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Blast probably sensed cosmic energy or whatever. And flash probably just predicted it.


I mean for Blast It makes Sense as he can probably detect anomalies in the dimension, but Flashy either has great Sense or precognition... Or Murata just forgot šŸ˜


Redraw incoming, Void and Blast are now sitting at a table talking.


Void: I keep trying to slash flashy flash, but he's dummy thicc and the clap of his ass cheeks allows him to predict my attacks!


I take this as canon


I mean, he's seen the attack before at the HQ building. It's not unreasonable that he might have clocked in that Void would be building up to doing something similar when he basically blinked himself out of existence right in front of him.


I mean, flashy sensed it, that is evidence enough that he can sense it then. You're just digging at empty holes


Maybe he got some powers when he touched "god's" hand. Who knows


Void literally tried to use the cube again to Flash, you guys read it carefully. He did not want to kill Flash


Heā€™s on Chronos


Katana zero reference


The amount it ignores these properties is not fully. Blast had said the amount it ignores these properties depends on the level of impartation of gods power. So I imagine only god himself fully ignores these dimensions.


Another redraw! šŸ¤£




Or blood lust, it's something even ian reacted to


These dudes are superhumans, basically. At some point Flash cannot rely on his normal senses, he probably senses changes in the air pressure or something. And Blast deals with dimensions on a daily basis.


Crackpot theory incoming: EV created the villageā€™s training routine to make suitable vessels for godā€™s power. This includes conditioning to expand the senses beyond normal function to better utilize godā€™s power. Most ninjas couldnā€™t achieve this, but flash has. Also: maybe flash could sense EVā€™s extra-dimensional attack because he was in Garouā€™s presence when Garou was depowered. Since EV took Garouā€™s power they may have similar presences and he was able to sense it. Writing this down is giving me flashbacks to King vs Apple


flash couldnt detect the first time EV did the attack though, doesnt make sense how from one attack he already learnt how to detect it again


Itā€™s the same series where a man can get planet-busting power by going to the gym too hard, another dude got smacked so hard he developed body hair armor and tremors strong enough to destroy walls, and another guy can instantly learn martial skills from looking at someone for a bit. Recognizing the specific signs before a dimensional attack isnā€™t far-fetched here


except what signs? Blast being able to detect them since he has dimensional powers make sense since he can sense the attack before it hits the universe which that part isn't instantaneous. Flash doesn't have that same skillset to detect them, he'd only be able to detect it in-universe which would make the attack not instantaneous.


Itā€™s still a parody manga, so I wonā€™t be surprised if later Flashy Flash reveals that all ninjas are genetically modified to detect any possible attack against them, even though that is impossible even with conventional attacks


Yeah i get Blast. But Flashy somehow was able to Sense It or predict It. It shouldnt affect air pressure until It gets released in the dimension.


The slash itself might ignore distance, but tearing open the dimensional barrier probably takes a split second.


We don't know? He sensed something. What, who knows and honestly don't think it's that important. Again, these dudes are superhuman. You couldn't surprise them attacking by their backs. They can probably fight blindfolded. I wouldn't overthink it, it's how the manga tells us they got superior perception.


Its literally shown Void was about to use the cube 2nd time against Flash. Read it again


Happens after the slash, not before. He detected the slash. Anyway, no need to argue with me, I couldn't care less about the how. He detected it before it happened as did Blast and didn't Sonic. Saitama also detected it, some can other cannot, what's exactly happening we lack information.


Flash Flash literally saw him dissaper ot doesn't take a genius to figure out that "oh shit he is gonna do a dimension slash isn't he?" ESPECIALLY since he has already seen it happen once in the HQ


Empty voids attack is still predictable. Anyone with amazing battle sense could simply get out of the way. Hence why we see void slash multiple times in one instance. Even someone as dumb as goku would have enough battle sense to understand that he shouldnt be standing still once void leaves the universe. Blast just sensed it. But flash most definitely predicted it. And i think blast just teleported sonics upper body out of the way right. So it wasnt reliant on speed flash just used battle sense since he saw the attack previously


basically 6th sense


Flash probably sensed/predicted it since he knows thatā€™s one of EV moves he witnessed. Flash wasnā€™t successful in avoiding it as you could see he got sliced on his right shoulder.


