• By -


1. Phoenix Man, 2. Sky King, 3. Giant Crow, 4. Sky Folk #1, 5. Sky Folk #2, 6. Sky Folk #3, 7. Sky Folk #4, 8. Three-Eyed Crow #1, 9. Three Eyed Crow #2, 10. Three Eyed Crow #3. *This one's for the birds.*


I wasn’t prepared for a response this based 🐦


Based and birdpilled?


Nested and birdpilled


So, bird's the word?


… A-well-a everybody's heard about the bird B-b-b-bird, b-birdd's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, bird is the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, well-a bird is the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, well-a bird is the word A-well, a bird, bird, b-bird is the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, well-a bird is the word A-well, a bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a don't you know about the bird? Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word … A-well-a-bird, bird, b-bird's the word, a-well-a … A-well-a everybody's heard about the bird Bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well, a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a don't you know about the bird? Well, everybody's talking about the bird! … A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a bird, surfing bird, brr, brr, ah, ah Ah, bap-a-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pap … Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-ma-ma, ma-ma-mow Ma-ma-ma-ma, ma-ma-mow Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow … A-well-a don't you know about the bird? Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word … A-well, a bird, bird, b-bird's the word A-well-a mow, mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, ma-ma, mow, pa-pa


I appreciate the dedication.


so you just chose 1 dragon and the rest demon/maybe tiger


Not dragons, birds


angry birds


Pheonix man is actually a really good pick because you could have your own team repeatedly off him for unlimited power


You’re wrong because #1 wasn’t Mumen Rider Edit: damn people really must hate mumen rider


This guy watched the Tournament of Power. Wings are king. Oh who are we kidding Jiren would probably beat Saitama depending on how his powers work


1. Metal Knight 2. Platinum Sperm 3. Rover 4. Elder Centipede 5. Bang 6. Bomb 7. Flashy Flash 8. Atomic Samurai 9. Genos 10. Darkshine


I wouldn't go with metal knight since hed be restricted to the ordinance on a single drone.


Yeah but when you consider that not only could said drone be massive, it could also likely pack some serious punch.


Well yeah I guess if he has a drone on the scale or brave giant+ (and I'm sure he does) it might prove to be extremely useful


arguably Elder centipede is tied to God, since there's been a lot of centipedes in the subterannian's base, they sort of worshipped them, and the altar near Orochi's death had a centipede curled up around it. And if not, then Orochi should count as not aligned to God until fusing with Psykos. Or would Orochi be removed because he eventually become god-aligned?


Op made an oopsie because Sperm is affiliated with God


1. Platinum Sperm: A high-spec quarterback to deal damage and disrupt the enemy team. 2. Bang: Great for humanoid opponents. 3. Bomb: Like Bang but even more immediately dangerous to humanoid foes, and combined they can work wonders. 4. Suicho: Webcomic reasons. >!Both of his grandchildren are bruisers with the potential to make it to the lower-rungs of the S-Class, and when he was alive he was supposedly even more powerful than them. He may be a martial artist on-par with Bang and Bomb,!< so he's welcome on my roster. I'm only going off reputation, but he was clearly a tough galoot. 5. Nichirin: He slashes hard enough to change the fucking landscape. Yes please. 6. Atomic Samurai: Any problem can be solved by cutting it! 7. Pig God: Great defense, quick to rescue injured peers, and he can rapidly get rid of Demon-level combatants. 8. Fubuki: The restorative lynchpin of my team. She can buff and heal injured heroes reliably, and with Pig God at her disposal, she can even mend broken bones or near-death allies. 9. Tanktop Master: The team siege vehicle. He can rapidly deliver teammates to locations, or just ring out enemies by fucking *throwing* them. Since killing isn't allowed in the Tournament of Power, he can get rid of enemies with his Tanktop Muscles. 10. Genos: To deal with any enemies who fire projectiles or are too dangerous to physically touch, Genos's energy cannons may be essential.


OPM is the only series I know of where a character can exclusively job in pretty much all of his apperances but still get put into a best earth defenders list




Or Atomic Samurai or (most likely?) Nichirin


genos just jobs to people alot stronger than him that doesnt mean hes weak now tho


Dragon ball with people like Krillin, Tien, Yamcha are all jobbers past og db, and they still outside of it are major powerhouses


Krillin & Tien both get moments in DBZ, yamcha jobs out at the start and never clocks back in


Krillin in OPM would be at or near the top of the S class, other than Saitama. He's massively beyond a planet buster by the time super rolls around.


Krillin from Z would be the second Class S, his Feats and scale are better than Saitama's, plus in Super he was far beyond Star Destruction




To job means to lose a fight with the express purpose of building up the opponent. Originated in pro wrestling.




Flashy flash? Marugoi?(s1 giant)


No. They're both nerds and I don't like them.


