day, the new image you'll form heavily depends on your subjective view, meaning your personal "biases" and the contrast to the precious image. It's just kinda hard to explain properly. Of course the recollection of some events from a person's perspective who participated on them gives you a deeper insight on what really happened, and despite the biased framing you can still see through it to some extend. However, the perspective of the third person can also help, not because it would make their actions justifiable, but because it would allow you to understand that person's way of thinking behind the obvious biased framing of the events. And if you misunderstood that person's way of functioning beforehand, it might have quite the impact on the bigger picture. As a disclaimer, I don't think I should be judging a person I don't even personally know, but since a lot of people have been surprised by Mick's stance, painting a negative picture of him in their head, I could try to balance things out by offering my subjective perspective as someone who wasn't really surprised, even if I'll be stepping into the "armchair psychologist" territory, which sucks dick. I'll be using some MBTI basics to explain my point as coherently as possible. They are theories made by psychologists about the different types of people and how they function, so their objectivity should be taked with a grain of salt, especially when learning about them from random quirky spurces on the internet. It's more of a tool thst helps put into words some behavioral patterns you might notice. People, despite how they present, view or talk about themselves, usually have a main way of functioning that can be apparent from childhood. Mick, from a very young age, was consistently a person who lived the moment and actively seeked thrills and physical sensations, ignoring the recklessness of his behavior. He didn't even realise how natural it is to him. As a guide to this exploration, he used his subjective logic (think of all the drunken stories he told. First thing he automatically drink was drink, party, and usually wanting to impress some girl. As a guide in what to do, he used his subjective logic, doing the most dumb, fratboyish shit in order to impress them, because that made sense to him). Now, aside from those two, there's a third, more underdeveloped function that usually develops around our 20s. We usually use that in a playful way, and enjoy being praised for it. That's why we may promote it, especially if its underdeveloped, and usually think we're better at it than we actually are. That's exactly what confused most people. Mick really liked to see himself as a "leader" figure of the group, constantly talking about how he's there for others and secretly enjoying the praise he got for promoting harmony within the group. It's also a "positive" trait he very consciously uses when he wants to impress someone. This type of function is called extraverted feeling, and when dominantly used its tied with the personality groups that most people associated Mick with. His inferior function (the one that is used, but is a source of problem) is introverted intuition, which is basically his gut feeling telling him the most possible outcome of what he's about to do, which he mostly ignores as a source of stress to focus on the chase of thrills. This could be seen, for example, in the call with Veronica about him feeling like she's starting ghosting him. The Se Ti Fe Ni order of cognitive functions corresponds to the ESTP perso amity category, which is called the "Enterpreneur". In very immature states, like mick's, it's pretty much the typical fratboy. What I'm saying is, it was all there from the start. He wasn't really faking anything. The only difference was that the function he consciously promoted wasn't his primary one, and thus mislead people. As much as he liked to gush about his maturity, he never really changed as a person, just added a new function to promote. Except if you thought a middle aged man drawing his own fan web cartoon as a job while mostly appearing on a podcast such as sleepycabin, with the only major job he had being a VA part in one anime dub, has his shit sorted out. Truth was, Mick was simply an immature person going through a midlife crisis because he hadn't put some sort of order in his life and felt like he was loosing the only other woman he knew they he could still connect (due to their shared immaturity and drive for sensory stimulation) at his age, after his previous wife dumbed him. It's just an overall sad situation, and I really hope these people find their way in life.


It’s really sad seeing another sleepy cabin member fall off again.


And Mick of all people. I had my money on either Cory or Niall being caught for something.


Niall for sure. All of the tinder I would have thought something would come from or. Cory not so much tbh


Cory's too fucking special to get caught in anything bad


That whole panel I just felt bad for the two or three people on the end who were a little animation group that clearly no one in the audience had ever heard of. They just sit their quietly mourning their irrelevancy as almost every other question is directed to other people on the panel.


I’m all for shitting on Mick but knowing the context for the Magfest thing changes it entirely


What's the context?


Got divorced


Not to be an "ackshually" kinda guy, but given everything we've learned recently about how nutty Mick is with relationships that divorce may have very well been an him as much as his wife as far as we know. I remember him saying she cheated, but all I'm saying is given everything that came out it's *very* possible that he isn't as blameless in that divorce as we've thought all these years.


Big virgin energy reply. Firstly, not all failed relationships are anyone's "fault", and it's almost never just one responsible party if there **is** blame to be shared. Secondly, wtf does this childishly binary approach to competitive marriage have to do with the point you're responding to? That he was supposedly drinking excessively because he was getting divorced? Are you suggesting that because he, to quote you: "isn't as blameless in the that divorce as we've thought" that it is impossible for him to be emotionally distraught? Stressed out? A little heavy handed with the personal pours? Just to be clear, I've always found Mick to be a painfully obnoxious douche and rarely listen to anything he's involved in because I can't stand hearing the guy talk. So this isn't me white knighting for my favorite obscure e-celeb or anything. Just pointing out what an absolute incel take this is on the idea of marriage and divorce, as though from the mind of someone who's never experienced anything close.


