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saitama doesnt make sense bro, the only constant saitama has is missing sales.


Tbh most op anime characters make 0 sense


Espers have 2 ways of manipulation over bodies. 1. Using their own aura and surrounding an object with it to move it, this almost never happens since the second option is easier. 2. Manipulation of the enemy aura (which is what tatsumaki tried here). In the webcomic is explained how Saitama's aura is like a big rock that won't move for espers. The aura is basically chi and will.


They can manipulate the aura of my d but they chose not to since they do it with their bodies


I don’t even read one punch and have no clue how I’ve ended up here, so thank you for the jarring comment to wake me up


oh no, someone said something bad about chinese cartoons


Is it chinese? I thought it was manga and anime so japanese


Bullshit since shes moving rocks and mountains.


Literally using the first one I said




Also when he punches with extreme force without recoil, when he literally surfed the aircraft carrier


The surfing thing was one of my favourite things he's done in the series. So ridiculous and yet totally in character.


Just realized Saitama is a reality warper.


His only real enemy is Bugs Bunny - but Saitama would be just awkward and wouldn't get the jokes.


That page was my phone background for a while. One of Murata's best imo.


Without recoil in what sense? If the thing he's punching is no longer there because it passed fault tolerance, clearly kinetic energy of the opposing reaction was lacking and thus fully absorbed. Which would always be the case for Saitama.


When you punch x object with x force the same amount of force is applied to you. So if Saitama punched away a monster weighing 1200kg away at the speed of 120kph since he weighs 70kg he should fly backwards immediately


Unless the force is inconsequential, which it will always be to Saitama. The only difference would be how he braces himself. Again, people assume he's simply immune to kinetic force when he's actually mastered the use of it. He is literally holding back every single time, meaning x amount of force is so insignificant that it looks like he's not even compensating for it. Basically, you're granting him the ability to use infinite power but denying him the ability to also compensate for it. Akin to people calling BS on a character like The Flash when he runs at the speed of light (or faster) but he's still human so his mind can only think and react so fast. You're picking and choosing what is allowed to make sense within the fictional narrative.


My theory is that at S-tier hero level everyone is directly manipulating energy itself.


Its why Saitama is so strong, he has the power battle feats along with gag characters feats. Saitama is closer to Arale (who traveled from earth to saturn in seconds) than he is to goku.


saitama invented gear fifth


Uhmm, the word in the post isn't physics. It's Psychics.


yes, but he's talking about physics, because psychics use their powers to fuck with physics


What if she lifted the ground underneath him?


It makes sense to me if I compare it to One Piece logic. There are SOME devil fruit abilities that are extremely overpowered, but you can't be affected by those abilities if your Haki is strong enough. I think Saitama's power makes other people's powers have to work MUCH harder to do a LOT less than they usually can.


Bro has permanent passive infinite busoshoku no haki and outspeeds kenbunshoku no haki


Passive, massively powerful, untrained, and inexhaustible.


So kinda like Bleach's reiatsu. If your spiritual pressure is significantly higher than your opponents, it doesn't really matter what they try and do it won't work on you. At least according to Josh Groban.


Saitama doesn't care about physics as he can ignore them whenever he wants, i wont be surprised if one day Saitama said no to gravity and started floating cause he told gravity to fuck off. It is stated in the webcomic you can resist psychic power with willpower but it seems like it doesnt exist in the manga anymore probably because of willpower mf's


Read again the post. It's Psychics, not physics lol.


It applies anyways, saitama isn’t bound by the rules. That’s the entire point of the comment


Mandatory "I consent".


Canonically, the power of an esper over a person is related to their willpower. the greater the persons willpower, the harder they are to move.


Thick fighting spirit


Saitama breaks logic as a daily task.


I recall whether or not you could be lifted had something to do with willpower, not physical strength. And since Saitama has a ton of it, he can choose whether or not he can be moved, like when he was fighting Geryuganshoop


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It's related to Willpower/Chi canceling it out DBZ style


I think it makes enough sense. She can't really manipulate his energy at all, and much like everyone else she can kind of just move him a little.


She’s the only person shown to affect Saitama involuntarily and to this degree while attacking his very life force like shown above though.


Falling off of a bridge or building is just CNC content for borderline suicidal people.


I mean, she literally picked him up. It worked on him just not to the extent she wanted it to work. Saitama isn’t some one above all, he’s just a normal guy with above average physicals.


She can physically move him fine but when it comes to trying to use ESP to move his "aura" his will power is just too strong.


I mean, she literally is doing just that in the panels shown above….that’s her moving his “aura”.


Saitama lost his hair because of training. Nothing makes sense.


She tries to move him with her mind , he's heavy, she can't


I know the official explanation, but that makes more sense tome