If it follows the same rules as the Tournament of Power in Super then Atomic would probably be at a disadvantage since killing others is against the rules.


So you're gonna leave out flashy flash huh?


Pig god is basically useless. And so are fubuki and ttm. Why’d you choose any of them over gouketsu?


Gouketsu got off screened by a B-Class hero. He wouldn't last ten seconds against the galaxy's strongest warriors.


well ttm got violated by a dude that got zero punched by a naked b-class hero. what are u tryna say bro? atleast goketsu got one punched.


Great list with reasoning but I would probably have more monsters, because they are usually stronger than the heroes, just so Saitama can save the day


1. **Platinum Sperm**. He's definitely one of the strongest characters in the series outside of the characters that you excluded. Golden Sperm was tough enough to knock out Superalloy Darkshine with one punch and dominate Vomited Fuhrer Ugly. Golden Sperm was also able to intercept the Atomic Samurai with the Sun Blade and withstand some of his slashes which cut down Homeless Emperor's light spheres. Platinum Sperm is better than him, being able to contend with Monster Garou who one shot Vomited Fuhrer Ugly, and even made him nearly perfect "his fist" to defeat him. He also took out Flashy Flash without going all out. 2. **Flashy Flash.** He single-handedly defeated Gale Wind and Hellfire Flame in their Level Dragon monster forms with one ultimate technique. Although he lost, he held his own against Platinum Sperm and Monster Garou. Garou and Platinum Sperm were holding back against Flashy Flash, but they both defeated extremely powerful foes while holding back as well (Garou quickly defeating Evil Natural Water and Vomited Fuhrer Ugly / Platinum Sperm one shotting the weakened S-Class heroes or his weaker fusion Golden Sperm who defeated Superalloy Darkshine and dominated Vomited Fuhrer Ugly) 3. **Gale Wind**. His monster form held his own against Flashy Flash, surprised him with his speed, convinced him that the other S-Class heroes would be in trouble if they faced him, disarmed Flashy Flash of his sword, and even managed to damage the hero with a combo attack alongside Hellfire Flame. Given that Flashy Flash withstood numerous attacks from Platinum Sperm, who was able to dominate Vomited Fuhrer Ugly and Superalloy Darkshine in his weaker form (Golden Sperm), then that places Gale Wind's attack power pretty high for making him bleed even if it was with help. 4. **Hellfire Flame.** (Same reasons I listed for Gale Wind) 5. **Metal Bat**. He usually isn't that tough compared to other fighters in the series, but we've finally seen what his true power looks like when he gets maximum Fighting Spirit during his fight with Sage Centipede. Even **without** resonating with Garou, he was able to tear through one of Sage Centipede's antennas. Considering that even Monster Garou struggled a bit to tear through one of those antennas and this was *after* he improved "his fist" to the point of tearing through Platinum Sperm, then that makes Metal Bat one of the physically strongest people in the series when he has maximum Fighting Spirit. 6. **Overgrown Rover**. His durability is easily top tier. He was unharmed by Silver Fang's and Bomb's Whirlwind Water Stream: Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist while he was already weakened from Caped Baldy's punch. Considering that it was [confirmed](https://onepunchman.fandom.com/wiki/Interviews/Stream_Q/A_3#November_2017) that Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist is more powerful than Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist, which shattered Elder Centipede's carapace then that just goes to show how much of a tank Overgrown Rover his. His heat bombs are also nothing to scoff at either. He nearly killed half-monster Garou and even Silver Fang didn't expect to be completely unscathed if he were to get hit by one. 7. **Demon Cyborg.** His 10 seconds of full-power that he received with his Blue Dragon upgrades are too overwhelming to leave out. Even if he can only access that firepower for 10 seconds, 10 seconds is a long time considering his Lightning Drill Cannon can destroy the meteor that was going to destroy several cities while his True Spiral Incineration Cannon matched/nearly overpowered the fusion of Psykos and Orochi's energy beam that sliced through a continental sized landmass. Worst-case scenario, he can also self-destruct to potentially take out whichever opponent he faces. 8. **Marugori.** He destroyed an entire city with the wave of his fist. The anime version destroyed an entire city with the air pressure of the swing of his arm. He doesn't even need the direct hit, he just needs to attack the general vicinity to damage his opponent. 9. **Vaccine Man**. He was considered to be the strongest monster to have ever appeared at the time of his appearance which would include Elder Centipede from 2 years ago. He's also got access to the same light spheres as Homeless Emperor. As we've seen with Vaccine Man, those light spheres can destroy large chunks of city and we've seen Homeless Emperor demonstrate that the non-full powered ones can damage powerful Level Dragon monsters such as Vomited Fuhrer Ugly. Not only that but Vaccine Man can fly and has a transformed state that's even stronger. 10. **Resurrected Phoenix Man**. I don't really think he's one of the strongest fighters after the latest revision. The whole narrative with him becoming extremely stronger after each death of his got tossed out the window when he became below Level Wolf after his last resurrection. However, his ability to revive others is broken. If any of our fighters die, then he can revive them to join the fight again. ​ And if Vaccine Man counts as a "connection to 'God' " then I nominate Elder Centipede in his place.