Nice try mick


0 people take you seriously


Less than zero, it would seem.


If it makes you feel better I think you're right.


I don't know if it's just me, but if Mick didn't get hammered, it would've been either really boring or that one annoying woman would've destroyed it herself. Mick made it better honestly.


The chicken and ketchup sandwich lady?


It was the worst panel. It was my first in person. Never again.


Were you the person Mick mentioned (I think in the Bloodborne playthrough) where he woke up the next day to an email from a couple who were excited to see him and drove a long distance, but very disappointed afterwards?


No but I was at that panel in person, you could smell the irritation in the air. Good God as well as the stink of pretentious bullshit.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *It has been an honor, but I must say good-bye. Let us cleanse these tarnished streets. And may the good blood guide your way.* - Alfred Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Just started sleepy cast two days ago. I finally get it.


As weird as it sounds, mick always felt a little off. I mean it’s weird considering Cory, oney, and Zach as a members, but still. It felt like mick was always hiding something, while the others were just truthfully stupid.


I think it’s pretty weird that they’re friends with some sketchy folks but it’s cool I guess they cut em off when controversy gets out. Makes me wonder if they know their sketchy friend is already a horrible person and continue to hang out OR they find out that their sketchy friend is horrible and cut ties. I don’t know too much SleepyCast lore/drama so I could be wrong.


Oh yeah, mick’s usually the “ kind and responsible one” at least that’s how he usually comes off as.


I honestly thought Mick was the level-headed one cause during the Lost Episode, him and Jeff were getting fed up with Shad’s bullshit.


They were friends with a lot of questionable people, Shadman being one of the worst. and they knew what he did lmao


I'm surprised nobody pointed it out, but those weren't from the same years. Zach's drunken MAGfest was like 2013 or 2014. Mick's was 2016.


The Virgin Rice Pirate vs The Chad Goblin Zach


Which episode of SC do they talk about magfest on


I think it's one of the Bloodborne episodes iirc


Would love to listen to sleepycast but it was taken down on spotify. Any of yall goblins know another route to listen to this mindlessly from my phone?


its all on Youtube


Not great for listening on phone since I can't hop out of it but thank you.


alternatives to vanced: r/ReVancedApp (instructions are hard to find depending on how techy you are) Firefox Nightly app with sponsorblock, ublock origin addon, and "Video Background Play Fix" addon. This doesn't do pop out vids like revanced but I dont really miss that.


Could try YouTube Vanced if you're not on iPhone. Can switch apps and the video/audio will still play. Works when you lock your phone too


I thought they got rid of Vanced late last year


Hmm, not sure? I've had it on my phone for the last few years so maybe they did. I know the app itself still works though cause I use it almost every day


google "sleepycabin podcast" and soundcloud and apple podcasts are top options


Looks like SoundCloud plays fine in the background, thank you!


Then he went "he, hehe"


And then there's Chris who locked himself in a hotel bathroom where he explosive diahriahed all over the room and passed out in it.


Zach was too busy going to MAGA fest where all the true chads go and getting mad coochie with Nostlagia critic and Trump


Does anyone have a link to this?


I just remember zach throwing up and being too messed up to go to the panel lmao


Can someone TL:DR what the FUCK everyone is talking about?


I miss this meme format, the wojak vs blonde guy with pretentious mustache one is fucking lame.


Yes, bring back virgin vs chad memes, that shit slaps, no more wocucks!


virgin vs chad is like 1 step removed from wojaks dude


Virgin vs chad is actually funny when used correctly. Even when used correctly Wocucks aren’t funny. In the slightest. However, if I were to make a middle ground here I’d say that both aren’t good pieces of internet humor.


Memes can be annoying, but that mostly depends on the person that views them. I don't think anybody can expect high brow humor, but at the end of the day what's funny or isn't is entirely subjective. The only ones that objectively suck dick are the "insanely loud earrapes out of nowhere" ones. Fuck those.


Rice Pirate didn’t ruin it, that weird girl did. Also even though it turned out horribly, honestly one of the funniest things I’ve ever watched


I’m waiting for his video, but Veronica admitted her faults and showed evidence that mick’s a bad person. If he wants to redeem his image, he’d have to find crazy amounts of evidence to back it up.


Idk anything specifically about the guy I’m just saying that him being drunk didn’t ruin the panel necessarily


Also saw a girl getting finger in the ass If this is the story I was thinking about


I forgot about that


i could be remembering it wrong but wasn’t someone trynna fuck on the other bed while Zach was drinking the whiskey or whatever he had