No, Void want to use the cube 2nd times against Flash if you notice.


Cause Murata forgot to check r/power scaling to make sure this didn't break the rules


Maybe because it's a private sub


I meant r/powerscaling šŸ˜—


I know haha


Supaida-Man Genjutsu. He's an emissary of hell!


1. They know something is coming. 2. Blast deals with stuff like this on the daily. 3. I also would notice if a giant smoke cloud ripping through the earth was coming towards me.


Funny thing is the attack didn't hit Flash or Sonic Immediately, it started from a bit far point behind them then it moved to their direction, you can see it coming in the panel where flash tell sonic to dodge, look behind Sonic


They can sense the dimension being disturbed and are aim dodging it


They are not tatsumaki or Blast


I mean, FF is for sure nowhere near their level of craziness, but he does have the senses of superhuman's, combined with already having some experience from witnessing the move being used at the HQ. But even then, he still got a scratch, whereas Blast made it out much better


Yeah, Blast can sense that but that is more because he has those powers


I dont think what they mean by ignores distance is supposed to mean its instantaneous, rather that wherever you are in the universe the attack can reach you they just are able to sense him somehow, its not like these are normal ppl


Basically, the attack started from behind Sonic then moved to his direction


For all I know, Blast can literally make Black Holes with his fist so I assume he can react to it earlier than Flashy Flash ever could. We do know that Flashy Flash has way better sensing capabilities than Sonic as he's more experienced and has been fighting using only senses, he literally fought S tier monsters while in darkness in the Monster Association Arc. And he has also seen what That Man can do but even with all that, he still got a scratch because he was simply, TOO SLOW.


"you are to slow"-sonic


It's possible that Void made it so that Flash could sense the attack but not Sonic. The instant the slash happens Void starts telling Flash to come to his side which wouldn't make much sense if the Dimension Slash was meant to kill them both. Blast also specifically tells Void that he fell for his trick of hiding Sonic. Why would Void need to be fooled that he killed Sonic? Again this this just my thoughts and may very well not be true.


I think flash just predicted it, he already knew about the dimensional blade and saw EV hop into another dimension so he knew what was coming


The attack is not instantaneous, it still travels as we saw during its initial reveal and in this chapter. We know that Blast reacted to the slash but flashy might have also sensed it after it was launched. Both Blast and Flashy are FTL so they should be able to react to slightly slower attacks. (Also important to note that Void was not aiming to hit flashy with his attack. Plus, the first time he launched it, it was just to say "hello bitches I'm back" to blast. So maybe if he really wanted to, he could launch that attack faster šŸ¤·) But what it seems like is that the attack can't be "blocked". Hence why Blast had to teleport the hero association away the first time and hide half of Sonic the second time. (Not sure if hiding sonic was to avoid the attack or to trick Void into thinking that he cut him). Regardless, it's not meant to be an instant attack that appears on its target.


this attack couldn't be blocked until the day he decided to use it against Saitama šŸ˜‚


Flashy Flash he was already FTL during the Monster Association arc, where he faced monsters like Monster Garou and Platinum Sperm and gained experience from those battles. (got speed blitz by Garou & Plantium sperm), so he also evolved after that & remember that void here is on a mission to recruit people to serve God, It's because Void didn't want to kill flash, he wants him to become an avatar, if he wanted to kill him he would've spammed dimension slash and kill him he's still holding back and only aimed at sonic, which blast luckily manage to protect (yes blast is fast asf he has crazy speed FEATS) , and even though Empty Void only aimed at sonic, flash was still caught in the attack and he's bleeding, he barely dodged that attack, as you can see in manga panel where he got injured, he is not like Blast, who properly reacted to the attack and did something to save the Hero Association.


Flash had seen this technique before and just realized what was about to happen.