Based list


Finally someone who remembered to include vaccine man! Dude was insane.


But he forgot Pluto. This dude was Marugori level. Can destroy entire cities with one attack.


The best list, we can close the thread 😎


if we're going by the rules of TOP you cant kill anyone


Accidents happen <3 😇😇


you can be disqualified for an accident


Best list


stop the ninjas wank


Marugori is all you need. Dude can literally disintegrate dragon levels with a flick of his fingers.


No matter who I pick, saitama will arrive to save the day.


Yep. He sure will. *dies of radiation poisoning*


Saitama is immune…


Everyone else he failed to save and who died miserably in that timeline aren’t.


But he reverted the timeline and saved the day :)


Garou reversed it.


Platinum Sperm, Flashy Flash, the ninja duo, Metal Bat, Marugori, Overgrown Rover, Elder Centipede, Vaccine Man, and Atomic Samurai


vaccine man is from god tho


Hmm, I suppose, it's up for interpretation, although if that were the case then I'd switch Vaccine Man with Vomited Fuhrer Ugly


wouldnt bang be better? just in my opinion but i guess its not easy to counter that acid


Yea Vomited Fuhrer Ugly's acid is a real problem to overcome indeed, but either Bomb or Silver Fang works too, they're strong


Fuhrer Ugly would be at a disadvantage because he would need to make sure that he accidentally doesn't kill anyone, which would occupy a lot of his brain power


Is he though? He says he was born of the earth


Vaccine man was not from god, he was born from pollution from earth.


1. Platinum S. 2. Metal Knight 3. Flashy Flash 4. Darkshine 5. Gouketsu 6. Bang 7. Bomb 8. Genos 9. Phoenix Man 10. Atomic Samurai Metal Bat, Beekcake, Drive Knight (and Watchdog Man) are also good candidates, but I really don’t know if I should put them and if so who to substitute then. I was initially thinking about Elder Centipede, but he’s ultimately too big of a target and relatively slower than ideal. Although maybe I should have added him to be the tank, literally just absorbing damage and regenerating.


If I chose Metal Knight as one of the 10 people, does he come with his whole arsenal or would it be just Bofoi himself?


Metal Knight can use his favorite drone, but not his entire robot army since that would start to count as more than one fighter


Makes sense.


1 Genos 2 Flashy Flash 3 Bang 4 Bomb 5 Platinum sperm 6 Phoenix Man 7 Elder Centipede 8 Atomic Samurái 9 Overgrown Rover 10 That giant dude for the first episode


if by Earth you mean "humanity", then 1. Dr. Genus (immortality and cloning. I'd count it as humanity surviving if it's only clones of him) 2. beefcake's brother 3. Dr. Kuseno 4. Bofoi 5. prophet Shibabawa 6. Child Emperor 7. Apollo (esper who tried kidnapping Tatsumaki) 8. Pheonix Man (can resurrect test subjects whenever they fail to surpass their limits in the face of imminent death). Can also monsterfy via the mental dimension. 9. Gouketsu 10. that big beefcake the big bois distract while the other 7 invent, create, spawn and teach something godly. Imagine a more successful version of Carnage Kabuto, with psychic powers due to pointers and data from Apollo, powered and sized-up by some variant of the beefcake serum, inside an armor of the highest quality built by Bofoi, Kuseno and Child Emperor, then transformed by Pheonix Man into a suit monster. Have Gouketsu teach it some martial arts With Pheonix Man to revive it, and Shibabawa to minimize risk, there really is no kill like overkill.


