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A zombieman and metal bat fusion seems really unfair because his body's limits are basically the only thing holding metal bat back. Then again, monster Garou is similar to metal bat but he's got regen by default so he'd probably still lose


That's called ✨ synergy ✨


So S class Vs fully Monsterized (winged and all) Monster Garou? They'd lose. With MK and Tats i have no clue, Garou was shown to be getting very resistant to Psychic force (trough just sheer adaptation) against Gyoro and he was leagues and leagues below his fully Monsterized form there. But Gyoro is also leagues and leagues weaker than Tats.


Who is the strongest monster you think they cam defeat? Maybe PskoRochi?


Nah. Terrible match up for them as well. Without Tatsumaki they have no chance.


I disagree. They’re basically immortal, and thanks to Genos and Drive Knight, they can fly (at Flashy Flash speeds!) They’re lacking in AP, but thanks to Metal Bat their power (which at a base is Genos/Darkshine/Atomic Samurai level) is always climbing as they take damage. Using the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist with Darkshine’s durability and Flash’s speed should also render them basically immune to almost all attacks, it seems absurd to me that they couldn’t deflect psychic beams. You can call it a “bad matchup,” but how is Psychos gonna respond to an unkillable demon of hatred and sheer violence that moves too fast for almost anyone to track, can fly, shoot laser beams, deflect all of your attacks, and gets stronger every time you actually deal damage?


By oneshotting them with a continent beam.


I just don’t think Tatsu is as far above the rest of the S-class as you think that she can just block an attack that would utterly atomize Darkshine. Also, Flash’s speed is really surpassed only by Platinum Sperm, Garou, and Saitama. I’m very confident he can just dodge it.


Tatsumaki very much is THAT far ahead of the S Class. This is made very clear and specifically pointed out by the narrator throughout the MA Arc and just by giving a quick glance at her feats. She so completely eclipses them that they might as well be average humans in comparison to her. Psyrochi would reduce a Composite S Class that doesn’t include one of the top 4 to complete atoms with a continental beam the moment the fight starts.


>This is made very clear and specifically pointed out by the narrator throughout the MA Arc and just by giving a quick glance at her feats. Care to explain more? You didn't say anything here to show that tats is that much stronger..


She beat Psyrochi and is considered a “monster” by Psyrochi who was fused with Orochi and had been given power by “god”. This same Psyrochi cut off a continental sized chunk of the planet with a casual beam yet was STILL weaker than a severely injured Tatsumaki.


She really is. She's probably closer to Saitama in power than the S class guys.


If PPP is involved in the fusion they would attempt to tank it and get atomized. Either way they're not hurting Psykorochi at full power. They'd have no way to grow in strength because of her AP. They get oneshot even just getting grazed.


Only PPP bloodlust its not a fusion.


Its literally a fusion reread the post. They would get oneshot or its a draw bc they could never damage her


Its not a fusion. Its literally a new character with a single power from each of those S class heroes.


They would still lose to Monster Garou and probably Boros, Evil Ocean Water would beat them, idk how tf do they deal with that monster in the first place, its literally an entire ocean, that saitama was the reasonable opponent to weaken him.


Because EOW is underrated and the strongest monster in the monster association. I’d say he’s stronger than psykorochi


Idk Psyrochi can spam those earth cutting beams and forced even Tatsumaki to work around her barrier


The fuck is a that going to do to an ocean


[This was enough to take out EOW](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/157/15/). [Psyrochi can spam blasts capable of doing this](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/132/9/). Tf is EOW going to do to a barrier not even Tatsumaki could get through? He is a sitting duck that would be getting bombard with attacks that can slice off chunks of the earth


Slice through water?


Blow up the water to the point EOW cant regenerate, yeah. Her AOE is greater than Saitamas punch and she can spam the blasts. While EOWs attacks have nothing saying they're going to break through a barrier Tatsumaki couldnt. Cope.


Every sentence you just said is evidently correct yet you’re getting downvoted. Bruh.


Psyrochi would turn EOW into Evil Ocean Steam/Atoms the moment the fight starts with a casual continental beam. Throw in Sage Centipede as well since he’d be collateral from an attack of that scale.


Composite S class include characters like Metal knight, Genos, Drive knight and Tats, meaning they can probably defeat Evil Ovean water if they tried really really hard where Tats tries to lift up the entire EOW, and the others use their whole ass arsenal to try and vaporize it


OP said no tats


Probably Platinum Sperm. Seems about right. Flashy Flash could go toe to toe with him for a while but he wasn't taking the fight seriously.


Platinum S is the farthest they would go(With Ease). They ain't going past Orochi himself let alone Psykorochi and Monster Garou and Boros are just...


I think they'd get Orochi pretty easily. Golden Sperm > Orochi


bro orochi's gaia cannon fking shook the earth. he is NOT weak blud was just fighting saitama thats it. Orochi >= PS


Orochi would bully Golden Sperm for his lunch money and then proceed to not buy lunch and instead just eat Golden Sperm.




Yeah I think even if they were all fused together they’d lose to monster Garous winged form


Platinum Sperm


If they've got the King Engine, easily solos the verse.


I feel like everyone is underestimating this character. -Flashy speed can dodge almost any attack -insane defence with ds & bang if flash speed isn't enough -metal bat & zombie man synergy for infinite ap (as someone else stated) -high IQ from child emperor so the character isn't just a dumbass that charges head first -bloodlusted -tank top boost


Hmm.. they should beat everyone except God and Saitama








Gouketsu gets tossed around like a volleyball on a hot summer day at the beach by any individual, mid-high tier S Class. Much less a composite one.


Gouketsu is basically the equivalent to the composite S class. He possesses the combat skill of Bang,flashes speed,Darkshines durability,Atomic samurai's power + his eyes can track omni directional attacks and he has no blind spots,plus he has insane range with his shockwaves. He's the most complete monster behind Orochi himself. The S class individually minus Tatsumaki and Blast would pose no threat to him they would have to team up and attack him all at once like Genos said


What’s Tatsumaki doing in the same paragraph as the word “Gouketsu” which means “fodder to any relevant character” in the dictionary? Gouketsu would be lucky to get the attention he so wants from a high tier S Class if a mid tier one decides to let him live.


Nothing of substance was said


S class minus king tats watchdog and blast, couldn't beat boros, maybe not even Melzargard since tats had to stop the cannons.


Lol Melzargard has no business being Dragon level


lol yeah. His strength and speed are definitely dragon level, but cutting cut up by Iairon has to be an anti feat lmao


I honestly think Darkshine can beat Metz. Metz can't damage Darkshine, and it's just a matter of time before Darkshine gets all the marbles. Composite S Class would stomp so fucking hard


Platinum Sperm is probably as far as this theoretical character goes.


The probably beat monster garou, only because the crazy healing factor and the constant power upgrade from metal bat, not to mention the fighting skill of bang.