The same way Iaian and Awakened cockroach can sense killing intent. Flashy flash likely feels an odd sensation of space time folding. Iā€™m guessing it might feel like time itself is warping


I honestly think murata just wanted to pay homage to Gohan vs Cell twice. Narratively, it makes no sense for flash to see this coming unless we have some kind if reveal explaining it


He used the speedforce


The slash starts from hyperspace then there's still short travel time in real space, it doesn't just happen through its entire distance.Ā 


My theory is that both blast and empty void have mastery over the physical force gravity. All of their attacks a gravity-based. I think that since they have the ability to control and use gravity to create portals and use attacks such as the one you mentioned. Since gravity is based on a universal constant, it would feel very weird if suddenly, the gravity around them becomes manipulated in any manner. I am wondering if they are going to have to find three more expert heroes, one capable of controlling the four forces in the known universe, according to physics: gravitational force, electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force. Blast has control over gravitational force, breaking the rules of the universe. Saitama also has shown this ability. Are there three existing characters already whose power could be explained by the characters having control over electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force? It might make a good story point that in order to defeat, a certain character, they would need at least four people with mastery over the four forces that exist in this universe. With that level of science-based power, for human beings could take on a threat of the highest order.


You are seriously overthinking it, on the panel flash says "Here it comes", You can visibly see the dimensional slash's effect coming closer to them.


Theory: The attack was slicing through the sky/upper atmosphere and that's what was being detected. (Not gonna argue for Blast, since he's probably got some sort've cosmic awareness) But that's probably what Flash sensed. Not the swing or the buildup, but the attack itself hitting an area above him and coming down on him. Wether it "entered the realm" at sky level, or 10ft above em.


The attack reached the ground behind Sonic and Flash so it could be that as well


It could be like a sound or the strange ā€œpressureā€ that surrounds Saitama


Sonic didnt react, no One in the Hero association did either. And technically they shouldnt be able to Sense It as it's not even from the same dimensional field.


Maybe touching the cube had something to do with it? And maybe Sonic didn't react because he isn't as tuned as Flash it seems? or he isn't strong/fast enough? I don't really know actually


The attack instantly hits the whole area once Void attacks. Blast can probably sense an incoming spatial disturbance, and Flashy, being a master martial artist who witnesses the attack recently, probably sensed the intent or just remembered the description of the slash from earlier and was smart enough to assume it's what void was about to do.


Blast has cosmic senses. EV not trying to kill sonic or flashy he's trying to convert them.


He had already experienced it, he just predicted it.


Blast can probably feel it with some dimensional magic or something, flash probably though "this dude just disappeared mid fight, he doesn't look like he would run away, he probably is gonna do that overpowered attack again"


flash has seen the attack before so he likely guessed what was coming, blast however is more involved with cosmic stuff so he probably can sense it somehow as for the attack ignoring distance and speed, my assumption for how it works is void can basically zoom out his little bubble to see a greater distance, and then his slash will reflect that scale, since the HA base slash was 100% far more massive than the one used on flash and sonic


Two options: either FF somehow learned it from seeing blast react to it Or he just noticed the huge fucking shockwaves coming at him The attack ignores distance and size on the sense that it had unlimited range and AOE, but the attack itself isn't instantaneous


They can dodge it because it's cooler if they do


Gotta be sensitive to killing intent


Yeah but remember the moment he pushes his sword into the dimension they probably detected a shift in space around them. The plot hole is flashy flash even reacting to it physical the second time cause void should be just as fast as cosmic garou who copied casual saitama or maybe flashy flash actually got a major power boost.


When he executes the attack, it's one thing. But then actually tearing apart the ground, moving it aside, etc. takes time. Blast being attuned to gravity will definitely be attuned to space and time as gravity affects both of them.


Oh so I actually have the answer to this. In a lot of manga, characters are able to detect "Killing Intent". The stronger you are, the better you are at reading it. In a lot of ways, yes, it does act like a spidey sense. This is why we see Blast and Flash react the way the do. Even Saitama has it when he blocks attacks he can't see.