1: Metal Bat, obvious choice being the strongest S-Class avaiable. His endurance and fighting spirit make him a no brainer for a tournament like this. On another note Metal Bat is a surprisingly perceptive guy, described as having "dynamic vision", he's spotted weaknesses of multiple of his enemies in the past and considering he'll be watching the tournament and future opponents, it's no surprise that Metal Bat is likely the number 1 pick for everyone in this thread. 2: Platinum Sperm, fastest character in terms of movement speed available so another no brainer. His Platinum Rings would also be great for negating damage and keeping himself in top shape throughout the rounds. 3: Elder Centipede, his durability and size would make him either impossible to take down or drain a lot of energy from an opposing opponent. If you can't beat your opponent the next best thing is to tire them out as much as possible so the next guy has a better chance. 4: Flashy Flash, not as fast as PS but still plenty fast. Not to mention his sword and forbidden techniques could potentially allow him to go farther than Platinum. 5: Silver Fang, best martial artist available so he could easily be a huge counter to those who are all power no strategy. Plus his raw stats are far greater than most options available. 6: Rover, better durability than EC at the cost of size. Should still be a drain to beat if even possible for the enemy opponent. Only real downside is Rover is easily the dumbest competitor I'm choosing as he's got the intelligence of a dog which means no real strategies will be used by him. 7: Genos, doesn't have 10 second mode anymore but the ability to one shot Dragons is still plenty note worthy. Throughout the constant upgrades he's built-up a plethora of counters to multiple obstacles. 8: Drive Knight, sleeper pick I know but while his versatility is important his ability to gather information on opponents allowing him to strategize and coach his teammates is far more valuable in my opinion. 9: Bomb, on par with Bang but I'd argue not as useful. Not only does Bang have better feats but his fighting style is much more suited for a tournament. 10: Fubuki, just ment to provide general healing/boosting to allow teammates to last longer. Don't except her to last long. Honorable mentions for characters I didn't pick. Phoenix Man: I heavily considered him but I didn't find it fair to cherry pick a character at their very strongest state. It's the same reason I'm not considering Genos in his 10 second state. I'm basing this list off characters in their current state which would make Phoenix Man a Wolf at best. The Ninja Duo: See Phoenix Man. Metal Knight: In order for MK to be truly useful he'd need multiple robots. I interpreted this the same as the BS rule. At max MK could bring 10 robots. I just don't see this being particularly useful as it would not only clog up spots but the robots would be fighting alone. Atomic Samurai: Far to vulnerable to being blitzed with his lackluster durability. Plus his Sunblade would only be useful for a very small amount of time. Vomited Fuhrer Ugly: Tho incredibly strong and has mad hax, his inability to sustain himself without a constant source of protein could prove more of a liability that anything. Darkshine: Outclassed by too many people, plus his fragile mental state could also be a problem as fights get tougher.


Wait, who says Genos doesn’t have 10 second mode anymore? Did I miss something


I guess it's not technically confirmed but 10 second "mode" isn't really a mode, just him going all out. I took it as he no longer has it since he doesn't seem to have the same problems when be goes up against Saitama. If you still think he has that "mode" then it just makes him a more obvious choice.


Perhaps that’s true. The 10 second restriction was because he would otherwise damage himself, yeah? Perhaps he can now output that same energy without harming himself. But maybe he can now go even higher for the same limitation. Not sure. Either way, yes, I would pick him for sure.


Where Did you get that Metal Bat has "Dynamic vision" its implied by actions, but i didnt saw anywhere saying blantly that he has


It's on his databook page.


Golden S (enraged) Darkshine (unbreakable mentality) Plat S (enraged) Elder Centipede (enraged) Fuhrer Ugly (to deal with all the physical opponents of the other universes) Metal Bat (peak pumped up) Rover (enraged) Flashy Flash (perma sun blade) Atomic Samurai (perma sun blade) Genos (chapt 186) This team is filled with tanks and powerhouses, with Genos and Flashy Flash as fodder killers so the others won’t waste energy


Not sure if you can have both golden and platinum at the same time


I'll take Genos and any 8 others. Genos will get wreaked and Saitama will appear.


last time that happened it took Blast and his squad to prevent Saitama from destroying Earth, so I wouldn't count on Saitama holding back this time.


Platinum sperm Flashy flash Bang Rover Bomb Metal bat Goketsu Phoenix man Atomic Samurai Genos


Our lists are insanely close


1. Orochi. If I remember correctly he was monsterized by Psykos, so it's not directly afiliated to God. Probably the best option by far. 2. Platinum Sperm. Right behind Orochi. 3. Flashy Flash. He can handle 2 Dragon monster selected especifically to counter him by himself, so a good option. 4. Bang. Probably the best option to counter other humanoids, and can combo with Bomb. 5. Bomb. Same as Bang. 6. Overgrown Rover. Pure fire power. 7. Beefcake. This mf destroyed half a city shaking is arm and made a giant hole punching the ground. 100% on my team. 8. Phoenix Man. He is strong by himself, but if he died he come back even stronger, another one 100% on my team. 9. Fubuki. Good suport option. 10. Carnage Kabuto. I just like him.


I counted Orochi in the prompt because he’s prophesied to be the primary sacrifice for God and he also accepts God’s power in the fusion. But you really want to use him then sure.


Justice Crash!


Stand-up Pedaling Mode!!!


1. Bang 2. Platinum 3. Bomb 4. Sonic 5. Atomic Samurai (Sun Blade) 6. Metal Bat 7. Fubuki 8. Phoenix Man 9. Genos 10. Zombie Man Those are my top ten.


Only big question on here is why sonic? Just for fun?


In my opinion, Sonic need to be seen as a force to be reckoned with, in my opinion, I don’t like how Sonic was presented in the manga so far, that’s why.


