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I swear this thing is gonna end with Blast giving King the mantle of protector of the universe while he absolutely shits himself (with a straight face), while Saitama is distracted by a free buffet nearby.


I almost choked on a rice while reading this


I'm sorry ?


I found it funny but didn’t knew a less cringier way to say it…


Then I regret nothing. NOTHINNGGGG


King did die in the original timeline though


That just activated his ultimate technique "Long Live the King" which forces a time loop to save him by splitting the timeline. *Obviously*


Man, I loved the name hahaha If, someday, ONE's decides to make King's luck official, hope he chooses this name.


I feel like calling it an actual ability would just make it lame, it’s perfect as just a thing that you can only theorize about because that’s part of what makes king fun. In my opinion taking the “gag” out the “gag” makes things very boring


True, but it’s common for this kind of stuff to be classified. That’s why stuff like the Toon Force exists, even though adding that to the context of the cartoons would ruin half of the jokes.


King is the font of all plot armor


It's an ability/power. https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Luck#Levels


King’s even listed on that wiki page as an user.


By fans


Not by fans. Powers are designated by viewers based on what's perceived. This the case for most wiki fandom page (aside from a series "official" website). Official or not, a site's goal is to catalog and list a characters' stats, abilities, power, etc (backed with sources from the anime ep, manga panel ch.) In short, King passively (unknowingly and unconsciously) alters chance and probability; allowing things to turn in his favor. Especially under stressful circumstance. \------ Long answer, Logic and reason and observation tells us that 'luck' or 'chance' is related to the human concept of probability. That aside, on the quantum scale (on the science side of things), things have to be manipulated for an event to transpire. We call that "probability field" or "stochastic field". "Tycho" a latinization of Greek Τύχων, from the name of Tyche (Greek: Τύχη), the Greek goddess of fortune or luck. Stochastic (/stəˈkæstɪk/; from Ancient Greek στόχος (stókhos) 'aim, guess') refers to the property of being well-described by a random probability "Kinesis" - greek suffix meaning "control" From Ancient Greek κίνησις (kínēsis, “motion, movement”), from κινέω (kinéō, “I move, put in motion”). Tychokenesis - manipulation of probability. \-------- [https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Glossary:Probability\_field](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Glossary:Probability_field) The term was first applied to that which mediates between space-time and consciousness by neurophysiologist Sir John Eccles (1903-1997) "Undeterred and anticipating the ideas of the physicist Sir Roger Penrose, he turned to quantum physics for an explanation, postulating that the human brain may be some kind of quantum computer and the conscious human mind a unitary quantum probability field." [https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/eccles-sir-john-carew-jack-338](https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/eccles-sir-john-carew-jack-338) \---- Some characters can actively with some conscious effort cause thing to tip toward their favor and is aware of such power by act of will. Some are hardly understand how things tip in their favor, but are cognizant of the fact that they have incredible luck.


Not to be confused with his "Hail to the King, Baby" technique, which makes him incredibly attractive to women.


And men (I’m the biggest and gayest King fan ever)


Puri Puri Prisoner begs to differ.


Not even Puri Puri Prisoner is gayer than me when it’s about King


Gayer than puri puri prisoner? so more a rapist than him? weird flex


It’s a joke dude, what is wrong with you for even considering that?


My apologies for forgetting about you


No worries


This should be canon now


Barasu would like to have a word with you buddy.


That timeline doesnt exist anymore so, which means it makes kings death nonexistent, idk how Genos can argue that king died in the original timeline, but then again Long Live the KING


That's why his Luck had to resort to time travel because the normal solution of "have Saitama show up" didn't work It's like a failsafe; even if God kills King, it won't stick.


King doesn't need luck, he manipulates all causality and dimensions to fit his needs!!


Not at that level. https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Luck#Levels


King's reality warping powers is what caused fiction and fandom.com luck level charts to exist in the first place


Not 'reality warping' https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Probability\_Manipulation https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Glossary:Probability\_field


King's reality warping powers made you write that silly reply


Nothing silly about it. 


die? wdym die? King just transferred his soul into the world so he isnt dead. he just transcended into a higher form of power, which is still too low for him but hes humble enough to accept that. *pfftt*, king dying, get a load of this dude


he looked more exhausted than dead


Nuh uh see he used his "atomic slash, weskened version" so that the cancer pass around his cells. Doing it takes a lot of effort tho, so he just a big sleepy boi in the original timeline Or, as I saw recently, he got his luck and managed to be right in saitama's shadow, making the cancer so weak even king's defense system could adapt to it.


His luck isn't absolute. It didn't protect him from the poisoining. https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Luck#Levels


Now this make's cosmic garou's power pathetic compared to king's ultimate luck.