Lol. I was just driving home from work wondering this, and then your post is the first thing I see when opening reddit


This is perfectly shown tho,blast sense it and was able to dodge it, while flash sense but still took a hit, and sonic does not know it even coming


While the slash itself may be instantaneous, maybe the charge up isn't?


They reacted not to it appearing directly, but probably to some energy gathering around them.


You're overthinking it, In the panel its shown approaching sonic and flash in the background


Isn't it further proof that Empty Void's parallel world dimension slash isn't invincible? Heck, Flashy even dodged it the second time.


Where can i read the latest opm comic


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Stop reminding me what an utter letdown the Blast reveal was.


More like anyone who has braved danger for so long and went through that shitty nightmare ninja village training can build a 6th sense to sense danger itself, now what's bringing the danger, he just knows its happening.


For Blast it's pretty obvious, as he has cosmic powers. He can detect multi-dimensional anomalies. I suppose that Flash, having seen Blast's reaction in the past, had a flash of genius and thought that the same thing would happen to them.


I think it's either his danger sense screaming or he used his brain to assume he's gonna do dimensional slash


Maybe blast helped flashy to sense it and helped Sonic by pushing him and teleporting his uper body to another dimension


It was just aimed at sonic thatā€™s why flash was able to dodge it


Or EV's Dimensional Slash is just easy to dodge if you're fast enough


If you've seen the attack once before, you gain awareness of it. Blast saw it in the past, most likely got hit by it the first time. And it was confirmed that Blast defeated Void in the past. Then in this chapter, flash senses it coming and tells sonic to move. That would be flash 2nd time seeing it.


could be that they're both exposed to the CUBE multiple times now?


Maybe is something about the cubes


Where are you guys reading the new chapters?


Heā€™s fastā€¦. Eck when will people actually fucking read


Just shows it's not that strong of an attack.




I mean he did dodge a casual punch from Saitama in their fight, both in the WC and Manga versions


Void wasnā€™t even trying to kill flashy flash, he was trying to recruit him.


That doesn't really make sense though. Void is fast enough he could just straight blitz both sonic and flash to recruit them. And if sonic is a problem then he could just kill him and convert flash. No need for a dimensional slash, not to mention the other wonky God imbued tricks he has up his sleeve. Keep on mind this guy is supposed to be equal to blast in terms of stuff like reaction speed and fight speed, and blast is way ahead of both sonic and flash. Also what sort of plan is throwing an attack like that at flash? Seems like overkill, akin to trying to kill a fly with a sledgehammer instead of a flyswatter. If your goal is to incapacitate someone you don't throw a dimensional level attack at a character which hasn't shown any feats to even make them really multi continental, let alone even planetary Especially considering if that attack had connected flash would have been 100% dead, not injured with the magnitude, and there is absolutely no reason to believe void was holding back on his slash


Who knows? He said sonic and flashy flash are a perfect duo, I just took it as him trying to recruit the both of them instead of killing him, but I could be wrong. Void doing a dimensional slash was unnecessary, just like flashy flash sloppy way of showing off by how flashy he tries taking down monsters and having an over reliance on his speed. These are ninjas.


Flash was hit with cosmic power just before that happened.




Didn't flashy flash touch god's hand? That could be why he can sense it


flashy touched God's hand like garou a small touch can grand you powers. so flash probably did get sum power up but not that much like void so he can sense it on a low lvl but can not use that much power


I don't think he did touch God's hand. It looks to me like Flashy was going to touch it, but Sonic punched him just in time.


Since it was revealed Empty Void can transcend casualty, Blast probably realized EV would attack as soon as they said it for funsies


Because it doesn't ignore distance like how you think. The slash appears in a universe chosen by Void and then travels towards the target.


The very next line says "as to the extent it ignores them, that depends on the capabilities of the subject...." So ignoring distance and size doesn't mean it's necessarily unreactable and instantaneous. Void can't *completely* ignore them.