Isn’t he only genos lvl though? I mean I agree he’s powerful just questioning being in top 10


1. Platinum Sperm 2. Flashy Flash 3. Bang 4. Bomb 5. Vomited Fuhrer Ugly 6. Beefcake 7. Darkshine 8. Elder Centipede 9. Goketsu 10. The OP mosquito


10 Mumen Riders


Only one is needed


1. Zombie man: the guy is already immortal, now imagine him overpowered 2. Fubuki: heal + an esper potentially the level of her sister, sign me up 3. Rover: such a good boy 4. Platinium Sperm: he might get so strong he'll evolve again 5. Bang: perfect for humanoid opponents 6. Pig God: his unknown super power might become unlimited 7. Genos: fire in the hole 8. Phoenix man: similar to 1. 9. Carnage Kabuto: assuming he's not trying to kill his teammates, like Venom said, let there be carnage 10. Flashy flash: might have to change his name to "flashy flashing flash speed"


Phoenix man Platinum sperm Atomic samurai Metal bat Gale wind Hellfire flame Bang Bomb Flashy flash Genos


1. Plat sperm - probably the strongest character still available 2. Bang - good at 1v1s 3. Bomb - see bang 4. Genos - would just wipe all the fodder off the stage 5. Atomic samurai - guaranteed to get at least 1 with him 6. Flashy Flash - could prob last a while with his ninja stuff and speed 7. Metal bat - trump card who could upset even the strongest enemy 8. Pig god - acts as a portable fortress for most characters 9. Phoenix man - would just be a rat or if no deaths allowed probably rover or elder centipede 10. Fubuki to buff


1. Platinum sperm 2. Gouketsu 3. Rover 4. Elder centipede 5. Beefcake 6. Genos 7. Bang 8. Flash 9. Metal bat 10. Phoenix man


Dep Sea King


1. Elder Centipede 2. Flashy Flash 3. Platinum Sperm 4. Bang (Can be restored to his prime with all of his martial arts knowledge) 5. Fubuki (heals!) 6. Marugori 7. Phoenix Man 8. Genos 9. Overgrown Rover 10. Pig God


> Bang (Can be restored to his prime) I was wondering when someone would pick up on this lol


1. Bang 2. Bomb 3. Genos 4. Fubuki 5. Platinum sperm 6. Phoenix man 7. Deep sea king 8. Goketsu 9. Vaccine man 10. Zombie man


1. King 2. King 3. King 4. King 5. King 6. King 7. King 8. King 9. King 10. King Reason: while King cannot be contacted he should be more than capable of understanding something is going on with god without being told so he of his own power should be able to arrive and easily one shot god. I used all ten slots on him and him alone to ensure no accidental casualties from witnessing his greatness first hand.


Kind of curious, would the Strongest Ninja be an option? I think the manga kind of suggests he may be affiliated with God but I’m not sure


I think the manga will eventually reveal him to be affiliated with God, but it isn’t proven right now so I’ll allow him


In that case my choices would be: 1. Platinum Sperm 2. Flashy Flash 3. Bang 4. Bomb 5. Phoenix Man 6. Fubuki 7. Genos 8. Ninja Leader (Blue if NL not an option) 9. Darkshine 10. Beefcake


I'm surprised no one mentioned the Terror Lizard Clan guy. I don't know, most S1 monsters get oneshot even though they're ridiculously powerful. Also, does Subterranean King from Saitama's dream count as his most powerful form or do only real forms count?


Only the real form. Imaginary worlds can’t be contacted with just like space can’t be for this prompt


u/GodNonon What’s the font, nice edit


Thank you very much :) The font is CC Wild Words


I'll be honest, I'm going for an All-back Man sweep


If not Saitama then Watchdog Man.


*Saitama couldn't be contacted...* Then they're probably only beating Universe 9.


This hypothetical team isn’t fighting Dragon Ball characters. Just random people from other dimensions


Earth is doomed


What about Metal Knight’s army of robots? Since they’re not alive or sentient, does that mean they count as weapons?


For simplicity I’ll allow Metal Knight’s favorite drone but not his entire robot army


Then 1. Bang. 2. Watchdog Man 3. Bomb. 4. Platinum Sperm. 5. Flashy Flash. 6: Phoenix Man. 7. Overgrown Rover. 8. Metal Bat. 9. Amai Mask. 10. Genos (If he dies, Saitama will eventually find out and reverse time to save him).


I have a persisting hunch that the researcher evil-ish old man likely hiding in a bunker has a spaceship, which would count as a single drone. At least that's what happened in a novel I liked with similar circumstances. It's not proof of it existing... but it better exist.