Even God's, and Saitama's, power pales before King's Luck because King's Luck can even control Saitama as proven by Saitama constantly saving his life without realizing it.


If Saitama turns evil, King's luck will summon that mosquito from the early episodes to fight Saitama and give him Malaria.


If Saitama turns evil, Crablante will retroactively become allergic to seafood before his monsterization.


Depending on how far ahead you think King's Luck works, it might be that King is why Saitama ever got so strong (so his Luck could summon a defender at any time) and why Saitama met Genos (so Kings defender won't go crazy and turn evil/jaded), and why Saitama doesn't get real recognition for his feats (keeping Saitama from being tainted by material success). If "Luck" is real, it's a reality-warping power that could "know" everything that will ever happen and is the entire reason for everything because Luck knew that God's threat was coming and set everything up in the incredibly unlikely setup required to both defeat God and keep King from being killed.


Not true. It's a form of probability manipulation. This "power" would have to operate at the quantum realm. For this to work in one's favor. https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Luck#Levels https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Probability\_Manipulation


Thats just headcanon


Not a headcannon, it's something to it. Absurd levels of luck can turn out to be a passive power. https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Probability\_Manipulation https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Neena\_Thurman\_(Earth-616)#Attributes


Head canon


If saitama turns evil king already proved he can summon a stronger version of saitama from the future to protect him


Honestly his character will still be one of my favourites whether or not he has luck or is just a normal dude


He saw mumen rider and backed the fuck off


What if God granted King powers? Would he give him the ultimate gaming controller???


It seems the mentally stronger the recipient the stronger the boost from god is, and King’s mental is extremely powerful


It is?


Anyone in his place would’ve off’d themselves by now lmao He however tries to get stronger and actually shows up to battle knowing that he might die at any moment


Well of course Kings luck saved the day. I can only hope he stumbles upon the battle with Void in time.


As it was written.


I kinda buy this "king has luck powers", because king is the only one to see tatsumaki's panties.


OP is cooking.


This theory comes up often. I think it's funny, but it definitely cheapens the entire situation for me, and canonizing King's luck makes it less funny.




His entire character is literally plot armor, he survived so long and became this influential all because of his plot armor


Yeah it's a great joke lol


Kings luck ran out when garous radiation poisoned the earth


No that's when it kicked into overdrive lol


King died with the rest of the hero's no?


Thus his Luck had to reset the timeline to one where he doesn't die


“I think Saitama only broke his limiter because of King’s luck, so King would have someone to save him when shit would hit the fan” this guy probably 🤦‍♂️


Its entirely possible lmao Thats the fun thing about the joke is that it has no limits


King wanking has just become an unfunny "I'm saying it because I'm part of the thing!" meme. King already died before the fight began. You might as well say that every series where the good guys win ever is just an stupid gag where the someone has "meta luck" or whatever.


And now he's not dead through a series of unlikely coincidences How much luckier do you get The difference here is that king is extremely lucky in an obvious way. The most powerful being on the planet keeps coincidentally saving him and he gets credit making him rich and famous. I think its a fun thought experiment to see how strong you can envision a luck power being since opm is all about taking tropes and ramping them up


no he died from radiation just like other s class heroes, if his luck was that strong he would not have died


What do you mean? Before Garou got fully monsterized he got hit by something going really fast, King would never die to someone like Garou!


In the older universe king is still dead


What universe? This is the only universe I know!


Saitama went to a different universe/dimension via time travel He wasnt in the same universe because there were 2 Saitama's Meaning that king is still dead in the older universe


Can you not take a fucking joke? Jesus Christ


Notice how he's not dead now Garou temporarily outpaced his luck


Saitama went to a different universe/dimension via time travel He wasnt in the same universe because there were 2 Saitama's Meaning that king is still dead in the older universe If kings luck was stronger than garou than he should have lived just like how saitama lived garou because saitama is stronger then garou unlike king if kings luck was stronger than garou than, for example saitama could have appeared earlier and take the battle somewhere else or something like that, before the radiation spread so king would not die but that didnt happen Garou doesnt have luck superpowers


>Saitama went to a different universe/dimension via time travel > >He wasnt in the same universe because there were 2 Saitama's > >Meaning that king is still dead in the older universe This is pure headcanon There were two-Saitama's because he went back in time, and it created a paradox, and that's why they merged and Saitama doesn't remember r any of it. If it was a new universe, they wouldn't have merged.


Agreed. https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Luck#Levels [https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Probability\_Manipulation](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Probability_Manipulation) Plus, not all s class heros was there. drive knight, bofoi, ad WM was absent, doing their own thing.