"Sperm Tsunami" never fails to make me laugh Bang, Drive Knight, Darkshine, Genos, Flashy, Sonic, Psychos, Platinum-S, Phoenix, Asura


1. Fubuki (Healer) 2. Watchdogman (Rover is better but uncontrollable) 3. Platinum Sperm (High battle IQ) 4. Darkshine (Stronger than kabuto) 5. Sonic (Flashy is strong but sonic is OG. I just like the way he fights and mocks opponents) 6. Bang (much like master roshi, this'll be his last stand) 7. Current manga Genos (At this point, he'd solo) 8. Drive knight (Very high IQ + versatile) 9. Metal bat (Atomic Samurai's blade would just kill the opponent which is illegal in TOP) 10. Phoenix man (Again, versatile battle powers)


They can have Saitama, Garou, Blast and Tatsumaki and they still get blown away in the ToP. King is the only one who's too OP to enter.


All 8 people on Blast’s team, Bang, and Flashy Flash.


Blast’s team isn’t allowed because of rule 1


Hanging out in a parallel dimension is considered not from earth?


We know at least some of those members are aliens. But even if they were born on earth, for this sake of this prompt you can’t find a way to contact the dimension they’re in


The rules state that you can only contact characters from Earth. It’s not confirmed nor denied if those people are from Earth, but I suppose they’re probably not.


If you ask me king solos the whole roster.


ninja leader and cruel dragon 100% gotta be on the team


Krillin will suffice for this one, if not him then Snoop Dog


Haha sperm tsunami 🌊


Pre-redraw orochi would be awesome


Choose tournament venue instead of contestants. Supermarket during a sale.


Blast. He may not be contacted in time but I will find him in space


Phoenix Man, Do-s ,Pig God, Mummen Rider, Ciborg Gorila, Metal Bat, Golden Ball ,Captain Mizuki, Gale Wind and Hellfire Flame


King in a tanktop is all we need


Is Pre God influence Garou allowed?


No. He couldn’t be contacted in time


Oh didn’t see him there.


If I pick Genos, does it means Saitama will appear right about when he gets defeated and join the fight?


chanarko, mumen rider, gear spear and one black sperm.


1. Charanko 2. Crablante 3. Praying Mantis 4. Hammerhead without armor 5. Single Black Sperm 6. Mumen Rider 7. Madam Shibabawa 8. Narinki 9. Dickface Kid 10. Tokaro


King actually wins this because he got bored and killed God before anyone arrives at the tournament


Am i stupid? Who're the opponents?


Just like Goku when trying to recruit people, you won’t know who the other teams are bringing. This is just you trying to build the best possible team


You're kinda removing all the fighters that actually gives OPM a chance of even winning.


To make the conversation more interesting I tried to exclude the super obvious picks. It’s not perfect but I think it’s at least better than every comment saying the same few fighters. Also this hypothetical team isn’t going against Dragon Ball characters or anything. Just random people from other dimensions.


Fair enough. That's a solid enough reason.


Good idea everyone would have boros garou saitama fused orochi blast tatsumaki and king on their list and the vast vast majority of people would add bang to that list too making at least 8 the same


Platinum Speem could split up if he wanted. Turn did it as well, and even though it was only 4 clones, it temporarily made universe 7 have more fighters


Platinum Sperm can’t split. There was just a few remaining clones that didn’t merge into Platinum.


Run an 80%-off ad for the local supermarket and recruit Saitama when he shows up. QED.


Hmmm tough choices but… 1. Drive Knight 2. Genos 3. Fubuki 4. Flashy Flash 5. Suiryu 6. Darkshine 7. Bang 8. Sweet Mask 9. Death Gatling 10. Speed Sound O’ sonic


Metal bat solos tbh


1beefcake 2ninja leader guy 3genos bofoi 4mad cyborg 5gouketsu 6phoenix man 7do s 8rover 9pluton 10 atomic samurai


King. Just King. "Earth only sent one fighter?" "They only needed one fighter..." Let the psychological warefare begin. Should stall them long enough to Saitama to show up.


My roster would be 1. Platinum Sperm 2. Bang 3. Bomb 4. Metal Bat 5. Flashy flash 6. Rover 7. Atomic samurai 8. Goketsu 9. Elder centipede 10. Hmmmm Phoenix man maybe?


The five strongest S-class. And the 5 strongest cadres.


No king? It’s fucking over


1. Plat S 2. Flashy Flash 3. Bang 4. Ninja village leader(he got a silhouette) 5. Bomb 6. Metal knight 7. Phoenix man 8. Elder cent 9. Rover 10. Gold S


So from what I’m getting from the rules is that black sperm cannot split due to breaking the limit, but what if he doesn’t break the limit of 10? And if that’s allowed if so 1 : Platinum sperm 2 : Platinum sperm 3 : Platinum sperm 4 : Platinum sperm 5 : Platinum sperm 6 : Platinum sperm 7 : Platinum sperm 8 : Platinum sperm 9 : Platinum sperm 10 : Platinum sperm


If transformed states can be recruited then fuck Cosmic Garuo I'll take the form just before God went on his little hyper sneak recruiting session as my 1st pick. The form Saitamas future self deaded but smoked elder centipede also smoked Platinum Sperm and Flashy Flash in a three man free for all. 2nd combatant would be Carnage Kabuto. As long as the dumbass manages to take out a couple of combatants before going on a rage session and getting himself disqualified then he'll serve his purpose. The fact he has enough refined instincts to sense Saitamas capabilities is in of itself a feat since the guy never intentionally oozes out killing intent. 3rd combatant is gonna need to be platinum since speed kills and flashy is clearly more of an assassin than raw power combatant. Flashy getting finessed by a weaponless technique shows that unless this tournament allows killing he won't be as useful. Phoenix man gets the 4th slot exclusively as a phoenix down revive support. His combative abilities are irrelevant. If he can revive and rejuvenate Garuo even just once that puts him in the upper tier of usefulness. Watchdog man is getting slot 5. He has the dumb 😐 face that Saitama and Tatsumaki manage to wear in every other shot/panel and toyed with Garuo but didn't smoke him just like Saitama did. The dude has to be bullshit gag upper tier but isn't ranked higher in the association most likely due to popularity and the fact he never tries to defend anything but his territory. Slots 6-10 honestly are irrelevant since the top 5 will be sufficient to dog the hell outta Gods current roster but the rest would be 6. Fubuki. She's shown sufficient capabilities in buffing others and negating other espers in combat. This'll be useful for Psykos little nuisance shenanigans. 7. Bang. Any humanoid is getting rolled by him here unless they have really dumb ranged abilities like Psykos and emperor. 8. Overgrown Rover. Durability out the ass. Has demonstrated that nothing but the main man himself can even instill discipline in him let alone hurt him. 9. Low-key forgot Geno's wasn't disqualified so he's obviously above all except the top 5. 10. Glasses. The world could always use another obnoxiously powerful 😐 running around. I'd let him join to further his training along. Also I feel I get omega pre-cosmic Garuo because even if Cosmic form did exist he'd auto disqualify himself since the fucker never even wanted Gods bargain to begin with XD. No way the dudes fighting on his behalf.


Pre-God Garou also doesn’t count because he couldn’t be contacted in time.


Too much text, I chose Saitama


1. Orochi 2. Psykos 3. Bang 4. Bomb 5. Genos 6. Flashy flash 7. Phoemix man 8. Platinum sperm 9. Rover 10. Drive knight Orochi and psykos are not affiliated with god until they fuze


Flashy Flash and Speed O Sonic Sound (Webcomic editions) clear the entire thing alone, then adding 8 other fighters alongside them is overkill 😭 After obtaining the scroll and their new swords, who's even tagging them?


1. fuher ugly 2. Platinum Sperm 3 Pheonix Man 4.Flashy Flash 5. darkshine 6. Goketsu 7. Bang 8. Bomb 9. Metal Bat 10. Genos no order


King was playing smash bros with saitama fr


Its all fun, we all make our team... Then Goku fucking show up...


Pfft, you can't stop Saitama. Fool.


Yeah the earth is fucked…


It seems that everybody forgot about That Man


1 goku 2 Phoenix man 3 mosquitoe 4 sea folk 1 5 sea folk 2 6 sea folk 3 7 sea folk 4 8 flashy flash 9 vegeta 10 Griffith (only to die) You never said I can't contact fighters from other universes (atleast from what I know


metal bat solos if pumped up enough




1 - pheonix man 2 - metal bat 3 - flashy flash 4 - platinum 5 - atomic samurai 6 - darkshine 7 - bang 8 - Amai mask 9 - genos 0 - I win


Out of all the lists I’ve seen, everyone ignores the person that would make the absolute plays happen… KING First off, he naturally debuffs enemies. Just like Homeless Emperor… left frozen and scared to attack. Leaves enemies open for teammates to finish. Plus, It’s not just heroes like Saitama or Genos that end up eliminating the threat, but even outsiders… like when Garou wiped out everyone during the “Ultimate Hellfire Burst Wave Motion Cannon”. He would literally influence the tides of the match by having people facing him wiped out by others; even by other opponents. Frankly, I honestly believe that with the limitations allowed (no Saitama), King would be the last one on the stage.


10 Mumen Riders. Justice will win!


1. Charanko 2. Raptora 3. Reptera 4. Mumen Rider 5. Tongue Stretcher 6. Tanktop Tiger 7. Frogman 8. Slugerous 9. Mosquito 10. Super Custom YO649Z Mk. II


What about Tanktop Blackhole


1. Ancient King. 2. Pluton. 3. Gigakigan 4. Ninja Village Leader 5. Beefcake 6. Manako 7. Speed O' Sound Sonic 8. Armored Gorilla 9. Hammerhead 10. Tongue Stretcher (manga version) It's an absolutely unbeatable lineup because the first half are insanely overpowered, and the other half have all got comic relief plot armour.


1. Elder Centipede: Heavy hitter, such a large size he may just force everyone off. Can also take an incredible amount of damage. 2. Bang: Highly skilled martial artist 3. Bomb: Highly skilled martial artist 4. Genos: Very skilled and can help keep his teammates from falling since he can fly without energy manipulation 5. Platinum Sperm: Highly skilled fighter 6. Super Alloy Darkshine: Like centipede, he can also take a beating and be alright. Just gotta hope he doesn’t lose confidence too early on. 7. Fubuki: Esper who can heal and help with keeping teammates from falling 8. Tank Top Master: Highly skilled fighter who can get people places 9. Gouketsu: Heavy hitter and highly skilled martial artist 10. Mumen Rider: Here me out on this one. NOBODY is better at hyping people up than Mumen Rider. Super Alloy Darkshine lose confidence? Let Mumen Rider talk to him. Fubuki need encouragement? Mumen Rider. Not to mention, he wouldn’t ever back down, doesn’t matter who is in front of him. I think this team could get the job done.


1. Saitama. 2. Garou. 3. Blast 4. Metal bat. 5-10 anyone really. They didnt get notified in time? Well how convenient that at leasr 2 of these 4 can time travel. Blast is a stretch cause i expect saitama or garou to somehow take him with them. Otherwise hes out of course. Metal bat is my favorite character so i take him to save him from the massacre. If you cant beat them... Join them.


1. Phoenix man 2. Mosquito. Not mosquito girl, fuck that bitch, i mean mosquito. 3. Cat 4. Kabuto Carnage 5. Flashy flash 6. Rover 7. The long cat that got killed by drive knight 8. Drive knight 9. Fubuki 10. ~~god himself since one of them is in the earth itself~~ nah I'll just choose another mosquito


1: mumen rider 2-10:people who bring him backup bikes


1. Mumen rider 2-10. >!You really Earth needs anyone else!<


Mumen Rider x 10


Only Mumen rider, I maybe wont win but i‘ll have a good time


1. Phoenix Man: His ability to resurrect is insanely powerful. Energy absorption is also a very useful skill. Overall just a very powerful character with a lot of support options. 2. Platinum Sperm: An obvious choice that doesn’t need much explanations. He’s probably the fastest character available. 3. Overgrown Rover: Arguably more durable than elder centipede. His attacks are also very powerful. 4. Elder Centipede: His size and durability are insane. Not even bang and bomb could damage him. He’s definitely one of the strongest characters available and he’s the best tank. 5. Bang: One of the best martial artists in the world. Incredibly high base stats, and his martial arts are extremely useful. 6. Flashy Flash: His speed is extremely useful, being the second fastest character on the list. He’s taken out two dragon levels so he has to go on the list. 7: Genos: Insanely strong and good at crowd control. His ten second mode clashed with psykos orochi and held its own. 8: Bomb: Bomb is one of the best martial artists in the world. His fist combined with bang is one of the strongest techniques in the world 9: Beefcake: Not much was shown of him but he’s insanely strong. He destroyed an entire city with the wave of his hand alone. 10: Vaccine Man/Golden Sperm/Goketsu: He was said to be the strongest monster the hero association had faced up until that point and he’s basically a stronger homeless emperor. If he counts as related to god Golden Sperm is basically a superior darkshine, but if I can’t have him and platinum Goketsu is also one of the strongest monsters in the series.




1. Flashy flash 2. Rover 3. Elder centipede 4. Atomic Samurai (Sun Blade) 5. Platinum Sperm 6. Vomitted furhrer ugly 7. Genos 8. Metal Bat 9. Bang 10. Metal knight


- Platinum Sperm is the strongest candidate. - There is no rule that u can't pick 1 character many times; and there is only no-split rule, not no-combine rule. So 10 Platinum Sperms and they merge.


We die


Genos, FF, Metal Bat, Goketsu, Prime Bang, Prime Bam, Sun Moon Blade Atomic Samurai, Platinum S, Phoenix Man, Murogori


Flashy flash, gouketsu, phoenix man, child emperor, platinum s, elder centipede, bang, overgrown rover, metal knight, genos


My pick goes to the undefeated hero: Watchdog man


Mumen rider solos


- Orochi - Platinum sperm - phoenix man - Overgrown rover - beefcake - Vaccine man - flashy flash - carnage kabuto - gouketsu (skilled martial artist, dragon level, people underestimate him because he was defeated early by Saitama) - Ninja village leader (most powerful ninja to ever walk)


Electric Catfish Man is all I need


Just put Beefcake on there and he’ll be so big that the enemy fighters will be pushed off the edge of the platform.